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La France is a french film of genre Drama directed by Serge Bozon with Sylvie Testud

La France (2007)

La France
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Length 1h38
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Genres Drama,    War,    Musical
Rating63% 3.195613.195613.195613.195613.19561

La France is a French film directed by Serge Bozon, released in 2007. It stars Sylvie Testud and Pascal Greggory. The film won the Prix Jean Vigo in 2007.


During the First World War, Camille (Sylvie Testud), a young woman whose husband is away fighting at the front, receives a short letter of break-up from him. Distraught, she decides to join him, but is driven back by the rule of the time which forbids women to move around alone. She has no other recourse than to dress herself up as a man so as to be able to take to the road on foot.


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