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Nietta Zocchi is a Actor Italienne born on 10 july 1909 at Rivoli (Italie)

Nietta Zocchi

Nietta Zocchi
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Nationality Italie
Birth 10 july 1909 at Rivoli (Italie)
Death 23 april 1981 (at 71 years) at Rome (Italie)

Nietta Zocchi (10 July 1909 – 23 April 1981) was an Italian film actress. She appeared in 70 films between 1936 and 1976.

Usually with

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Filmography of Nietta Zocchi (29 films)

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The Second Tragic Fantozzi, 1h45
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Paolo Villaggio, Gigi Reder, Liù Bosisio, Anna Mazzamauro, Antonino Faà di Bruno, Ugo Bologna
Rating76% 3.8376453.8376453.8376453.8376453.837645
The accountant Ugo Fantozzi in this story suffer abuses, deceptions and lies in tragic situations even worse than the first film. Initially he must accompany his Duke Count to a game of chance in Monte Carlo. His boss is very superstitious so that forces Fantozzi to shove his hand under his backside and drink a ton of mineral water so that he can continue to win. Unfortunately for Fantozzi, the Duke Count will lose all his money and blame Fantozzi for the bad luck, forcing him to go back home clinging under the train, as he had no money to pay for the ticket of the compartment. After getting back home, Fantozzi cannot move at all, but is "cured" by Mrs. Pina with scalding-hot cloths on his stomach. In the net episode, Fantozzi goes with fellow accountant Filini for a hunting party. However, the space reserved for hunters is very small and the men, having lost patience and not finding any game, start a real manhunt killing and capturing their peers mistaking them for game and wild animals, quickly escalating to heavy machine guns and tanks. Fantozzi and Filini are not killed but captured by others and exposed.
The Head of the Family, 1h55
Directed by Nanni Loy
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Nino Manfredi, Leslie Caron, Totò, Ugo Tognazzi, Claudine Auger, Giampiero Albertini
Rating64% 3.2442653.2442653.2442653.2442653.244265
En Italie, après la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, deux architectes, Marco et Paola font connaissance. Paola est séduite par les idées progressistes de Marco et y adhère. Ils se marient, mais les naissances successives de leurs quatre fils amènent Paola à quitter son travail pour les élever. Marco se sent délaissé, puis le temps qui passe use petit à petit sa ferveur sociale et il entame une liaison avec une collègue de travail. Les problèmes engendrés par l'éducation des enfants selon une nouvelle méthode provoquent l'hospitalisation de Paola pour dépression nerveuse. Marco se rend compte qu'il l'aime encore et revient à sa famille.
Ghosts, Italian Style, 1h44
Directed by Renato Castellani
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Fantasy
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Sophia Loren, Vittorio Gassman, Aldo Giuffrè, Marcello Mastroianni, Margaret Lee, Mario Adorf
Rating55% 2.7722252.7722252.7722252.7722252.772225
Lojacono Pasquale and his wife Maria are very poor, and do not have a roof over their head. One day they are invited to live free in an apartment of a building, considered by tenants cursed, because there dwells the ghost of an old Spanish nobleman. The two, however, accept coexistence with the spirit.
The Sons of the Leopard, 1h38
Directed by Sergio Corbucci, Romolo Guerrieri
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Themes Buddy films
Actors Enzo Andronico, Ciccio Ingrassia, Evi Marandi, Raimondo Vianello, Alberto Bonucci, Nietta Zocchi
Rating53% 2.65052.65052.65052.65052.6505
Sicily, 1860. The Baron Tulico is a penniless man and womanizer, who abandons his mistress Maria Rosa for a marriage of convenience. The two pharmacists Franco and Ciccio, called for help from Maria, try to put baron's head in place, but do not have time, because the two are recruited into the army of Giuseppe Garibaldi. After many adventures Franco and Ciccio track the baron, and force him to recognize the two of them as his legitimate children.
Romulus and the Sabines, 1h39
Directed by Richard Pottier
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Adventure, Peplum
Actors Roger Moore, Mylène Demongeot, Jean Marais, Francis Blanche, Scilla Gabel, Folco Lulli
Roles the Queen
Rating47% 2.382.382.382.382.38
Afin d’assurer leur descendance, les Romains, peuple alors constitué d'esclaves en fuite, de criminels et autres dissidents, se rendent chez leurs voisins les Sabins pour leur demander des femmes, mais ceux-ci refusent devant leur aspect peu ragoûtant. Offensés, les Romains décident alors d'employer la ruse. Ils projettent d'enlever les Sabines au cours d'une fête où ils sont conviés après avoir enivré les Sabins avec le vin qu'ils leur auront offert. À la fête, Romulus, roi des Romains, tombe amoureux de la belle vestale Réa, fille du roi des Sabins. Lorsque ces derniers sont suffisamment enivrés, les Romains s'enfuient comme prévu avec leurs femmes. Une fois rendues à Rome, les Sabines apprécient les avantages de la situation et demandent à choisir leurs époux. Seule, Réa s'échappe pour regagner son royaume et relate à son père la conduite respectueuse qu'ont eue les Romains. Le roi veut néanmoins délivrer les Sabines et se rend à Rome avec ses troupes, bien décidé à livrer bataille.
Son of the Red Corsair, 1h36
Directed by Primo Zeglio
Origin Italie
Genres Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Pirate films
Actors Lex Barker, Sylvia Lopez, Vira Silenti, Saro Urzì, Fanfulla, Nietta Zocchi
Roles Isabella
Rating59% 2.9583452.9583452.9583452.9583452.958345
Le navire d’Enrico de Ventimiglia attaque un galion où se cache Van Hais le délateur de son père le corsaire rouge Celui-ci pour sauver sa peau , révèle que Neala , la sœur d' Enrico, vit encore....
The Sword and the Cross, 1h37
Directed by Guido Brignone
Origin Italie
Genres Action, Historical, Peplum
Actors Gianna Maria Canale, Luigi Pavese, Jorge Mistral, Ana Luisa Peluffo, Marisa Allasio, Nietta Zocchi
Rating56% 2.823872.823872.823872.823872.82387
A Tarse de Cilicie, en l'an 120, sous le règne d'Hadrien. Léa et d'Esther, deux esclaves chrétiennes d'origine carthaginoise sont vendues aux enchères. Marcus Valerius se porte acquéreur et les offre en cadeau à Julia Marcia, fille du proconsul Julius Tiberius...
The Letters Page
Directed by Steno
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Alberto Sordi, Franca Valeri, Peppino De Filippo, Memmo Carotenuto, Nanda Primavera, Georges Bréhat
Roles Gigliozzi's Wife
Rating62% 3.1007153.1007153.1007153.1007153.100715
La comtesse polonaise Lady Eva est la signature faisant autorité de la correspondance d'un magazine féminin italien: derrière le nom fascinant se cache une romaine qui, avec ses conseils tranchés, créera une série de situations comiques.