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Films with theme "Witches in film", sorted by revenue

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I Married a Witch, 1h17
Directed by René Clair
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Romance
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Films about religion, Witches in film
Actors Veronica Lake, Fredric March, Susan Hayward, Cecil Kellaway, Robert Benchley, Elizabeth Patterson

Two witches in colonial Salem, Jennifer (Veronica Lake) and her father Daniel (Cecil Kellaway), are burned at the stake after being denounced by Puritan Jonathan Wooley (Fredric March) and their ashes buried beneath a tree to imprison their evil spirits. In revenge, Jennifer curses Wooley and all his male descendants, dooming them always to marry the wrong woman.
The Enchanted Sword, 1h38
Origin Espagne
Genres Comedy, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Witches in film

Garbancito is an orphan whose friends, Kiriqui and Chirili, are kidnapped by the giant Caramanca. To rescue his friends, Garbancito is assisted by a goat named Peregrina, his Fairy Godmother, and an enchanted sword.
The Witches of Salem, 2h37
Directed by Raymond Rouleau
Origin France
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Prison films, Films about religion, Théâtre, Witches in film, Films about capital punishment, Films based on plays
Actors Simone Signoret, Yves Montand, Mylène Demongeot, Jean Debucourt, Alfred Adam, Pierre Larquey

1692, Salem, Massachusetts. John Proctor is the only member in the town's assembly who resists the attempts of the rich to gain more wealth on the expense of the poor farmers, thus incurring the wrath of deputy governor Danforth. Proctor's sternly puritanical wife, Elizabeth, is sick and has not shared his bed for months, and he was seduced by his maid, Abigail. When he ends his affair with her, Abigail and several other local girls turn to slave Tituba. Reverend Parris catches the girls in the forest as they partake in what appears to be witchcraft. Abigail and the rest deny it, saying that they have been bewitched. A wave of hysteria engulfs the town, and Danforth uses the girls' accusations to instigate a series of trials, during which his political enemies are accused of heresy and executed. When Abigail blames Elizabeth Proctor, the latter rejects John's pleas to defraud Abigail as an adulteress. Eventually, both Proctors are put on trial and refuse to sign a confession. The townspeople rebel, but not before John is hanged with other defendants; his pregnant wife has been spared. Elizabeth tells the angry crowd to let Abigail live.
The Magician's Hat, 1h15
Genres Fantasy, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Films about dragons, Witches in film, Children's films
Actors Emil Glad, Nada Rocco, Sven Lasta, Đurđa Ivezić

L'ex-magicien du roi Cactus fait équipe avec les animaux de la Forêt magique, ainsi qu'avec un dragon vivant dans un volcan, pour repousser l'invasion du maléfique empereur des glaces, Mrazomor, et des sorcières du gel.
Princes et Princesses, 1h10
Directed by Michel Ocelot
Origin France
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Animation, Romance
Themes Feminist films, Films about magic and magicians, Witches in film, Political films, Children's films
Actors Yves Barsacq

It is said that somewhere, an enchanted princess lies captive in a secret palace – a palace you can be sure that you're getting close to if you find diamonds lying in the grass. But in order to free the princess from the curse placed upon her, one would have to find all one-hundred and eleven of the diamonds which make up her broken necklace. Many princes have attempted to break the spell, but all have disappeared without a trace.
Emilie Jolie, 1h12
Directed by Francis Nielsen
Origin France
Genres Musical theatre, Animation
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Films about music and musicians, Théâtre, Witches in film, Musical films, Films based on plays, Films based on musicals
Actors Bernard Lanneau, Céline Monsarrat, Élie Semoun, Emmanuel Garijo, François-Xavier Demaison, Françoise Cadol

C'est la veille de la rentrée et la petite Émilie Jolie s'inquiète à la perspective d'arriver dans sa nouvelle école. Pour lui changer les idées, sa mère lui offre un livre qu'elle-même lisait dans son enfance. Émilie, restée seule dans sa chambre, se plonge dans l'histoire de Gilbert le lapin bleu. Gilbert se fait enlever par une terrible sorcière et toutes les tentatives pour le retrouver restent vaines. Peu à peu l'histoire prend vie, et c'est Émilie elle-même, emmenée dans l'univers du livre par le grand oiseau, qui va devoir venir en aide à Gilbert.
Kirikou and the Men and Women, 1h28
Directed by Michel Ocelot
Origin France
Genres Fantasy, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films set in Africa, Feminist films, Films about magic and magicians, Films based on mythology, Witches in film, Political films, Children's films, Mythologie d'Afrique de l'Ouest
Actors Sabine Pakora, Pascal Nzonzi

Sur le même principe que Kirikou et les Bêtes sauvages, Kirikou et les Hommes et les Femmes regroupe cinq aventures de Kirikou enfant indépendantes les unes des autres et racontées par le grand-père de Kirikou. Ces aventures se déroulent pendant les événements de Kirikou et la Sorcière, au temps où le village est toujours terrorisé par la sorcière Karaba et ses fétiches animés. Tandis que Kirikou et les Bêtes sauvages mettait en avant des animaux, Kirikou et les Hommes et les Femmes se concentre sur les relations des villageois entre eux ou avec les étrangers de passage.
Häxan (1922)
, 1h27
Directed by Benjamin Christensen
Origin Danemark
Genres Drama, Documentary, Fantasy, Horror, Historical
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Medical-themed films, Films about religion, Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Sexploitation films, Demons in film, Witches in film, Films about psychiatry, Nonnesploitation
Actors Clara Pontoppidan, Oscar Stribolt, Benjamin Christensen, Elith Pio, Astrid Holm, Tora Teje

A scholarly dissertation on the appearances of demons and witches in primitive and medieval culture, a number of photographs of statuary, paintings, and woodcuts are used as demonstrative pieces. In addition, several large scale models are employed to demonstrate medieval concepts of the structure of the solar system and the commonly accepted depiction of Hell.
Witchhammer, 1h43
Directed by Otakar Vávra
Origin Tchecoslovaquie
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Witches in film
Actors Josef Kemr, Jiřina Štěpničková, Jiří Holly, Václav Lohniský, Čestmír Řanda, Blanka Waleská

Dans les années 1670 en Moravie, un enfant de chœur remarque qu'une femme âgée dissimule le pain donné pendant la communion et en informe le prêtre, qui questionne la vieille femme. Elle admet qu'elle a pris le pain pour le donner à une vache afin de réactiver sa production de lait. Le prêtre rapporte l'incident au seigneur local qui, à son tour, en appelle à un inquisiteur spécialisé dans les procès de sorcellerie, Boblig von Edelstadt .
Hungry Wives, 2h10
Directed by George A. Romero
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Horror
Themes Feminist films, Films about magic and magicians, Witches in film, Political films
Actors Bill Hinzman

Joan Mitchell (Jan White) is the 39-year-old wife of a businessman, Jack Mitchell (Bill Thunhurst). They live in suburban Pittsburgh with their 19-year-old daughter Nikki (Joedda McClain), a student. Joan is unhappy and bored with her housewife role. Jack is busy, domineering, and sometimes violent, embarking on long business trips every week. Joan has been seeing a psychotherapist because of her recurring dreams about her husband controlling her. He makes repeated references to needing to "kick some ass"—a colleague's, his own child's, his wife's. Eventually, he strikes Joan in the face.
Kirikou and the Sorceress, 1h11
Directed by Michel Ocelot
Origin France
Genres Fantasy, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about animals, Feminist films, Films about magic and magicians, Films based on mythology, Film d'animation mettant en scène un animal, Witches in film, Political films, Children's films, Mythologie d'Afrique de l'Ouest
Actors Ryūnosuke Kamiki, Maimouna N'Diaye, Robert Liensol, William Nadylam, Sébastien Hébrant, Rémi Bichet

In a little village somewhere in West Africa, a boy named Kirikou is born in a spectacular way. But he's not a normal boy, since he can speak and walk immediately after being born. He is also very determined. His mother tells him that an evil sorceress has dried up their spring and devoured all the males of the village except for one. Hence the tiny Kirikou decides to accompany the last warrior, his uncle, to visit the sorceress. Kirikou tricks the sorceress and saves his uncle, by waiting inside his uncle's hat, and pretending that it was magic. He saved the children from being kidnapped by the sorceress' boat, which sped off towards Karaba, and saved them later again from the sorceress' tree, which closed it branches, and once again sped off towards Karaba. Next, he bursts the monster who was drinking all the village's water. He then travels to ask his wise old grandfather about the sorceress, and faces many obstacles in the process. The grandfather finds that Kirikou is always asking questions, which is a good thing. The grandfather tells him that she is evil because she suffers: bad men put a poisoned thorn in her back. On the way to Karaba, Kirikou makes friends, who each in turn, give him presents, after he saves them from the skunk. Kirikou manages to trick the sorceress and removes the thorn, he also manages to take the gold, and return it to the rightful owners. The sorceress is cured. She kisses Kirikou and he becomes an adult. Love reigns. When they arrive back at the village, no one believes that the sorceress is cured, and only do they believe Kirikou, when a procession of drummers arrive. It turns out Karaba did not eat them, just turned them into watchmen, and other obedient objects.
Halloweentown, 1h24
Directed by Duwayne Dunham
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Horror
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Witches in film, Children's films
Actors Debbie Reynolds, Judith Hoag, Kimberly J. Brown, Joey Zimmerman, Emily Roeske, Phillip Van Dyke

The film begins with Marnie Cromwell (Kimberly J. Brown) and her mother, Gwen (Judith Hoag), arguing over why she and her younger siblings Dylan (Joey Zimmerman) and Sophie (Emily Roeske) can never go out for Halloween and wanting to go to a costume party that the "whole world is going to." Gwen patiently explains, but with no detail, it is little surprise that Marnie still has a problem with her mom's order. Gwen has more or less restored order when her mother Aggie (Debbie Reynolds), who is an expert witch, shows up for her annual Halloween visit. The kids are happier to see Aggie than Gwen is, and it is soon shown why: Aggie openly encourages the kids to get more involved in all things Halloween, and Gwen is nearly powerless to stop her.
Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost, 1h10
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Horror comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Films about dogs, Witches in film, Comedy horror films, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Scott Innes, Mary Kay Bergman, Frank Welker, Betty Jean Ward, Tim Curry, Jennifer Hale

After Ben Ravencroft, a famous horror writer of whom Velma is a big fan, assists her and the Mystery, Inc. gang in solving a case at a museum, he invites them to his hometown, Oakhaven, Massachusetts. When they arrive, they find the town converted into a tourist attraction by Mayor Corey, complete with 17th-century replicas and attractions based on the alleged ghost of Sarah Ravencroft, an ancestor of Ben's who was persecuted as a witch and executed by the Puritan townspeople in 1657. Ben disputes this, claiming Sarah to be a Wiccan who used natural herbs to heal people and reveals for years he has been searching for Sarah's medical journal to prove her innocence.
House of the Wolf Man
Origin USA
Genres Horror
Themes Films about animals, Films about computing, Films about magic and magicians, Films based on science fiction novels, Wolves in film, Dracula films, Frankenstein films, Werewolves in film, Witches in film, Vampires in film, Cyberpunk films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Dustin Fitzsimons, John McGarr

Dr. Bela Reinhardt (Ron Chaney) is a mad doctor who has invited five people to his castle to determine which of them shall inherit his estate. He has arranged for a competition of sorts. The winner will be chosen by process of... elimination.
Incubus (2002)
, 1h28
Directed by Jesús Franco
Genres Erotic, Horror
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Witches in film
Actors Carsten Frank, Lina Romay

Un homme est tourmenté par son ex maitresse Lorna, une sorcière.