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Films from the country "italie", sorted by revenue

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The Big Dream, 1h41
Directed by Michele Placido
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama, Historical, Romance
Actors Riccardo Scamarcio, Luca Argentero, Jasmine Trinca, Michele Placido, Alessandra Acciai, Laura Morante

In 1968, in Rome, at the famous La Sapienza University, a group of young people's occupying the institution, starting in the city's famous revolt of students. The group of students is led by the proletarian Libero, son of unemployed workers of Fiat, who wants to attack the gaming bourgeois political and Italy and permanently to change the future for the youth of the country. The police opposes him, while the upper class student Laura falls in love with Libero. In the meantime, however, the Rome police plan to stifle the student revolt, and among these is the young Nicola, who secretly loves the theater, and so wants to star in a famous company. When Laura meets Nicola, changes perspective and the two fall in love. Nicola has the task of the police to infiltrate him in the group in protest, and to discover the weak points because the police can attach the students with more simplicity.
Napoli, Napoli, Napoli, 1h42
Directed by Abel Ferrara
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Documentary, Crime
Themes Documentary films about cities
Actors Luca Lionello, Anita Pallenberg, Ernesto Mahieux

Mêlant réalité et fiction, ce docudrame dresse un portrait des dessous souvent sordides de la ville de Naples. Ferrara s'est rendue en Italie pour interviewer les détenues de la prison d'État de Naples Pozzuoli, un établissement de haute sécurité pour femmes, et avec l'aide d'un traducteur, il permet à un certain nombre de femmes en prison de parler de leur vie avant et après leur condamnation. Ferrara a choisi d'élargir le court profil des prisonniers en un long métrage en offrant un aperçu de la vie dans les bidonvilles de Naples et des actions d'un certain nombre d'agents chargés de l'application des lois et de travailleurs sociaux luttant pour améliorer les conditions des pauvres, ainsi qu'en ajoutant trois courts segments fictifs tirés d'un équipement vidéo numérique.
The Man Who Will Come, 1h55
Directed by Giorgio Diritti
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Themes Political films
Actors Maya Sansa, Alba Rohrwacher, Greta Zuccheri Montanari

Décembre 1943. Le destin tragique d'une famille de paysans pauvres de la commune de Marzabotto, autour de Monte Sole, dans la région de Bologne. Les allers et retours d'une des filles, Beniamina, entre la ville et la campagne. La nièce de celle-ci devenue muette à la suite du décès de son petit frère… Puis, l'arrivée des troupes de la Wehrmacht dans les villages environnants. La résistance qui s'organise, des soldats allemands tués et les représailles organisées par les officiers de l'Armée allemande : les habitants de la commune sont massacrés au cimetière et à l'église. Martina survit ainsi que l'un de ses petits frères. Elle retrouve progressivement la parole en lui fredonnant une berceuse… Le film s'inspire d'un fait historique avéré : « l'extermination cruelle et d'une particulière férocité dans laquelle, en septembre 1944, furent anéanties environ 770 personnes, pour la plupart des femmes, des enfants et des vieux, connue sous le nom de massacre de Marzabotto.
Blood of the Losers, 1h50
Directed by Michele Soavi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Political films
Actors Michele Placido, Barbora Bobulova, Andrea Rivera, Giovanna Ralli, Philippe Leroy, Stefano Dionisi

Le film se déroule pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Le commissaire Francesco Dogliani doit mener une enquête sur l'homicide d'une femme et les mystères de sa sœur jumelle. En même temps, il doit assumer les difficultés et les contradictions de la Guerre dans une situation pleine de contrastes, puisqu'un de ses frères est un résistant et un autre est engagé dans l'armée de la République sociale italienne.
The Wedding Director, 1h40
Directed by Marco Bellocchio
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Sergio Castellitto, Donatella Finocchiaro, Sami Frey, Gianni Cavina, Maurizio Donadoni

Fuyant Rome, Franco Elica, un célèbre metteur en scène, se retrouve à Cefalù en Sicile, et rencontre trois personnages : un confrère cinéaste qui vit de ses films de cérémonies de mariages, un réalisateur prétendant être mort afin d'acquérir la reconnaissance qu'il n'a pas eu de son vivant par le milieu du cinéma, et un Prince ombrageux, mystérieux, et cultivé mais ruiné.
The Tiger and the Snow, 1h54
Directed by Roberto Benigni
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Political films
Actors Jean Reno, Nicoletta Braschi, Gianluigi Braschi, Emilia Fox, Roberto Benigni, Giuseppe Battiston

Rome, March 2003. Attilio de Giovanni (Roberto Benigni), a comical but talented literature professor and the divorced father of two teenage girls, is hopelessly in love with Vittoria (Nicoletta Braschi, Benigni's wife in real life), a writer who is the subject of a recurring dream, featuring a surreal wedding ceremony with poetry verses in the background and the wife suddenly turning into a kangaroo. Attilio's strenuous courtship is unsuccessful, yet he does not lose hope, despite the fact that Vittoria obviously does not share the same feelings. She tells him that she will agree to marry him only when she sees a tiger walking on the snow.
Vanilla and Chocolate, 1h50
Directed by Ciro Ippolito
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Andrea Rivera, Joaquín Cortés, Serra Yılmaz, Ernesto Mahieux, Licinia Lentini

Le film développe les sujets classiques de l'amour et de la vie. C'est l'histoire d'une épouse trompée, Penelope, qui, après 18 ans de mariage, ne supporte plus l'égoïsme de son mari, Andrea, qui est allé jusqu'à essayer de se faire pardonner ses infidélités en offrant un bac de glace vanille-chocolat. Enseignante au conservatoire de musique et mère de trois enfants, elle quitte le foyer conjugal après avoir découvert l'ultime trahison de son mari et retourne dans la villa de son enfance, au bord de la mer. Là, elle se prend du temps pour se consacrer à la réflexion et aux souvenirs. C'est alors qu'intervient une rencontre avec Carlos, le peintre, et que commence une brève mais intense histoire d'amour.
Evilenko (2004)
, 1h51
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror, Crime
Themes Films about sexuality, Films about pedophilia, Serial killer films
Actors Malcolm McDowell, Marton Csokas, Ronald Pickup, Vernon Dobtcheff, John Benfield, Frances Barber

In 1984, in Kiev, schoolteacher Andrej Romanovich Evilenko is dismissed from his position after attempting to molest a student. Driven by his psychopathic urges and embittered by the collapse of the Soviet Union, Evilenko begins to rape, kill, and cannibalize women and children. It is hinted throughout the movie that Evilenko somehow gained the power to psychically influence his victims, which accounts for their lack of resistance and his continuous evasion of the authorities.
Unfair Competition, 1h50
Directed by Ettore Scola
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War, Comedy
Themes Films about religion, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Diego Abatantuono, Sergio Castellitto, Gérard Depardieu, Antonella Attili, Antonella Attili, Elio Germano

Rome 1938, Umberto (Diego Abatantuono) and Leone (Sergio Castellitto) have got a men's costume shop, on the same street. Umberto is Catholic, Leone is Jewish. Racial Laws are approved in Italy in 1938 after Hitler's visit to Rome (see also Ettore Scola's A Special Day).
Mirka (2000)
, 1h47
Directed by Rachid Benhadj
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Actors Vanessa Redgrave, Gérard Depardieu, Franco Nero, Barbora Bobulova, Arnaldo Ninchi

Mirka is searching for his mother in an unidentified Balkan nation, he is befriended by Strix (Depardieu) who promises to help. Kalsan (Redgrave) is surprised at the sudden arrival of Mirka, a foreign child in her midst. In a turn of events, it emerges that he is her grandson. Unlike the villagers that participated in a silent infanticide against ethnic rape children, Kalsan saved Mirka and took him to a city orphanage. The tragic story is unveiled by Kalsan's niece, Elena who became pregnant with Mirka after being the victim of an ethnic war rape. Elena has long believed her child to be dead so his appearance shakes the fabric of the household. Mirka's ethnicity leads to his persecution by the villagers.
Lucky and Zorba, 1h15
Directed by Enzo D'Alò
Origin Italie
Genres Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about cats, Films about birds, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Carlo Verdone, Guillaume Lebon, Antonio Albanese, Michel Barbey, Paul Nivet, Jean-Claude Montalban

In the coasts of Hamburg in Germany, a petrol ship sinks leaving a lot of petrol in the sea. The next day a seagull flock starts looking for fish in the sea, they dive in and stay there until there leader spots the petrol flood, he warns the rest of the flock, but one of the seagulls named Kengah doesn't hear it and gets dirtied by the petrol. She survives the accident but has trouble with flying. She flies over the city until she falls on a woman's garden, right on top of her cat Zorba. Being disgusted by the petrol taste Zorba refuses to eat her. Kengah asks him three promises that he must do if she doesn't survive. The first one is that when she lays her egg he must not eat it, the second one is that he must take care of it until it hatches, and third is that he would teach the newborn how to fly.
The Dinner
The Dinner (1998)

Directed by Ettore Scola
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Cooking films
Actors Fanny Ardant, Antonio Catania, Francesca D'Aloja, Riccardo Garrone, Vittorio Gassman, Giancarlo Giannini

Dans un restaurant, chaque table a son histoire développée en une séquence du film.
Elective Affinities, 1h38
Directed by Frères Taviani
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romance
Actors Isabelle Huppert, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Fabrizio Bentivoglio, Marie Gillain, Massimo Popolizio, Giancarlo Giannini

Après de nombreuses années de séparation, le baron Edoardo et la comtesse Carlotta, se retrouvent lors d'une réception dans la villa médicéenne de Poggio a Caiano. Jadis, ils se sont aimés passionnément et décident de se marier afin de connaître un bonheur certes tardif, mais réciproquement souhaité.