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Films with theme "Films about seafaring accidents or incidents", sorted by revenue

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In Search of the Titanic, 1h28
Genres Animation
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Disaster films, Films about seafaring accidents or incidents
Actors Jane Alexander, Jane Alexander

Inside a bathysphere, Don Juan, Elizabeth, Smile, Top Connors, and Ronnie have begun exploring the ocean depths in search of the sunken wreck of the Titanic. However, Ice Teeth, a malicious shark who is their sworn enemy, along with his shark henchmen, have cut the cable to the Bathysphere, causing them to sink. The swooned occupants will magically awake in the lost city of Atlantis.
No Greater Love, 1h45
Directed by Richard T. Heffron
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, RMS Titanic in fiction, Disaster films, Films about seafaring accidents or incidents
Actors Kelly Rutherford, Chris Sarandon, Nicholas Campbell, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Michael Landes, Gina Philips

The film starts in 1912. Aboard of the RMS Titanic, the wealthy Winfield family heads to the United States. 20-year-old Edwina enjoys her engagement to Charles Fitzgerald and she is surrounded by her parents Kate and Bert, her brothers George and Teddy, and younger sister Alexis, who is celebrating her sixth birthday. One night, the ship hits an iceberg and soon starts to sink. While heading to the life boats, panic breaks out and Alexis is nowhere to be found. Kate convinces Edwina to go into a boat with Teddy and stays behind herself to look for Alexis. After the sinking, Edwina is able to lift George from the water and they are eventually saved by RMS Carpathia. Edwina, George and Teddy soon find out that Alexis has survived the disaster, but that their parents and Charles didn't.
Titanic (1996 miniseries), 2h53
Directed by Robert Lieberman
Origin Canada
Genres Drama, Action, Romance
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, RMS Titanic in fiction, Disaster films, American disaster films, Films about seafaring accidents or incidents
Actors Peter Gallagher, George C. Scott, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Eva Marie Saint, Tim Curry, Roger Rees

Titanic follows three main story threads. Isabella Paradine is traveling on the Titanic to join her husband after attending her aunt's funeral in England. On the Titanic, she meets Wynn Park, her former lover. She falls in love with him again, and after a brief affair, she sends her husband a wireless saying they cannot be together anymore (despite their daughter). When the ship starts sinking, Isabella reluctantly leaves Wynn when he forces her to board a lifeboat. As the boat is lowered, Isabella confesses a long kept secret that her daughter Claire is actually Wynn's. Later on board the RMS Carpathia she is grief-stricken when she finds Wynn's lifeless body on deck amongst other victims who have died of hypothermia, but luckily, when the Carpathia reaches New York she is reunited with her family who are blissfully unaware of Isabella's tryst because the telegram was never sent out due to the sinking.
Two Came Back, 1h30
Directed by Dick Lowry
Genres Drama, Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Disaster films, Films about seafaring accidents or incidents
Actors Melissa Joan Hart, Jonathan Brandis, Susan Walters, Susan Sullivan, Steven Ford

Susan Clarkson (Melissa Joan Hart) agrees to go with Jason (Jonathan Brandis) and three other young crew members who have built themselves a 60 foot sailing yacht, and take the yacht out to sea from San Diego to Vancouver to deliver it to a potential buyer. However the over-anxious captain sails off course and the crew runs into some bad weather. While out at sea, the yacht sinks leaving the crew to fend for themselves against the merciless elements. All trapped on an emergency raft, they find themselves without food, water or supplies and with sharks posing a constant threat to their survival.
Britannic (2000)
, 1h33
Directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Action, Historical, Romance
Themes Spy films, La fin du monde, Seafaring films, Transport films, Political films, Disaster films, American disaster films, Films about seafaring accidents or incidents
Actors Edward Atterton, Amanda Ryan, Jacqueline Bisset, Ben Daniels, John Rhys-Davies, Bruce Payne

In Southampton in 1916, HMHS Britannic, a sister ship of RMS Titanic, has been refitted as a hospital ship for soldiers fighting in the Gallipoli Campaign. Among the nurses who are to serve aboard her is Lady Lewis (Jacqueline Bisset), who is being delivered to Greece via Naples, where her husband has become Ambassador for Great Britain. Traveling with her is Vera Campbell (Amanda Ryan), an operative of British Intelligence posing as Lady Lewis' governess. Campbell is unnerved by the voyage, having survived the sinking of the RMS Titanic four years previously, losing her husband as well.
Dark Descent
Genres Thriller, Action, Adventure
Themes La fin du monde, Seafaring films, Transport films, Disaster films, Films about seafaring accidents or incidents
Actors Dean Cain, Scott Wiper, Yulian Vergov, William Zabka, Hristo Chopov

Le chef d'une unité spéciale est chargé d'enquêter sur un accident qui s'est produit sur un complexe de forage minier situé dans les profondeurs du Pacifique.
Cave In
Cave In (2003)

Directed by Rex Piano
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure
Themes La fin du monde, Seafaring films, Transport films, Disaster films, American disaster films, Films about seafaring accidents or incidents
Actors Mimi Rogers, Ted Shackelford, Bruce Allpress

Quand quatre hommes se retrouvent pris au piège au fond d'une mine après que les parois se soient effondrées, Pat Bogan met tout en œuvre pour les en sortir. Si cette mission lui tient particulièrement à cœur, c'est parce que son mari et son fils font partie des victimes.
Titanic: The Legend Goes On..., 1h30
Genres Animation
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, RMS Titanic in fiction, Disaster films, Films about seafaring accidents or incidents
Actors Mickey Knox

This movie begins on a White Star Line chartered boat train, boarding passengers to the RMS Titanic. A poor girl named Angelica, treated as a servant by her wicked stepmother and two stepsisters, dreams of finding both love and her missing mother, with only a blue locket as a clue to the mother's identity. At the same time, an upper-class English man named William boards with his nanny who laments the loss of her daughter years ago, as well as his secretary Gaston. Other passengers include the gold-digging Winnie, a failing banker named Jeremy McFlannel, a jewel thief named Corynthia Meanstreak, her two henchmen Kirk and Dirk, a detective named Sam Bradbury who has been sent to pursue them and Molly, a gorgeous singer. Also boarding in the cargo hold are a group of animals, including a family of Yiddish mice, some geese, a dog named Fritz, a magpie named Hector, and a band of Mexican mice. Throughout the voyage, the various passengers meet and interact. William and Angelica fall in love at first sight, while Winnie and Jeremy fall for each other after Winnie's dog Flopsy trips him. Gaston meanwhile attempts to woo Molly with Angelica's locket, which he found after she unknowingly dropped it. Sam goes undercover to find Cornynthia while Kirk and Dirk make several unsuccessful attempts to steal jewelry from Winnie, but are foiled by her dog.
Baltic Storm, 1h50
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Disaster films, Films about seafaring accidents or incidents
Actors Greta Scacchi, Jürgen Prochnow, Donald Sutherland, Dieter Laser, Thure Riefenstein, Barbara Schöne

The plot portrays the Swedish government as being responsible for using the ship to covertly transport Russian high-tech components to the United States. The story is uncovered by a young female journalist, not unlike Rabe herself. According to Rabe, divers hired by the Swedish government (signing contracts swearing lifetime secrecy) spent hours breaking into cabins frantically searching for a black attaché case carried by a Russian space technology dealer, Aleksandr Voronin (who died 2002). She highlighted US interest in various Soviet technology, including nuclear-powered satellites. She also suggested that panic about the stability of some form of nuclear device is the most likely reason behind the initial Swedish government suggestion of burying the wreck in concrete, a highly unusual proposal for a wreck, reminiscent of Chernobyl's sarcophagus.
The Icebreaker, 2h
Directed by Nikolaï Khomeriki
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Météorologie, Transport films, Catastrophe climatique, Disaster films, Films about seafaring accidents or incidents
Actors Pyotr Fyodorov, Sergei Puskepalis, Anna Mikhalkova, Aleksey Barabash, Boris Kamorzine

1985. Sur sa route, le brise-glace « Mikhaïl Gromov » doit affronter un énorme et puissant iceberg. Voulant éviter une collision fatale, le navire est pris dans les glaces et doit entamer une dérive forcée au large de l'Antarctique. L'équipage est à cran : un froid terrible règne tandis que le carburant touche à sa fin. Il leur est impossible de quitter le brise-glace sous peine de mourir de froid ou de se perdre. Le commandant du brise-glace n'a pas le droit à l'erreur. La moindre mauvaise décision peut les mener à la mort en se faisant écraser par les lourdes glaces.
Titanic II
Titanic II (2010)
, 1h30
Directed by Shane Van Dyke
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Action, Adventure, Romance
Themes La fin du monde, Seafaring films, Transport films, RMS Titanic in fiction, Disaster films, American disaster films, Films about seafaring accidents or incidents
Actors Bruce Davison, Brooke Burns, Shane Van Dyke, D.C. Douglas, Dylan Vox, Amin Joseph

In the Arctic waters near the Helheim Glacier in Greenland, a person is surfing on waves created by falling chunks of ice that fall off the glacier and into the ocean caused by the effects of global warming. However, a very large chunk of ice falls into the water, creating an especially large wave. The surfer tries to escape from the wave, but it is far too fast for him, and in a matter of seconds, it catches up to him then drowns and kills him instantly.
Rescue from Gilligan's Island, 1h35
Directed by Leslie H. Martinson
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Disaster films, Films about seafaring accidents or incidents
Actors Bob Denver, Alan Hale Jr., Vincent Schiavelli, Dawn Wells, Jim Backus, Art LaFleur

The story picks up 15 years after the original shipwreck. Gilligan has a nightmare about the island melting. The film then notes that far away from Gilligan's Island in an unidentified country (one may assume the U.S.S.R.), a military unit is monitoring a satellite that is experiencing technical problems. The scientists controlling the satellite activate a self-destruct mechanism to prevent the satellite from crashing to Earth, as it contains a disc that holds some very important, top-secret information. The metal disc from the satellite is not destroyed, instead making it through the Earth's atmosphere and landing at the lagoon, eventually being found by Gilligan.