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Films with theme "Documentary films about environmental issues", sorted by revenue

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Food Beware: The French Organic Revolution, 1h52
Directed by Jean-Paul Jaud
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Cooking films, Environmental films, Films about the labor movement, Documentaire sur la cuisine, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentaire sur la malbouffe, Documentary films about health care, Documentaire sur le monde du travail, Documentary films about nature

Our Children Will Accuse Us tells the story of an initiative in Barjac, a commune located in the Gard department in southern France, that decided to introduce organic produce into the town's school cafeteria. The film depicts without concessions the environmental tragedy which threatens the young generation: the poisoning of our country sides by agricultural pesticides (76 000 tons of pesticides used each year in France) and the harm caused to public health and safety.
Sharkwater (2006)
, 1h29
Directed by Rob Stewart
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Seafaring films, Politique, Transport films, Films about sharks, Documentary films about animal rights, Documentaire animalier, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about environmental issues, Mise en scène d'un poisson, Political films, Documentary films about nature
Actors Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Rob Stewart

Depuis l'enfance, Rob Stewart se passionne pour les requins. À tel point qu'il est devenu biologiste et photographe sous-marin afin de pouvoir nager avec eux, décrypter leur mystère et déconstruire le mythe du requin mangeur d'hommes. Ce mythe, entièrement fabriqué, serait selon lui responsable de l'indifférence qui entoure, un peu partout dans le monde, le massacre de la population de requins à des fins commerciales. Du Costa Rica aux Îles Galapagos en passant par le Guatemala, Stewart et l'équipage de l'activiste des mers Paul Watson tentent de dénoncer et de mettre en échec les braconniers à la solde de mafias asiatiques soutenues par des gouvernements corrompus. Il y va de l'équilibre écologique de la planète.
The Great Resistance, 1h15
Directed by Denys Desjardins
Origin Quebec
Genres Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Films about the labor movement, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentaire sur le monde du travail

In the 1930s, in the throes of the Great Depression, the government of Quebec relocated more than 80,000 citizens to found a new settlement in the virgin forests of Quebec’s Abitibi region. After enduring backbreaking work to clear the land, however, many left, seeking a better life in the city or as labourers for the large corporations that had come to exploit the North’s valuable resources. The Lalancette family, however, have persisted in forging their future on the land from one generation to the next, earning their keep from farming, and defying the constraints of globalization and the mining and forestry companies that control the area. Revisiting the heritage of Quebec filmmakers who documented Abitibi, following in the footsteps of Pierre Perrault, among others, this documentary traces a defining chapter of Quebec history and raises fundamental questions about regional development.
Raketa mena, 52minutes
Genres Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentary films about nature

On the coast of Androy, the southernmost point of Madagascar, the weather conditions don’t allow the fishermen to go fishing very often. The dunes build up, day by day, over fertile land. But that’s not the worst. The population is missing the most important element, water. To calm their thirst and hunger, many villages eat "raketa mena", a cactus whose scientific name is Opuntia stricta. But this cactus is an invader that dries out the land. What is the solution?
We Feed the World, 1h36
Directed by Erwin Wagenhofer
Origin Austria
Genres Documentary
Themes Cooking films, Environmental films, La mondialisation, Films about the labor movement, Documentaire sur la cuisine, Documentary films about business, Documentaire sur l'altermondialisme, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentaire sur la malbouffe, Documentaire sur le monde paysan, Documentary films about health care, Documentaire sur le monde du travail

Avec We Feed the World, le documentariste Erwin Wagenhofer propose aux spectateurs un regard sur l'agriculture mondiale moderne. En passant par la Roumanie, l'Autriche, le Brésil, la France et l'Espagne, son enquête se focalise sur la manière dont est fabriqué ce qui arrive dans notre assiette. Il montre que la domination du Nord sur le Sud est prégnante. Comment est-il possible qu'en Afrique l'on achète des produits européens ou asiatiques comme le poulet thaïlandais ? Le réalisateur présente une face peu connue de la mondialisation : en achetant un poulet industriel, on contribue au défrichement de l'Amazonie car le Brésil déforeste pour cultiver le soja qui sert à nourrir les volailles élevées en batterie (90 % de la production de soja du Brésil est exportée). Le documentaire souligne également la différence entre industrie agroalimentaire et petite exploitation. We Feed the World adopte un style « coup de poing » visant à éveiller les consciences.
The Age of Stupid, 1h29
Origin United-kingdom
Genres War, Documentary, Historical
Themes Environmental films, Films set in the future, Documentary films about environmental issues, Political films, Dystopian films, Disaster films
Actors Pete Postlethwaite

The film begins in the year 2055 in a world ravaged by catastrophic climate change; London is flooded, Sydney is burning, Las Vegas has been swallowed up by desert, the Amazon rainforest has burnt up, snow has vanished from the Alps and nuclear war has laid waste to India. An unnamed archivist (Pete Postlethwaite) is entrusted with the safekeeping of humanity's surviving store of art and knowledge. Alone in his vast repository off the coast of the largely ice-free Arctic, he reviews archive footage from back "when we could have saved ourselves", trying to discern where it all went wrong.
Demain, c'est loin, 26minutes
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues

La culture Malgache est essentiellement basée sur l'utilisation du bois. À travers des témoignages, nous découvrons les enjeux de la déforestation de la forêt primaire d'Ambodiriana.
Gerboise bleue, 1h30
Origin Algerie
Genres Drama, Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Documentary films about nuclear technology, Documentary films about technology

Between 1960 and 1966, France carried out four atmospheric nuclear tests and another thirteen underground ones to the south of Reggane (Algerian Sahara). The first was called Blue Jerboa and was four times as powerful as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. For the first time, French and Tuareg survivors speak of their fight to have their illnesses recognized as such, and reveal in what the conditions the tests were carried out. Fifty years later, the French Army still refuses to acknowledge its responsibility towards the populations exposed to the radiation.
Home (2009)
, 1h30
Directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues
Actors Glenn Close, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Jacques Gamblin, Salma Hayek, 周迅 (Zhou Xun), Isabella Rossellini

En 200 000 ans d'existence, l'homme a rompu l'équilibre sur lequel la Terre vivait depuis 4 milliards d'années. Réchauffement climatique, épuisement des ressources, extinction des espèces : l'homme a mis en péril sa propre demeure. Mais il est trop tard pour être pessimiste : il reste à peine dix ans à l'humanité pour inverser la tendance, prendre conscience de son exploitation démesurée des richesses de la Terre, et changer son mode de consommation.
Here to Stay, 1h27
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues

Les changements climatiques inquiètent, les espèces s’éteignent, les ressources s’épuisent, les villes s’étendent… À travers un jeu de miroirs et de contrastes entre cette nature miraculeuse et l’obsession de l’homme à vouloir la dompter, Nous resterons sur Terre regarde la planète d’aujourd’hui dans les yeux et dresse l’état des lieux d’une harmonie qui vacille. Pouvons nous inverser le cours des choses ? Le voulons nous vraiment ?
Katanga Business, 1h30
Directed by Thierry Michel
Origin Belgique
Genres Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Environmental films, La mondialisation, Films about the labor movement, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentaire sur le monde du travail

The province of Katanga in the south east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has huge mineral riches including uranium, zinc, copper and cobalt.
Le syndrome du Titanic, 1h33
Directed by Jean-Albert Lièvre
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues

" Ce film est davantage un appel à la raison et un acte politique qu'un documentaire sur la crise écologique. D'ailleurs, la "belle nature sauvage" est la grande absente..." (Nicolas Hulot)
Dive! (2010)
, 53minutes
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentary films about cities

Le film traite de la question du gaspillage de nourriture encore consommable, jetée à la poubelle.