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Yury Yakovlev is a Actor and Story Russe born on 25 april 1928 at Moscow (Russie)

Yury Yakovlev

Yury Yakovlev
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Birth name Yury Vasilyevich Yakovlev
Nationality Russie
Birth 25 april 1928 at Moscow (Russie)
Death 30 november 2013 (at 85 years) at Moscow (Russie)
Awards Народны артыст РСФСР, Order For Merit to the Fatherland, People's Artist of the USSR, Order of Lenin, USSR State Prize, Order of the Red Banner of Labour, Памятная медаль «150-летие А. П. Чехова», Заслужаны артыст РСФСР, State Prize of the Russian Federation

Yury Vasilyevich Yakovlev (Russian: Ю́рий Васи́льевич Я́ковлев; 25 April 1928 – 30 November 2013) was one of the most popular and critically acclaimed Soviet film actors. He was named People's Artist of the USSR in 1976.


Youri Yakovlev naît dans la famille d'un juriste moscovite en 1928. La famille est évacuée à Oufa au déclenchement de la Grande Guerre patriotique et retourne à Moscou en 1943. Il prend des cours du soir et travaille dans un garage comme mécanicien. Il entre à l'institut national de la cinématographie, mais il n'est pas diplômé et finalement suit les cours de l'institut théâtral Chtchoukine, notamment auprès de Cécilia Mansourova (1896-1976). Il en sort diplômé en 1952 et entre au théâtre académique Vakhtangov. Il fait ses premiers pas au cinéma en 1955. Son premier rôle marquant est celui du prince Mychkine en 1958 dans L'Idiot d'Ivan Pyriev, d'après Dostoïevski, qui a été vu par 31 millions de spectateurs. Le film L'Ironie du sort, sorti en 1975 en URSS, et dont il joue le rôle masculin principal, est l'un des plus grands succès de l'histoire du cinéma soviétique (250 millions d'entrées et de téléspectateurs l'année de sa sortie) qui passe souvent à la télévision autour du Nouvel An.
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Yury Yakovlev (23 films)

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The Irony of Fate. The Sequel, 1h55
Directed by Timour Bekmambetov
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Actors Andrey Myagkov, Barbara Brylska, Yury Yakovlev, Constantin Khabenski, Elizaveta Boïarskaïa, Sergueï Bezroukov
Roles Ippolit Georgievich
Rating50% 2.501682.501682.501682.501682.50168
The characters from the first film now have children, who have managed to get into the same situation as their parents many years ago. However, this story is not simply a remake of the original movie. Firstly, all of Lukashin's adventures were accidental, whereas here everything is done according to a plan thought up by Pavlik (a friend of Lukashin's). His idea is to help his friend Evgeniy with his loneliness. To this end, he dispatches Lukashin's son Kostya to Petersburg, where he acts in the same manner as his father 30 years ago. In flat 12 he meets Nadejda (who is actually the daughter of Nadejda from the first movie). She has a fiancé called Irakliy, a businessman. Kostantin's task is to lure Iracliy away from the flat, then wait for Nadejda's mother to come; he then makes her call Evgeniy Lukashin. Pavlik persuades Evgeniy to go to St. Petersburg. The plot becomes a story of two fights over a woman: Konstantin vs. Irakliy and Evgeniy vs. Ippolit. Finally Lukashins win the competition, because Irakliy turns out to be too dull for Nadya and Nadejda understands that she was never in love with Ippolit.
Kin-dza-dza!, 2h15
Directed by Gueorgui Danielia
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Comedy, Adventure, Comic science fiction
Themes Space adventure films, Comedy science fiction films, Political films, Dystopian films, Steampunk films, Space opera
Actors Stanislav Lyubshin, Evgueni Leonov, Yury Yakovlev, Levan Gabriadze
Roles Bee - The Wandering Patsak Singer
Rating78% 3.9478653.9478653.9478653.9478653.947865
The film is set in 1980s Moscow. Standing right in the city centre on Kalinin Prospekt, a barefoot man dressed in a tattered coat appeals to anyone with a strange request: "Tell me the number of your planet in the tenture? Or least the number of your galaxy in the spiral?". Random passers-by, two Soviet citizens previously unknown to each other ("Uncle Vova", a gruff construction foreman from Moscow, Vladimir Mashkov, and a "Violinist", a student from Georgia, Gedevan Aleksidze), start a conversation with him, during which the stranger shows them an alien teleportation device – "traveller". The foreman Mashkov holds out his hand to the device and, despite the stranger's warnings, presses a random button. Suddenly Uncle Vova and the violinist find themselves alone on the desert planet "Pluke" in the "Kin-dza-dza" galaxy. From that point on, the movie describes their long quest to find a way back home.
Battle of Moscow, 5h58
Directed by Youri Ozerov
Genres Drama, War
Themes Political films
Actors Olegar Fedoro, Juozas Budraitis, Lev Prygunov, Aleksandre Filippenko, Bruno Freindlich, Yury Yakovlev
Rating72% 3.630873.630873.630873.630873.63087
In the aftermath of the victory in France, Hitler decides to attack the Soviet Union and selects Marshal von Bock in charge of leading Army Group Center of the Wehrmacht into Russia. Ilse Stöbe, Rudolf von Scheliha and Richard Sorge inform of the danger, but the Soviet intelligence dismisses their warnings. Zhukov is concerned that the army is ill-prepared; Pavlov decries him as a fear-monger. The Red Army officers are convinced that in the event of an invasion, they would immediately counter-attack. On 22 June 1941 Germany launches Operation Barbarossa, overwhelming the Soviets.
Destiny (1977)

Directed by Yevgeny Semyonovich Matveyev
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Actors Olga Ostroumova, Yevgeny Semyonovich Matveyev, Yury Yakovlev, Irina Skobtseva, Viktor Khokhryakov, Georgi Yumatov
Roles Tikhon Bryukhanov, regional committee secretary
Rating73% 3.696823.696823.696823.696823.69682
The love story of married chairman of kolkhoz Zakhar Deryugin to young woman Mannya Polivanova during a
The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!, 3h4
Directed by Eldar Riazanov
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Actors Andrey Myagkov, Barbara Brylska, Alexandre Schirwindt, Alexander Belyavsky, Georgi Burkov, Yury Yakovlev
Roles Ипполит Георгиевич
Rating80% 4.043084.043084.043084.043084.04308
The key subplot is the drab uniformity of Brezhnev era public architecture. This is made explicit in a humorous animated prologue, in which architects are overruled by politicians and red tape. This results in the entire planet being polluted with identical, unimaginative multistory apartment buildings of the sort that can, in fact, be found in every city, town, and suburb across the former Soviet Union. These buildings are uniform right down to the door key of each apartment. The rest of the film is live-action.
Earthy Love
Directed by Yevgeny Semyonovich Matveyev
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Actors Olga Ostroumova, Yevgeny Semyonovich Matveyev, Yury Yakovlev, Irina Skobtseva, Viktor Khokhryakov, Lyubov Sokolova
Roles Тихон
Rating74% 3.7066753.7066753.7066753.7066753.706675
The love story of married chairman of kolkhoz Zakhar Deryugin to young woman Mannya Polivanova during a
Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession, 1h33
Directed by Leonid Gaïdaï
Origin Russie
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Comic science fiction
Themes Théâtre, L'usurpation d'identité, Time travel films, Comedy science fiction films, Films based on plays, Escroquerie
Actors Yury Yakovlev, Leonid Kouravliov, Alexandre Demianenko, Natalya Seleznyova, Vladimir Etouch, Natalia Kratchkovskaïa
Roles царь Иван Васильевич Грозный / управдом Иван Васильевич Бунша
Rating81% 4.0962454.0962454.0962454.0962454.096245
The story begins in 1973 Moscow, where Engineer Aleksandr (Shurik) Timofeev (Aleksandr Demyanenko) is working on a time machine in his apartment. By accident, he sends Ivan Vasilevich Bunsha (Yuri Yakovlev), superintendent of his apartment building, and George Miloslavsky (Leonid Kuravlev), a small-time burglar, back into the time of Ivan IV "The Terrible". The pair is forced to disguise themselves, with Bunsha dressing up as Ivan IV and Miloslavsky as a knyaz of the same name. At the same time, the real Ivan IV (also played by Yuri Yakovlev) is sent by the same machine into Shurik's apartment, he has to deal with modern-day life while Shurik tries to fix the machine so that everyone can be brought back to their proper place in time. Superintendent Bunsha and Tzar Ivan IV the Terrible are lookalikes but have completely different personalities, which results in funny situations of mistaken identity. As the police (tipped off by a neighbor who was burgled by Miloslavsky) close in on Shurik, who is frantically trying to repair the machine, the cover of Bunsha and Miloslavsky is blown and they have to fight off the Streltsy, who have figured out that Bunsha is an impostor. The movie ends with Bunsha, Miloslavsky, and Ivan IV all transported back to their proper places, although the entire episode is revealed to be a dream by Shurik.
The Past-Master, 1h5
Directed by Petar B. Vasilev
Genres Comedy
Actors Kiril Gospodinov, Yuriy Yakovlev (Bulgarian actor), Yury Yakovlev
Rating82% 4.1044.1044.1044.1044.104
A research worker Robespier Galabov (Yakovlev) lives with his family in a small communal flat with shared kitchen and dreams about a self-contained home. Galabov meet Rangel Lelin (Gospodinov), the well-known amidst the localities as the past-master, when he realized that the new municipal apartment they apply for won't be ready in the next decade. The Past-Master promises to build the private house in a month. After starting the construction, Rangel Lelin constantly blackmail Galabov for more money through treat of "putting the hat".
The Seagull, 1h40
Directed by Youli Karassik
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Alla Demidova, Lioudmila Savelieva, Nikolai Plotnikov, Yury Yakovlev, Armen Djigarkhanian
Roles Trigorin
Rating69% 3.470093.470093.470093.470093.47009
Le film de Youli Karassik reprend les principales lignes de l'œuvre de Tchekhov. L'action se déroule au bord d'un lac dans la propriété de Sorine : ses convives s'apprêtent à assister à la représentation d'une pièce écrite par son neveu, Treplev. L'interprète principale, c'est Nina Zaretchnaïa, dont est éperdument amoureux Treplev. Parmi les invités, des personnalités célèbres comme la mère de Treplev, l'actrice Irina Arkadina, et l'écrivain Boris Trigorine, tous deux amants… Pour Nina comme pour Treplev le spectacle revêt une importance considérable, car, tous deux, rêvent d'une belle carrière. Mais, les spectateurs sont distraits, et Arkadina parle, à voix basse, de décadence. Blessé dans son orgueil, Treplev interrompt la représentation… Ensuite, Treplev, se sentant humilié et déconsidéré, dépose une mouette qu'il vient d'abattre aux pieds de Nina et lui annonce : « Je me tuerai de la même façon. » (Acte II) Plus tard, l'écrivain Trigorine, serrant son carnet, séduit Nina et confesse à la jeune femme : « Un sujet me vient à l'esprit... celui d'un petit conte : au bord d'un lac vit depuis son enfance une jeune fille... telle que vous. Elle aime ce lac comme une mouette, comme une mouette elle est heureuse et libre. Mais un homme arrive, par hasard, et, par désœuvrement, la fait périr, comme on a fait périr cette mouette. » C'est, peu après, la séparation, les adieux, en oubliant les discordes avec le gérant. Deux ans plus tard, on se retrouve dans la même demeure. Treplev habite encore là. Celui-ci est, à présent, un écrivain reconnu.
Old Men: Robbers, 1h27
Directed by Eldar Riazanov
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Crime
Actors Yuri Nikulin, Eldar Riazanov, Yevgeniy Yevstigneyev, Olga Arosseva, Georgi Burkov, Andreï Mironov
Roles Голос за кадром
Rating73% 3.6936753.6936753.6936753.6936753.693675
Old detective Nikolay Myachikov is being retired by his boss Fedyaev. The official version is that Myachikov solved no crimes during last two months. But the real reason is that Fedyaev's boss wants Myachikov's position to go to another man, Proskudin.
The Blue Bird, 53minutes
Directed by Vassili Livanov
Genres Fantasy, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films based on plays
Actors Yury Yakovlev, Lia Akhedjakova, Rina Zelionaïa, Vassili Livanov
Roles Voice
Rating66% 3.310933.310933.310933.310933.31093
Action begins in the big modern capitalist city. In search of food in the market the boy rescues a homeless Dog from the cruel seller. For it the old woman passing by who appeared the fairy gives it the Bluebird of happiness whom it is impossible neither to sell, nor to buy, but it is possible to present. He hides it on an attic among old things then to show it to the little sister.
Subject for a Short Story, 1h26
Directed by Sergueï Ioutkevitch
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Biography, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about writers
Actors Marina Vlady, Nikolai Grinko, Iya Savvina, Yury Yakovlev, Rolan Bykov, Evgueni Lebedev
Roles Ignatiy Potapenko
Rating67% 3.3923753.3923753.3923753.3923753.392375
Anton Tchekhov se remémore la passion qu'il éprouva, avant son mariage avec l'actrice Olga Knipper, pour la chanteuse Lika Mizinova qui lui inspira plus tard le personnage de Nina de sa pièce La Mouette.