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Giuseppe Pambieri is a Actor Italien born on 18 november 1944 at Varese (Italie)

Giuseppe Pambieri

Giuseppe Pambieri
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Nationality Italie
Birth 18 november 1944 (79 years) at Varese (Italie)

Giuseppe Pambieri (born 18 November 1944) is an Italian stage, television and film actor.

Usually with

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Filmography of Giuseppe Pambieri (11 films)

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To Rome with Love, 1h47
Directed by Woody Allen
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Films about television, Films about classical music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Woody Allen, Roberto Benigni, Penélope Cruz, Judy Davis, Alec Baldwin, Jesse Eisenberg
Roles Leopoldo's Boss
Rating62% 3.1445453.1445453.1445453.1445453.144545
To Rome with Love tells four unrelated stories taking place in Rome. The second story, Antonio's, is a direct lift with some amendments of an entire Fellini film, The White Sheik (1952).
Count Tacchia, 1h58
Directed by Sergio Corbucci
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Enrico Montesano, Vittorio Gassman, Paolo Panelli, Ninetto Davoli, Zoé Chauveau, Giuseppe Pambieri
Roles marchese Lollo D'Alfieri
Rating61% 3.094613.094613.094613.094613.09461
In 1900 in Rome, the poor carpenter Francesco, by a twist of fate, is recognized component of a noble family in the process of decay. Francesco knows the cynical and ruthless Prince Torquato Terenzi, disappointed by life and progress, and also falls in love with the beautiful Duchess Elisa. When Prince Terenzi dies, Francesco realizes that he's not enriched for nothing with the inheritance, because the noble family is broke; so he enlistes himself for the war in Libya, but quickly returnes to Italy, disgusted by the atrocities of the fighting.
Count Tacchia, 1h50
Directed by Sergio Corbucci, Sergio Citti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Enrico Montesano, Vittorio Gassman, Zoé Chauveau, Gigi Proietti, Paolo Panelli, Giuseppe Pambieri
Roles marchese Lollo D'Alfieri
Rating63% 3.1825853.1825853.1825853.1825853.182585
En 1900 à Rome, le pauvre charpentier Francesco voit sa vie prendre un tournant inattendu lorsqu'il est reconnu comme un membre d'une noble famille en déclin. Francesco fait la connaissance du cynique et impitoyable Prince Torquato Terenzi, déçu par la vie et le progrès, et tombe également amoureux de la belle Duchesse Elisa. Lorsque le Prince Terenzi décède, Francesco se rend compte que son héritage ne l'a pas enrichi, car la famille noble est ruinée. Il décide alors de s'enrôler dans l'armée pour la guerre en Libye, mais il rentre rapidement en Italie, dégoûté par les atrocités des combats. Son rêve est de devenir chanteur, et il décide de partir pour l'Amérique avec la Duchesse Elisa.
The Desert of the Tartars, 2h18
Directed by Valerio Zurlini
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Themes Le désert
Actors Vittorio Gassman, Jacques Perrin, Helmut Griem, Giuliano Gemma, Philippe Noiret, Fernando Rey
Roles Ten. Rathenau
Rating74% 3.7351653.7351653.7351653.7351653.735165
The film tells the story of a young officer, Giovanni Drogo (Jacques Perrin), and the time that he spent guarding the Bastiani Fortress, an old, unmaintained border fortress. It has interesting scenery, the lighting and cinematography, and the psychological questions it raises, are of iterest.
Hit Squad
Hit Squad (1976)
, 1h43
Directed by Bruno Corbucci
Genres Comedy, Action
Actors Tomás Milián, Robert Webber, Lilli Carati, Giuseppe Pambieri, Toni Ucci, Massimo Vanni
Roles Osvaldo "Tapparella" Proietti
Rating62% 3.1489253.1489253.1489253.1489253.148925
Nico Giraldi, un inspecteur sous couverture peu conventionnel, enquête sur le vol de documents sensibles par un ancien agent de la CIA corrompu.
Confessions of a Lady Cop
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films
Actors Edwige Fenech, Gigi Ballista, Alvaro Vitali, Mario Carotenuto, Gianfranco D'Angelo, Michele Gammino
Roles Alberto Moretti
Rating50% 2.5312552.5312552.5312552.5312552.531255
La jeune Gianna, fille d'un concierge et fan de romans policiers, rêve de porter l'uniforme. Malheureusement pour elle, elle n'est ni cultivée, ni très intelligente. Mais grâce à l'intervention d'un voisin, Gianna est acceptée et, malgré ses bourdes récurrentes à l'école de Police, parvient finalement à intégrer l'institution. Pour sa première affaire, elle va devoir retrouver une jeune mère{Photo 2 de La flic chez les poulets} célibataire, prostituée occasionnelle, qui a totalement disparue de la circulation en laissant sont petit garçon dans un couvent.
The Teasers, 1h30
Origin Italie
Genres Erotic, Comedy, Sex comedy
Themes Films about education, Films about sexuality, Erotic films
Actors Gloria Guida, Giuseppe Pambieri, Gianfranco D'Angelo, Alvaro Vitali, Enzo Cannavale, Mario Carotenuto
Roles Doctor Marco Salvi
Rating46% 2.324152.324152.324152.324152.32415
Loredana d'Amico is a restless teenager, who has the advantage of being very beautiful. Her parents do not understand her, and she does not understand them, judging them immature and not authoritarian. While Loredana's father has flings with PYTs, her mother is in a physical relationship with another man. Loredana, since she has bad grades, likes to seduce the teachers of high school to have good results. She helps the classmates out by seducing the professors when they are in trouble.
Legend of the Sea Wolf
Directed by Giuseppe Vari
Genres Adventure
Actors Chuck Connors, Barbara Bach, Giuseppe Pambieri, Luciano Pigozzi, Ivan Rassimov, Rik Battaglia
Roles Humphrey Van Weyden
Rating52% 2.6230652.6230652.6230652.6230652.623065
Author and gentleman Humphrey Van Weyden is shanghaied and wakes up abord Captain Larsen's ship on a seal hunting voyage of indeterminate length. Captain Larsen runs a tight ship using "hands on" techniques to quell on board dissension. With seamanship unknown to Humphrey, he is assigned to the ship's cook as a Scullery maid. The Captain informs Humphrey that the sea voyage will allow him to stand on his own two feet and not walk in his father's shoes.
The Police Serve the Citizens?
Directed by Romolo Guerrieri
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Action, Crime
Actors Enrico Maria Salerno, Giuseppe Pambieri, John Steiner, Venantino Venantini, Alessandro Momo, Memmo Carotenuto
Roles Marino
Rating68% 3.4093353.4093353.4093353.4093353.409335
Le corps d'un transporteur nommé Albini est retrouvé accroché à une grue dans le port de Gênes. Le commissaire Nicola Sironi, séparé de sa femme et détesté par son fils, un jeune militant de la gauche radicale, commence à enquêter et découvre un contrôle des prix sur le marché de gros de la capitale ligurienne exercé par la mafia qui intimide les détaillants récalcitrants. Le commissaire tente en vain de trouver des témoins.