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Films with the genre "Comedy", sorted by production date

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Prince of Broadway, 1h40
Directed by Sean S. Baker
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy

Un arnaqueur de rue new-yorkais spécialisé dans les contrefaçons de grandes marques trouve son jeu très lucratif soudainement compliqué lorsque son ex-petite amie se présente avec le fils qu'il ignorait avoir.
The Gingerdead Man, 1h20
Directed by Charles Band
Origin USA
Genres Fantastic, Comedy, Horror comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Themes Comedy horror films
Actors Robin Sydney, Jonathan Chase, Margaret Blye, Larry Cedar, Gary Busey

In a Waco, Texas diner called Cadillac Jack's, crazed killer Millard Findlemeyer (Gary Busey) opens fire on the Leigh family, killing Jeremy (James Snyder) and James (Newell Alexander), but leaving Sarah (Robin Sydney) and her mother, Betty (Margaret Blye), alive. Findlemeyer is arrested and sentenced to die in the electric chair, due in part to Sarah's testimony. After the execution, Findlemeyer is cremated and his ashes are sent to his mother (E. Dee Biddlecome), a witch who mixes the ashes with a gingerbread spice mix.
Hidden Strike
Directed by Scott Waugh
Origin Chine
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Action, Adventure
Actors Jackie Chan, John Cena, Pilou Asbæk, Wang Zhenwei, Jiang Wenli

Un entrepreneur spécialisé dans la sécurité a pour mission d'extraire des ouvriers d'une raffinerie qui a été attaquée. Il fait équipe avec un ancien officier de l'armée américaine lorsqu'il apprend que l'objectif des attaquants est de voler l'essence de cette raffinerie.
Kung Fury 2
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Martial arts, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Crime
Themes Films based on mythology, Sports films, Comedy science fiction films, Martial arts films, Hitler, Films based on Norse mythology, Kung fu films
Actors Michael Fassbender, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Alexandra Shipp, Jorma Taccone, David Hasselhoff, Ralf Moeller

Suite du moyen métrage "Kung Fury", dans lequel le plus grand policier de tous les temps, Kung Fury, entame un voyage dans le temps pour stopper le Kung Führer Adolf Hitler.
Fool's Paradise
Directed by Charlie Day
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about disabilities, Personne sourde ou muette
Actors Kate Beckinsale, Charlie Day, Jason Sudeikis, John Malkovich, Adrien Brody, Ray Liotta

Voici l'histoire d'un homme, simple d'esprit et muet, qui suite à un acte héroïque à la sortie d'un bus, devient malgré lui une star hollywoodienne.
Next Goal Wins
Directed by Taika Waititi
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Biography, Comedy
Themes Sports films, Association football films, Children's films
Actors Michael Fassbender, Elisabeth Moss, Oscar Kightley, David Fane, Rachel House, Rhys Darby

En 2001, l'équipe des Samoa américaines de football subit une défaite historique contre l'Australie 31-0 lors des éliminatoires pour la Coupe du monde 2002. Pour oublier cet affront, la fédération ambitionne une qualification à la Coupe du monde 2014. En 2011, l'entraineur néerlandais Thomas Rongen, qui a principalement officié aux Etats-Unis, est engagé pour faire progresser l'équipe.
Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom
Directed by Guillaume Canet
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Film d'animation mettant en scène un animal, Films about dogs, Asterix films, Buddy films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Guillaume Canet, Gilles Lellouche, Marion Cotillard, Vincent Cassel, José Garcia, Jonathan Cohen

50 av. J.-C. en Chine. La fille unique de l'Empereur Han Xuandi échappe à un prince malveillant et vient chercher de l'aide auprès d'Astérix et Obélix.
Lady Chokey presents Scary Stories
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Horror
Actors Edward Furlong, Rick Ravanello, Brian Krause, Meat Loaf, Edward Asnere, Elaine Hendrix

The story centers around Johnny Graham (Edward Furlong), who was raised by the Torino crime family after his parents' death. He is constantly bothered by the fact that he has to decide whether he should remain loyal to his adoptive family or to his conscience. It is apparent to Johnny that it is time to act when Anthony Torino (Rick Ravanello) sets his sights on D.A. Elizabeth Jones (Grace Johnston), who is prosecuting Anthony for the gruesome murder of his cousin. Though Johnny is the family accountant, he is an excellent marksman, and he volunteers to make the hit. He persuades a hesitant Anthony to let him eliminate the D.A., when in actuality Johnny only wants to warn her. His plan is ruined by two men from the Torino family sent to oversee his first hit. The ensuing shootout leaves Elizabeth wounded, one of the two overseers dead, and Johnny arrested. Johnny's conscience takes control of him when he confesses and is entered into the Federal Witness Security Program. Shortly afterward, Anthony is apprehended, but he escapes and makes contact with a mole in an attempt to uncover the locations of Johnny and the others who were going to testify against him in trial. Torino family hit-man and Johnny's longtime friend, Vince, comes to the farm where Johnny is hidden. Once again, Johnny is scrambling to keep the lives of those who have crossed paths with Anthony intact, including his own. On his journey, he realizes he is not alone on his mission.
The Legend of Maula Jatt
Directed by Bilal Lashari
Origin Pakistan
Genres Drama, Thriller, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Romance
Actors Hamza Ali Abbasi, Fawad Afzal Khan, Sanam Jung, Shamoon Abbasi, Mahira Khan, Humaima Malick

Suite de Maula Jatt, un classique du cinéma Pakistanais de 1979...
12 Gifts of Christmas, 1h23
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Romance
Themes Christmas films
Actors Katrina Law, Aaron O'Connell, Donna Mills

Anna est une artiste qui espère percer dans le milieu. Avec les vacances de Noël qui approchent et aucune offre d’emploi à l’horizon, elle décide de faire bon usage de ses talents et débute en tant qu’assistante de shopping. Marc, son premier client, est un haut dirigeant dans la publicité et est surchargé de travail. Il ne peut donc pas prendre le temps de faire ses propres achats de Noël. A force de se cotoyer, des sentiments amoureux apparaissent. Cependant lorsqu’Anna découvre que Marc a utilisé l’une des peintures pour une campagne sans son accord, elle rompt tout contact. La jeune femme se laissera-t-elle reconquérir avant le 25 décembre ?
Henchmen (2021)

Directed by Chris Renaud, Pierre Coffin
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Adventure, Animation
Actors James Marsden, Thomas Middleditch, Rosario Dawson, Alfred Molina, Nathan Fillion, Jane Krakowski

A fallen henchman named Hank, leads a team of Lester and two others, called "Union of Evil," who must prevent Baron Blackout from taking over the world, and save his love interest. The crew are assigned to the Vault of Villainy, where Lester steals the ultimate weapon accidentally.