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Jiang Wen is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter, Producer and Editor Chinois born on 5 january 1963

Jiang Wen

Jiang Wen
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Birth name 姜文
Nationality Chine
Birth 5 january 1963 (61 years)

Jiang Wen (chinois : 姜文 ; pinyin : Jiāng Wén) est un acteur, réalisateur, scénariste et producteur chinois, né à Tangshan en Chine le 5 janvier 1963. Il est surtout connu en Occident en tant qu'acteur pour son duo avec Gong Li dans le film de Zhang Yimou Le Sorgho rouge.


Né à Tangshan, dans la province du Hebei, au sein d'une famille de militaires, Jiang Wen part vivre à Beijing à l'âge de 6 ans. En 1980, il entre à l'Académie centrale d'art dramatique de Pékin où il obtient son diplôme en 1984. La même année, il commence sa carrière d'acteur à la fois au théâtre et au cinéma.

Après être apparu dans de nombreuses séries télévisées et quelques films, Jiang devient célèbre en Chine pour son rôle dans la série à succès Un pékinois à New York (1992), qui fait de lui l'un des acteurs les plus appréciés de sa génération.

Il joue également dans Hibiscus Town (1984), réalisé par Xie Jin, Black Snow (1990) de Xie Fei, The Emperor's Shadow (1996), mis en scène par Zhou Xiaowen puis Les Sœurs Soong (1997) de Mabel Cheung.

En plus du Sorgho rouge d'après Mo Yan, dans lequel il tient le rôle principal au côté de Gong Li, Jiang collabore à nouveau avec Zhang Yimou sur Keep Cool (1997).

En 1991, il se marie avec la Française Sandrine Chenivesse avec laquelle il a une fille. Il est désormais remarié à l'actrice chinoise Zhou Yun avec laquelle il a deux fils.

Jiang écrit et réalise son premier film en 1994, In the Heat of the Sun, d'après un roman de Wang Shuo. Cette chronique douce-amère et bucolique dépeint l'adolescence de deux Pékinois durant la Révolution culturelle. Le jeune acteur Xia Yu remporte la Coupe Volpi du meilleur acteur à la 51e Mostra de Venise puis l'œuvre gagne six Golden Horse Awards à Taïwan. Le second long métrage de Jiang, Les Démons à ma porte, dont l'action se déroule pendant la seconde guerre sino-japonaise au début des années 1940, est récompensé du Grand Prix au Festival de Cannes 2000.
Cette fresque historique stylisée, tragi-comique et ironique, est tournée en noir et blanc et mêle violence, grotesque, truculence et intimisme. Elle est censurée en Chine car les autorités la trouvent antipatriotique, notamment pour sa représentation, jugée dégradante, de villageois chinois veules, sournois et opportunistes durant l'occupation japonaise. Il est également reproché à l'auteur d'avoir présenté son film en France sans visa officiel. Les Démons à ma porte circule clandestinement sur le territoire par le circuit des DVD pirates.

Jiang est contraint d'abandonner les plateaux de tournage pendant sept ans et doit attendre l'année 2007 pour signer sa nouvelle mise en scène : Le Soleil se lève aussi, juxtaposition de quatre histoires qui se déroulent entre 1958 et 1976 et dans lesquelles se côtoient drame, conte, burlesque, Histoire, histoire du cinéma chinois, merveilleux, monde quotidien et onirisme. En 2009, il réalise le segment Chinatown du film collectif New York, I Love You et y dirige Hayden Christensen, Andy Garcia et Rachel Bilson. L'année suivante, il se met en scène, aux côtés de Ge You et Chow Yun-fat, dans la superproduction Let the Bullets Fly, son premier film d'action comme réalisateur.

Par leur virtuosité technique, leur thématique, leur fantaisie et leur esthétique, les réalisations de Jiang ont été comparées en occident à l'œuvre d'Orson Welles, Federico Fellini et Emir Kusturica.

En 2015, il est annoncé au générique de Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

En 2001, Jiang est juré du 23e Festival international du film de Moscou.

En 2003 il est membre du jury officiel du 56e Festival de Cannes, sous la présidence de Patrice Chéreau.

En janvier 2010, il est le parrain de la première édition du Festival du cinéma chinois en France, qui se déroule à Paris, Versailles, Lyon et Toulouse.

En 2013, il est membre du jury du 70e Festival de Venise, présidé par Bernardo Bertolucci, avec notamment la comédienne Carrie Fisher de l'univers Star Wars.

En 2018 il préside le jury du 21e Festival international du film de Shanghai.

En 2019 il préside le jury du 43e Festival international du film de Hong Kong.

Usually with

Zhou Yun
Zhou Yun
(4 films)
Gu Changwei
Gu Changwei
(4 films)
Wang Shuo
Wang Shuo
(3 films)
Joe Hisaishi
Joe Hisaishi
(2 films)
Feng Xiaogang
Feng Xiaogang
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Jiang Wen (29 films)

Display filmography as list


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, 2h13
Directed by Tony Gilroy, Gareth Edwards
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, War, Thriller, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Space adventure films, Monde imaginaire, Dans l'espace, Sur une planète fictive, Films about extraterrestrial life, Space opera, Children's films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Robot films
Actors Felicity Jones, Mads Mikkelsen, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Forest Whitaker, Riz Ahmed
Roles Baze Malbus
Rating77% 3.896733.896733.896733.896733.89673
L'univers de Star Wars tourne autour des tentatives de séparation d'un groupe favorable à un empire de la République galactique. Pour ce faire, les séparatistes entraînent des dirigeants de la République dans des affaires ingérables grâce aux manigances du Chancelier Suprême Palpatine, qui dit servir la démocratie tout en étant favorable à un empire. Pour maintenir la paix en place, les Jedi combattent les ennemis de la République, mais ceux-ci doivent faire face aux Seigneurs Sith (dont Palpatine est secrètement membre, sous le nom de Dark Sidious), tous sont sensibles à la Force, une capacité d'origine physiologique qui permet à leurs détenteurs d'acquérir certains pouvoirs surnaturels.
Gone with the Bullets, 2h20
Directed by Jiang Wen
Origin Chine
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Action, Adventure, Romance
Actors Jiang Wen, Wang Zhiwen, Shu Qi, Zhou Yun, Wen Zhang, Niu Ben
Roles Ma Zouri
Rating58% 2.904462.904462.904462.904462.90446
The film is set in 1920s Shanghai, surrounding a beauty pageant.
Chinese Zodiac, 2h
Directed by Jackie Chan
Origin Hong kong
Genres Martial arts, Comedy, Kung fu, Action, Adventure, Martial arts
Themes Seafaring films, Sports films, Transport films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Jackie Chan, Kwon Sang-woo, Oliver Platt, Helen Yao, Chen Bo-Lin, Liao Fan
Roles Narrator
Rating60% 3.0026053.0026053.0026053.0026053.002605
The movie begins by Jackie Chan telling the story of the Old Summer Palace and its looting and destruction by British and French soldiers in the Second Opium War. Among the treasures stolen are twelve bronze heads of the animals of the Chinese zodiac.
The Lost Bladesman, 1h47
Directed by Felix Chong, Alan Mak
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, War, Action, Adventure, Historical, Martial arts
Themes Films based on mythology, Sports films, Martial arts films
Actors Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Betty Sun, Alex Fong, Chin Siu-ho (錢小豪), Andy On
Roles Cao Cao
Rating60% 3.003093.003093.003093.003093.00309
The film opens with a scene of Cao Cao attending Guan Yu's funeral — Guan's severed head is buried with a wooden statue in place of his body. The scene flashbacks to 20 years ago: After Guan Yu had been separated from his sworn brother Liu Bei, he temporarily served Cao Cao while he waited for news of Liu's whereabouts. At the Battle of Baima between Cao Cao and his rival Yuan Shao, Guan Yu slew Yuan's general Yan Liang and lifted the siege on Baima. As a reward, Cao Cao suggested to Emperor Xian to grant Guan Yu a marquis title and promote him to a higher rank.
Love for Life, 1h45
Directed by Gu Changwei
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Medical-themed films, Documentary films about health care, HIV/AIDS in film
Actors Zhang Ziyi, Aaron Kwok, Pu Cunxin, Sun Haiying, Jiang Wen, Jiang Wenli
Rating64% 3.201893.201893.201893.201893.20189
Opening narration: "Once there was a village called 'Goddess Temple', high up in the mountains.
Oceans (2010)
, 1h43
Directed by Jacques Perrin, Jacques Cluzaud
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Seafaring films, Transport films, Documentaire animalier, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentary films about nature, Children's films
Actors Pierce Brosnan, Jacques Perrin, Rie Miyazawa, Pedro Armendáriz (fils), Oleg Basilashvili, Jiang Wen
Roles Narrator (voice:Chinese version)
Rating76% 3.844233.844233.844233.844233.84423
Oceans presents details and facts about the journey of the ocean. The film begins on a beach and there are boys and one of them wonders what the ocean is. The scene cuts to the Galapagos where a clan of marine iguanas and horseshoe crabs wander.
Let the Bullets Fly, 2h12
Directed by Jiang Wen
Origin Chine
Genres Comedy, Documentary, Action, Historical
Actors Chow Yun-fat, Jiang Wen, Carina Lau, Liao Fan, Feng Xiaogang, Chen Kun
Roles Pocky Zhang
Rating73% 3.653023.653023.653023.653023.65302
Set in China during the warring 1920s,"Pocky Mark" Zhang Mazi (张麻子; Jiang Wen) leads a group of bandits (each of whom is numbered rather than named). The gang ambush a government train carrying Ma Bangde (马邦德; Ge You), who is on his way to Goose Town (鹅城 E-cheng) to assume the position of governor. Ma's train is derailed, killing both his bodyguards and his counselor, Tang (汤师爷 Tang-shiye; Feng Xiaogang). Ma has no money, having spent it all to buy his position; to avoid being killed by Zhang's bandits he lies to them, claiming that he is actually Counselor Tang and that his wife (Carina Lau) was the dead governor's wife. He tells the bandits that, if they spare him and his wife, he will help Zhang to impersonate Ma and pilfer Goose Town's finances.
The Founding of a Republic, 2h18
Origin Chine
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Political films
Actors Tang Guoqiang, Donnie Yen, Zhang Guoli, Xu Qing, Jet Li, Zhang Ziyi
Roles Mao Renfeng
Rating49% 2.455332.455332.455332.455332.45533
In 1945 after the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Mao Zedong and members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) travel to Chongqing for a meeting with Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang (KMT). With help from the China Democratic League, the Double Tenth Agreement is signed between the KMT and CPC, with both sides agreeing to stop the civil war and to establish a multi-party government in China.
Lost Indulgence, 1h44
Genres Drama
Actors Jiang Wenli, Eric Tsang, Eason Chan, Karen Mok, Jiang Wen
Rating64% 3.2389153.2389153.2389153.2389153.238915
Upon the apparent death of his taxi-driver father (Eric Tseng), Xian-chuen (Tan Jianci) and his mother Li (Jiang Wenli) take in his father's last fare, Su-Dan (Karen Mok), a bar girl, to fulfill the family's obligations. The father, Wu Tao drove his cab into the Yangtze River, breaking Su-Dan's leg and potentially paralyzing her for life, though his body was not recovered.
The Sun Also Rises
Directed by Jiang Wen
Genres Drama, Fantasy
Actors Joan Chen, Jiang Wen, Anthony Wong, Jaycee Chan, Zhou Yun
Roles Tang
Rating71% 3.59963.59963.59963.59963.5996
The movie details four interconnected stories. In the first story, madness and mischief as a single mother (Zhou Yun) drives her devoted son (Jaycee Chan) to distraction with her daredevil antics in pursuit of tranquility. The agile mom climbs tall trees and stands perilously astride a small earthen raft on the river. She treasures a beautiful pair of slippers that she is forever losing, and the son fears that, one day, the footwear will remain while his mother disappears.
Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles, 1h44
Directed by Zhang Yimou, Yasuo Furuhata
Genres Drama
Themes Films about children
Actors Ken Takakura, Shinobu Terajima, Kiichi Nakai, Jiang Wen
Roles Jasmine
Rating72% 3.6467753.6467753.6467753.6467753.646775
Gouichi Takata (played by Ken Takakura) is an aged Japanese father who has not been in good terms with his son Kenichi (Kiichi Nakai) ever since his wife died many years ago. When he learns that his son has been hospitalised, Gouichi travels to Tokyo but Kenichi, still angry that his father left him for a remote fishing town in Japan's northern Akita province to escape the reality of his mother's death, refuses to see Gouichi. Kenichi's wife Rie (Shinobu Terajima) then gives her father-in-law a video tape made by Kenichi so that Gouichi may learn more about his son. The tape contains a footage of Li Jiamin, a Nuo opera artiste from a village in Yunnan province of China. In the recording, Li promised Kenichi to perform Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles for him if he returns the next year. Gouichi then decides to go to China in his sick son's place to film Li's performance.
Jasmine Women
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Films about families
Actors Zhang Ziyi, Joan Chen, Jiang Wen, Lu Yi, Liu Ye
Roles Mr. Meng
Rating65% 3.2995753.2995753.2995753.2995753.299575
The film is divided into three chapters: "grandmother, mother, and daughter"; respectively the story of Mo, Li and Hua.
Letter from an Unknown Woman, 1h30
Genres Drama
Actors Jiang Wen
Roles Mr. Xu
Rating66% 3.340133.340133.340133.340133.34013
Green Tea
Green Tea (2003)
, 1h23
Directed by Zhang Yuan
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Zhao Wei, Jiang Wen, Zhang Yuan
Roles Chen Mingliang
Rating64% 3.2480653.2480653.2480653.2480653.248065
A conservative Beijing graduate student name Wu Fang (Zhao Wei) goes on a series of blind dates. Sensitive to slights and the advances of the men, she often becomes offended and leaves halfway through the dates, though sometimes it is the men who leave first, annoyed by her behavior. On one date she meets Chen Minglian (Jiang Wen), whose fiancee had recently left him after having an affair with another man. Their initial date is an unmitigated disaster. Mingliang discusses her fortune-telling friend who Mingliang scoffs at, and Wu Fang walks out when Mingliang asks her how many previous boyfriends she has had. When he chases after her suggesting that they get a room in the local hotel, she slaps him and takes a taxi to get away from him. However, Mingliang pursues Fang who, while initially resistant, agrees to go on additional dates with Mingliang.
My Father and I, 1h40
Genres Drama
Actors Zhang Yuan, Jiang Wen
Roles Police Officer
Rating67% 3.3653453.3653453.3653453.3653453.365345
Xiao Yu, a Beijing teenager, is abruptly left without a mother following a traffic accident. Her father, Lao Yu, with whom she has had little contact, becomes her legal guardian. He is unsure how to act in this role, but as time progresses their relationship matures into an affectionate one. Lao Yu is not the most dependable of men, however. He gambles, engages in small-time black market business transactions, and spends a great deal of time at a bar associating with other men who live similar lives. This culminates finally in his arrest, and he spends some time in prison. In his absence, Xiao Yu graduates from high school and begins her university studies, and begins living with her boyfriend, a hot-tempered student from Hunan. When her father is released, he finds his relationship with his daughter strained, due in no small part to her frustrations over his absence and lack of dependability, along with his fatherly concerns about her living arrangement. She and her boyfriend leave Beijing for Shanghai, where she becomes pregnant. When her relationship with her boyfriend does not work out, she returns to Beijing to live with her father, who sees her through her pregnancy and helps her raise her child. He has not entirely mended his ways, however, and frequently sneaks out at night to gamble. On one such occasion his friends decide to play a prank, and barge in on the game pretending to be the police—the stress of the experience causes Lao Yu to suffer a stroke, rendering him incapable of caring for himself. Xiao Yu nurses him at home while caring for the baby, hoping that he will recover, but he never does.