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Films with theme "Giant monster films", sorted by revenue

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The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu, 1h18
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Adventure, Horror
Themes Films about religion, Films based on works by H. P. Lovecraft, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Kyle Davis, Sujata Day, Todd Duffey, Richard Riehle, Martin Starr

Jeff Philips is working a dead end job at a call center. One day, an old man arrives at his apartment to tell him he is the last descendent of H.P. Lovecraft and must guard a relic to keep it from being reunited; if the pieces of the relic are united while the stars are in alignment, the sunken city of R'lyeh will rise from the sea and the demonic creature Cthulhu will be released upon an unsuspecting world.
Anacondas: Trail of Blood, 1h29
Origin Roumanie
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Natural horror films, Films about snakes, Giant monster films, Reptile, Disaster films
Actors Crystal Allen, John Rhys-Davies, Linden Ashby, Davetta Sherwood, Ana Ularu, Claudiu Bleonț

A baby anaconda, which was captured at the end of the previous film, is being used for experiments by a man named Peter Reysner from the previous film. Peter creates a hybrid of the blood orchids from Borneo that enabled the anaconda to grow so large and live so long, and creates a serum for cell regeneration. After the test seemingly work for the baby anaconda to regenerate, Peter burns it. When he disappears, the long anaconda escapes from the cage and kills Peter in a mine filled with blood orchids. J.D. Murdoch, a billionaire suffering from bone cancer, sends his assassin Eugene and his team of henchmen mercenaries to find Peter and the serum of Peter created it that can cure him. He also tells them to be careful of Dr. Amanda Hayes, and to kill her if needed. As Dr. Amanda Hayes, the sole survivor of the previous snake attack, and two officers also go in search of Peter, determined to destroy the serum and kill the snake.
The Whisperer in Darkness, 1h44
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Horror
Themes Films about religion, Films based on works by H. P. Lovecraft, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Andrew Leman, Stephen Blackehart, Barry J. Lynch

For the first two acts, the plot essentially follows the lines of the short story. However, in the third act of the film, the protagonist, Wilmarth, uncovers an attempt by collaborators (or cultists) to open a gateway between Yuggoth and Earth. He foils the plot with the help of an added character, Hannah, the child of one of the collaborators. His escape, however, is unsuccessful and at the end of the film the audience discovers that Wilmarth has been narrating from a machine attached to the cylinder in which his brain now resides. This differs from the original story in which Wilmarth flees in the middle of the night and safely returns to Arkham.
2-Headed Shark Attack, 1h28
Directed by Christopher Ray
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Action, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, Transport films, Films about sharks, Natural horror films, Mise en scène d'un poisson, Giant monster films
Actors Carmen Electra, Charlie O'Connell, Brooke Hogan, Christina Bach

A group of friends wakeboarding are attacked and devoured by a two-headed great white shark. Meanwhile, a Semester at Sea ship, called the Sea King, led by Professor Franklin Babish (O'Connell) and his wife, Anne (Electra) hits a dead shark, which becomes lodged in the boat’s propeller and damages the ship's hull, causing the boat to take on water. Soon after, the two-headed shark attacks the boat and breaks the radio antenna, preventing ship co-captain Laura (Thompson) from summoning help. The group then notices a deserted atoll nearby, so Laura drives the Sea King closer, before Professor Babish takes the students over to the atoll on a dinghy, while Anne remains on the Sea King with Laura and the ship's crew, Han (Webb) and Dikilla (Valentin).
Boa vs. Python, 1h32
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Natural horror films, Films about snakes, Giant monster films, Reptile, Disaster films
Actors David Hewlett, Jaime Bergman, Kirk B. R. Woller, Angel Boris, Griff Furst, Asen Blatechki

Two masked wrestlers, one named "Boa" the other "Python", are grappling. Enjoying this spectacle is multi-millionaire casino owner Broddick (Adam Kendrick) and his girlfriend Eve (Angel Boris). Their night out is interrupted by a phone call. We cut to see the man making the call, Ramon. He informs Broddick that his "package" has arrived and is being delivered. Broddick is delighted and promises lucrative compensation to Ramon for his work.
Ice Spiders, 1h26
Directed by Tibor Takács
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Natural horror films, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Patrick Muldoon, Vanessa Williams, Thomas Calabro, David Millbern, Noah Bastian, Stephen J. Cannell

Dan "Dash" Dashiell (Patrick Muldoon) is a retired Olympic skier who works at a ski resort in the mountains of Utah. On a restricted side of the mountain, Dr. April Sommers (Vanessa A. Williams) is working on creating a new breed of spider with several others. When a group of teen skiers arrives at the mountain, Chad (Noah Bastian) challenges Dash to a race. The two show some impressive moves as the others look on. When Dash reaches a large rocky slope, he turns back and goes down another way rather than risk a leg injury like the one that ruined his career. As Dash makes it to the bottom, he meets Dr. Sommers. While they talk for a while, Frank (Stephen J. Cannell) takes the teens inside the resort. After a brief discussion, Dr. Sommers returns to the lab, where she finds dead scientists everywhere. She finds the sole survivor cocooned in a spider web. He warns Dr. Sommers about the spiders escaping and then slowly dies. When she turns to leave, the last spider remaining at the lab, a mutated Black Widow, attacks her and forces her into a locked office. She finds an alarm and engages it, which alerts Professor Marks (David Millbern) and Army Captain Baker (Thomas Calabro), who are elsewhere on the mountain, to her location.
The Great Alligator, 1h29
Directed by Sergio Martino
Origin Italie
Genres Adventure, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Natural horror films, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Barbara Bach, Claudio Cassinelli, Mel Ferrer, Romano Puppo, Clara Colosimo, Richard Johnson

Dans une région reculée d'Afrique, près d'un village kuma, un riche promoteur, Joshua, et sa compagne inaugurent leur nouveau complexe touristique, un luxueux hôtel au milieu de la forêt. Alors que les premiers touristes s'installent et que le photographe chargé de la publicité, Daniel Nessel, s'inquiète du comportement des indigènes à l'égard des Occidentaux présents, le cauchemar commence lorsqu'un gigantesque alligator tue un autochtone kuma et un mannequin. La bête sauvage n'est d'autre qu'un Dieu malfaisant invoqué par la tribu locale des Kumas, en colère depuis que leur terre a été détruite pour la construction de l'hôtel, pour qu'il extermine les envahisseurs et les vacanciers. Secondé par une anthropologue, Alice, Daniel tente de freiner le massacre.
The Magic Serpent, 1h34
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action
Themes Films about animals, Kaiju films, Sports films, Martial arts films, Films about dragons, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Hiroki Matsukata, Ryūtarō Ōtomo, Nobuo Kaneko, Seizō Fukumoto

The Oumi Kingdom, ruled peacefully by Lord Ogata (Shinichiro Hayashi), was raided by his corrupt general Daijo Yuki (Bin Amatsu), who is assisted by an evil ninja named Orochimaru (Ryūtarō Ōtomo), who slays the lord and his wife, who in turn trust their young son Ikazuchi-Maru to their soldiers, who escape the kingdom in a small boat. Orochimaru goes after them, transforming into a giant serpent. He sinks the boat and almost succeeds in killing Ikazuchi-Maru, until a giant eagle flies along, injures Orochimaru, and saves the young boy.
Yongary, Monster from the Deep, 1h20
Directed by Kim Ki-duk
Origin Coree du sud
Genres Science fiction, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Dinosaur films, Films about magic and magicians, La préhistoire, Animaux préhistoriques, Giant monster films, Arme nucléaire, Disaster films
Actors Nam Jeong-im, Lee Soon-jae, Ju Jeung-ryu

In the Middle East, a bomb is set off that creates massive earthquakes. Meanwhile, in South Korea, a young couple is about to get married and the tension builds when South Korea sends a manned space capsule to investigate the bomb site. The earthquake makes its way to South Korea, caused by a giant monster named Yongary (inspired by a mythical creature in Korean lore). Yongary attacks Seoul and makes his way to the oil refineries where he consumes the oil. A child related to the aforementioned couple turns off the refineries' oil basins; Yonggary, enraged, starts attacking until a chemical explosion at the refinery proves to have an effect on it. The Korean Government then uses oil to draw Yonggary on a local river, and kills it with a refined version of the ammonia compound.
Octopus (2000)

Genres Thriller, Action, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Films about cephalopods, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Ricco Ross, Jay Harrington, Ravil Isyanov, David Beecroft

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, a Russian sub is sunk while en route to Havana. As the sub goes down, the hold is breached and barrels full of some mysterious substance tumble out. Years later, an American nuclear submarine is transporting a captured terrorist to the States. The terrorist's henchmen, however, are planning to hijack the sub and rescue their leader. Meanwhile, a large mutated octopus is approaching the sub at high speed.
Python 2
Python 2 (2002)
, 1h29
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Action, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Natural horror films, Films about snakes, Giant monster films, Children's films, Disaster films
Actors William Zabka, Dana Ashbrook, Simmone Mackinnon, Mike Mitchell, Raycho Stevanov Vasiliev, Hristo Chopov

One of a pair of giant bioengineered pythons with acidic venom and armor-like skin, created by a Russian and American joint military operation led by U.S. Army Colonel Robert Evans Jefferson, Jr. (Marcus Aurelius), escapes into Russia's Ural Mountains. Jefferson and his team go to retrieve it, but the plane carrying the captured bioengineered python is shot down by Chechen rebels, however, russian troops led by Colonel Zubov (Ivaylo Geraskov) arrive, killing the chechens and recapture the bioengineered python, however, they find disaster in a clandestine Russian military base where the creature slaughters soldiers and scientists alike, the only survivor in the Military base is Zubov.
Deep Shock
Deep Shock (2003)

Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Action, Adventure, Horror
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Submarine films, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors David Keith, Simmone Mackinnon, Mark Sheppard, Sean Whalen

The US Navy nuclear-powered attack submarine USS Jimmy Carter is attacked by a mysterious underwater object that stalks and disables the Seawolf-class super-sub with a powerful electromagnetic pulse. The underwater Arctic research complex Hubris witnesses the attack and reports a rapid rise in the temperature of the Polaris Trench which threatens to melt the ice cap and flood the world's land surface. At an emergency United Nations scientific conference, Hubris director Dr. Ann Fletcher is dismissed when she urges caution and her archrival Dr. Chomsky pushes through a far more aggressive plan to deal with the crisis. When Chomsky's plan fails and contact with the Hubris complex is lost, Dr. Fletcher is asked to participate in a follow-up expedition, which also includes Chomsky, by her ex-husband, Navy Captain Andy Raines. Once at the North Pole, the expedition finds that the Hubris complex is completely intact, but its personnel have been incinerated.
Komodo vs. Cobra, 1h34
Directed by Jim Wynorski
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Natural horror films, Films about snakes, Giant monster films, Reptile, Disaster films
Actors Michelle Borth, Jerri Manthey, Michael Paré, Roark Critchlow, Paul Logan, Jim Wynorski

A team of environmentalists, including a reporter, her camera man, and an environmentalist's famous girlfriend charter a boat and with the captain, sail to a military island. They suspect the island is hosting to illegal activities. Upon arrival, however, they find no one. They finally reach a deserted house, where they find Dr. Susan Richardson, who tells them that everyone on the island is dead, including her father. Richardson's team were working on a compound that could make edible plants grow to super size, however the military intervened with plans of their own. They wanted to test the compound's effects on animals, and proceeded to feed it to several Komodo dragons and cobras.
Lake Placid 3, 1h33
Directed by Griff Furst
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Natural horror films, Giant monster films, Comedy horror films, Disaster films
Actors Colin Ferguson, Yancy Butler, Michael Ironside, Kacey Barnfield, Roxanne Pallett, Mark Evans

One year after the events of the second film at Black Lake, in Aroostook County, Maine, young couple April and Jason go skinny dipping and are attacked and eaten by a group of baby crocodiles. Meanwhile, at the house of the deceased Sadie Bickerman, her nephew Nathan, his wife Susan and their son Connor are cleaning out the house so they can sell it. However, Sheriff Tony Willinger soon arrives and convinces Nathan and Susan not to sell. Connor chases an escaped pet lizard down to the lake where he encounters the baby crocodiles, and begins to secretly feed them.
Lake Placid: The Final Chapter, 1h26
Directed by Don Michael Paul
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Natural horror films, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Yancy Butler, Robert Englund, Elisabeth Röhm, Paul Nicholls, Scarlett Hefner, Ako Mitchell

EPA Agent Reba, with Dennis and Sheriff Theresa Giove, venture Black Lake and neutralize an infant crocodile with a tranquizer. They meet Ryan Loffin on land and drive towards a ten-thousand volt fence operated by Ryan’s son, Max. Theresa assigns her daughter, Chloe to join the Marshfield High School Swim Team since she has a strict schedule to dwell with the crocodiles. A town hall meeting turns into a protest, speculating that the tour for the Swim Team could be too dangerous because of the crocodiles. A hunting team led by Jim Bickerman attempts to kill the crocodiles until one man is chased away and electrocuted to death by the electric fence.