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Films from the country "USA", sorted by revenue

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Elmer Elephant, 8minutes
Directed by Wilfred Jackson
Origin USA
Genres Animation
Themes Films about animals, Children's films
Actors Clarence Nash, Pinto Colvig

Le jeune éléphant Elmer traverse la jungle pour rejoindre la fête d'anniversaire de Tillie la tigresse. Après lui avoir offert des fleurs, il obtient un baiser de la part de Tillie. Tandis qu'elle part dans sa cabane perchée en haut d'un arbre, les autres convives menés par un tigre se moquent cruellement de l'éléphant à propos de sa trompe et de ses oreilles. Repoussé de la fête, Elmer rencontre un vieux mâle girafe qui lui fait remarquer que lui aussi est l'objet de moqueries comme les pélicans...
Desire (1936)
, 1h35
Directed by Ernst Lubitsch, Frank Borzage
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Crime, Romance
Themes Films based on plays
Actors Marlene Dietrich, Gary Cooper, John Halliday, William Frawley, Ernest Cossart, Akim Tamiroff

The film tells of Madeleine de Beaupre (Marlene Dietrich), a devious jewel thief. After stealing a string of pearls from jeweler Aristide Duval (Ernest Cossart), de Beaupre flees Paris. She leaves a trail that implicates psychiatrist Dr. Pauquet (Alan Mowbray). As she heads for the Spanish border, she nearly runs into Tom Bradley (Gary Cooper), an American auto mechanic vacationing in Europe. De Beaupre spots Bradley again at the Spanish customs. She's worried that the pearls will be found in her handbag, so she slips them into Bradley's pocket. After they make their way through inspection, de Beaupre flirts with Bradley in an attempt to get the pearls back. Bradley is too shy to respond so she gets his attention by trying to "repair" the engine of her car with a hammer. De Beaupre lures Bradley to the San Sebastian estate of her partner in crime, Carlos Margoli (John Halliday). It doesn't take long for Tom to figure out what de Beaupre and Margoli are up to. Yet, Bradley also knows that he's fallen for de Beaupre, and he's willing to go along as long as he's near her.
Desert Gold, 58minutes
Directed by James Patrick Hogan
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Action, Western
Actors Buster Crabbe, Robert Cummings, Marsha Hunt, Tom Keene, Leif Erickson, Monte Blue

Chet Kasedon recherche la mine d'or cachée par les Indiens, mais le Moya en chef n'indiquerait pas l'endroit où elle est cachée.
Dancing Pirate, 1h23
Directed by Lloyd Corrigan
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Adventure, Musical
Themes Dance films, Seafaring films, Films about music and musicians, Transport films, Pirate films, Musical films
Actors Frank Morgan, Steffi Duna, Charles Collins, Victor Varconi, Luis Alberni, Marjorie Reynolds

Set in Boston the in 1820s, the film tells of dancing teacher Jonathan Pride, shanghaied by pirates and forced to be a slave aboard his own ship. Jonathan is able to join a provisioning party that lands on the coast of California, then a part of the Spanish Empire where he makes his escape; his only possessions being his umbrella and music box that he uses for his dancing lessons.
Daniel Boone, 1h15
Directed by David Howard
Origin USA
Genres Adventure, Western
Themes Political films
Actors Heather Angel, John Carradine, George O'Brien, Ralph Forbes, George Regas, Dickie Jones

In 1775, Daniel Boone leads thirty colonial families to Kentucky where they face two threats: Native American raiders led by renegade white Simon Girty, who opposes the colony; and the schemes of effete Stephen Marlowe to seize title to the new lands. Perils, battles, escapes, and a love interest round out the film.
The Country Cousin, 9minutes
Directed by Wilfred Jackson, Dave Hand
Origin USA
Genres Animation
Themes Films about animals, Mise en scène d'un rongeur, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère

Abner, le rat des champs reçoit un télégramme de son cousin citadin, Monty l'invitant à venir en ville…
The Chemist, 19minutes
Directed by Al Christie
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Actors Buster Keaton, Donald MacBride

Elmer Triple (Buster Keaton) needs to invent something new and amazing. He succeeds not only in creating the "next big thing", but also in catching the eyes of robbers who would like to steal it.
The Road to Glory, 1h43
Directed by Howard Hawks
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War
Themes Children's films
Actors Fredric March, Warner Baxter, Lionel Barrymore, June Lang, Gregory Ratoff, Victor Kilian

Première Guerre mondiale, 1916, sur le Front en France : Le capitaine Laroche commande une Compagnie du 39e régiment d'infanterie. Malade et diminué, il dirige pourtant avec poigne et rappelle aux soldats les hauts faits d'armes de ce régiment. L'un de ses officiers, le lieutenant Denet, fait la connaissance d'une jeune femme, Monique, et s'en éprend, ignorant qu'elle est l'amie de son supérieur. Une fois de plus, le régiment monte en première ligne...
Grand Slam Opera, 20minutes
Directed by Buster Keaton, Charles Lamont
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Actors Buster Keaton, Diana Lewis, Harold Goodwin, John Ince, Bud Jamison, Eddie Fetherston

Elmer Butts quitte sa petite ville de l'Arizona pour New York où il s'est inscrit au radio-crochet du colonel Crow. Il commence par arriver en retard lors de l'enregistrement de l'émission, ce qui lui laisse une semaine pour répéter dans la chambre de sa pension de famille. Mais il le fait de manière si balourde et si bruyante qu'il empêche de dormir la jeune fille du dessous, dont il est pourtant épris. Quand vient le jour de l'émission, Elmer présente un numéro de... jonglage, spécialité on ne peut moins radiophonique. Pire, Elmer, par sa maladresse, sème la zizanie parmi les musiciens et s'attire les foudres du chef d'orchestre. Sa carrière d'artiste risque d'être éphémère.
Ceiling Zero, 1h35
Directed by Howard Hawks
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Adventure, Romance
Themes Transport films, Aviation films
Actors James Cagney, Pat O'Brien, June Travis, Stuart Erwin, Barton MacLane, Isabel Jewell

Old pals Jake Lee (Pat O'Brien), Tex Clarke (Stuart Erwin) and Dizzy Davis (James Cagney) flew together in the Army during World War I. Almost 20 years later, Jake is the manager of the Newark, New Jersey branch of Federal Airlines, a New York-based airline company. Tex works as an airmail pilot and Dizzy, also still flying aircraft, is seeking employment with his friends. Prior to his hot-shot arrival (Dizzy does a few tricks in the air before landing), a New York associate warns Jake about Dizzy, calling him unreliable and troublesome. Insulted, Jake replies that Dizzy is one of the best pilots in the country, telling a few stories about his fearlessness and bravery.
The Bohemian Girl, 1h11
Directed by James W. Horne, Charley Rogers, Hal Roach
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Films based on plays, Films based on operas, Buddy films, Operetta films
Actors Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Thelma Todd, Mae Busch, Antonio Moreno, Darla Hood

Laurel and Hardy are a hen-pecked pair of Gypsies in 18th-century Austria. When Oliver is out pickpocketing, fortune-telling or attending his zither lessons, his wife (Mae Busch), has an affair with Devilshoof (Antonio Moreno). A cruel nobleman, Count Arnheim, persecutes the Gypsies, who are forced to flee, but Devilshoof, in revenge for having been lashed by the count, kidnaps his daughter, Arline (Darla Hood), and Mrs. Hardy fools Hardy into thinking she is their daughter. She soon elopes with Devilshoof, and leaves Hardy holding the baby.
Blue Blazes, 17minutes
Directed by Buster Keaton
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about the labor movement
Actors Buster Keaton, Arthur L. Jarrett

Elmer (Buster Keaton) becomes a fireman, but not a particularly good one. He has a chance to prove himself, however, when three women are trapped in a burning building.
While the Patient Slept, 1h6
Directed by Ray Enright
Origin USA
Genres Comedy thriller
Actors Aline MacMahon, Guy Kibbee, Lyle Talbot, Patricia Ellis, Robert Barrat, Allen Jenkins

Dans le somptueux manoir de la famille Federie, l'infirmière Sarah Keate prête main-forte au lieutenant Lance O'Leary afin de démasquer le meurtrier du patient dont elle avait la charge.
Barbary Coast, 1h31
Directed by Howard Hawks
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure, Romance, Western
Actors Joel McCrea, Miriam Hopkins, Edward G. Robinson, Frank Craven, Walter Brennan, Harry Carey

On a foggy night in 1850, Mary Rutledge (Miriam Hopkins), accompanied by retired Colonel Marcus Aurelius Cobb (Frank Craven), arrives in San Francisco Bay aboard the Flying Cloud. A gold digger, she has come to wed the wealthy owner of a local saloon. The men at the wharf reluctantly inform her that her fiancé is dead, murdered most likely by Louis Chamalis (Edward G. Robinson), the powerful owner of the Bella Donna restaurant and gambling house. Mary is upset, but quickly pulls herself together and asks the way to the Bella Donna.