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Films with the genre "Documentary", sorted by name

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The Grace Lee Project, 1h8
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Autobiographical documentary films

Growing up in Columbia, Missouri, director Grace Lee felt that she had a unique name and identity, as there were not many other Asians in her community. When she moved to New York and Los Angeles, she found her name shared by many other people. Dissatisfied with the "nice" personality commonly ascribed to the Asian-American women with this name, she sets out to find people who break the mold, including Grace Lee Boggs, a Chinese-American philosopher and activist.
The Great American Cowboy, 1h29
Directed by Kieth Merrill
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Sports films, Documentary films about sports
Actors Joel McCrea

Deux stars du rodéo s'affrontent pour le titre de champion du monde: le vétéran Larry Mahan et le nouveau venu Phil Lyne.
The Great Hack, 1h54
Directed by Jehane Noujaim
Origin USA
Genres Documentary

Le documentaire traite de l'ascension et de la chute de la société d'analyse de données Cambridge Analytica et explique comment la vente des données de Facebook à Cambrigde-Analytica a influencé l'élection présidentielle américaine de 2016 ainsi que la campagne lors du Brexit. Le documentaire se concentre sur Brittany Kaiser , l'ancienne directrice au développement des affaires chez Cambridge Analytica et fournit les témoignages de Carole Cadwalladr , la journaliste d'investigation travaillant pour the Guardian et the Observer qui a exposé les dérives de Cambridge Analytica au grand public et de David Carroll, professeur de design multimédia à la Parsons The New School for Design qui a poursuivi Cambridge Analytica en vertu de la Data_Protection_Act_1998 , loi britannique sur la protection des données pour que l'entreprise lui restitue les données que Facebook a vendues à Cambridge Analytica à son insu ,.
The Greater Good, 1h19
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Documentary
Themes Documentary films about health care

The three anecdotes around which the film is based are those of:
The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo, 1h16
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about immigration, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Documentaire sur une personnalité

In 2006, producer/director Lisa F. Jackson travelled alone to the war zones of the Democratic Republic of the Congo documenting the plight of women and girls impacted by the conflicts there. She was "afforded privileged access" to the realities of life in Congo, and found "examples of resiliency, resistance, courage and grace". In a 2008 interview with NPR, Jackson said "I knew going to eastern Congo as a white woman alone in the bush with a video camera that I might as well have landed from a spaceship." Jackson had been a victim of gang rape thirty years earlier, and shared this experience with the survivors she interviewed. Much of the film features these women recounting their stories, which have left them "traumatised and isolated - shunned by society and their families, and suffering life-long health effects, including HIV." Context and background are discussed in interviews with doctors, politicians, peacekeepers, activists and priests. Jackson visits a clinic devoted to treating women with traumatic injury due to sexual violence, particularly cases of vesicovaginal and rectovaginal fistula. In addition, Jackson went out into the bush to interview some of the perpetrators, soldiers who spoke without apparent conscience about the women they had raped, and their often bizarre justifications. "You really can say that there's a culture of impunity in the Congo, where none of these men will face arrest for what they've confessed to me on videotape," Jackson noted. The focus of the film, though, is the stories of the victims, "who just poured their hearts out to me with these stories, including over and over again, please take these stories to someone who will make a difference.