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Nick Cheung is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter and Editor Chinois born on 2 december 1967 at Hong Kong (Chine)

Nick Cheung

Nick Cheung
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Nationality Chine
Birth 2 december 1967 (56 years) at Hong Kong (Chine)

Nick Cheung Ka-Fai (Chinois : 張家輝) (né le 2 décembre 1967 à Hong Kong.) est un acteur et réalisateur. Il est marié à l'actrice Esther Kwan Wing Ho, avec laquelle il a une fille, Brittany. En occident, il est surtout connu pour ses rôles dans les films de Johnnie To.

Usually with

Wong Jing
Wong Jing
(13 films)
Andy Lau
Andy Lau
(13 films)
Dante Lam
Dante Lam
(5 films)
Simon Yam
Simon Yam
(10 films)
Andrew Lau
Andrew Lau
(5 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Nick Cheung (44 films)

Display filmography as list


Warriors of Future
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Action
Themes Films about extraterrestrial life, Robot films
Actors Louis Koo, Sean Lau, Carina Lau, Nick Cheung
Roles Commander-in-Chief Sean Lee
Rating56% 2.835432.835432.835432.835432.83543
En 2055 une météorite, qui porte une semence extraterrestre étrangère à croissance rapide appelée « Pandora », s'écrase sur une Terre stérile ravagée par la pollution et le réchauffement climatique. « Pandora » purifie la planète mais tue tout sur son passage. Pour protéger les citoyens de Hong Kong, des unités blindées lourdes de la ville, équipées de la carte génétique de la plante, tentent de détruire « Pandora » sans succès et découvrent un complot.
Integrity (2019)
, 1h54
Directed by Alan Mak
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Thriller, Crime
Actors Sean Lau, Nick Cheung, Karena Lam, Alex Fong, Anita Yuen, Kathy Yuen
Roles Hui Chik Yiu
Rating55% 2.7557252.7557252.7557252.7557252.755725
La Commission indépendante contre la corruption enquête sur une affaire de malversation active depuis de nombreuses années. Cependant, le procès est retardé d'une semaine en raison de la fuite de l'accusé Chen Chaoqun et de l'absence du seul témoin, Xu Zhiyao. Afin de pouvoir réexaminer l'affaire, la commission lance une opération à grande échelle.
From Vegas to Macau III, 1h52
Directed by Andrew Lau, Wong Jing
Origin Hong kong
Genres Comedy, Action
Actors Chow Yun-fat, Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Nick Cheung, Carina Lau, Psy
Roles Mark
Rating26% 1.315611.315611.315611.315611.31561
Après que la rivale amoureuse de Ken (Chow Yun-fat), Molly (Carina Lau), ait sauté de son jet privé sans parachute, elle semble avoir survécu et est maintenant emprisonnée dans une sorte de bulle laser, inconsciente, nue et repeinte à l'aérographe, tandis que son admirateur, le scientifique fou Yik Tin-hang (Jacky Cheung) est en colère car Ken ne veut pas rembourser son repaire de Paradise Island, au large de la Thaïlande. À Macao, Ken s'effondre en apprenant le mariage de sa fille Rainbow (Kimmy Tong ) avec son filleul Vincent (Shawn Yue). Pour l'aider à s'en sortir, son ami Mark (Nick Cheung) l'hypnotise en lui faisant croire que Vincent épouse sa grosse cousine. Les choses tournent mal quand Michael (Andy Lau), le disciple de Ko Chun, téléphone pour avertir de se méfier de Yik Tin-hang, qui a engagé des mercenaires pour tuer Ken. Rainbow et Vincent tombent dans le coma quand une explosion a lieu durant leur mariage. Ken et Mark sont accusés d'avoir englouti l'argent illicite de la DOA et, en colère, Ken jure de se venger et de poursuivre le cerveau qui les a empêtrés là-dedans.
12 Golden Ducks, 1h24
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Sandra Ng, Louis Koo, Nick Cheung, Anthony Wong, Nicholas Tse, Zhao Wei
Rating47% 2.383962.383962.383962.383962.38396
Future Chang (Sandra Ng), un ancien gigolo, est dévasté par une affaire et retourne en Thaïlande. Avec l'aide d'un ancien ami, il s'efforce de se préparer à revenir à Hong Kong afin de faire son grand retour dans le commerce des escortes.
Helios (2015)
, 1h59
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Films about terrorism
Actors Jacky Cheung, Nick Cheung, Shawn Yue Man Lok, Wang Xueqi, Ji Jin-hee, Choi Siwon
Roles Lee Yan Ming, Eric
Rating54% 2.748832.748832.748832.748832.74883
South Korea's top most wanted criminal, nicknamed "Helios" (Chang Chen), and his assistant, nicknamed "Messenger" (Janice Man), have successfully stolen a mass destruction weapon secretly developed by the South Korean military, the portable nuclear explosive device DC8 along with sixteen raw material spheres. The police forces of Hong Kong, China and South Korea were informed that "Helios" will hold an underground trading in Hong Kong.
From Vegas to Macau II, 1h50
Directed by Wong Jing
Origin Hong kong
Genres Comedy
Actors Chow Yun-fat, Nick Cheung, Carina Lau, Shawn Yue Man Lok, David Chiang, Jin Qiaoqiao
Roles Mark
Rating46% 2.3167752.3167752.3167752.3167752.316775
Ken (Chow Yun-fat), surnommé « Main magique », vit maintenant une vie luxueuse loin du stress du monde du jeu et des inévitables implications avec les criminels qu’il entraîne. Son protégé, Vincent (Shawn Yue), travaille pour Interpol dans le but de faire tomber l'organisation criminelle DOA, et sa demande d’aide à son maître est systématique repoussée par Ken. Ce n’est que lorsque ce-dernier est impliqué dans une fusillade qui le met en danger, lui et ses amis, qu’il accepte à contrecœur d’aider Interpol et que lui et Vincent commencent à remonter la trace d'un ex-comptable de DOA, Mark (Nick Cheung). Seulement , celui-ci a détourné 15 milliards $ de ses anciens employeurs, s'attirant contre lui toute la puissance du monde criminel.
Golden Chickensss, 1h40
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes Films about sexuality, Films about prostitution
Actors Sandra Ng, Nick Cheung, Eason Chan, Donnie Yen, Cheung Siu-fai, Shawn Yue Man Lok
Roles Gordon
Rating56% 2.814972.814972.814972.814972.81497
Une prostituée (Sandra Ng) aide un ancien amoureux (Nick Cheung) à s'adapter à sa nouvelle vie après sa sortie de prison.
Hungry Ghost Ritual, 1h22
Directed by Nick Cheung
Origin Hong kong
Genres Horror
Actors Nick Cheung, Annie Liu, Carrie Ng
Roles Zong Hua
Rating52% 2.61952.61952.61952.61952.6195
After incurring debts from his failed business venture in China, Zong Hua (Cheung) returns to Malaysia after a decade's hiatus. The demoralised Zong Hua faces problems finding a job and tries hard to get used to things at home, including his estranged relationship with his step-father, Xiaotian, who runs a Cantonese opera troupe, and half-sister, Jing Jing (Cathryn Lee). Jing Jing is hostile towards Zong Hua as she always has the impression that the death of their mother was caused by the excessive fights between Zong Hua and his step-father.
Temporary Family, 1h49
Directed by Cheuk Wan-chi
Origin Hong kong
Genres Comedy, Romance
Actors Nick Cheung, Sammi Cheng, Angelababy, Dayo Wong, Sui He, Jacky Cheung
Roles Hong Siu Long
Rating55% 2.7533752.7533752.7533752.7533752.753375
Hong Siu Long proposes to his girlfriend, but is rebuffed, and given an ulimatum that means he must double his fortune in one year or break up. As he contemplates as to how to do this Hong, a realtor, is engaged by a client wanting a quick sale of a luxury apartment, and willing to accept a below market price bid. Together with Charlotte, a would be client who just happened to be in the office, his colleague Very Wong, and his step-daughter Lui Yuen Ping, Hong decides to buy the apartment as a speculative venture. The four combine their assets for the deposit and given the ever rising property prices expect to quickly sell the apartment for a profit.
That Demon Within, 1h51
Directed by Dante Lam
Origin Hong kong
Genres Thriller, Crime
Actors Daniel Wu, Nick Cheung, Andy On, Liu Kai-chi, Dominic Lam, Stephen Au
Roles Hon Kong
Rating58% 2.94592.94592.94592.94592.9459
Reclusive cop Dave (Daniel Wu) unwittingly saves the life of criminal gang leader Hon Kong (Nick Cheung) by donating his blood, thus symbolizing that despite diametrically opposed outer appearances they are essentially made of the same stuff. The gang members hide their faces behind traditional demon masks when committing their violent crimes. During psychotic episodes Dave experiences his own demons within as he sets out to play off the gang members against each other, resulting in everyone's annihilation. It is then revealed that Dave was brought up by a high expressed emotion father in a socio-economically disadvantaged living environment. He witnessed his father's death inadvertently caused by the responsible policeman who resembled Hon Kong. As a young, innocent soul who had lost the father, he impulsively went on to take revenge, resulting in excessive guilt that predisposed the onset of psychosis later in his life. The event whereby he rescued Hon Kong reminded him of his suppressed memories as a child who had done wrong but trying the hardest to make reparation. Before his inevitable death, there was an opportunity for him to resolve his subconscious intrapersonal conflicts which was to have the courage to fix a mistake done.
Conspirators, 1h30
Directed by Oxide Pang et Danny Pang
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime
Actors Aaron Kwok, Nick Cheung, Jiang Yiyan, Chen Kuan-tai
Roles Zheng fong-Hei / Zheng Bo-Hao
Rating53% 2.671822.671822.671822.671822.67182
Unbeatable (2013)
, 1h56
Directed by Dante Lam
Genres Drama, Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films
Actors Nick Cheung, Jack Kao, Will Liu, Andy On, Stephen Au, Noel Leung
Roles Ching Fai
Rating71% 3.5923153.5923153.5923153.5923153.592315
Ching Fai (Nick Cheung) is a former boxing champion who has struggled since his glory days, having gone to prison over involvement with the Triads due to financial problems and now working as a taxi driver. When Triad loan sharks torch his taxi and chase him down for money he owed, Fai decides to flee to Macau to avoid them.
The White Storm, 2h14
Directed by Benny Chan
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about music and musicians, Films about drugs, Sports films, Martial arts films, Musiques du monde, Musical films
Actors Sean Lau, Louis Koo, Nick Cheung, Lo Hoi-pang, Helena Law, Yuan Quan
Roles Wai
Rating65% 3.296213.296213.296213.296213.29621
Deux policiers (Lau Ching-wan et Nick Cheung) et un autre infiltré (Louis Koo) luttent contre un puissant baron de la drogue thaïlandais surnommé le « Bouddha à huit têtes » et doté d'une véritable armée de mercenaires.
Cross (2012)

Origin Hong kong
Genres Thriller, Horror, Crime
Themes Serial killer films
Actors Simon Yam, Liu Kai-chi, Nick Cheung, Océane Zhu, Kenny Wong, Pal Sinn
Roles Webmaster
Rating45% 2.250962.250962.250962.250962.25096
One day, a man brings a luggage to the police report room. From the luggage, he takes out some files, a plastic wrapped scalpel and a half-filled vital out one by one and methodically placed it in front of the police while confessing that he killed a man and wants to surrender. He is actually involved in many murder cases during the past few months.