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Claudio Cassinelli is a Actor Italien born on 13 september 1938 at Bologna (Italie)

Claudio Cassinelli

Claudio Cassinelli
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Nationality Italie
Birth 13 september 1938 at Bologna (Italie)
Death 13 july 1985 (at 46 years) at Page (USA)

Claudio Cassinelli (13 September 1938 – 13 July 1985) was an Italian film, stage and television actor.

Born in Bologna to Giuseppina Tafani and Antonio Cassinelli, a well known opera singer, he had two sisters, Paola Cristina and Loretta. Cassinelli had begun his career in theater, later dedicating himself to film and television work. His film career is divided equally between auteur films (with, among others, Paolo and Vittorio Taviani, Liliana Cavani, Pasquale Festa Campanile, Damiano Damiani) and genre films, especially poliziotteschi and action films.

Cassinelli died in Page, Arizona, at 46, during the filming of a scene in Sergio Martino's Vendetta dal futuro, while he was on a helicopter that due to pilot error crashed into Navajo Bridge. He left three children, Sebastiano, Filippo and Giovanni.

Usually with

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Filmography of Claudio Cassinelli (26 films)

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Hands of Steel, 1h34
Directed by Sergio Martino
Origin Italie
Genres Science fiction, Action
Themes Films set in the future
Actors Janet Ågren, John Saxon, Claudio Cassinelli, George Eastman, Roberto Bisacco, Darwyn Swalve
Roles Peter Howell
Rating53% 2.653572.653572.653572.653572.65357
An evil industrialist (John Saxon) has created a cyborg (Daniel Greene) who is 70% robot and 30% human.
The Adventures of Hercules, 1h28
Directed by Luigi Cozzi
Origin Italie
Genres Fantastic, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films based on mythology, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology, Dans la Grèce mythologique, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology
Actors Lou Ferrigno, Milly Carlucci, William Berger, Sonia Viviani, Claudio Cassinelli, Venantino Venantini
Roles Zeus
Rating39% 1.9759451.9759451.9759451.9759451.975945
Tout semble paisible au royaume des Dieux. Zeus, satisfait du travail effectué par son fils, coule aujourd’hui des jours heureux… Bien entendu, cela ne dure pas et quatre Divinités lui volent ses sept éclairs magiques, rompant ainsi l’équilibre de l’univers. Blessé par une telle félonie, Zeus décide d’avoir recours une nouvelle fois à Hercule pour retrouver les précieuses reliques, rétablir l’ordre et repousser le mal.
Murder-Rock: Dancing Death, 1h33
Directed by Lucio Fulci
Origin Italie
Genres Thriller, Horror, Musical
Themes Dance films, Serial killer films
Actors Olga Karlatos, Ray Lovelock, Claudio Cassinelli, Al Cliver, Lucio Fulci
Roles Dick Gibson
Rating55% 2.752322.752322.752322.752322.75232
At the Arts for the Living Center in New York, Candice Norman (Olga Karlatos) oversees the latest dance routine choreographed by Margie (Geretta Marie Fields). Candice tells Margie that the act needs even "more perfection" in preparation for a visit from three talent agents. The academy director Dick Gibson (Claudio Cassinelli) meets with TV producers Bob Steiner and John Morris, who watch a video of the dance, and Candice learns that the men will only select three dancers for an upcoming TV show. That evening after the dance class is over, one of the dancers, Susan, is murdered in the locker room by an unseen person who chloroforms then stabs her in the heart with a long hairpin needle. NYPD Lieutenant Borges (Cosimo Cinieri) arrives on the scene to investigate. Also with Lt. Borges is the police profiler and psychotherapy professor Dr. Davis (Giuseppe Mannajuolo). With Candice nowhere to be found, suspicion begins to focus not only on her but on the victim's boyfriend Willy Stark (Christian Borromeo), as well as Dick Gibson.
Warriors of the Year 2072, 1h29
Directed by Lucio Fulci
Origin Italie
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Action
Themes Films about television, Films set in the future, La téléréalité, Dystopian films
Actors Jared Martin, Fred Williamson, Howard Ross, Claudio Cassinelli, Donald O'Brien, Valeria Cavalli
Roles Cortez
Rating48% 2.4119952.4119952.4119952.4119952.411995
In the year 2072, set in a dystopia Rome, Italy, WBS TV's chief of programming, Cortez (Claudio Cassinelli), is fuming at the constituently high ratings enjoyed by a rival American TV show, 'Kill-Bike'. The show has features gladiatorial fights to the death on motorcycles, and has made a hero of a man called Drake (Jared Martin) the unbeaten champion. Cortez is all the more bitter because it was he who discovered Drake in the first place. WBS's current answer to the American show is 'The Danger Game', a simulation game showing the hallucinations of a contestant experiencing the approach of violent death. Fear, panic, and screaming at the extremely realistic simulations triggers a further increase in the intensity. Unfortunately for the station, even this spectacle fails to compete against the American show.
Hercules (1983)
, 1h38
Directed by Luigi Cozzi
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films based on mythology, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology
Actors Lou Ferrigno, Sybil Danning, Bradford Harris, William Berger, Mirella D'Angelo, Rossana Podestà
Roles Zeus
Rating41% 2.0629152.0629152.0629152.0629152.062915
The film is a retelling of the story of Hercules (Lou Ferrigno) battling the wizard Minos (William Berger), who uses "science" in an attempt to take over the world. Hercules must stop him and rescue his princess love in the process.
Spy Connection
Directed by Giorgio Bontempi
Genres Action, Crime
Themes Spy films
Actors Tony Musante, Claudio Cassinelli, Omero Antonutti, Maurizio Merli, Pino Colizzi
Roles The Contractor
Rating60% 3.0065353.0065353.0065353.0065353.006535
Les services secrets russes et américains décident d'échanger deux de leurs agents à l'aéroport de Fiumicino. Déterminés à saboter l'opération, des agents troubles kidnappent la fille d'un tireur d'élite. Ce dernier qui a le don de voir dans l'obscurité, se voit contraint, le jour J, de cibler l'espion russe.
Scorpion with Two Tails
Directed by Sergio Martino
Genres Horror
Actors Claudio Cassinelli, Wandisa Guida, Marilù Tolo, Gianfranco Barra, Carlo Monni, John Saxon
Roles Paolo Domelli
Rating44% 2.2233252.2233252.2233252.2233252.223325
Joan has nightmares of Etruscan sacrifices. She knows very well the Etruscan language and her husband Arthur is an archeologist studying Etruscan tombs. In a nightmare she foresees her husband's death. And Arthur is then killed with the same way the Etruscans killed their sacrifice victims, convincing her that someone (or something) maybe after her.
Scorpion with Two Tails, 1h38
Directed by Sergio Martino
Origin Italie
Genres Horror
Themes Serial killer films
Actors Gianfranco Barra, Marilù Tolo, John Saxon, Van Johnson, Wandisa Guida, Claudio Cassinelli
Roles Paolo Domelli
Rating44% 2.2233252.2233252.2233252.2233252.223325
Mariée à un archéologue qui étudie les tombes étrusques en Italie, Joan se met à faire des cauchemars dans lesquels elle assiste à des sacrifices humains. Un jour, elle a la vision de la mort de son mari. Ce dernier, après avoir découvert un tombeau étrusque dans une grotte inexplorée, est sauvagement assassiné. Entraînée par une voix qu'elle est la seule à entendre, Joan décide de démasquer le tueur elle-même. Mais, autour d'elle, les morts s'enchaînent, tous tués selon les rites sacrificiels des Étrusques. Pour retrouver l'assassin, Joan doit plonger dans le monde des trafics de drogue et des pillages de tombes.
The Good Thief, 1h48
Directed by Pasquale Festa Campanile
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Edwige Fenech, Enrico Montesano, Bernadette Lafont, Claudio Cassinelli, Sara Franchetti, Enzo Robutti
Roles Gesù
Rating67% 3.3813153.3813153.3813153.3813153.381315
In Palestine the thief Caleb deceives his victims with fake miracles, and the man gets very upset when he learns that a young man by the name of Christ, the Messiah, performs real miracles, healing people and raising the dead. Caleb joins forces with Judah to prosecute Christ, so that he can go back to fool people with hiss trades. But Caleb is also jailed by the Romans and accused by the Jews. He will die along with the Messiah, repented of his actions and of his jealousy.
Avalanche Express, 1h28
Directed by Monte Hellman, Mark Robson
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Thriller, Action, Spy
Themes Spy films, Films about terrorism, Transport films, Rail transport films, Political films, Disaster films, American disaster films
Actors Lee Marvin, Robert Shaw, Linda Evans, Maximilian Schell, Horst Buchholz, Mike Connors
Roles Molinari
Rating49% 2.454232.454232.454232.454232.45423
Russian general Marenkov (Robert Shaw) decides to defect to the West, and CIA agent Harry Wargrave (Lee Marvin) leads the team that is to get him out. Wargrave decides that Marenkov should travel across Europe by train, on the fictional "Avalanche Express". The idea is to lure the Russians into attacking the train, and thus discover who their secret agents in Europe are. Consequently, during the train journey they must survive both a terrorist attack and an avalanche, all planned by Russian spy-catcher Nikolai Bunin (Maximilian Schell).
Island of the Fishmen, 1h35
Directed by Sergio Martino
Origin Italie
Genres Science fiction, Adventure, Horror
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Films set in Atlantis
Actors Barbara Bach, Richard Johnson, Joseph Cotten, Claudio Cassinelli, Mel Ferrer, Beryl Cunningham
Roles Lt. Claude de Ross
Rating52% 2.6078752.6078752.6078752.6078752.607875
It is the year 1891 and a military doctor, Lieutenant Claude de Ross (Claudio Cassinelli) a survivor of not one, but two shipwrecks, washes ashore on a mysterious, uncharted Caribbean island along with a handful of convicts. When several of these convicts meet unfortunate ends at the hands of the titular fishmen, Claude and the other survivors flee into the jungle, only to encounter the sadistic Edmond Rackham (Richard Johnson) and his beautiful captive Amanda Marvin (Barbara Bach).
The Great Alligator, 1h29
Directed by Sergio Martino
Origin Italie
Genres Adventure, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Natural horror films, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Barbara Bach, Claudio Cassinelli, Mel Ferrer, Romano Puppo, Clara Colosimo, Richard Johnson
Roles Daniel Nessel
Rating45% 2.2554052.2554052.2554052.2554052.255405
Dans une région reculée d'Afrique, près d'un village kuma, un riche promoteur, Joshua, et sa compagne inaugurent leur nouveau complexe touristique, un luxueux hôtel au milieu de la forêt. Alors que les premiers touristes s'installent et que le photographe chargé de la publicité, Daniel Nessel, s'inquiète du comportement des indigènes à l'égard des Occidentaux présents, le cauchemar commence lorsqu'un gigantesque alligator tue un autochtone kuma et un mannequin. La bête sauvage n'est d'autre qu'un Dieu malfaisant invoqué par la tribu locale des Kumas, en colère depuis que leur terre a été détruite pour la construction de l'hôtel, pour qu'il extermine les envahisseurs et les vacanciers. Secondé par une anthropologue, Alice, Daniel tente de freiner le massacre.
Blood and Diamonds
Directed by Fernando Di Leo
Origin Italie
Genres Thriller, Noir, Crime
Actors Claudio Cassinelli, Martin Balsam, Barbara Bouchet, Pier Paolo Capponi, Olga Karlatos, Vittorio Caprioli
Roles Guido Mauri
Rating62% 3.145043.145043.145043.145043.14504
Guido Mauri (Claudio Cassinelli) travaille avec son ami Marco (Carmelo Reale) pour Rizzo (Martin Balsam), le chef de la mafia locale. Ce dernier les place sur le cambriolage d'une banque. Mais ce coup rate par la faute d'un appel anonyme à la police. Pour protéger la fuite de Marco, Guido affronte la police et est capturé, tandis que Marco s'échappe en se blessant à la jambe, contractant une blessure qui le laisse boiteux. Cinq ans plus tard, Guido sort sans avoir dénoncé Marco. Il retrouve sa compagne Maria (Olga Karlatos) et est peu de temps après attaqué par une bande rivale. Guido se défend mais Maria est mortellement blessé. Il apprend alors qu'Enzo (Alberto Squillante), le fils de Maria, a également été tué par la bande à Rizzo suite à un vol de diamants. Avec l'aide de Marco, il entreprend de voler les voleurs et de punir Rizzo.
Slave of the Cannibal God, 1h39
Directed by Sergio Martino
Origin Italie
Genres Adventure, Horror
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Ursula Andress, Stacy Keach, Claudio Cassinelli, Franco Fantasia
Roles Manolo
Rating52% 2.6017152.6017152.6017152.6017152.601715
Susan Stevenson (Ursula Andress) is trying to find her missing anthropologist husband Henry in the jungles of New Guinea. She and her brother Arthur enlist the services of Professor Edward Foster (Stacy Keach), who thinks her husband might have headed for the mountain Ra Ra Me, which is located just off the coast on the island of Roka.