The story introduces Duff Anderson on the railroad, playing checkers with his rail worker friends, at a pool hall, and on the street at night. At a church meeting featuring lively gospel music, Duff meets the pretty and genteel schoolteacher Josie Dawson. They begin to date against the will of Preacher Dawson (Josie’s father). Duff tells her he doesn't want to get married. But after visiting his illegitimate son who has been abandoned to the care of a wet nurse, and his drunken father who is barely keeping it together under the care of a loving wife, Duff realizes that he prefers the stability of a family to the life of a drifter. The two marry with bright hopes for the future, but then begin to face a series of challenges as a married couple. Being on the move had given Duff the illusion of freedom, but living in the town makes Duff subject to the town's social rules, and he immediately starts to have problems. He hates his preacher father-in-law, whom he sees as having sold out to the white people, and he hurtfully says to his wife, "You've never really been a nigger, living with them, in that house." After refusing to bow down to the white bosses at the mill he is fired, and subsequently finds himself blacklisted. His father-in-law finally finds him a job at a gas station, but customers who find him too proud for a black "boy" threaten to cause trouble if the boss keeps him on. Duff and his wife get into a fight because of the emotional and physical trials Duff faces, and because of the added pressure that a coming baby adds. Unwilling either to kowtow to white bosses or to pick cotton for $2.50 a day he leaves in a rage, telling his wife that he will write her when he is on his feet again. Duff storms off to his father, who is so inebriated that he dies as Duff and his stepmother are driving him to the hospital. Neither Duff nor his stepmother knows where his father was born or how old he was, and the only possessions he has handed down to Duff are the contents of his pockets. Duff and his stepmother stare at one another, facing the grim reality of the invisibleness and lack of history of the negro. The film concludes as Duff gains the courage to return home with his son, and the two tearfully embrace as he reassures her that "everything is gonna be all right”.
Halil est peintre en bâtiment sur l’une des îles des Princes, un archipel dans la mer de Marmara, en Turquie. Alors qu’il travaille dans une villa, il découvre la photographie d’une femme, Meral, et tombe éperdument amoureux de son image.
King Louis XIV's (Brosnan) quest for immortality leads him to capture and steal a mermaid's life force, a move that is further complicated by his illegitimate daughter's discovery of the creature.
Victor Van Allen et sa femme Melinda vivent un mariage absolument désastreux et sans amour. Ils décident de pimenter les choses en s'autorisant à prendre d'autres amants. Mais leurs jeux vont rapidement virer au cauchemar lorsque les gens autour d'eux commencent à mourir.
Jack, un tueur professionnel endurci, rencontre April, une mystérieuse chanteuse de boîte de nuit et finit par tomber amoureux d'elle. Mais il va découvrir que des forces obscures gravitent autour de la jeune femme.
Anna est une artiste qui espère percer dans le milieu. Avec les vacances de Noël qui approchent et aucune offre d’emploi à l’horizon, elle décide de faire bon usage de ses talents et débute en tant qu’assistante de shopping. Marc, son premier client, est un haut dirigeant dans la publicité et est surchargé de travail. Il ne peut donc pas prendre le temps de faire ses propres achats de Noël. A force de se cotoyer, des sentiments amoureux apparaissent. Cependant lorsqu’Anna découvre que Marc a utilisé l’une des peintures pour une campagne sans son accord, elle rompt tout contact. La jeune femme se laissera-t-elle reconquérir avant le 25 décembre ?
James Bond n'est plus en service et profite d'une vie tranquille aux côtés de Madeleine Swann. Mais son répit est de courte durée car l'agent de la CIA Felix Leiter fait son retour pour lui demander son aide. Sa mission, qui est de secourir un scientifique kidnappé, va se révéler plus traître que prévu, et mener 007 sur la piste de Safin, un ennemi possédant une nouvelle technologie particulièrement dangereuse.
Upper West Side, années 1950. Deux bandes de jeunes s'affrontent : d'un côté les Sharks dirigés par Bernardo et de l'autre les Jets, avec Riff à leur tête. Tony, lié au Jets, va s'éprendre de Maria, la sœur de Bernardo.
Sire Gauvain, chevalier de la table ronde et neveu du Roi Arthur, accepte un défi lancé par un mystérieux chevalier vert : Gauvain doit le décapiter. Le chevalier accepte le défi et en ressort victorieux. Mais le chevalier vert repart avec sa tête sous le bras en lui disant qu'ils devront se retrouver, dans un an.