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Woody Allen is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter, Associate Producer and Original Music Composer American born on 30 november 1935 at New York City (USA)

Woody Allen

Woody Allen
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Birth name Allan Stewart Königsberg
Nationality USA
Birth 30 november 1935 (88 years) at New York City (USA)
Awards Academy Award for Best Director, Writers Guild of America Award

Heywood "Woody" Allen (born Allan Stewart Konigsberg, December 1, 1935) is an American actor, writer, director, comedian and playwright, whose career spans more than 50 years.
He worked as a comedy writer in the 1950s, writing jokes and scripts for television and publishing several books of short humor pieces. In the early 1960s, Allen began performing as a stand-up comedian, emphasizing monologues rather than traditional jokes. As a comedian, he developed the persona of an insecure, intellectual, fretful nebbish, which he maintains is quite different from his real-life personality. In 2004, Comedy Central ranked Allen in fourth place on a list of the 100 greatest stand-up comedians, while a UK survey ranked Allen as the third greatest comedian.

By the mid-1960s Allen was writing and directing films, first specializing in slapstick comedies before moving into dramatic material influenced by European art cinema during the 1970s, and alternating between comedies and dramas to the present. He is often identified as part of the New Hollywood wave of filmmakers of the mid-1960s to late 1970s. Allen often stars in his films, typically in the persona he developed as a standup. Some best-known of his over 40 films are Annie Hall (1977), Manhattan (1979), Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), and Midnight in Paris (2011). Critic Roger Ebert described Allen as "a treasure of the cinema."

Allen has been nominated 24 times and won four Academy Awards: three for Best Original Screenplay and one for Best Director (Annie Hall). He has more screenwriting Academy Award nominations than any other writer, and has won nine British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards. Allen performs regularly as a jazz clarinetist at small venues in Manhattan. In 2011, PBS televised the film biography, Woody Allen: A Documentary, on the American Masters TV series.


Marriages and romantic relationships
Allen has had three wives: Harlene Rosen (1954–1959), Louise Lasser (1966–1970) and Soon-Yi Previn (1997–present). Though he had a 12-year romantic relationship with actress Mia Farrow, the two never married. Allen also had romantic relationships with Stacey Nelkin and Diane Keaton.

Harlene Rosen
At age 19, Allen married 16-year-old Harlene Rosen. The marriage lasted from 1954 to 1959. Time stated that the years were "nettling" and "unsettling."

Rosen, whom Allen referred to in his standup act as "the Dread Mrs. Allen", sued him for defamation due to comments at a TV appearance shortly after their divorce. Allen tells a different story on his mid-1960s standup album Standup Comic. In his act, Allen said that Rosen sued him because of a joke he made in an interview. Rosen had been sexually assaulted outside her apartment and according to Allen, the newspapers reported that she "had been violated". In the interview, Allen said, "Knowing my ex-wife, it probably wasn't a moving violation." In an interview on The Dick Cavett Show, Allen brought up the incident again where he repeated his comments and stated that the sum for which he was sued was "$1 million."

Louise Lasser
Allen married Louise Lasser in 1966. They divorced in 1970, and Allen did not marry again until 1997. Lasser appeared in three Allen films shortly after the divorce – Take the Money and Run, Bananas, and Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) and later briefly appeared in Stardust Memories.

Diane Keaton
In 1970, Allen cast Diane Keaton in his Broadway show, Play It Again, Sam. During the run she and Allen became romantically involved and although they broke up after a year, she continued to star in a number of his films, including Sleeper as a futuristic poet and Love and Death as a composite character based on the novels of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. Annie Hall was very important in Allen and Keaton's careers. It is said that the role was written for her, as Diane Keaton's given name is Diane Hall. She then starred in Interiors as a poet, followed by Manhattan. In 1987, she had a cameo as a nightclub singer in Radio Days, and was chosen to replace Mia Farrow in the co-starring role for Manhattan Murder Mystery after Allen and Farrow began having troubles with their personal and working relationship while making this film. Keaton has not worked with Allen since Manhattan Murder Mystery. Since the end of their romantic relationship, Keaton and Allen remain close friends.

Stacey Nelkin and Mariel Hemingway
The film Manhattan is said by the Los Angeles Times to be widely known to have been based on his romantic relationship with actress Stacey Nelkin. Her bit part in Annie Hall ended up on the cutting room floor, and their relationship, though never publicly acknowledged by Allen, reportedly began when she was 17, and a student at New York's Stuyvesant High School.

In her memoir Out Came The Sun: Overcoming The Legacy of Mental Illness, Addiction and Suicide in My Family (2015), Mariel Hemingway alleged that Allen had a crush on her at the time Manhattan (1979) was in production and shortly afterwards wanted their platonic relationship to turn into something more. Hemingway was then 17 or 18 and Allen in his mid-40s. Allen suggested they holiday in Paris together, but without saying they would share a bedroom. Hemingway's parents are said to have gently encouraged the liaison, but Hemingway herself writes that she finally resisted Allen's approaches.

Mia Farrow
Around 1980, Allen began a ten-year relationship with actress Mia Farrow, who starred in 13 of his films from 1982 to 1992. They never married or lived together, but lived near one another on opposite sides of Central Park in Manhattan.

In December 1991, after 10 years together, Allen formally adopted two of Farrow's own previously adopted children, Dylan, 7, and Moses, 13. Farrow told the court that Allen was an “excellent father,” although the children lived with her. The New York Times wrote that Allen and Farrow "are constantly in touch with each other, and not many fathers spend as much time with their children as Allen does." He tried to be with them every day.

The following month, January 1992, Farrow was at Allen's home and came across nude photos of her other adopted daughter, 21-year-old Soon-Yi Previn, which were taken by Allen. As a result, Farrow realized that Allen was having an affair with Soon-Yi. This caused a bitter breakup of the long-term relationship between Allen and Farrow, with Soon-Yi then moving in with Allen. In her autobiography, What Falls Away, Farrow says that Allen admitted to the relationship with Soon-Yi.

Soon-Yi Previn

Soon-Yi Previn was the adopted daughter of Farrow and her former husband, composer André Previn. Soon-Yi, who was born in Korea, was a child when her mother abandoned her by leaving her on a street in the slums of Seoul. Farrow adopted her at age seven.

Because Allen and Farrow had never married, Allen was not Previn's legal stepfather. After his relationship with Mia Farrow ended acrimoniously in 1992, Allen and Previn continued their relationship and she moved in with Allen. They married in 1997 and have two adopted daughters.

Allen and Mia Farrow, though unmarried, jointly adopted two children, Dylan Farrow (who changed her name to Eliza and later to Malone) and Moshe Farrow (known as Moses); they also had one biological child, Satchel Farrow (known as Ronan). Ronan's paternity came into question, however, after Farrow claimed in 2013 that he might in fact be the biological child of Frank Sinatra, her first husband, with whom she "never really split up," she said. Allen did not adopt any of Farrow's other children, including Soon-Yi.

Following Allen's separation from Farrow, and after a bitter custody battle, she won custody of their children. Allen was denied visitation rights with Malone and could see Ronan only under supervision. Moses, who was then 15, chose not to see Allen but by age 36 he had become estranged from his mother and reestablished his relationship with Allen and his sister. Farrow tried to have Allen's two adoptions with her nullified, but the court decided in Allen's favor and he continues to be their legal father.

Allegations of child sexual abuse
Allen and Farrow engaged in a heated and emotionally damaging custody battle after they broke up in January 1992. That August, Allen visited his children at Farrow's home while she went shopping so they wouldn't have to see one another. Farrow later accused him of having molested their 7 year-old daughter, Dylan, during that visit, and filed charges with the police. Dylan said that the abuse took place in the attic. However, Moses Farrow, Dylan's older brother, then 15, said there were several people present in the house during Allen's entire visit and "no one, not my father or sister, was off in any private spaces".

The case was dropped in 1993 after a seven-month probe by a police-appointed medical team concluded that Dylan had not been molested. Among the reasons cited for the team's conclusion were the contradictory statements made by Dylan and that her statements had a "rehearsed quality." The judge eventually found that the sex abuse charges were inconclusive. In addition, investigators with the New York Department of Social Services closed their own 14-month investigation after their similar conclusion, that "No credible evidence was found that the child named in this report has been abused or maltreated." Allen was interviewed by 60 Minutes a few months following the allegations, when he described the custody battle, heated exchanges, and the allegations.

In February 2014, Dylan Farrow repeated the allegations in an open letter published by Nicholas Kristof, a friend of Farrow, in his New York Times blog. Allen again repeated his denial of the allegations, calling them "untrue and disgraceful", and followed with his own response in The New York Times. Dylan's brother, Moses, currently a family therapist, told People magazine, "Of course Woody did not molest my sister... She loved him and looked forward to seeing him when he would visit." He said that their mother had manipulated her children into hating Allen as "a vengeful way to pay him back for falling in love with Soon-Yi." Dylan has denied that she was ever coached by her mother and has stood by her allegations.

Allen spent over 37 years undergoing psychoanalysis, and some of his films, such as Annie Hall, jokingly include references to psychoanalysis. Moment Magazine says, "It drove his self-absorbed work." Allen biographer John Baxter, wrote, "Allen obviously found analysis stimulating, even exciting." Allen says his psychoanalysis ended around the time he began his relationship with Previn, although he is still claustrophobic and agoraphobic.

Allen has described himself as being a "militant Freudian atheist".

Best films

Antz (1998)
Midnight in Paris (2011)
Blue Jasmine (2013)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
Match Point (2005)
To Rome with Love (2012)

Usually with

Jack Rollins
Jack Rollins
(44 films)
Santo Loquasto
Santo Loquasto
(32 films)
Letty Aronson
Letty Aronson
(28 films)
Susan E. Morse
Susan E. Morse
(24 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Woody Allen (86 films)

Display filmography as list


Dune (2021)

Directed by Denis Villeneuve
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Space adventure films, Monde imaginaire, Sur une planète fictive, Films based on science fiction novels, Films set in the future, Dystopian films, Films about extraterrestrial life
Actors Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Josh Brolin, Oscar Isaac, Stellan Skarsgård, Jason Momoa
Rating79% 3.998513.998513.998513.998513.99851
En l’an 10191 après la fondation de la Guilde spatiale, le duc Leto de la Maison Atréides règne sur la planète Caladan. Il reçoit alors l'ordre de l'empereur Padishah Shaddam IV d'occuper le fief planétaire d'Arrakis, aussi appelé « Dune » par ses habitants. Cette planète désertique, inhospitalière et dangereuse, est pourtant la seule qui possède l'Épice, la substance la plus convoitée de l'univers. Celle-ci a de multiples facultés : elle peut prolonger la vie et permettre aux navigateurs de la Guilde spatiale de voir les routes sûres lors des voyages interstellaires, en développant leur capacités de prescience.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, 2h22
Directed by J. J. Abrams
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, War, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Space adventure films, Monde imaginaire, Dans l'espace, Sur une planète fictive, Space opera, Children's films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Robot films
Actors Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver, Ian McDiarmid, Oscar Isaac, Anthony Daniels
Roles Yoda
Rating63% 3.199273.199273.199273.199273.19927
L'univers de Star Wars se déroule dans une galaxie qui est le théâtre d'affrontements entre les Chevaliers Jedi et les Seigneurs noirs des Sith, personnes sensibles à la Force, un champ énergétique mystérieux leur procurant des pouvoirs psychiques. Les Jedi maîtrisent le Côté lumineux de la Force, pouvoir bénéfique et défensif, pour maintenir la paix dans la galaxie. Les Sith utilisent le Côté obscur, pouvoir nuisible et destructeur, pour leurs usages personnels et pour dominer la galaxie.
Café Society
Directed by Woody Allen
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Actors Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Steve Carell, Parker Posey, Blake Lively Reynolds, Corey Stoll
Roles Narrator (voice)
Rating65% 3.2976953.2976953.2976953.2976953.297695
New York, dans les années 30. Coincé entre des parents conflictuels, un frère gangster et la bijouterie familiale, Bobby Dorfman a le sentiment d'étouffer ! Il décide donc de tenter sa chance à Hollywood où son oncle Phil, puissant agent de stars, accepte de l'engager comme coursier. À Hollywood, Bobby ne tarde pas à tomber amoureux. Malheureusement, la belle n'est pas libre et il doit se contenter de son amitié. Jusqu'au jour où elle débarque chez lui pour lui annoncer que son petit ami vient de rompre. Soudain, l'horizon s'éclaire pour Bobby et l'amour semble à portée de main…
Café Society, 1h36
Directed by Woody Allen
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romance
Actors Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Steve Carell, Blake Lively Reynolds, Parker Posey, Corey Stoll
Roles Narrator (voice)
Rating65% 3.2976953.2976953.2976953.2976953.297695
Dans les années 1930, Bobby (Jesse Eisenberg), un jeune juif new-yorkais qui étouffe auprès de ses parents, petits bijoutiers, se rend à Hollywood. Pour y trouver un travail, il compte sur l'appui de son oncle Phil (Steve Carell), prestigieux agent d'acteurs. Il tombe amoureux de la secrétaire de celui-ci, Vonnie (Kristen Stewart), sans savoir qu'elle et son oncle sont amants. Néanmoins il parvient peu à peu à la séduire. Tous deux se désintéressent de la vie effervescente et superficielle d'Hollywood. Il veut l'amener à New York pour fonder une famille. Hélas, à l'heure du choix, Vonnie opte pour l'oncle, pour la sécurité. Bobby retourne chez ses parents. Il se lance dans les affaires aux côtés de son frère, gangster à ses heures, et fait prospérer leur très chic boîte de nuit. Il se marie avec Veronica (Blake Lively), il devient riche. Mais, quand Vonnie franchit la porte de son club au bras de son mari, la passion, qui ne s'était jamais éteinte, ressurgit entre les anciens amants.
Casablancas: The Man Who Loved Women
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Actors Cindy Crawford, Karen Mulder, Mick Jagger, Naomi Campbell, Woody Allen, Paulina Porizkova
Roles Himself (archive footage)
Rating61% 3.0935053.0935053.0935053.0935053.093505
Le film raconte l’histoire de John Casablancas, fondateur de l’agence Elite dans les années 1970. L’inventeur du concept de « supermodels » a fait des mannequins de l’époque des stars internationales qui font désormais partie de la culture populaire. Parmi elles, Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista ou encore Naomi Campbell. John Casablancas livre son histoire dans ce film documentaire, sa voix ayant été enregistré en 2013, avant sa mort.
Fading Gigolo, 1h38
Directed by John Turturro
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about religion, Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Films about Jews and Judaism, Erotic thriller films
Actors Liev Schreiber, John Turturro, Woody Allen, Sofía Vergara, Sharon Stone, Vanessa Paradis
Roles Murray
Rating61% 3.096053.096053.096053.096053.09605
Dr. Parker, a wealthy dermatologist, mentions to her patient Murray that she and a woman friend, Robbie, wish to experience a ménage à trois and asks if he knows a willing man. Murray, whose used bookstore has failed, convinces his friend and former employee Fioravante to take the gig, as both are short of money. Soon, they build a thriving gigolo trade with Murray as the pimp. Murray lives with Othella and her children, one of whom gets head lice. Murray takes the boy to Avigal, the attractive widow of a Hassidic rabbi, for treatment.
Ain't Misbehavin
Directed by Marcel Ophuls
Genres Documentary
Actors Jeanne Moreau, Costa-Gavras, Woody Allen, Marcel Ophuls
Roles Self (archive footage)
Rating65% 3.299133.299133.299133.299133.29913
To Rome with Love, 1h47
Directed by Woody Allen
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Films about television, Films about classical music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Woody Allen, Roberto Benigni, Penélope Cruz, Judy Davis, Alec Baldwin, Jesse Eisenberg
Roles Jerry
Rating62% 3.144723.144723.144723.144723.14472
To Rome with Love tells four unrelated stories taking place in Rome. The second story, Antonio's, is a direct lift with some amendments of an entire Fellini film, The White Sheik (1952).
Paris Manhattan, 1h17
Directed by Sophie Lellouche
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Romance
Themes Films about religion, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Alice Taglioni, Patrick Bruel, Woody Allen, Marine Delterme, Michel Aumont, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing
Roles Himself
Rating60% 3.038413.038413.038413.038413.03841
Alice Ovitz is a pharmacist from a Jewish family, who during her early years was introduced to and fell in love with Woody Allen's films. Growing up, she strongly desires a relationship, but the only man she ever loved was taken away from her by her own sister. On Alice's bedroom wall hangs a huge poster of Woody Allen, with whom she has long night conversations, and he talks back to her through excerpts of dialogue from his films.
Casting By
Casting By (2012)
, 1h29
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentary films about cities
Actors Marion Dougherty, Lynn Stalmaster, Woody Allen, Jeff Bridges, Glenn Close, Robert De Niro
Roles Self
Rating75% 3.787113.787113.787113.787113.78711
The film is a celebration of the casting profession, highlighting its previously unsung role in film history while also serving as an elegy to the lost era of the New Hollywood. It focuses on casting pioneer Marion Dougherty, an iconoclast whose exquisite taste, tenacity and gut instincts brought a new kind of actor to the screen that would mark the end of the old studio system and help to usher in this revolutionary new period. The film draws a line through the last half century to show us the profession’s evolution from studio system type-casting to the rise of large ensemble films populated with unique and diverse casts.
Scoop (2006)
, 1h36
Directed by Woody Allen
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy, Crime, Romance
Themes Films about writers, Films about journalists, Films about magic and magicians
Actors Woody Allen, Scarlett Johansson, Hugh Jackman, Ian McShane, Christopher Fulford, Nigel Lindsay
Roles Sid Waterman
Rating65% 3.299943.299943.299943.299943.29994
Following the memorial service for investigative reporter Joe Strombel (McShane), Strombel's spirit finds himself on the barge of death with several others, including a young woman who believes she was poisoned by her employer, Peter Lyman (Jackman). The woman tells Strombel she thinks Lyman, a handsome British aristocrat with political ambitions, may be the Tarot Card Killer, a notorious serial killer of prostitutes, and that he killed her when she stumbled onto his secret. The Tarot Card Killer left a card on each murder victim's body.
Albert II of Monaco, the Unknown Prince, 52minutes
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Documentaire sur une personnalité, Documentary films about politics, Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Woody Allen, Lionel Richie, Paul Anka
Roles lui-même

Albert de Monaco a accepté d'être suivi pendant huit mois par une caméra, dans son intimité, à travers le monde, en répondant avec franchise à toutes les questions que nombre de personnes se posaient sur ce personnage secret.