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Dean Shek is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter, Producer, Assistant Director, Theme Song Performance and Second Unit Chinois born on 17 october 1949

Dean Shek

Dean Shek
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Birth name Lau Wai-sing
Nationality Chine
Birth 17 october 1949
Death 31 october 2021 (at 72 years)
Creator of Cinema City & Films Co.
Creator of Cinema City Enterprises

Dean Shek (sometimes written Shek Tien) aka Dean Shek Tin (born 17 October 1950) is a veteran Hong Kong feature film actor and film producer with over 92 films acting credits to his name. Shek is perhaps best known as Professor Kai-hsien in 1978 film Drunken Master and Snooker in 1990 film Dragon from Russia.


Né à Pékin en 1950 d'une famille originaire de Tianjin, Shek émigre à Hong Kong avec sa famille à l'âge de 3 ans. Il est scolarisé au collège anglais catholique Shung Tak avant d’étudier le cinéma, le théâtre et le doublage dans le programme de formation d'acteurs de la Shaw Brothers en 1968.

Il commence sa carrière d'acteur pour le studio la même année, apparaissant pour la première fois dans le film Killer Darts (1968). Il reçoit des rôles plus importants comme dans des comédies musicales telles que The Singing Killer, des films romantiques comme A Time For Love (1970), des comédies comme The Human Goddess (1972) et des films d'arts martiaux comme The Fists of Vengeance (1972).

Shek quitte la Shaw Brothers en 1973. La même année, il apparaît dans La Rage du vainqueur, le premier film avec Jackie Chan dans le rôle principal. Il fait ses débuts comme réalisateur en 1975 avec The Monk , et travaille comme assistant réalisateur sur Black Alice (1975), A Queen's Ransom (1976), et Le Moine d'Acier (1977).

À la fin des années 1970, Shek continue de travailler avec Jackie Chan et Sammo Hung sur des films de kung-fu, dont Broken Oath (1977), Warriors Two (1978), Le Chinois se déchaîne (1978), Le Maître chinois (1978), Odd Couple (1979) et Dance of the Drunk Mantis (1979).

Shek est crédité comme producteur de 22 films, dont la plupart avec la société de production Cinema City, qu'il a co-fondé avec Karl Maka et Raymond Wong en 1980. Durant les années 1980, il apparaît dans des films d'action, policiers et des comédies comme Mad Mission et Le Syndicat du crime 2 de John Woo. Il réalise également quatre films au cours de la période qui sont The Perfect Wife?! (1983), A Family Affair (1984), Kung Hei Fat Choy (1985) et The Family Strikes Back (1986), qui sont tous des succès au box-office.

Shek tient son dernier rôle dans le film d'action The Raid en 1991. En 1992, il prend sa retraite à l'âge de 42 ans, après avoir produit le film d'horreur fantastique Angel Hunter.

Shek a récemment fait une apparition dans le film The Bodyguard en 2016, de et avec Sammo Hung.

Usually with

Karl Maka
Karl Maka
(24 films)
Sammo Hung
Sammo Hung
(13 films)
Tsui Hark
Tsui Hark
(14 films)
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
(16 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Dean Shek (69 films)

Display filmography as list


The Bodyguard
Directed by Sammo Hung
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films
Actors Sammo Hung, Andy Lau, Hu Jun, Dean Shek, Karl Maka, Tsui Hark
Roles Old Man A
Rating58% 2.949952.949952.949952.949952.94995
Un garde du corps à la retraite se repose dans une petite ville aux limites de la frontière entre la Chine et la Russie. Il se lie d’amitié avec une jeune fille dont la vie est menacée par son père, qui a des liens avec la criminalité locale. Lorsque la fille et son père disparaissent, le garde du corps s’embarque dans une escapade violente afin de démanteler la mafia locale et de sauver la petite-fille.
The Bodyguard, 1h39
Directed by Sammo Hung
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Action, Crime
Actors Sammo Hung, Andy Lau, Tsui Hark, Karl Maka, Dean Shek, Yuen Biao
Roles Old Man A
Rating58% 2.949952.949952.949952.949952.94995
Dans les années 2000, dans une petite ville chinoise frontalière avec la Russie, un vieil homme appelé Ding (Sammo Hung) est témoin d'un meurtre au couteau par un gang, Mais lorsqu'il est convoqué par la police pour identifier le suspect, il hésite et n'arrive pas à le faire. La police enquête sur ses antécédents et découvre qu'il travaillait autrefois au Bureau central de sécurité du Parti communiste chinois à Pékin, et elle suppose qu'il souffre aujourd'hui de démence. De retour chez lui, Ding est invité à dîner par sa propriétaire, Park (Li Qinqin), une vieille dame séduite par lui. Ding, de son côté, s’occupe souvent d’une petite fille du quartier, Cherry (Jacqueline Chan), dont le père, Li (Andy Lau), est un joueur compulsif.
The Raid
The Raid (1991)
, 1h40
Directed by Tsui Hark, Ching Siu-tung
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, War, Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films
Actors Jacky Cheung, Ching Siu-tung, Paul Chun, Corey Yuen, Tony Leung Ka-fai, Dean Shek
Roles Dr. Choy
Rating58% 2.9477152.9477152.9477152.9477152.947715
During the early years of the Republic of China, Qing emperor Puyi was controlled by the Japanese and he established the Manchurian government in the north, with Japanese Commander Mesa and Yoshiko Kawashima.
The Dragon from Russia, 1h36
Origin Hong kong
Genres Martial arts, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films
Actors Maggie Cheung, Carrie Ng, Nina Li Chi, Rachel Lee, Loletta Lee, Sun Xing
Roles Snooker
Rating55% 2.7528252.7528252.7528252.7528252.752825
Yao Lung and May Yip are orphans who live in Russia with their adoptive family. Through the years, the two fall in love and promise that they will be together forever. One fateful day, Yao witnesses a murder being committed by a mysterious assassin. Shortly after this, he is captured and brainwashed by a mysterious cult of assassins call themselves "800 Dragons".
They Came to Rob Hong Kong, 1h39
Origin Hong kong
Genres Comedy, Action, Crime, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Heist films
Actors Dean Shek, Chingmy Yau, Roy Cheung, Sandra Ng, Eric Tsang, Stanley Fung
Roles Sherlock False
Rating57% 2.8801152.8801152.8801152.8801152.880115
Mao Yiu-tung (Roy Cheung) is a Hong Kong criminal who escaped from a team of female cops led by Shang (Kara Hui) to Mainland China. There, he recruits a team to go with him to Hong Kong to rob a bank. The team consists of two conmen doctors Ken (Eric Tsang and Yuen (Stanley Fung), a singer named Leslie Cheung (Liu Wai-hung), a dancer and martial artist Bruce Hung (Chin Siu-ho), and two cops Sherlock False (Dean Shek) and Monroe (Sandra Ng). Jenny (Chingmy Yau) is a teacher who teaches the team about Hong Kong's society
A Better Tomorrow II, 1h45
Directed by John Woo
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Gangster films
Actors Chow Yun-fat, Dean Shek, Ti Lung, Leslie Cheung, Emily Chu, Regina Kent
Roles Lung Sei
Rating71% 3.5976453.5976453.5976453.5976453.597645
Several years after the events of A Better Tomorrow, Sung Tse-ho (Ti Lung) is offered early parole by the police in exchange for spying on his former boss and mentor, Lung Sei (Dean Shek), who is suspected of heading a counterfeiting operation. Inspector Wu (Lau Siu-ming), the leader of the crime task force, wants to mark his retirement with the capture of a high profile criminal like Lung.
Peking Opera Blues, 1h44
Directed by Tsui Hark
Origin Hong kong
Genres Comedy, Action
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Cherie Chung, Sally Yeh, Paul Chun, Wu Ma, Kenneth Tsang Wing Kong, Mark Cheng
Rating72% 3.6417653.6417653.6417653.6417653.641765
The film is set in 1913 Beijing, during Yuan Shikai's presidency of the country. It depicts the adventures of a team of unlikely heroines: Tsao Wan (Brigitte Lin), a patriotic rebel who dresses as a man; Sheung Hung (Cherie Chung), a woman in search of a missing box of jewels; and Bai Niu (Sally Yeh), the daughter of a Peking Opera impresario.
Magic Crystal, 1h35
Directed by Wong Jing
Origin Hong kong
Genres Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Andy Lau, Sharla Cheung, Cynthia Rothrock, Richard Norton, Natalis Chan, Wong Jing
Rating61% 3.099513.099513.099513.099513.09951
Andy Lo (Andy Lau), Pin-pin (Siu Ban-ban) et Pancho se rendent en Grèce pour retrouver leur ami disparu Shen. Ils découvrent qu'il était suivi à la fois par le KGB et par Interpol après qu'il ait découvert une pierre mystérieuse lors de fouille archéologique. Après une série d'événements désagréables, Andy retourne à Hong Kong avec la pierre qui s'avère être une forme de vie extraterrestre. Pendant ce temps, Karov (Richard Norton), un magicien maléfique, est déterminé à mettre la main sur la pierre, quoi qu’il en coûte.
The Family Strikes Back, 1h25
Directed by Dean Shek
Origin Hong kong
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films
Actors Dean Shek, Kwan Tak-hing, 黎姿 (en anglais : Gigi Lai, lychee, JJ. ), Roy Chiao, Lee Heung-kam
Roles Shek La-mai

Professor Kiu (Roy Chiao) is a mad scientist who developed mental disorders from grieving the death of his son, who succumbed to AIDS. Kiu orders his assistants to kidnap homosexual men to his lab, located in a private container on a vessel, for experiments. Police inspector Uncle Wah (Cho Tat-wah) had sent his subordinates to gather evidence in the vessel, but failed to find any.
Kung Hei Fat Choy, 1h32
Directed by Dean Shek
Origin Hong kong
Genres Comedy
Actors Dean Shek, George Lam Chi Cheung, Alan Tam, Ann Bridgewater, Karl Maka, Tsui Hark
Roles Mr. Fung
Rating60% 3.0065553.0065553.0065553.0065553.006555
Money God was being naughty in heaven and as a punishment, he was sent to Earth to do good deeds for humans. On Earth, he meets Fung, a restaurant owner and his son Ben. Money God guides Fung to success and his business begins to rise while also helping him fend off loan shark Mo. At the same time, Money God tries to woo Fung's younger sister Ellen. Later, Mo learns of the Money God and unsuccessfully tries to exploit him. As his popularity spreads across Hong Kong, cops, triads and ghost-busters start trailing the Money God.
Deadly Strike, 1h36
Directed by Liu Chia-liang, Gordon Liu, Godfrey Ho
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Thriller, Martial arts, Action, Horror, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Dean Shek, Gordon Liu, Alan Tam, Paul Chun, Simon Wong, Lo Wei
Roles Cheung Tsai
Rating54% 2.7142.7142.7142.7142.714
To Tsao-chan is a warlord who risked his life to escape from the army. He rushes home and outside his house he sees three men running for the door. To hurried into his house and sees his mother and ten-year-old sister killed while his older sister is also injured. His neighbor Siu Sam-chi's right eye was also wounded. Then the dying Sam interprets the incident to To that three thieves passed by and was fascinated by the beauty of To's sister and then proceeded to gang rape her, while his mother and younger sister was yelling and the thieves killed the two. Sam tries to come by to help but was injured by the thieves. Sam dies after finishing his last sentence. To has a strong heart and have concluded who the murderer is.
City Hero
City Hero (1985)
, 1h33
Origin Hong kong
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Action
Actors Dean Shek, Mark Cheng, Michael Wong, Lee Heung-kam, Billy Lau, Ku Feng
Roles Instructor Lee
Rating56% 2.8280252.8280252.8280252.8280252.828025
Five young and idealistic policemen, nicknamed Bravo (Mark Cheng), Rambo (Anthony Tang), Superstition (Bennett Pang), Wealthy (Michael Wong) and Old Bachelor (Billy Lau) are tired of their jobs and are determined to join the Special Duties Unit. Instructor Lee (Dean Shek) demands discipline, efficiency and obedience. Despite the hostility and hardships, the young officers begin to realize that Instructor Lee is passionate at heart. Eventually, they all respect him for his devotion and inspiration. During Christmas night, they are summoned to an emergency assignment. A dozen of innocent citizen are held as hostages. The death of Bravo in their first successful mission sadden their high spirit and celebrating mood.
Fearless Hyena 2, 1h32
Directed by Jackie Chan, Lo Wei
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Martial arts, Comedy, Kung fu, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Jackie Chan, Dean Shek, James Tien
Roles Shek Earth
Rating50% 2.5157452.5157452.5157452.5157452.515745
Two cousins, Ching Lung (Jackie Chan) and Tung (Austin Wai), get together to avenge the death of their fathers, who were killed by two rivals.
The Perfect Wife?!, 1h35
Directed by Dean Shek
Origin Hong kong
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy
Actors Dean Shek, Eric Tsang, Paul Chun, Raymond Wong Pak-ming, Sheila Chan, May Lo
Roles Dean Shek
Rating57% 2.878952.878952.878952.878952.87895
Dean Shek is flirty lawyer and expert at dealing with divorce cases who also likes to fool around with married women. One day, he attends the wedding of his friend Bluffer Wong and suddenly thinks about starting a family. Because of his lack of confidence in Hong Kong women, he asks someone to find a woman for him in mainland China and then transform her into his ideal wife. One day, Shek's cousin James Dean comes crying to him saying his fiance left him for another man. Under Dean's encouragement, James seeks a new lover but finds interest in Dean's wife Chu. Chu is moved by James' gentleness and leaves Dean.
Aces Go Places, 1h33
Directed by Eric Tsang
Origin Hong kong
Genres Comedy, Action
Actors Karl Maka, Sylvia Chang, Chan Sing, George Lam Chi Cheung, Dean Shek, Tsui Hark
Roles Gigolo Joe
Rating65% 3.296473.296473.296473.296473.29647
A suave, smooth burglar named King Kong tries to make up for his thieving ways by teaming up with an Albert 'Baldy' Au, a bumbling Taishanese police detective from the United States. Both work together to try to find a set of stolen diamonds; the diamonds are also being tracked by a European criminal known as 'White Gloves'. The two heroes are supervised by Superintendent Nancy Ho, who has a temper.