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Films from the country "italie", sorted by revenue

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Il tenente Giorgio
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Actors Massimo Girotti, Milly Vitale, Paul Müller, Gualtiero Tumiati, Teresa Franchini, Eduardo Ciannelli

En 1866, pendant le Risorgimento, une compagnie de tirailleurs est envoyée lutter contre le banditisme en Calabre. Son commandant, le lieutenant Giorgio Biserta, qui est hébergé pour la nuit dans le château des comtes di Monserrato, est invité par une femme âgée à passer quelques heures avec une dame, à condition de ne pas la regarder ou de savoir qui elle est. Quelques années plus tard, il quitte l’armée et retourne en Calabre pour travailler comme régisseur dans l’espoir de découvrir la femme inconnue de cette nuit d'amour…
Serenata amara
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Sports films, Boxing films
Actors Liliana Bonfatti, Gianni Rizzo, Walter Santesso, Umberto Spadaro, Ave Ninchi, Nino Pavese

Le film raconte une histoire d'amitié entre deux boxeurs, Mario (Claudio Villa) et Fabrizio (Walter Santesso), perturbée par leur attirance pour la même jeune fille, Anna Maria (Liliana Bonfatti).
The Queen of Sheba, 1h39
Directed by Pietro Francisci
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Themes Films about religion, Films based on the Bible, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Leonora Ruffo, Gino Cervi, Marina Berti, Gino Leurini, Franco Silva, Mario Ferrari

King Solomon (Gino Cervi) sends his son, Prince Rehoboam (Gino Leurini) on a spy mission to Sheba where he falls in love with the beautiful Queen (Leonora Ruffo). He tries to prevent a war between their two countries but After the Queen finds out her lover is a spy, she leads her army in an assault against Jerusalem. The siege is a failure and ends with the Queen and Prince reuniting with the blessing of both King Solomon and Sheba's advisors.
Ragazze da marito
Directed by Eduardo De Filippo
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Eduardo De Filippo, Peppino De Filippo, Titina De Filippo, Anna Maria Ferrero, Delia Scala, Carlo Campanini

Oreste, un employé ministériel, perd à cause d'une spéculation hasardeuse une forte somme d'argent pour laquelle ses trois filles avaient cotisé pour la maison de campagne de la famille. Mal conseillé par son ami Giacomino, un escroc magouilleur qui vend des ustensiles de cuisine sur un stand en voyageant avec le jeune Salvatore, il se met à accorder des licences d'exportation en échange de pots-de-vin. Avec ces sous, il envoie sa femme et ses trois fille à Capri.
Stranger on the Prowl, 1h30
Directed by Joseph Losey, Bernard Vorhaus, Andrea Forzano
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Paul Muni, Arnoldo Foà, Joan Lorring, Giuseppe Addobbati, Beatrice Mancini, Aldo Silvani

A disillusioned vagrant (Paul Muni) accidentally kills a shop owner, and is joined by a rebellious youngster in his flight from apprehension.
The Devil's Daughter, 1h23
Directed by Primo Zeglio
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Actors Massimo Serato, Paola Barbara, Marina Vlady, Carlo Tamberlani, Roberto Risso, Juan de Landa

Garibaldi, after landing in Marsala, moves on to Naples. The liberals are overjoyed but the Bourbons are terrified. The so-called Baron Tucci, on a recommendation from England, arrives at the home of Count Sereni, a notable liberal. But he turns out not to be a patriot who has returned to Italy to take part in the fight but a degraded Bourbon official who has been promised rehabilitation if he can succeed as a spy. Tucci discovers old Sereni's second wife is one of his former lovers and persuades her to murder her husband so as to gain his inheritance. She does indeed cause the count to die, by withholding his heart medicine, but not before he destroys his will. The count's younger daughter hears the argument which breaks out between the lovers. The false baron tries to kill her but she escapes, racing off to the river. There she is saved by a patriot, who takes her to the devil's castle, where conspirators are meeting. On hearing the news, the spy contacts the police, who arrest the girl's fiancé, a young doctor, one of the leading patriots. Sentenced to death, he is about to be hanged but is saved at the last minute by Garibaldi's cavalry. After dealing with the spy, the young patriot joins his beloved fiancée.
Europe '51
Europe '51 (1952)
, 1h53
Directed by Roberto Rossellini, Antonio Pietrangeli
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Actors Ingrid Bergman, Alexander Knox, Ettore Giannini, Giulietta Masina, Marcella Rovena, Antonio Pietrangeli

Industrialist George (Alexander Knox) and his wife Irene (Bergman) are a wealthy couple living in post-war Rome with their son Michele (Sandro Franchina), and they host so many parties that their son feels neglected. During a dinner party, Michele constantly tries to get his mother's attention, but Irene is more interested in being a good hostess to her guests than an attentive mother, and as a result Michele attempts suicide by falling several stories down a stairwell, fracturing his hip.