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Films with theme "Films about cats", sorted by name

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The Truce Hurts
Directed by Joseph Barbera, William Hanna
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about cats, Mise en scène d'un rongeur, Mise en scène d'une souris, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Billy Bletcher, William Hanna

Butch convainc Tom et Jerry qu'il n'y a aucune raison de se battre et qu'ils doivent tous signer un traité de paix. Tom et Butch sauvent même leurs copains d'un collègue chien et chat. Mais alors qu'un steak tombe d'un camion, les garçons ne peuvent se décider comment se le partager , finalement il est complètement perdu et la trêve est terminée.
A Cat in Paris, 1h10
Directed by Alain Gagnol, Jean-Loup Felicioli
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Adventure, Crime, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about cats, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Dominique Blanc, Jean Benguigui, Bruno Salomone, Marcia Gay Harden, Bernadette Lafont, Steven Blum

Nico is a burglar who sneaks into buildings and steals jewels. Nico is always followed by a black cat. The following morning, the cat wakes in a house with a little girl, catches a lizard and gives it to the girl. Zoé, hearing Jeanne, her mother, calls her to come in and look at her lizards, but Jeanne is too busy on the phone to take much notice of what she is shown. At nightfall, the cat leaves and goes to find Nico.
Dog Trouble
Directed by Joseph Barbera, William Hanna
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about cats, Mise en scène d'un rongeur, Mise en scène d'une souris, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Lillian Randolph, Billy Bletcher

Tom poursuit Jerry quand il fonce, littéralement, droit dans un chien endormi (et très méchant) appelé plus tard Spike. Spike poursuit Tom sur une lampe; Jerry est assez amusé, l'allume jusqu'à ce que Spike le piège dans un coucou. Spike impose un compromis hors entre eux deux, jusqu'à ce que Tom descende de la lampe, il se retrouve dépendant de Jerry pour l'aider à l'horloge. Ils sont tous les deux pris au piège, puis Jerry a une idée. Comme Tom continue de Spike distrait, Jerry utilise une boule de fil pour tout attacher dans la chambre voisine. Quand il est prêt, il donne un coup de pied à Spike, qui se jette dans le désordre, ce qui génère la colère de Mammy. La trêve entre Tom et Jerry se termine, cependant, quand la queue Tom est prise dans la souricière.
Birds Anonymous, 7minutes
Directed by Friz Freleng
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about cats, Films about birds, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Mel Blanc, Patricia Legrand, Patrick Préjean, Hal Smith, Jerry Nelson

Sylvestre parvient, en fermant les stores, à attraper Titi. C'est alors qu'il est interrompu par un autre chat pourpre, à la fois timide et savant. Il lui explique que ses envies continues de dévorer le canari représentent un signe de faiblesse personnelle profonde, et que la seule façon pour lui de surmonter cette faiblesse est d'arrêter définitivement cette dépendance. Croyant qu'il a besoin de secours, Sylvestre rejoint fièrement le collectif des « mangeurs d'oiseaux anonymes », réunissant les chats qui veulent surmonter leur dépendance aux oiseaux. Cependant, cette volonté commence à se dissiper après une courte période, principalement en raison de la tentation constante qu'a pu avoir Sylvestre, qui a toujours vécu dans la même maison que Titi.
Kit for Cat, 7minutes
Directed by Friz Freleng
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about cats, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Mel Blanc, Arthur Q. Bryan, Patrick Préjean, Jack Mercer, Bea Benaderet, Patrice Dozier

Sylvestre, chat de gouttière, fouille dans les poubelles dans le but de se nourrir. Mais un chaton vient dans son « côté de la rue » et se fait jeter dans une poubelle. Sylvestre, par le vent frais, trouve refuge chez Elmer qui l'accueille généreusement. Mais le chaton vient également se réfugier chez lui.
Village of the Giants, 1h21
Directed by Bert I. Gordon
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction
Themes Films about animals, Films about music and musicians, Films based on science fiction novels, Comedy science fiction films, Films about cats, Musical films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Tommy Kirk, Johnny Crawford, Beau Bridges, Ron Howard, Joy Harmon, Robert Random

Village of the Giants takes place in fictional Hainesville, California. After crashing their car into a roadblock during a rainstorm, a group of partying, big-city teenagers (Fred, Pete, Rick, Harry, and their girlfriends Merrie, Elsa, Georgette and Jean) first indulge in a vigorous, playful mud-wrestling fight, then hike their way into town. Fred remembers meeting a girl from Hainesville named Nancy, and they decide to look her up.
Born Free
Born Free (1966)
, 1h35
Directed by Tom McGowan, James Hill (réalisateur britannique)
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure, Historical
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about animals, Films about children, Environmental films, Films about cats, Films about lions, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Virginia McKenna, Bill Travers, Geoffrey Keen

When George Adamson is forced to kill a lioness out of self-defense, he brings home the 3 orphaned cubs she had been trying to protect. The Adamsons tend to the three orphaned lion cubs to young lionhood, and, when the time comes, the two largest are sent to the Rotterdam Zoo, while Elsa the Lioness (the smallest of the litter) remains with Joy. When Elsa is held responsible for stampeding a herd of elephants through a village, John Kendall, Adamson's boss gives the couple three months to either rehabilitate Elsa to the wild, or send her to a zoo. Joy opposes sending Elsa to a zoo, and spends much time attempting to re-introduce Elsa to the life of a wild lion in a distant reserve. At last, Joy succeeds, and with mixed feelings and a breaking heart, she returns her friend to the wild. The Adamsons then depart for their home in England; a year later, they return to Kenya for a week, hoping to find Elsa. They do, and happily discover she hasn't forgotten them, and is the mother of three cubs.
Bolt (2008)
, 1h35
Directed by Byron Howard, Chris Williams
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about cats, Films about dogs, Musical films, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors John Travolta, Mark Walton, Susie Essman, Miley Cyrus, Malcolm McDowell, Nick Swardson

A dog named Bolt (John Travolta) and a girl named Penny (Miley Cyrus) star on a hit television series called Bolt in which the titular character has various superpowers and must constantly thwart the evil plans of the nefarious Doctor Calico (Malcolm McDowell). To gain a more realistic performance, the TV show's producers have deceived Bolt his entire life, arranging the filming in such a way that Bolt believes the television show is real and he really has superpowers, including a powerful sonic scream-like "superbark". Mistakenly believing Penny has been kidnapped by the villain, Bolt escapes from his on-set trailer in Hollywood but falls into a box of foam peanuts and unknown to the film company is accidentally shipped to New York City. In New York, Bolt starts to notice that his "superpowers" aren't working, and rationalizes this is the effect that styrofoam has on his body. He then meets Mittens (Susie Essman), a female alley cat who bullies pigeons out of their food. Bolt forces Mittens to help him get back to Hollywood, and after Bolt knocks Mittens unconscious the two start their journey westward on a truck. In Hollywood, Penny is deeply saddened over Bolt's disappearance but is convinced by the studio to continue filming with a Bolt lookalike.
The Wonderland
Directed by Keiichi Hara
Genres Fantasy, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Monde imaginaire, Films about cats, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Mayu Matsuoka, Anne Watanabe, Kumiko Asō, Nao Tōyama, Keiji Fujiwara, Cédric Dumond

Akane est une jeune fille qui manque de confiance en elle. La veille de son anniversaire, sa mère l'envoie chez une amie, Chii, où elle doit récupérer elle-même son cadeau d'anniversaire. Chii tient une boutique d'antiquités. Akane ne l'aime pas beaucoup car Chii est aussi extravertie qu'Akane est timide. Une fois à la boutique, Akane et Chii font la rencontre du mystérieux alchimiste Hippocrate et de son minuscule apprenti Pipo, qui lui déclarent être en mission pour sauver le monde. À partir de la cave de la maison, ils ouvrent un passage vers un pays merveilleux, Wonderland. Ils reconnaissent en Akane la Déesse du Vent Vert, seule capable de sauver leur monde de la sécheresse en guérissant le prince héritier de la dynastie des rois de la pluie et en l'aidant à accomplir la Cérémonie des Gouttes qui, une fois tous les 600 ans, renouvelle l'eau du royaume. Hippocrate remet à Akane une « Ancre d'en avant », un talisman qui fait pencher son corps en avant chaque fois qu'elle devient négative et l'oblige à aller de l'avant. Akane n'a aucune envie d'explorer cet autre monde, tandis que Chii est tout excitée. Mais les jeunes filles se rendent compte que l'Ancre d'en avant ne laisse pas le choix à Akane : elle se trouve entraînée malgré elle dans un passage souterrain, suivie par Chii.
The Adventures of Four Friends, 1h3
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about animals, Films about cats, Films about dogs, Children's films
Actors Petr Chelokhonov, Lev Lemke, Mikhail Svetin

Three dogs and one cat are naturally suspicious of each other. At first the dogs and cat are playing various tricks with each other, and their thoughts are translated to the viewers by actor Lev Lemke. Eventually the four pets become good friends and have adventures together. They follow their owner, a forest ranger (played by Petr Shelokhonov), on various trips. With the help of a girl (played by Katya Kishmereshkina) three dogs and cat also help other people and have lots of fun together.
Blue Puppy
Blue Puppy (1976)
, 19minutes
Genres Musical, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about cats, Films about dogs
Actors Mikhaïl Boïarski, Alissa Freindlich, Andreï Mironov

A puppy, who is strangely born with a coat that is a shade of light blue, is rejected by all. Nobody wants to play with him or to be his friend. Even the Grey Dogs avoid him. The Black Cat, a dodger and a faker, is the only one that feigns interest. Unexpectedly, the Pirate attacks the island and using the Black Cat, kidnaps the Blue Puppy.
Doraemon: A Grandmother's Recollections, 27minutes
Genres Animation
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Films about cats, Children's films

Nobita finds his old teddy bear among the trash after his mother partially cleaned up their shed and tells her not to throw it away. The stuffed animal is a precious gift from his beloved grandmother. Reminiscing about her makes Nobita ask Doraemon to take him back to when he was still three years old and his grandma was still alive.
Doraemon: Nobita and the Animal Planet, 1h40
Genres Fantasy, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Films about cats, Films about extraterrestrial life, Children's films, Films about extraterrestrial life
Actors Tomokazu Seki, Yumi Kakazu, Kiyoshi Kawakubo, Masato Hirano, Kaneta Kimotsuki, Toku Nishio

It starts with Nobita seeing a mysterious pink gas at his house. He enters it and arrives at a planet where all animals that can talk. When he wakes up, he tells his dream to his friends. But they do not believe him. When back home, he sees a flower which he had taken from that planet.
Doraemon: Nobita and the Windmasters, 1h24
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about cats, Children's films
Actors Kaneta Kimotsuki, Mika Kanai, Rikako Aikawa, Yōsuke Akimoto, Takanobu Hozumi, Kazunari Tanaka

When a mysterious tomb in a faraway land is opened by storm villagers, two strange spheres and the spirit of an ancient wizard, called Uranda sama, leader of Storm village are set free. The ancient wizard goes and takes the body of wolf. One of the spheres ends up in Nobita's neighborhood. Next one goes and ends up in wind village. As first one breaks open, an odd cyclone creature is set free. First, Suneo had got it and he tried to catch it and make his pet but he was unsuccessful. Meanwhile, Nobita was eating ice cream to his way back home but unfortunately that odd cyclone snatched it. Nobita followed it and then the cyclone threw the ice cream at the head of Gian. Due to this he becomes angry and he tries to beat Nobita but he ends up with a crash in a trash box. then the cyclone followed Nobita and went inside home. It created a disaster in his home and also troubled Nobita's mom. Then he liked it so much that he wanted to keep it. While trying to take care of it, Nobita tried to hide it from his mom. So he made its appearance like doll in manga (a soft toy machine camera to make it as a toy). Then he takes it to Shizuka to show her. But Fuuko runs away after getting scolded by Nobita for blowing Shizuka's Skirt up. Then at last Nobita found it. Then he gives a name Fuko to it. He declared that Fuuko is a girl( female). As there was no space in the Nobita's neighbourhood, he and his friends with Doraemon go somewhere at Anywhere door but they are accidentally taken to a location hidden from the rest of the world: the Wind Village. There they discover different types of creatures and meet some incredible people and also made friends with Temujin and his family. They enjoy there very much and played a game with Temujin. Nobita wins the game with good shots. In evening they return from Anywhere door. They left Fuuko at Wind Village. Seeing the Anywhere door, the ancient wizard also comes through it. Then it takes the body of Suneo. Meanwhile, Temujin discovers next sphere. But it flies away and goes to wizard. Next day Doraemon and his friends again visit Wind Village. They meet Storm Villagers and also the wizard in the appearance of Suneo. They get surprised. Then they attack them and in this process they capture Fuuko and also steal Doraemon's pocket. They trap Fuuko in a prison and they have enjoyment. Meanwhile, Doraemon and his friends go to prison and free Fuuko. There caused massive typhoons throughout the land. Doraemon and the others then join forces with the Wind Village to prevent the worst from happening. At this process, Fuuko loses her power and goes somewhere far. Nobita fell into a trap and reunited with Fuuko when he tried to help Shizuka when she fell. A yak advised Nobita to take care of Fuuko and not to bring her near the red jewel sphere. when Uranda sama woke Mafuuga the dragon in front of the red jewel, Fuuko's soul along with another soul. Then Suneo becomes normal. One of the person of storm village was most wanted criminal of twenty-second century.He was an archaeologist.He controlled the dragon Mafuuga (formerly by the ancient wizard Uranda sama and trapped the wizard in a spirit capturing cage. Nobita took a heavy sword to thrash him but in vain. Then Fuuko went to the volcano to make herself to fire and went to the opposite direction (swirling herself while Mafuuga was swirling in Fuuko's Opposite direction.) She gave up her life, leaving the soft toy she wore. Nobita was in tears. He vowed that he wouldn't forget her till his last breath. Then he took the soft toy (Suneo said to Gian to leave Nobita alone for a few minutes when Gian wanted to comfort Nobita.Then time patrol came to capture the crook. So he was captured by time patrol and Nobita bids goodbye to Temujin and his family and hugged the soft toy. Doraemon and his friends returned home.