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Ulrich Tukur is a Actor Allemand born on 29 july 1957 at Viernheim (German)

Ulrich Tukur

Ulrich Tukur
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Birth name Ulrich Gerhard Scheurlen
Nationality German
Birth 29 july 1957 (66 years) at Viernheim (German)

Ulrich Tukur (born Ulrich Gerhard Scheurlen; 29 July 1957) is a German actor and musician.


Tukur spent his youth near Hanover where he finished his final secondary-school examinations in 1977. He also achieved a high school degree in Boston (USA) during an exchange of students where he met his first wife, Amber Wood. By her, he had two daughters, Marlene and Lilian. While they were dating, he finished his time with the army and began to study German, English and History at Tübingen university. He worked as a musician to get some extra money. Someone who saw him asked him if he wanted to be in a play. Soon he became interested in acting and started to study acting at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Stuttgart in 1980.

After finishing his studies there in 1983 he played at a theatre in Heidelberg. While he was still a student he got a chance to star in his first movie. In Die Weiße Rose, directed by Michael Verhoeven, he plays the character of Willi Graf.

In 1984 he had his breakthrough at the theatre when famous director Peter Zadek gave him a role at the Freie Volksbühne Berlin in Joshua Sobol's play Ghetto. From 1985 to 1995 he was a staff actor at Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg, then managed by Zadek. Here he starred in many plays, such as Shakespeare's Julius Caesar as Marc Anton, Hamlet, and Frank Wedekind's Lulu directed by Zadek. In 1986 he was elected actor of the year by German theater critics. From 1995 to 2003 he himself was director of Hamburger Kammerspiele theatre, sharing that job with Ulrich Waller.

Since 1989 he has been recording and touring as a musician. In 1995, he founded the dance band "Ulrich Tukur & the Rhythmus Boys" together with Kalle Mews (drums), Ulrich Mayer (guitar, vocals) and Günther Märtens (contrabass, guitar, vocals).

Ulrich Tukur is married for the second time. Since 1999 he and his wife, the photographer Katharina John, have been living in Venice (Italy), on Giudecca island.

In the Sino-German co-production movie on the Nanking massacre named John Rabe he had played the part of John Rabe.

Best films

Earth (2007)
The Lives of Others (2006)
Largo Winch II (2011)
The White Ribbon (2009)
Amen. (2002)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Ulrich Tukur (31 films)

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Adults In The Room, 2h4
Directed by Costa-Gavras
Origin France
Genres Drama, Biography
Themes Politique, Political films
Actors Ulrich Tukur, Chrístos Stérgioglou, Valeria Golino, Josiane Pinson, Daan Schuurmans, Aurélien Recoing
Roles Wolfgang Schäuble
Rating60% 3.0047753.0047753.0047753.0047753.004775
En 2015, suite à la victoire du parti Syriza aux élections législatives grecques, le nouveau ministre des finances Yánis Varoufákis a pour mission de négocier une révision du Memorandum of Understanding signé par le gouvernement précédent avec les institutions européennes et internationales et de sortir ainsi son pays d’une grave crise de la dette. Mais, lors des réunions successives de l’Eurogroupe (réunions autour desquelles le film est construit), il se heurte à un refus de toute renégociation, ce qui amène le chef du gouvernement, Aléxis Tsípras, à accepter de signer le Memorandum, malgré le référendum qui a donné la victoire au Non, et Yánis Varoufákis à démissionner cinq mois après son entrée en fonction.
In the Fade, 1h46
Directed by Fatih Akın
Origin German
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Diane Kruger, Denis Moschitto, Ulrich Tukur, Numan Acar, Adam Bousdoukos, Edgar Selge
Roles Jürgen Möller
Rating70% 3.5475853.5475853.5475853.5475853.547585
La vie de Katja est bouleversée lorsque son fils et son mari trouvent la mort dans un attentat.
Week-ends (2014)
, 1h30
Directed by Anne Villacèque
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romantic drama
Actors Karin Viard, Noémie Lvovsky, Jacques Gamblin, Ulrich Tukur, Aurélia Petit, Iliana Zabeth
Roles Ulrich
Rating54% 2.7301152.7301152.7301152.7301152.730115
Sylvette, Ulrich, Christine et Jean sont amis depuis toujours et ont même acheté chacun une maison à la campagne, en Normandie. Ils ont chacun deux enfants et tout semble aller pour le mieux. Mais un jour, Jean quitte Christine et leur vie à tous se retrouve chamboulée...
Exit Marrakech, 2h2
Directed by Caroline Link
Origin German
Genres Drama
Themes L'adolescence, Films set in Africa, Films about children, Transport films, Films about automobiles, Road movies
Actors Ulrich Tukur, Hafsia Herzi, Marie-Lou Sellem, Josef Bierbichler, Stefanie Höner, Mohammed Majd
Roles Heinrich
Rating62% 3.1460453.1460453.1460453.1460453.146045
Ben, 17 ans, doit passer les vacances d’été chez son père Heinrich, qui travaille comme régisseur de théâtre à Marrakech. Ben souffre de diabète et doit régulièrement contrôler sa glycémie et faire ses injections d’insuline. Lors d’une soirée, il tombe amoureux de Karima, une prostituée et se rend avec elle dans sa famille en montagne. Mais à la suite d'un conflit familial, elle se détourne de lui.
Pinocchio (mini-série, 2013), 2h56
Genres Drama, Fantasy, Animation
Themes Films about children, Jeu, Films about magic and magicians, Adaptations de Pinocchio, Films about toys
Actors Mario Adorf, Benjamin Sadler, Inka Friedrich, Anke Engelke, Florian Lukas, Ulrich Tukur
Roles Mangiafuoco
Rating52% 2.6228952.6228952.6228952.6228952.622895
Réalisé par Gepetto, un vieux menuisier, le pantin Pinocchio devient vivant par l'entremise de la fée bleue l'ayant changée en pantin relief. Afin de devenir un vrai petit garçon, Pinocchio devra agir pour le bien grâce à Cocon, une criquette qu'il trouve vite agaçante.
Moon Man
Moon Man (2012)
, 1h35
Origin France
Genres Fantasy, Animation
Actors Katharina Thalbach, Ulrich Tukur, Corinna Harfouch, Michel Dodane, Jean-Yves Chatelais, Frédérique Tirmont
Roles President (voice)
Rating64% 3.2017053.2017053.2017053.2017053.201705
Jean de la Lune s’ennuie tout seul sur la Lune. Il décide de visiter la Terre. Un jour, il s’accroche à la queue d’une comète et atterrit chez nous. Le Président du Monde, persuadé qu’il s’agit d’un envahisseur, le pourchasse. Pour lui échapper, Jean de la Lune va devoir compter sur les enfants et ses amis…
Rommel, le guerrier d'Hitler, 2h
Origin German
Genres Drama, War, Action, Historical
Actors Ulrich Tukur, Benjamin Sadler, Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Hanns Zischler, Thomas Thieme, Patrick Mölleken
Roles Erwin Rommel
Rating65% 3.293573.293573.293573.293573.29357
En 1944, le Feld-maréchal Rommel, surnommé le "Renard du Désert", est chargé d'organiser les défenses allemandes en cas de débarquement allié en France.
When Pigs Have Wings, 1h38
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about animals, Films about religion, Films about pigs, Films about Islam, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Sasson Gabai, Ulrich Tukur, Baya Belal, Lotfi Abdelli, Manuel Cauchi
Roles UN official
Rating69% 3.4971353.4971353.4971353.4971353.497135
Jaafar, a Palestinian fisherman unfortunate, caught in his nets a Vietnamese pig. Torn between his Muslim faith and his desire to improve the lives of his wife, pay debts and the reality of the conflict, Jaafar decides to undertake with his pig one of the most unusual trade with a young Russian-Israeli settler, Yelena. Indeed, she raises pigs and having no male pig, she asked Jafaar to bring him the seed of his pig
Largo Winch II, 1h59
Directed by Jérôme Salle
Origin France
Genres Thriller, Action, Adventure
Actors Tomer Sisley, Olivier Barthélémy, Sharon Stone, Ulrich Tukur, Laurent Terzieff, Napakpapha Nakprasitte
Roles Dwight Cochrane
Rating60% 3.0455653.0455653.0455653.0455653.045565
3 years before his death, Nerio Winch, while driving from a business meeting in Hong Kong, informs Freddy, his bodyguard, that he found his son, Largo, in a village in Burma, and orders Freddy to tail him. Meanwhile, Largo has just saved a group of villagers from a massacre caused by a local militia, led by General Min. While healing the locals on a secluded spot with his lover, Malunai, a French man named Simon Ovronnaz arrives in the village along with several survivors he picked up with his pick-up. However, when he informs them that he was employed by a man who worked for Min, the locals, led by Kadjang, severely beat him up. However, Largo steps by his side and accidentally wounds Kadjang with his own blade, and he is banished from the village, and Malunai denounces him. Largo leaves with Simon and they leave Burma, Largo going elsewhere, while Simon heads for Bangkok.
The Day of the Cat, 1h24
Origin German
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Bruno Ganz, Marie Bäumer, Ulrich Tukur, Christiane Paul, Justus von Dohnányi, Marek Kondrat
Roles Dr. Stotzer / Pfiff
Rating58% 2.948882.948882.948882.948882.94888
Kater, (le « matou » en allemand), comme l'appellent ses copains, est au sommet de sa carrière. Pourtant, depuis qu'il est arrivé à la présidence de la Confédération suisse, tout va de mal en pis : son jeune fils est atteint d'un cancer, son couple bat de l'aile, son parti se rebelle et sa popularité est en berne. D'une nature joueuse, il décide de profiter de l'imminente visite officielle du couple royal espagnol pour redorer son blason. Mais c'est compter sans les intrigues qui se trament en coulisses, sous la houlette de son vieil « ami » Stotzer...
The White Ribbon, 2h24
Directed by Michael Haneke
Origin Austria
Genres Drama, Historical, Crime
Themes Films about children
Actors Susanne Lothar, Josef Bierbichler, Ulrich Tukur, Christian Friedel, Burghart Klaußner, Ursina Lardi
Roles The Baron
Rating77% 3.897933.897933.897933.897933.89793
The memories of an unnamed elderly tailor form a parable from the distant year he worked as a village schoolteacher and met his fiancée Eva, a nanny. The setting is the fictitious Protestant village of Eichwald, Germany, from July 1913 to 9 August 1914, where the local pastor, the doctor and the baron rule the roost over the area's women, children and peasant farmers.
John Rabe
John Rabe (2009)
, 2h14
Directed by Florian Gallenberger
Origin German
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Themes Political films
Actors Ulrich Tukur, Daniel Brühl, Dagmar Manzel, Tetta Sugimoto, Steve Buscemi, Anne Consigny
Roles John Rabe
Rating71% 3.597633.597633.597633.597633.59763
The film begins in Nanking during late 1937, where German businessman John Rabe, director of the local Siemens subsidiary, and his wife Dora have resided for almost thirty years. The thought of transferring management to his successor Fliess and returning to Berlin is a substantial professional setback for him. During the farewell ball in his honor, Nanking is bombarded by planes of the Japanese forces. Rabe opens the company gate and saves the panicked civilians.
Eden Is West, 1h50
Directed by Costa-Gavras
Origin France
Genres Drama
Themes Films about alcoholism, Films about immigration, Transport films, La précarité, Films about automobiles, Road movies
Actors Riccardo Scamarcio, Ulrich Tukur, Juliane Köhler, Anny Duperey, Alban Casterman, Éric Caravaca
Roles Nick Nickelby
Rating67% 3.392243.392243.392243.392243.39224
Elias (Riccardo Scamarcio) is an immigrant in his twenties who tries to get to Europe by a boat along with other illegal immigrants. When the boat is near the Greek shores and they hope they will soon disembark, a marine patrol approaches and Elias jumps into the sea in order to avoid arrest. So do the other people in the boat. He wakes up next morning in a shore with nudists, which is not so bad after all, since he has lost some of his clothes while he was swimming for quite a few hours. He pretends to be a nudist himself, steals some clothes and he pretends he is an employee of the hotel “Eden Club-Paradise”. Some residents consider him to be an employee and some others a client like themselves. He meets a magician (Ulrich Tukur) who hires him for a few tricks and since Elias is fairly good, Nick Nickelby, as the magician is called in the movie, tells him “if you find yourself in Paris, come and find me”. Elias considers it an invitation and a great opportunity. Going to Paris becomes an obsession.
Within the Whirlwind, 1h30
Directed by Marleen Gorris
Genres Drama, Biography
Themes Political films
Actors Emily Watson, Pam Ferris, Ian Hart, Ben Miller, Ulrich Tukur, Benjamin Sadler
Roles Dr. Anton Walter
Rating66% 3.337643.337643.337643.337643.33764
During Joseph Stalin's Great Purge, literature professor Evgenia Ginzburg is falsely convicted of anti-Soviet agitation and sentenced to 10 years hard labor in a Soviet concentration camp. Having lost everything, and no longer wishing to live, she meets Dr. Anton Walter (Ulrich Tukur), a Crimean German political prisoner who is a camp doctor in Kolyma. He recommends her for a position as a nurse in the camp infirmary. They fall in love and, slowly, Evgenia begins to come back to life.
Séraphine (2008)
, 2h5
Directed by Martin Provost
Origin France
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical
Themes Medical-themed films, Peinture, Films about psychiatry, Films set in psychiatric hospitals
Actors Yolande Moreau, Ulrich Tukur, Geneviève Mnich, Adélaïde Leroux, Anne Bennent, Serge Larivière
Roles Wilhelm Uhde
Rating73% 3.6933153.6933153.6933153.6933153.693315
The film follows the life of a middle-aged housekeeper, Séraphine Louis, who has a remarkable talent for painting. Untaught and following what she regards as religious inspiration she finds great appreciation in the beauty found in nature, especially her daily walks to work where she proudly and humbly stops to gaze at trees. In the beginning, it is noted that she stops to collect soil from plants as well as some blood from a dead pig. Later, in her small home lit by candles she is seen using these same ingredients while creating her art. At one point when her art begins to be seen, she is asked how she achieves the unusual effect in her "rouge" (reds). She replies that she prefers to keep that a secret.