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Andrey Myagkov is a Actor born on 8 july 1938 at Saint Petersburg (Russie)

Andrey Myagkov

Andrey Myagkov
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Birth name Andrey Vasilyevich Myagkov
Birth 8 july 1938 at Saint Petersburg (Russie)
Death 18 february 2021 (at 82 years)
Awards USSR State Prize

Andrey Vasilyevich Myagkov (Russian: Андре́й Васи́льевич Мягко́в; born 8 July 1938, Leningrad, USSR) is a Soviet/Russian film and theater actor. He is best known for his roles in famous films directed by Eldar Ryazanov, such as The Irony of Fate (1975), Office Romance (1977), The Garage (1979) and A Cruel Romance (1984).


Andrey Myagkov was born on 8 July 1938 in Leningrad, USSR. His father, Vasily Myagkov, was a professor at Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University. Young Miagkov showed interest in theater and acting and participated in a drama club at high school. Upon his graduation from high school he chose to study chemistry and attended Leningrad Institute of Technology, graduating in 1960 as a chemical engineer. His first job was engineer-researcher at Leningrad State Institute of Plastics. At the same time he continued to play on stage as amateur actor.

In 1961 he entered the Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Art Theatre school. After graduation in 1964 Myagkov joined the Sovremennik Theatre in Moscow. There his stage partners were such notable Soviet actors as Oleg Yefremov, Yevgeniy Yevstigneyev, Galina Volchek, Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Dal, Igor Kvasha, Valentin Gaft. One of his first stage a play Uncle's dream (based on Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel of the same name) where he played the uncle. Was noticed by director Elem Klimov who offered him a role in a film Adventures of a Dentist (1965). His next work in cinema was a role of Alyosha in critically acclaimed The Brothers Karamazov (1969) based on Dostoevsky's eponymous novel, which made him known.

In 1975 he shot to stardom in the enormously popular comedy-drama film The Irony of Fate as a surgeon Zhenya Lukashin. In 1977 he starred in another Ryazanov's hit Office Romance as a timid statistisian Anatoly Novoseltsev, alongside with Alisa Freindlich, in which he also debuted as a singer. For both roles he was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. In 1978 he was named Best Actor by readers of Soviet Screen Magazine (Sovetsky Ekran).

In 1977 Myagkov left the Sovremennik Theatre and joined the Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT), where he debuted in the leading role as Zilov in Duck Hunt by Aleksandr Vampilov, and eventually established himself as a leading actor in many other stage productions.

His other notable films - Turbins' Days (1976) based on Mikhail Bulgakov's novel, The Garage (1980), Vertical Races (1983), A Cruel Romance (1984).

In 1990s Myagkov was concentrated on theatrical performances and worked as a professor at the Moscow Art Theatre school. In this period he starred in drama Mother (1990), Leonid Gaidai's comedy film Weather Is Good on Deribasovskaya, It Rains Again on Brighton Beach (1992), detective story Contact with Death (1998).

Myagkov played over 50 roles in film and on television. In 1989, Miagkov made his debut as director on the stage of Moscow Art Theatre with Goodnight, Mama (Spokoinoy nochi, Mama). In 2000 he directed a stageplay Retro.

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Andrey Myagkov (11 films)

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The Irony of Fate. The Sequel, 1h55
Directed by Timour Bekmambetov
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Actors Andrey Myagkov, Barbara Brylska, Yury Yakovlev, Constantin Khabenski, Elizaveta Boïarskaïa, Sergueï Bezroukov
Roles Evgeniy Lukashin
Rating50% 2.501682.501682.501682.501682.50168
The characters from the first film now have children, who have managed to get into the same situation as their parents many years ago. However, this story is not simply a remake of the original movie. Firstly, all of Lukashin's adventures were accidental, whereas here everything is done according to a plan thought up by Pavlik (a friend of Lukashin's). His idea is to help his friend Evgeniy with his loneliness. To this end, he dispatches Lukashin's son Kostya to Petersburg, where he acts in the same manner as his father 30 years ago. In flat 12 he meets Nadejda (who is actually the daughter of Nadejda from the first movie). She has a fiancé called Irakliy, a businessman. Kostantin's task is to lure Iracliy away from the flat, then wait for Nadejda's mother to come; he then makes her call Evgeniy Lukashin. Pavlik persuades Evgeniy to go to St. Petersburg. The plot becomes a story of two fights over a woman: Konstantin vs. Irakliy and Evgeniy vs. Ippolit. Finally Lukashins win the competition, because Irakliy turns out to be too dull for Nadya and Nadejda understands that she was never in love with Ippolit.
There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beach, 1h37
Directed by Leonid Gaïdaï
Genres Comedy, Action, Crime
Themes Gangster films
Actors Dmitri Kharatian, Kelly McGillis, Mamuka Kikaleishvili, Leonid Kouravliov, Andrey Myagkov, Emmanuil Vitorgan
Roles Uncle Misha/Artist
Rating59% 2.999722.999722.999722.999722.99972
The plot unfolds during the last years of the Soviet Union. The Cold War is over and the President of the United States and the General Secretary of the Soviet Union must meet for high-level diplomatic talks. However, the meeting is put at risk because of the extent of the criminal activities perpetuated by the Russian Mafia in the United States. A Mafioso named Rabinovich is even able to listen in on the phone lines between Washington and Moscow using a secret wiretap. Fedor Sokolov, a KGB agent and Mary Star, a CIA agent, must work together to take down the head of the Russian Mafia, nicknamed the "Artist" who appears in the guises of Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev, Khrushchev, Hitler, Peter the Great, Saddam Hussein, and Othello over the course of this screwball comedy.
A Cruel Romance, 2h25
Directed by Eldar Riazanov
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Historical, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Nikita Mikhalkov, Andrey Myagkov, Larissa Gouzeïeva, Alissa Freindlich, Alexei Petrenko, Alexeï Petrenko
Roles Karandyshev
Rating78% 3.942943.942943.942943.942943.94294
Dans une ville fictive de Briakhimov, sur les bords de la Volga, Kharita Ogoudalova, une veuve de souche noble ruinée, est sur le point de marier sa seconde fille Olga, à un prince de Tiflis. Sa fille ainée, Anna, déjà mariée vit à Monte-Carlo. Il lui reste à trouver un bon parti pour sa cadette, Larissa. Plusieurs prétendants se disputent ses faveurs, mais aucun ne présente un réel intérêt en vue d'un mariage. Un ami d'enfance, Vassili Vozhevatov bien que nourrissant les sentiments pour Larissa n'arrive pas à se décider à épouser une jeune fille sans dot. Son rival en amour Moki Knourov, est richissime mais déjà marié. Larissa quant à elle, est éprise d'un grand séducteur Sergueï Paratov, qui acculé à la faillite quitte la ville le temps d'arranger ses affaires comme il dit. Ne le voyant pas réapparaitre, désespérée, la jeune femme accepte la demande en mariage d'un modeste fonctionnaire, Youli Karandychev qui l'aime certes, mais l'agace avec sa petitesse d'esprit. Karandychev triomphant ainsi sur les autres de façon si parfaite tient aussitôt à donner un banquet pour marquer le coup, malgré les protestations de Larissa. Tous se retrouvent devant le pauvre buffet, y compris Paratov qui rentre de son expédition. La fête vire au désastre quand l'heureux fiancé se soule non sans l'aide d'un valet engagé par Paratov qui entre-temps réussit à convaincre Larissa de partir avec lui. Lorsque Karandychev sort pour chercher encore quelques bouteilles, tous s'enfuient pour se retrouver sur le bateau Lastotchka que Paratov vient de céder à Knourov pour des raisons financières. La joie de Larissa est de courte durée - son amoureux, après une nuit passée en sa compagnie, lui avoue être fiancée à une autre. Son désengagement fait reprendre l'espoir à Knourov et Vozhevatov, qui pour se départager la belle jouent à pile ou face. Knourov qui remporte propose à Larissa de lui accorder une pension somptueuse, qui ferait taire toutes les mauvaises langues, pour devenir sa maîtresse. À ce moment Karandychev rattrape le bateau et exige que Larissa reparte avec lui, mais elle trouve encore moins déshonorant d'accepter la proposition de Knouvor. Sur quoi le fiancé éconduit lui lance, «alors, tu n'appartiendras à personne», et la tue d'un coup de pistolet.
Postscript (1983)
, 1h38
Directed by Marlen Khoutsiev
Genres Drama
Actors Andrey Myagkov
Roles Viktor
Rating73% 3.6756853.6756853.6756853.6756853.675685
Âgé Alexei Borisovitch arrive à Moscou pour se rendre avec sa fille. Mais la fille est absente. À la maison reste seulement son gendre Victor. Quelques jours deux hommes si distinctifs passent ensemble.
The Garage
The Garage (1979)

Directed by Eldar Riazanov
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Iya Savvina, Lia Akhedjakova, Georgi Burkov, Svetlana Nemoliaïeva, Valentin Gaft, Andrey Myagkov
Roles Khvostov
Rating79% 3.989923.989923.989923.989923.98992
An automotive highway is scheduled to be built through the territory of a garage cooperative. A special meeting of the cooperative takes place to reduce the number of garages. As all was already decided and arranged by the chairholder and the board, the decision passes easily at the meeting. But one unexpected event happens - the meeting room's entrance has been locked by an anonymous member and the key is missing...
Office Romance, 2h31
Directed by Eldar Riazanov
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Melodrama, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Andrey Myagkov, Alissa Freindlich, Oleg Basilashvili, Svetlana Nemoliaïeva, Lyudmila Ivanova, Lia Akhedjakova
Roles Анатолий Ефремович Новосельцев
Rating81% 4.0960754.0960754.0960754.0960754.096075
The action takes place in Moscow in 1976. Anatoly Yefremovich Novoseltsev, a clumsy single father of two sons, works at a statistical bureau. His boss is a strict unmarried woman, Ludmila Prokofievna Kalugina, nicknamed "our frump" by her subordinates. She has some self-confidence problems, hidden behind her gloomy humorless demeanor and plain old-fashioned look. Novoseltsev’s colleagues consider him as a smart and experienced worker. He dreams about a promotion and a raise that would help him provide for his children, but he is too timid to talk to his boss about it. His former classmate and old friend, Yuri Grigorievich Samokhvalov, recently appointed assistant manager of the institution, suggests appointing Novoseltsev as a head of the light industry department, but Kalugina rejects it believing that Novoseltsev is not good enough for the position. Then, following Samokhvalov's advice, Novoseltsev unwillingly tries to flirt with "the Frump" at a party in Samokhvalov's apartment in order to "get into contact" with her. Feeling extremely uneasy he tries in vain to make conversation with her - talks about random things such as picking berries and mushrooms, reads poetry, shows off his singing and dancing abilities (in a very comical way), but Kalugina gets annoyed and severely criticizes all his attempts to impress her. Eventually Novoseltsev becomes frustrated, flares up and tells Kalugina right in her face that he considers her dry, inhuman and heartless.
Days of the Turbins, 3h43
Directed by Vladimir Bassov
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Themes Politique, Political films
Actors Andrey Myagkov, Andreï Rostotski, Valentina Titova, Oleg Basilashvili, Vasily Lanovoy, Vladimir Bassov
Roles Aleksei Turbin
Rating77% 3.8582153.8582153.8582153.8582153.858215
L'histoire se déroule à Kiev en hiver 1918-1919. Le régime de hetmanat Skoropadsky est remplacé par le directoire d'Ukraine. Puis, c'est Symon Petlioura qui arrive au pouvoir avant d'être chassé par les bolcheviks. Le colonel Aleksei Tourbine et son frère junker Nikolaï restent fidèles au mouvement des blancs et sont prêts à le défendre au péril de leur vie. Le mari de leur sœur Elena, Vladimir Talberg, abandonne lâchement la maison et la famille pour partir avec les allemands qui quittent la ville. Trois amis des Tourbine, les officiers Leonid Chervinski, Viktor Mychlaïevski et Alexandre Stoudzinski leur rendent visite. En leur compagnie la famille s'apprête à fêter le Nouvel an. À ce moment arrive un jeune homme Lariossik, un cousin qui vient chercher refuge chez eux. Ensuite, Aleksei et Nikolaï Tourbine rejoignent leur unité. Dans l'affrontement avec les troupes de l'Armée populaire ukrainienne de Petlioura, Aleksei périt alors que Nikolai, gravement blessé, est ramené chez lui par Mychlaïevski. L'avenir des autres Tourbine réunis dans l'appartement familial et de leurs amis reste incertain.
The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!, 3h4
Directed by Eldar Riazanov
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Actors Andrey Myagkov, Barbara Brylska, Alexandre Schirwindt, Alexander Belyavsky, Georgi Burkov, Yury Yakovlev
Roles Женя Лукашин
Rating80% 4.043084.043084.043084.043084.04308
The key subplot is the drab uniformity of Brezhnev era public architecture. This is made explicit in a humorous animated prologue, in which architects are overruled by politicians and red tape. This results in the entire planet being polluted with identical, unimaginative multistory apartment buildings of the sort that can, in fact, be found in every city, town, and suburb across the former Soviet Union. These buildings are uniform right down to the door key of each apartment. The rest of the film is live-action.
Adventures of a Dentist, 1h22
Directed by Elem Klimov
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Andrey Myagkov, Alissa Freindlich, Olga Gobzeva, Igor Kvacha, Valentin Nikouline
Rating68% 3.4257853.4257853.4257853.4257853.425785
A dentist is derided (and eventually has his life ruined) by his colleagues for his natural talent of painlessly pulling out teeth.