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Films from the country "belgique", sorted by revenue

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Gilles' Wife, 1h43
Directed by Frédéric Fonteyne
Origin Belgique
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Emmanuelle Devos, Clovis Cornillac, Laura Smet, Yoann Blanc, Patrick Quinet, Jean-François Wolff

Le scénario est tiré du roman homonyme de Madeleine Bourdouxhe, paru en 1937. Gilles (Clovis Cornillac) est un ouvrier des années 1930, travaillant dans les hauts-fourneaux. Sa femme, Élisa (Emmanuelle Devos), s'occupe des enfants et de la maison, souvent avec l'aide de sa sœur Victorine (Laura Smet). Tous les jours, elle attend le retour de Gilles, qu'elle aime, pour qui elle vit.
Calvaire (2005)
, 1h34
Directed by Fabrice Du Welz
Origin Belgique
Genres Horror
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Laurent Lucas, Philippe Nahon, Brigitte Lahaie, Jackie Berroyer, Jean-Luc Couchard, Philippe Grand'Henry

Marc Stevens is a struggling low-level performer, who makes his living performing light pop ballads and easy listening tunes at retirement homes and other small venues around Belgium. En route to perform at a Christmas special, his van — which doubles as his home — breaks down during a storm and he is stranded deep in the woods. Lost, cold, and succumbing to the elements, Marc is rescued by a local, an emaciated young man named Boris, who takes Marc to a run down inn.
Tiga guérisseur, 6minutes
Origin Belgique
Genres Animation

Tiga is in his thirties and tries out different jobs but finds them to be too exhausting or grubby. He has the idea of becoming a healer. Certain that he will become rich easily, Tiga invents his own magic potions. All goes well until the day a suspicious woman makes him drink his own potion first.
Pauline and Paulette, 1h18
Directed by Lieven Debrauwer
Origin Belgique
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Dora van der Groen, Ann Petersen, Camilia Blereau, Nand Buyl, Bouli Lanners, François Beukelaers

Pauline (van der Groen) is a 'little girl of 66 years old'. She is mentally retarded and been cared after by her sister Martha. When Martha dies, her two younger sisters, Paulette (Petersen) and Cecile have to make a decision on the best place for Pauline to be looked after. Neither of them is ready to take care of her. Paulette has a shop to look after and Cecile has her Albert. But according to Martha's last will, her fortune will only be divided in three equal parts if one of the sisters looks after Pauline. If they decide to take her to an institution, Pauline will be the only heir.
Everybody's Famous!, 1h37
Directed by Dominique Deruddere
Origin Belgique
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Josse De Pauw, Thekla Reuten, Eva Van Der Gucht, Victor Löw, Thekla Reuten, Gert Portael

Seventeen-year-old Marva Vereecken is a regular at singing contests which she never wins. When her father, Jean, gets laid off, he decides to kidnap the number one singer in the country, Debbie. The kidnapping greatly increases sales of Debbie's latest single, much to the pleasant surprise of Michael, Debbie's manager. Michael in turn proposes a secret deal to make Marva a star if Jean agrees to keep Debbie out of the way for as long as Michael wants.
Mobutu, King of Zaire, 2h15
Directed by Thierry Michel
Origin Belgique
Genres Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Documentary films about politics, Political films

"Of all the human passions, the appetite for domination is the most inebriating" (St. Augustine)
Taxandria (1996)
, 1h16
Directed by Raoul Servais
Origin Belgique
Genres Fantastic, Fantasy, Adventure, Animation
Actors Armin Mueller-Stahl, Elliott Spiers, Julien Schoenaerts, Andrew Sachs, Daniel Emilfork, Cris Campion

Young prince Jan has been sent to a quiet coastal resort to study for his final exams, but instead he spends most of his time with his new friend, the lighthouse keeper. Jan ignores the warnings of the locals who claim that the loony lighthouse man (Armin Mueller-Stahl) eats seagulls for breakfast. Maybe the lighthouse keeper is crazy, but this does not prevent him from introducing prince Jan to the dreamland Taxandria, a phantasmagorical place devoid of time, memory, and progress. Jan learns that a reason for the lighthouse keeper's notoriety among the locals is that from time to time he hides political refugees from Taxandria from the authorities; in one scene, we see some of these fugitives arrive at the coast in a boat and taken in by the lighthouse keeper. It is however never made clear whether Taxandria really exists or if the viewer only sees what the lighthouse keeper relates to prince Jan, although once Jan is transported to Taxandria simply by looking into the lighthouse's rotating light while the keeper is away.
Ad Fundum
Ad Fundum (1993)
, 1h38
Directed by Erik Van Looy
Origin Belgique
Genres Drama
Actors Mathias Sercu, Axel Daeseleire, Jan Bijvoet, Jaak Van Assche, Marilou Mermans, Wim Opbrouck

Sammy, Dennis and Tom are 18 years old and inscribed as student at the university in Leuven. They rent some rooms in a fraternity house. As first-year students they decide to join a student association and have a hazing. They become freshman and "sell" themselves to do some tasks. The shy Sammy is giving the task to bring a jar of his own semen to the initiation ceremony. As he rejects, he is set on a "flying carpet". Whilst Sammy is in the air, chairman Guy Bogaerts orders the students to withdraw the carpet. Sammy falls on the ground, breaks his vertebra and dies immediately.
Maniac Nurses, 1h15
Directed by Léon Paul De Bruyn
Origin Belgique
Genres Comedy, Horror

The plot follows a group of lesbian nurses who lure unsuspecting strangers back to their home to torture them.
American Stories: Food, Family and Philosophy, 1h32
Directed by Chantal Akerman
Origin Belgique
Genres Drama
Actors Eszter Bálint, Kirk Baltz, George Bartenieff, Marilyn Chris, Judith Malina

New York au lever du jour. À proximité du pont de Williamsburg, des femmes, des hommes, des vieillards, des enfants racontent leur vie, leurs souvenirs. Chantal Akerman est à la recherche de son identité juive...
Life Is Rosy, 1h23
Directed by Benoît Lamy, Mwezé Ngangura
Origin Belgique
Genres Comedy, Musical, Romance
Themes Films set in Africa
Actors Papa Wemba

Kourou goes from his village to Kinshasa, his heart full of dreams of music and success. The capital city of Zaire is then the center of “World Music”. Once there, he falls in love with Kabibi, a virginal young woman who wants to be a secretary. Unfortunately Nvouandou, a club owner searching for a second wife, also wants to marry her. Will Nyouandou’s first wife turn out to be the best ally for young Kourou?
Le Grand Paysage d'Alexis Droeven, 1h28
Directed by Jean-Jacques Andrien
Origin Belgique
Genres Drama, Comedy, Historical
Actors Jan Decleir, Nicole Garcia, Maurice Garrel, Jerzy Radziwiłowicz

L’est de la Belgique, au pays de Herve, à quelques kilomètres de la commune des Fourons prise dans la violence des affrontements linguistiques, le monde agricole en période de mutation – s’industrialiser ou disparaître, s’adapter aux normes de la CEE ou se marginaliser –, voila pour le paysage historique. Le paysage affectif est tout aussi dramatique, c’est la mort du père. Ces événements tragiques vont peser en même temps dans la vie d’un jeune agriculteur. Va-t-il reprendre la ferme ou décider de s’exiler en ville, s’inventer une nouvelle vie loin de ces problèmes et ces conflits, quitter le grand paysage d’Alexis, le mort, comme lui suggère sa tante, la belle Nicole Garcia, avocate à Liège ?
News from Home, 1h25
Directed by Chantal Akerman
Origin Belgique
Genres Documentary
Themes Documentaire sur une personnalité, Documentary films about cities, Autobiographical documentary films
Actors Chantal Akerman

Le film News from Home se compose de longues séquences, montrant différents lieux de New York, sur lesquelles la réalisatrice lit en voix-off des lettres que sa mère lui a envoyées entre 1971 et 1973, lorsque la cinéaste vivait dans cette ville.
High Street, 1h34
Directed by André Ernotte
Origin Belgique
Genres Drama
Actors Annie Cordy, Mort Shuman

David Reinhardt, artiste-peintre américain séjournant à Bruxelles fait la connaissance d'une vendeuse de poisson du quartier des Marolles (Bruxelles). Son comportement erratique de demi-folle l'amène à creuser les rapports étranges qu'elle entretient avec son compagnon, qui accepte pour elle toutes les souffrances et cherche aussi par tous les moyens à la protéger.