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Doug Liman is a Director, Producer, Director of Photography and Cinematography American born on 24 july 1965 at New York City (USA)

Doug Liman

Doug Liman
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Birth name Douglas Eric Liman
Nationality USA
Birth 24 july 1965 (59 years) at New York City (USA)

Douglas Eric "Doug" Liman (born July 24, 1965) is an American film director and producer best known for Swingers (1996), The Bourne Identity (2002), Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005), Jumper (2008), and Fair Game (2010).


Jeunesse et formation
Douglas Eric Liman naît à New York le 24 juillet 1965. Dès l'âge de sept ans, il réalise des courts métrages.

En même temps que ses études secondaires, Doug Liman fréquente le Centre international de la photographie de New York, puis entre à l'Université Brown de Providence. Il s'inscrit ensuite à l'École de Cinéma et de Télévision de l'Université de Californie du Sud. Il y signe son premier long-métrage en 1994, Getting in, avec notamment Matthew Perry, Andrew McCarthy et Christine Baranski.

Révélation du cinéma indépendant (années 1990)
En 1996, il produit et réalise la comédie indépendante Swingers. Il y accepte de diriger Jon Favreau, l'auteur du scénario, et Vince Vaughn, alors jeunes inconnus jugés incapables de porter un tel projet. Le film reçoit de très bonnes critiques, et connaît un joli succès dans les salles américaines.

En 1999, il s'essaie au film noir Go avec Sarah Polley et Katie Holmes, qui est présenté en avant-première au Festival du film de Sundance. Le film confirme son succès commercial, et est très bien accueilli par la presse américaine.

Après cette trilogie de films indépendants, il amorce la seconde phase de sa carrière.

Passage aux blockbusters et à la production (années 2000)

En 2001, il met en scène le film d'action La Mémoire dans la peau, avec Matt Damon dans la peau de Jason Bourne. Le long-métrage est un immense succès et devient une très populaire franchise. Il lance aussi son acteur principal comme héros de blockbuster d'action.

Il confirme en 2005 avec un projet encore plus commercial, la comédie d'action Mr. et Mrs. Smith avec les méga-stars Brad Pitt et Angelina Jolie. Le film est un large succès commercial à l'international, et cette fois lance un nouveau couple hollywoodien. Mais pour la première fois, les critiques sont plus mitigées.

Parallèlement, il s'impose en tant que producteur de télévision avisé : il produit et réalise les premiers épisodes de la série pour adolescents, Newport Beach, énorme succès médiatique de l'année 2003, qui dure quatre saisons sur la chaîne Fox.

En 2007, il s'essaie au cinéma fantastique avec Jumper, avec le fraîchement révélé Hayden Christensen, et l'expérimenté Samuel L. Jackson. Ce troisième essai pour les studios se solde cette fois par un énorme échec critique et commercial. Les projets de suites sont ainsi annulés.

Retour critique et producteur confirmé (années 2010)

Le cinéaste rebondit vite, en renouant avec un cinéma plus adulte, et un budget plus réduit : pour cela, il revient au film d'espionnage, mais dans un registre plus réaliste et dramatique, avec Fair Game dans lequel Naomi Watts incarne l'agent de la CIA Valerie Plame. Le film est en compétition officielle au Festival de Cannes 2010. Si le budget est à peine remboursé grâce à l'international, Liman convainc de nouveau la critique.

Du côté de la télévision, il est derrière deux populaires séries de la chaîne USA Network : la série d'espionnage et d'action Covert Affairs, qui connaît cinq saisons entre 2010 et 2014 ; puis, depuis 2011, la série d'avocats, Suits.

II dirige ensuite Tom Cruise, pour le blockbuster de science-fiction Edge of Tomorrow, adapté du light novel All You Need Is Kill d'Hiroshi Sakurazaka, qui sort en 2014. Les critiques sont très positives, mais le film déçoit au box-office américain.

Il a été longtemps attaché au projet d'adaptation du personnage de Marvel Comics, Gambit. Mais il semble qu'il préfère alors aller chez DC Comics pour mettre en scène un film sur la Justice League Dark. Alors que ces projets ne semblent se concrétiser, il met en scène le film à petit budget The Wall, qui sort en mai 2017, dans lequel Aaron Taylor-Johnson et John Cena incarnent deux soldats américains aux prises avec un sniper irakien. Il retrouve ensuite Tom Cruise pour le thriller Barry Seal: American Traffic, qui sort en septembre 2017, seulement quelques mois après The Wall. Tom Cruise y incarne Barry Seal.

Il retrouve ensuite la science-fiction avec Chaos Walking, adaptation du premier roman de la série littéraire Le Chaos en marche de Patrick Ness, prévue pour 2019. Il y dirige les jeunes comédiens Daisy Ridley et Tom Holland, ainsi que l'expérimenté Mads Mikkelsen.

Il revisite ensuite deux univers ayant pour échoué commercialement : il travaille à une suite de Edge of Tomorrow, intitulée Live Die Repeat and Repeat, toujours avec Tom Cruise. Et produit une série dérivée de Jumper, intitulée Impulse. Le premier épisode qu'il a lui-même réalisé sera mis en ligne sur YouTube Red en juin 2018.

Best films

Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
(Executive Producer)
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
(Executive Producer)
Jumper (2008)
The Bourne Identity (2002)

Usually with

John Powell
John Powell
(6 films)
John August
John August
(1 films)
Jon Favreau
Jon Favreau
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Doug Liman (18 films)

Display filmography as list


Chaos Walking
Directed by Doug Liman
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Space adventure films, Monde imaginaire, Post-apocalyptic films, Sur une planète fictive, Dystopian films
Actors Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley, Mads Mikkelsen, Kurt Sutter, Nick Jonas, Demián Bichir
Rating57% 2.867062.867062.867062.867062.86706
Todd Hewitt est le seul enfant de Prentissville, un village d'hommes d'une planète coloniale surnommée « Nouveau Monde ». On a appris à l'enfant que ces hommes étaient les derniers habitants de la planète et que les Spackles, une race extra-terrestre, a propagé lors d'une guerre contre les hommes un virus qui les a tué eux-mêmes ainsi que toutes les femmes. C'est à ce moment-là que serait apparu « le Bruit ». Après avoir découvert un horrible secret, Todd va devoir fuir avec son chien comme seul compagnon. Il va alors rencontrer pour la première fois une fille, Viola Eade, et découvre ainsi que les femmes et les Spackles existent toujours. Todd et Viola vont alors devoir échapper au cruel maire Prentiss, qui a lancé une véritable armée à leurs trousses.
American Made, 1h55
Directed by Doug Liman
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Biography, Comedy, Action, Historical, Crime
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about drugs
Actors Tom Cruise, Sarah Wright, Domhnall Gleeson, Jayma Mays, Lola Kirke, Jesse Plemons
Rating70% 3.5477053.5477053.5477053.5477053.547705
Mena tells the story of Barry Seal, a TWA pilot who is recruited by the CIA to give recognition against the emerging communist threat in Central America. Seal is in charge of a major CIA covert operation in US history, a feat that led the Medellin cartel and nearly brought down the White House under President Ronald Reagan because of the Iran scandal.
The Wall
The Wall (2017)
, 1h21
Directed by Doug Liman
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Thriller
Actors Aaron Taylor-Johnson, John Cena
Rating62% 3.102463.102463.102463.102463.10246
Deux soldats américains, le sergent Allen Isaac et le sergent-chef Shane Matthews, sont pris pour cible par un sniper irakien. Seul un mur les sépare d'une mort certaine...
Edge of Tomorrow, 1h53
Directed by Doug Liman
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Action
Themes Films about religion, Time travel films, Films based on science fiction novels, Films set in the future, Films about extraterrestrial life, Political films, Temporal paradox, Dystopian films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Alien invasions in films, Disaster films
Actors Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Jonas Armstrong, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Lara Pulver
Rating78% 3.947523.947523.947523.947523.94752
A race of extraterrestrials called Mimics has taken over continental Europe. In England, General Brigham, head of humanity's United Defense Force, orders Major William Cage, a public affairs officer with no combat experience, to cover the next day's amphibious assault in France. Cage objects to the dangerous assignment and threatens to blackmail Brigham to avoid it. Brigham has Cage arrested; Cage is knocked out trying to escape. He wakes in handcuffs at a forward operating base at Heathrow Airport and discovers he has been demoted to private, charged with desertion, and assigned to a combat squad named "J" squad under the command of Master Sergeant Farell.
Fair Game
Fair Game (2010)
, 1h45
Directed by Doug Liman
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Spy films, Political films
Actors Naomi Watts, Sean Penn, Noah Emmerich, Ty Burrell, Sam Shepard, Bruce McGill
Rating67% 3.3974553.3974553.3974553.3974553.397455
Valerie Plame is employed by the Central Intelligence Agency, a fact known outside the agency to no one except her husband and parents. She is an intelligence officer involved in a number of sensitive and sometimes dangerous covert operations overseas.
Jumper (2008)
, 1h28
Directed by Doug Liman
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films set in Africa, Seafaring films, Transport films, Films based on science fiction novels, Superhero films, Children's films
Actors Hayden Christensen, Rachel Bilson, Samuel L. Jackson, Jamie Bell, Diane Lane, Michael Rooker
Rating61% 3.0508653.0508653.0508653.0508653.050865
In Ann Arbor, Michigan, 15-year-old David Rice gives his crush, Millie Harris, a snow globe. A bully, Mark Kobold, throws the globe onto the ice near a river. While trying to retrieve it, David falls through the ice and is pulled away by the current. He suddenly finds himself in the local library and discovers he can "jump" (teleport) from one place and instantly appear in another. Amazed with his new ability, he runs away and is believed dead by his alcoholic father.
The Messengers, 1h30
Directed by Doug Liman, Oxide Pang et Danny Pang
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror
Themes Ghost films
Actors Kristen Stewart, Dylan McDermott, Penelope Ann Miller, John Corbett, Brent Briscoe, William B. Davis
Rating53% 2.6539352.6539352.6539352.6539352.653935
The film starts with a terrified mother and her young son. As she packs a suitcase, she hears something coming towards the door and makes her son hide under the bed. The door bursts open and a supernatural force throws the mother against the wall, killing her. The son flees and runs into his terrified sister. The boy hides under a table, but his sister is caught and pushed over the banister of the stairs, then dragged down to the cellar. The boy hides but is eventually found by the attacker.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith, 2h
Directed by Doug Liman
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Action
Themes Spy films, Children's films
Actors Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Vince Vaughn, Kerry Washington, Adam Brody, Keith David
Rating65% 3.251713.251713.251713.251713.25171
The film opens with construction executive John (Brad Pitt) and tech support representative Jane Smith (Angelina Jolie) answering questions during marriage counselling. The couple has been married for "five or six" years, but their marriage is suffering to the point that they cannot remember the last time they had sex. They tell the story of their first meeting in Bogotá, Colombia, where they were both secretly on the run from the Colombian authorities - since the authorities were looking for tourists travelling alone after a recent heist, the two claimed to be together to avoid being questioned. They quickly fell in love and married. John later states that Jane "looked like Christmas morning" to him on the day they met.
The Bourne Identity, 1h59
Directed by Doug Liman, Frank Marshall, Richard N. Gladstein
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Spy
Themes Spy films, Medical-themed films, La provence, Sports films, Transport films, Films about automobiles, Martial arts films, Films about psychiatry, Films about disabilities, Political films, Road movies, Chase films
Actors Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper, Brian Cox, Clive Owen, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
Rating77% 3.897633.897633.897633.897633.89763
In the Mediterranean Sea, Italian fishermen rescue an unconscious American man (Matt Damon) floating adrift with two gunshot wounds in his back. The boat's skipper finds a tiny laser projector surgically implanted under the man's skin at the hip. When activated, it displays the number of a safe deposit box in Zürich. When he regains consciousness, the man discovers he has dissociative (or psychogenic) amnesia. It is soon revealed the amnesia is selective, as the man realizes he knows several languages and advanced combat skills. Much later he remembers fragments of the C.I.A. trauma-based programming which erased and replaced his identity. When the ship docks, he sets off to investigate the deposit box.
Go (1999)
, 1h43
Directed by Doug Liman
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Action, Noir, Crime
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about drugs, Films about sexuality, Transport films, Bisexuality-related films, LGBT-related films, Films about automobiles, Road movies, Chase films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors William Fichtner, Timothy Olyphant, Katie Holmes, Jay Mohr, Sarah Polley, Scott Wolf
Rating71% 3.598923.598923.598923.598923.59892
The story takes place involving three different people who all work together in the same supermarket over the 24 hour period leading up to Christmas. Ronna (Sarah Polley) is broke and about to be evicted from her apartment. Despite having worked for 14 hours, she agrees to take her British co-worker Simon's (Desmond Askew) shift. While working, she's approached by two men, Adam (Scott Wolf) and Zack (Jay Mohr), who ask if she can come up with 20 hits of ecstasy, which they were hoping to buy from Simon. Realizing she can make some money from the deal, she goes to Simon's dealer Todd Gaines (Timothy Olyphant). Because she doesn't have enough money, Ronna has to leave her friend and co-worker Claire (Katie Holmes) with Todd until she makes her deal. Once she tries to make the deal, she grows suspicious when Burke (William Fichtner), a person she never met before and who is with Adam and Zack, presses her for the drugs. In a panic, she flushes the drugs down the toilet and manages to get out. Ronna then swaps the pills she flushed with aspirin pills she steals with the help of Mannie (Nathan Bexton), Ronna and Claire's friend (and also co-worker in the supermarket), who had swallowed two of the pills without knowing their strength. Ronna hands off the pills to Todd and she, Claire and Mannie make their way to a rave party. Todd soon realizes that he's been given fake pills and goes after Ronna. Mannie sees Todd coming and Ronna hides Mannie when he starts to become sick. In the parking lot of the party Todd confronts Ronna, but before he can shoot her a car runs her over and dumps her off the side of a small cliff, leaving her fate unknown.
Swingers (1996)
, 1h34
Directed by Doug Liman
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Buddy films
Actors Jon Favreau, Vince Vaughn, Ron Livingston, Patrick Van Horn, Alex Désert, Heather Graham
Rating71% 3.5985553.5985553.5985553.5985553.598555
Mike Peters is a struggling actor who left New York to find success in L.A. six months prior. The move precipitated a break up between him and his girlfriend of six years and left him feeling alone and heartbroken.
Getting In
Getting In (1994)
, 1h34
Directed by Doug Liman
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Romance
Actors Stephen Mailer, Andrew McCarthy, Kristy Swanson, Calista Flockhart, Matthew Perry, Dave Chappelle
Rating53% 2.658992.658992.658992.658992.65899
Gabriel Higgs (Stephen Mailer) has failed to get into Johns Hopkins to study medicine. He's sixth on a list of backup candidates, and must persuade the five people ahead of him to drop out. Gabriel has a family tradition to live up to. Things don't go according to plan.


After the Fall, 1h50
Directed by Saar Klein
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Crime
Actors Wes Bentley, Jason Isaacs, Vinessa Shaw, Haley Bennett, Sam Trammell, W. Earl Brown
Roles Executive producer
Rating51% 2.555192.555192.555192.555192.55519
Bill Scanlon, enquêteur pour une compagnie d’assurance dans une petite ville du Sud-ouest des États-Unis, en bordure du désert, est licencié du jour au lendemain. Père de famille sans histoire – et doté par ailleurs d’un grand sens moral –, il n’en dit rien à son épouse et à ses enfants, feignant de se rendre tous les jours à son travail et évoquant même une hypothétique promotion. Il cherche désespérément un autre emploi, en vain.
Edge of Tomorrow, 1h53
Directed by Doug Liman
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Action
Themes Films about religion, Time travel films, Films based on science fiction novels, Films set in the future, Films about extraterrestrial life, Political films, Temporal paradox, Dystopian films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Alien invasions in films, Disaster films
Actors Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Jonas Armstrong, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Lara Pulver
Roles Executive Producer
Rating78% 3.947523.947523.947523.947523.94752
A race of extraterrestrials called Mimics has taken over continental Europe. In England, General Brigham, head of humanity's United Defense Force, orders Major William Cage, a public affairs officer with no combat experience, to cover the next day's amphibious assault in France. Cage objects to the dangerous assignment and threatens to blackmail Brigham to avoid it. Brigham has Cage arrested; Cage is knocked out trying to escape. He wakes in handcuffs at a forward operating base at Heathrow Airport and discovers he has been demoted to private, charged with desertion, and assigned to a combat squad named "J" squad under the command of Master Sergeant Farell.
The Butcher, the Chef, and the Swordsman
Directed by Wu Ershan
Genres Martial arts, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films
Actors Kitty Zhang Yuqi, Masanobu Ando, You Benchang, Xiong Xin-xin, Liu Hua
Roles Executive producer
Rating55% 2.7552.7552.7552.7552.755
The film is split into three stories titled "Desire", "Vengeance" and "Greed".