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Films from the country "italie", sorted by revenue

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Sunday Heroes, 1h29
Directed by Mario Camerini
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Themes Sports films, Association football films
Actors Raf Vallone, Marcello Mastroianni, Cosetta Greco, Paolo Stoppa, Franco Interlenghi, Enrico Viarisio

Une petite équipe de football, plombée par ses nombreuses contre-performances, se trouve face à la chance d'être promue dans une division supérieure. Mais il s'avère que son avant-centre, Gino Bardi, est sur le point de se faire corrompre pour perdre le match. en échange d'une importante somme d'argent. Gino refuse l'offre mais il est amoureux d'une fille qui ne partage pas sa passion pour le football.
Empty Eyes
Empty Eyes (1953)
, 1h43
Directed by Antonio Pietrangeli
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Actors Gabriele Ferzetti, Irène Galter, Francesco Mulé, Paolo Stoppa, Turi Pandolfini, Lia Di Leo

Celestina est une jeune fille de la campagne qui quitte son village natal pour se rendre à Rome où elle travaille comme femme de chambre. Dans le climat très libre de la capitale, Celestina, fille plutôt réservée et naïve, passe d'une famille à l'autre. Ainsi, elle se lie d'amitié avec d'autres jeunes filles romaines et finit par faire la connaissance de Fernando, un beau plombier dont elle tombe amoureuse. Mais Fernando est déjà lié à une autre femme.
Puccini (1953)

Directed by Carmine Gallone
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Biography, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Films about classical music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Gabriele Ferzetti, Märta Torén, Nadia Gray, Paolo Stoppa, Myriam Bru, Sergio Tofano

Le film raconte l'histoire romancée avec diverses inexactitudes de la vie du compositeur. Son histoire d'amour avec Elvira Bonturi, qui a abandonné son mari pour lui et avec qui elle a eu son fils Antonio, est tout à fait exacte, tout comme le fait que Puccini avait de nombreux amantes, y compris des chanteuses célèbres, mais il n'a jamais abandonné sa femme à qui il est toujours resté fidèle à sa manière.
The Lady Without Camelias, 1h45
Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Themes Films about films
Actors Lucia Bosè, Gino Cervi, Andrea Checchi, Alain Cuny, Enrico Glori, Elio Steiner

A young shop assistant named Clara Manni (Lucia Bosé) is selected by movie executive Gianni (Andrea Checchi) for his new film, Woman without Destiny. When test screenings reveal that the public is enamoured with Clara, but less enthusiastic about the film itself, producer Ercole (Gino Cervi) sees an opportunity to take advantage of his actress' shapely presence and spice the film up a bit, with less attention to detail and more overt displays of passion. Clara becomes compromised when she marries Gianni, who becomes jealous over the provocative marketing for her film, and categorically states that he doesn't want her involved with it anymore. She reluctantly agrees, and after requesting a more serious vehicle for her, they set about on a new version of the daunting trial of Joan of Arc, with Gianni in the director's chair. The film is panned when premiered at the Venice Film Festival, and with both their reputations in tatters, Clara is forced to evaluate their marriage and the career that she has embarked upon.
Man, Beast and Virtue, 1h27
Directed by Steno
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Totò, Viviane Romance, Orson Welles, Mario Castellani, Clelia Matania, Carlo Delle Piane

Paolino (Totò) is in love with a married woman Annarella (Viviane Romance). Both consume whenever pleasant loves, but one day Annarella becomes pregnant. The woman's husband: Captain Perella (Orson Welles), a few months ago is out of town for work, but a day suddenly returns. Paolino to avoid the betrayal that you know, put a plan in place so that Perella steps a night of pleasure with Annarella, so that after a few months of getting her pregnant believe him.
The Unfaithfuls, 1h39
Directed by Mario Monicelli, Steno
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Gina Lollobrigida, May Britt, Pierre Cressoy, Tina Lattanzi, Marina Vlady, Irène Papas

Un jeune homme, se disant journaliste, est en réalité un personnage sans scrupules qui vit de chantage envers les femmes mondaines qui trompent leur mari. Mais la carrière de l'individu est brisée tragiquement par une de ses anciennes relations qui, révoltée par son cynisme, le tue froidement.
Easy Years
Easy Years (1953)
, 1h45
Directed by Nanni Loy, Luigi Zampa
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Nino Taranto, Alda Mangini, Giovanna Ralli, Clelia Matania, Gino Buzzanca, Armenia Balducci

Le professeur sicilien Luigi De Francesco (Nino Taranto) est transféré à Rome avec sa famille et fait la connaissance de l'administration, s'égarant dans le dédale des ministères et épuisé, finit par céder à la corruption.
Bread, Love and Dreams, 1h28
Directed by Luigi Comencini
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Actors Vittorio De Sica, Gina Lollobrigida, Marisa Merlini, Tina Pica, Roberto Risso, Virgilio Riento

Vittorio De Sica plays the middle-aged marshal Antonio Carotenuto of the Carabinieri in a remote fictional Italian mountain village named Sagliena (actually the village of Castel San Pietro Romano, in Lazio). He's anxious to marry, and selects young Maria De Ritis (Gina Lollobrigida) as his bride; but she is already in love with De Sica's shy subordinate Pietro Stelluti (played by Roberto Risso). Mistaking her headstrong behavior as promiscuity, De Sica makes advances towards her, but she spurns him. Forsaking the girl to the arms of Risso, De Sica decides to settle for village midwife Annarella Mirziano (Marisa Merlini). Things become more complicated when Annarella, the midwife, starts demonstrating her love to Antonio. She is hiding a secret and the Marshal soon will be in a difficult situation.
Wife for a Night, 1h26
Directed by Mario Camerini
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Films about prostitution, Films based on plays
Actors Gina Lollobrigida, Gino Cervi, Paolo Stoppa, Nadia Gray, Armando Francioli, Galeazzo Benti

The late nineteenth century: Count d'Origo, a notorious roué, spots an attractive woman. Hoping to seduce her, he attempts to find out who she is. In fact she is Geraldine, a practiced courtesan. However, the local mayor tells the Count that she is Ottavia, the wife of his nephew, Enrico, a struggling young musician. Enrico is hoping to stage his newly completed opera. With the Count's support he will get the backing he needs. His uncle hopes to help Enrico by employing Geraldine to impersonate Ottavia, so she can be "seduced". Before she submits, Geraldine will extract a promise from the Count to stage her "husband"'s opera. Geraldine, Ottavia and Enrico agree to go along with the plot. However, as Enrico introduces Geraldine to the eager Count he becomes increasingly jealous as the Count moves in. Eventually he forces the Count to leave after becoming angered by his advances. Charmed by his protectiveness, Geraldine asks him to pretend she is really his wife for one night, so that she can live her dream of having a normal life with a devoted husband.
Girls Marked Danger, 1h37
Directed by Luigi Comencini
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Marc Lawrence, Eleonora Rossi Drago, Ettore Manni, Silvana Pampanini, Ignazio Balsamo, Vittorio Gassman

À Gènes, dans un monde de sous-prolétaires qui vivent dans les marges de la loi, Manfredi organise des trafics de femmes. Parmi celles-ci, Alda cherche à se soustraire à ce circuit grâce à Carlo. Alors Manfredi implique Carlo dans un cambriolage avant de le dénoncer…
Toto and the Women, 1h43
Directed by Lucio Fulci, Mario Monicelli, Steno
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Totò, Ave Ninchi, Clelia Matania, Alda Mangini, Lea Padovani, Mario Castellani

The Roman businessman Philip (Totò) can not standthat his possessive and domineering wife (Ave Ninchi) wants to require its own lifestyle. In fact, for years now after the wedding, Philip was now totally feel deprived of their freedom of her husband. The only freedom that remains is to hole up in the attic read novels polizieschie and venerate the leader of the Italian sergeants. The balance family collapses when the young daughter of Philip became engaged to a young doctor (Peppino De Filippo) to prove to everyone that his talent decides to use the poor Philip as a guinea pig! When enough is enough: Philip decides to spend his evenings in the greater worldliness possible along with his young girlfriend. However Philip soon discovers that the girl is too young for him and, feeling ridiculous, decides to break off the relationship. But it is too late: his wife discovered him and wants to drag it to court .
Three Girls from Rome, 1h39
Directed by Luciano Emmer
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romance
Actors Lucia Bosè, Renato Salvatori, Marcello Mastroianni, Cosetta Greco, Liliana Bonfatti, Leda Gloria

Trois jeunes filles de milieu modeste travaillent comme couturières dans une importante maison de mode romaine. Leur objectif est de trouver un mari et leur travail n'est pas une fin en soi mais le moyen de se constituer une bonne dote.