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Delphine Chuillot is a Actor French born on 1 january 1973

Delphine Chuillot

Delphine Chuillot
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Nationality France
Birth 1 january 1973 (52 years)

Delphine Chuillot est une actrice française.

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Filmography of Delphine Chuillot (19 films)

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A Paris Education, 2h17
Directed by Jean Paul Civeyrac
Origin France
Genres Drama
Actors Corentin Fila, Diane Rouxel, Jenna Thiam, Sophie Verbeeck, Valentine Catzéflis, Nicolas Bouchaud
Rating63% 3.188673.188673.188673.188673.18867
Venant de Lyon, Étienne découvre l'exubérance romanesque de la capitale. Il suit des études de cinéma à l'université Paris 8. Il fait la connaissance d'étudiantes et d'étudiants dont Jean-Noël et Mathias, qui comme lui, sont passionnés par le septième art.
Chacun pour tous, 1h33
Directed by Vianney Lebasque
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Actors Ahmed Sylla, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Camélia Jordana, Olivier Barthélémy, David Boring, Delphine Chuillot
Roles Hélène
Rating61% 3.061363.061363.061363.061363.06136
Un entraîneur d'une équipe de basketteurs déficients mentaux décide, pour les Jeux paralympiques, de tricher en incorporant dans l'effectif des joueurs valides.
Simon & Théodore
Directed by Mikaël Buch
Genres Drama
Actors Félix Moati, Mélanie Bernier, Audrey Lamy, Philippe Rebbot, Delphine Chuillot
Rating60% 3.042513.042513.042513.042513.04251
Simon Weiser, jeune trentenaire fantasque, est sur le point d'être père. Théodore, adolescent colérique, ne connaît pas le sien. La rencontre entre ces deux personnalités hors normes va faire des étincelles.
Astragal (2015)
, 1h36
Directed by Brigitte Sy
Origin France
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Bisexuality-related films, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Leïla Bekhti, Reda Kateb, Esther Garrel, India Hair, Jean-Benoît Ugeux, Jocelyne Desverchère
Roles Catherine
Rating57% 2.8986752.8986752.8986752.8986752.898675
Une nuit d’avril 1957. Albertine, 19 ans, saute du mur de la prison où elle purge une peine pour braquage. Dans sa chute, elle se brise l’os du pied : l’astragale. Elle est secourue par Julien, repris de justice, qui l’emmène et la cache chez une amie à Paris. Pendant qu’il mène sa vie de malfrat en province, elle réapprend à marcher dans la capitale. Julien est arrêté et emprisonné. Seule et recherchée par la police, elle se prostitue pour survivre et, de planque en planque, de rencontre en rencontre, lutte au prix de toutes les audaces pour sa fragile liberté et pour supporter la douloureuse absence de Julien…
Best in Bed, 1h31
Directed by Delphine de Vigan
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films
Actors Laurence Arné, Éric Elmosnino, Valérie Bonneton, Didier Bezace, Julia Faure, François Morel
Roles Catherine
Rating46% 2.3361852.3361852.3361852.3361852.336185
Emma (Laurence Arné), jeune femme dynamique à qui tout réussit et élevée par son père dans le culte de la performance, remet en question ses compétences en matière de sexualité à la suite d'un retour très négatif de son dernier partenaire. Dès lors, elle décide de devenir le meilleur coup de Paris... et de façon très méthodique, avec un plan d'action scientifique (théorie, travaux pratiques, validation des acquis..) : pour ce faire elle rencontrera un sexologue, une escort girl et un acteur porno, avant de réaliser que les choses ne sont pas si simples...
Age of Uprising: The Legend of Michael Kohlhaas, 2h2
Directed by Arnaud des Pallières
Origin France
Genres Drama, Historical
Actors Mads Mikkelsen, Bruno Ganz, Paul Bartel, Delphine Chuillot, Denis Lavant, David Bennent
Roles Judith
Rating60% 3.048033.048033.048033.048033.04803
During the 16th century, horse dealer Michael Kohlhaas is taking his horses to market; when he must pass through a local baron's lands, the baron seizes two of his horses, even though tolling rights were abolished in the country. When Kohlhaas discovers that his loyal servant was attacked by the baron's guard dogs, and that his horses have been injured and abused, he attempts to sue for monetary compensation, but his lawsuit is dismissed because the baron has a kinsman in the court. Later, Kohlhaas's wife dies from injuries suffered at the hands of the baron's men.
The Edge
The Edge (2011)
, 1h40
Origin France
Genres Drama
Actors Melvil Poupaud, Audrey Marnay, Hippolyte Girardot, Phénix Brossard, Delphine Chuillot, Susanne Wuest
Roles Suzanne
Rating48% 2.405482.405482.405482.405482.40548
François, jeune médecin fraîchement diplômé, quitte Paris pour s’installer à Beauval, une ville nouvelle, où les pavillons flambant neufs s’alignent avec monotonie. À peine arrivé, il devient la cible d'un groupe d'adolescents, emmené par le charismatique Cédric. À la lisière de la forêt, le groupe s’adonne à des jeux dangereux, pour tromper son ennui. Jusqu’au jour où un de leurs jeux de rôles tourne mal...
Poursuite (2011)
, 1h32
Directed by Marina Déak
Origin France
Themes Feminist films, Politique, Political films
Actors Marina Déak, Yann Guillemot, Agnès Château, Aurélien Recoing, Delphine Chuillot, Agathe Dronne
Roles Katia
Rating48% 2.412392.412392.412392.412392.41239
Audrey, une femme d'une trentaine d'années vient de quitter Éric, avec qui elle a eu un fils, Mathieu, 7 ans. Bien qu'elle chérisse son garçon, Audrey exprime la volonté de mener une vie de femme pleinement libre. « On pourrait définir le sujet du film autrement : de la complication, pour une jeune femme, de circuler entre enfant, désirs, travail. » (Jean-Luc Douin, Le Monde, 9 mars 2011)
The Woman in the Fifth, 1h25
Directed by Paweł Pawlikowski
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller
Actors Ethan Hawke, Kristin Scott Thomas, Joanna Kulig, Samir Guesmi, Delphine Chuillot, Anne Benoît
Roles Nathalie
Rating52% 2.6494852.6494852.6494852.6494852.649485
American writer Tom Ricks (Hawke) arrives in Paris to be closer to his young daughter who lives with his ex-wife. We learn that the divorce was caused by Tom's mental illness, from which he has apparently recovered. Completely broke, he accepts a job as a night guard for a local crime boss who owns a run down hostel. Stationed in a basement office, his only task is to push a button when a bell rings. The tranquility of the night, he hopes, will help him focus on his new novel. His days become more exciting when he starts a romance with Margit (Thomas), a mysterious and elegant widow who sets strange rules to their meetings: she will only see him at her apartment in the fifth arrondissement, at 5pm sharp, twice a week and he should ask no questions about her work or her past life. He also gets closer to Ania (Kulig), the Polish barmaid of the hostel where he lives, who has literary interests.
Mozart's Sister, 2h
Directed by René Féret
Origin France
Genres Drama, Biography
Themes Films about children, Films about music and musicians, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, Films about classical music and musicians, Musical films, Enfant musicien, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Marie Féret, Marc Barbé, Delphine Chuillot, David Moreau, Clovis Fouin, Dominique Marcas
Roles Anna-Maria Mozart
Rating63% 3.198233.198233.198233.198233.19823
During the Mozart family grand tour, a cracked carriage axle forces Leopold Mozart, his wife Anna, 14-year-old Nannerl and a rambunctious 11-year-old Wolfgang to seek shelter in the nearby Fontevraud Abbey. There Nannerl develops a friendship with 13-year-old Princess Louise of France, who is being brought up in the Abbey, along with two of her sisters. This leads to an encounter at Versailles with her brother, Louis, Dauphin of France. Nannerl, an accomplished harpsichordist and singer who helps support the family as part of a brother - sister act, yearns to compose music and play violin, but her father, Leopold, forbids it. The young, but recently widowed Dauphin takes an interest in her and her music that edges toward romance. But he breaks off the relationship when he becomes engaged to Maria Josepha Amalia of Saxony. Princess Louise enters a convent and urges Nannerl to stay away from the Dauphin who is struggling to avoid the debauchery of his father, King Louis XV. A bizarre final encounter with the Dauphin and his new wife ensues. Nannerl and Princess Louise reflect on how their fates would have differed had they been born male.
Pandorum (2009)
, 1h48
Directed by Christian Alvart
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Horror
Themes Space adventure films, Seafaring films, Post-apocalyptic films, Transport films, Dans l'espace, Underwater action films, Films set in the future, Space opera
Actors Dennis Quaid, Ben Foster, Cam Gigandet, Antje Traue, Antje Traue, Norman Reedus
Roles Young Bower's Mother
Rating66% 3.3492353.3492353.3492353.3492353.349235
In 2174, the human population has exceeded the carry capacity of Earth, leading humanity to build an interstellar ark named Elysium. Its mission is to send 60,000 people on a 123-year trip to establish a colony on an Earth-like planet named Tanis. The passengers and crew are placed in hypersleep, with the crew on a hypersleep rotation to cover the entire journey. Eight years into the mission the ship receives a transmission from Earth in multiple languages: "You're all that's left of us. Good luck, God bless, and godspeed."
Parc (2009)
, 1h49
Directed by Arnaud des Pallières
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Sergi López, Jean-Marc Barr, Laurent Delbecque, Geraldine Chaplin, Nathalie Richard, Delphine Chuillot
Roles Evelyne Marteau
Rating47% 2.354242.354242.354242.354242.35424
Georges Clou (Lopez) is a successful salesman, enjoying the fruits of his labour as a resident of an exclusive gated community in the French Riviera. His life is seemingly idyllic, a beautiful home, a loving wife and a son. Appearances are deceptive as this idyllic vision is spoiled by the traumas his teenage son endures. Elsewhere in the community, Paul Marteau (Barr), arrives with a troubled past and uncertain future.
Silent Voice, 2h
Directed by Léa Fehner
Origin France
Genres Drama
Themes Prison films
Actors Reda Kateb, Pauline Étienne, Farida Rahouadj, Marc Barbé, Vincent Rottiers, Julien Lucas
Roles Céline
Rating65% 3.284723.284723.284723.284723.28472
Zorah, pour faire le deuil de son fils, mort en France, décide de se rendre à Marseille pour comprendre ce qui s'est passé. Elle réussit à devenir la nounou de Céline, la sœur de François, l'amant et meurtrier de son fils. François est en prison et attend son jugement. Elsa et Stéphane forment un couple à la dérive qui vit toujours chez les parents de ce dernier. Elle se prostitue à l'occasion et Stéphane vit de petits boulots qu'il ne réussit pas même à remplir. À la suite d'un accident, Elsa se retrouve aux urgences où Stéphane vient la chercher. Il rencontre Pierre, un truand local, qui, frappé par son extrême ressemblance avec un ami incarcéré, lui propose de prendre sa place en prison lors d'une visite au parloir. Stéphane, hésitant, finit par accepter la proposition contre une forte somme d'argent. Laure, une jeune adolescente de 16 ans, tombe amoureuse d'Alexandre, un jeune délinquant au grand cœur qui se met fréquemment dans diverses bagarres. À la suite de l'une d'elles, il est emprisonné pour coups et blessures sur les forces de l'ordre. Laure pour pouvoir lui rendre visite en prison trouve le subterfuge d'être accompagné par Antoine, un jeune interne en médecine qui devient son ami.
À droite toute, 3h28
Directed by Marcel Bluwal
Origin France
Genres Drama, Historical
Actors Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu, Béatrice Agenin, Samuel Labarthe, Hervé Briaux, Didier Bezace, Delphine Chuillot
Roles Annie Salmon
Rating74% 3.749583.749583.749583.749583.74958
L'histoire de la montée de l'extrème droite française juste avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale (1935 à 1939) en suivant la famille Salmon dont François est le fondateur des « Automobiles Salmon ». François est sensible aux idées de la « Cagoule » qu'il rejoint en opposition au Front populaire. Antisémites et anticommunistes, ils tentent d'organiser un complot visant à renverser la République avec, l'espèrent-ils, le soutien de l'armée.
Heartbeat Detector, 2h23
Directed by Nicolas Klotz
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Films about the labor movement
Actors Mathieu Amalric, Michael Lonsdale, Édith Scob, Lou Castel, Laetitia Spigarelli, Jean-Pierre Kalfon
Roles Isabelle
Rating60% 3.047663.047663.047663.047663.04766
The film centers on Kessler, a psychologist in the human resources department of the French branch of a long-established German firm. The firm has recently dismissed 50% of its workforce on criteria devised by Kessler. Rose, the vice-president of the company, requests Kessler to look into whether Jüst, the CEO is fit to do his job. The CEO discovers Kessler is investigating him and tells him that Rose, whose previous name was Kraus, has a Nazi past.