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Matthew Vaughn is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter, Producer and Script Supervisor British born on 7 march 1971 at London (United-kingdom)

Matthew Vaughn

Matthew Vaughn
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Birth name Matthew Allard Robert Vaughn
Nationality United-kingdom
Birth 7 march 1971 (53 years) at London (United-kingdom)
Creator of Marv Films

Matthew de Vere Drummond (born Matthew Allard Robert Vaughn; 7 March 1971), best-known as Matthew Vaughn, is an English film producer, director and screenwriter. He is best known for producing such films as Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) and Snatch (2000) and directing the films Layer Cake (2004), Stardust (2007) and Kick-Ass (2010). His latest film is the 2011 superhero film X-Men: First Class.


Débuts en Angleterre (1996-2004)
Vaughn fréquente la Stowe School de Buckingham. Avant d'entrer à l'université, il prend une année sabbatique durant laquelle il voyage dans le monde grâce à un Hard Rock Cafe Tour. Il s'installe ensuite à Los Angeles où il devient assistant réalisateur. Il étudie ensuite l'anthropologie à l'University College de Londres avant de se concentrer sur le cinéma. Démotivé par la concurrence à Los Angeles, il préfère tenter sa chance en Angleterre. À l'âge de 25 ans, il produit son premier long-métrage, Témoin innocent (Scott Michell, 1995), qui reçoit quelques bonnes critiques mais n'est pas un succès.

Grâce à un ami, il rencontre Guy Ritchie qui lui présente son projet Arnaques, Crimes et Botanique. Malgré de nombreuses difficultés, ils parviennent à trouver un financement et à produire le film qui sort en 1998. Le film remporte plusieurs prix et réalise de nombreuses entrées. Cela permet à Matthew Vaughn et Guy Ritchie de financer Snatch : Tu braques ou tu raques (2000), avec Jason Statham, Vinnie Jones, Brad Pitt et Benicio del Toro.

En 2002, Matthew Vaughn et Guy Ritchie produisent le premier film de Barry Skolnick, Carton rouge - Mean Machine, à propos du football dans l'univers carcéral. La même année, les deux compères collaborent pour la dernière fois pour À la dérive, réalisé par Guy Ritchie avec sa compagne de l'époque, Madonna. C'est un échec total, aussi bien public que critique. De plus, le film reçoit plusieurs prix lors de la 23e cérémonie des Razzie Awards.

En 2004, Matthew Vaughn fonde sa société de production Marv Films et réalise son premier film, Layer Cake, avec Daniel Craig dans le rôle d'un dealer de cocaïne lié à la mafia anglaise. Bien que le film passe plutôt inaperçu, il place Daniel Craig sur le radar des producteurs de James Bond, et reçoit un accueil critique très positif, conduisant Hollywood à faire les yeux doux au cinéaste.

Confirmation hollywoodienne (2005-)
La 20th Century Fox lui propose en effet de réaliser X-Men : L'Affrontement final, dernier chapitre de la trilogie amorcée par Bryan Singer et dont la date de sortie est déjà fixée. Le jeune cinéaste refuse l'offre du studio, et accepte de diriger plutôt le plus risqué Stardust pour Paramount Pictures, un film fantastique avec Robert De Niro et Michelle Pfeiffer. Il en signe également le scénario, en collaboration avec Jane Goldman, une future fréquente collaboratrice.

En 2010, Matthew Vaughn passe enfin aux super-héros, mais avec un projet moins exposé : la comédie d'action Kick-Ass, qu'il adapte avec Jane Goldman du comics du même nom de Mark Millar et John Romita Jr.. Le film est un succès critique et commercial, et s'il peut compter sur les performances de Nicolas Cage et Mark Strong, il révèle surtout Aaron Taylor-Johnson et la jeune Chloë Grace Moretz.

La Fox lui fait alors définitivement confiance pour relancer la franchise X-Men : la préquelle X-Men : Le Commencement, centrée sur la jeunesse du Professeur Xavier et Magneto, avec James McAvoy et Michael Fassbender, sort durant l'été 2011. Le film est acclamé par la critique et est un succès commercial.

D'abord annoncé sur des suites de ces succès - Kick-Ass 2 et X-Men: Days of Future Past - il préfère finalement s'atteler à un projet plus personnel : le thriller d'espionnage Kingsman : Services secrets, adapté d'un autre comics de Mark Millar.

Parallèlement, il se contente de produire Kick-Ass 2, dont il confie l'écriture et la réalisation à Jeff Wadlow. Le film est une déception critique et commerciale de l'été 2013, et compromet les chances d'une suite. En revanche, X-Men: Days of Future Past, qui reprend des éléments du scénario sur lequel il a travaillé, est un énorme succès commercial de l'été 2014, sous la houlette de Bryan Singer, qui signera le troisième et dernier opus de la trilogie.

Vaughn poursuit néanmoins sa collaboration avec la Fox, en acceptant de produire, via sa société Marv Films, le blockbuster Les Quatre Fantastiques, sort en août 2015. Le film est un énorme échec critique et commercial. Mais sorti quelques mois plus tôt, Kingsman : Services secrets est un succès commercial surprise - rapportant plus de 5 fois son budget de 81 millions de dollars- et amorce la mise en chantier d'une suite.

Après avoir toujours refusé de réaliser les suites de ses films (il a décliné Kick-Ass 2 et X-Men: Days of Future Past), il met finalement en scène Kingsman : Le Cercle d'or (2017), suite de Kingsman : Services secrets puis la préquelle The King's Man : Première mission (2020).

Vie privée
Il a trois enfants : Caspar, né en 2003, Clementine, née en 2004, et Cosima Violet née en 2010, de son mariage avec l'Allemande Claudia Schiffer, le 25 mai 2002.

Best films

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
X-Men: First Class (2011)
Fantastic Four (2015)
Kick-Ass (2010)

Usually with

Jane Goldman
Jane Goldman
(8 films)
Mark Millar
Mark Millar
(6 films)
Simon Hayes
Simon Hayes
(11 films)
Jason Flemyng
Jason Flemyng
(8 films)
Ben Davis
Ben Davis
(5 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Matthew Vaughn (23 films)

Display filmography as list


The Devil All the Time
Directed by Antonio Campos
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror, Crime
Actors Tom Holland, Mia Wasikowska, Bill Skarsgård, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, Jason Clarke
Roles Poacher #1
Rating71% 3.5510753.5510753.5510753.5510753.551075
Dans le sud des régions rurales de l'Ohio et de la Virginie-Occidentale, Willard Russell, vétéran tourmenté du carnage dans le Pacifique Sud, ne peut sauver sa belle épouse Charlotte d'un cancer, quelle que soit la quantité de sang sacrificiel qu'il verse sur son "journal de prière". Carl et Sandy Henderson, un couple de tueurs en série, arpentent les autoroutes américaines à la recherche de modèles appropriés à photographier et à exterminer. Roy, le prédicateur des araignées, et son compagnon de théâtre virtuose, Théodore, fuient la loi. Enfin, Arvin Russell, le fils orphelin de Willard et Charlotte, grandit pour devenir un homme bon mais également violent.
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, 1h47
Directed by Guy Ritchie
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Mob film, Action, Crime
Themes Mafia films, Medical-themed films, Films about drugs, Heist films, Gangster films, Escroquerie
Actors Jason Flemyng, Dexter Fletcher, Nick Moran, Jason Statham, Steven Mackintosh, Sting
Roles Yuppy in Car
Rating81% 4.050054.050054.050054.050054.05005
Long-time friends and small-time criminals Eddy, Tom, Soap and Bacon put together £100,000 so that Eddy, a genius card shark, can buy into one of "Hatchet" Harry Lonsdale's weekly high-stakes three card brag games. The game is rigged however, and the friends end up massively indebted to Harry, who fully expects them not to be able to come up with the money before the deadline he gives them. He has his sights set on Eddy's father's bar as repayment, and sets his debt collector Big Chris (who is often accompanied by his beloved son, Little Chris) to work in order to ensure that some form of payment is coming up.


The King's Man
Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Origin USA
Genres War, Thriller, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Spy
Themes Spy films, Children's films
Actors Ralph Fiennes, Harris Dickinson, Daniel Brühl, Rhys Ifans, Gemma Arterton, Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Rating63% 3.1555553.1555553.1555553.1555553.155555
Durant la Première Guerre mondiale, plusieurs hommes participent à la création de l'agence d'espionnage britannique Kingsman.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle, 2h21
Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Spy, Crime
Themes Spy films, Medical-themed films, Films about drugs, Films about terrorism, Children's films
Actors Taron Egerton, Julianne Moore, Mark Strong, Halle Berry, Sophie Cookson, Channing Tatum
Rating67% 3.353523.353523.353523.353523.35352
Un an après avoir arrêté le plan de Richmond Valentien, Eggsy coule désormais des jours heureux avec la princesse suédoise Tilde, tout en continuant à travailler pour les Kingsman. Mais un soir, des attaques simultanées détruisent le quartier général du Kingsman et tuent tous les agents. Les seuls survivants, Eggsy et Merlin, sont alors amenés à rencontrer leurs homologues américains du Statesman, dont la base est située dans une distillerie de bourbon dans le Kentucky. Ensemble, entre l'Italie et le Cambodge, ils vont affronter Poppy Adams, une trafiquante à la tête du cartel de drogue le plus puissant du monde, le Cercle d'or.
Kingsman: The Secret Service, 2h9
Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Spy, Crime
Themes Spy films, Films about terrorism, Superhero films, Children's films
Actors Samuel L. Jackson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Colin Firth, Hugh Jackman, Mark Strong, Lady Gaga
Rating76% 3.84923.84923.84923.84923.8492
During a raid in the Middle East, a probationary secret agent sacrifices himself to save his team. Feeling guilt over the loss of his colleague, Harry Hart, code-named "Galahad", delivers a bravery medal to the agent's widow, Michelle Unwin, and her young son, Gary "Eggsy", saying that if they ever need help, they should call the phone number on the back of the medal and deliver a coded message.
The Prodigies, 1h27
Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Origin France
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Animation
Themes Films about sexuality, Rape in fiction, Rape and revenge films
Actors Mathieu Kassovitz, Alexis Tomassian, Féodor Atkine, Julie Dumas, Claire Guyot, Jessica Monceau
Rating59% 2.9561852.9561852.9561852.9561852.956185
Âgé d'une dizaine d'années, Jimbo Farrar est un enfant surdoué et incompris qui se fait régulièrement battre par ses parents. Un jour, il se laisse emporter par sa colère ; quand il revient à lui, sa mère a été battue à mort et son père s'est pendu avec la ceinture qu'il prenait pour le battre. Enfermé dans un hôpital psychiatrique, Jimbo reçoit la visite du multi-milliardaire M. Killian, qui décide de le prendre sous son aile pour l'aider à maîtriser ses capacités.
X-Men: First Class, 2h12
Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Superhero films, Political films, Alternate history films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Rose Byrne, January Jones, Jennifer Lawrence, Oliver Platt
Rating76% 3.846563.846563.846563.846563.84656
In 1944, in a German concentration camp in occupied Poland, Nazi scientist Dr. Klaus Schmidt witnesses a young Erik Lensherr bend a metal gate with his mind when the child is separated from his mother. In his office, Schmidt orders Lensherr to move a coin on his desk, and kills the boy's mother when Lensherr cannot. In grief and anger, Lensherr's magnetic power manifests, killing two guards and destroying the room. Meanwhile, at a mansion in Westchester County, New York, child telepath Charles Xavier meets young shapeshifter Raven, whose natural form is blue-skinned and scaly. Overjoyed to meet someone else "different", he invites her to live with his family as his foster sister.
Kick-Ass (2010)
, 1h57
Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Action, Crime
Themes Mafia films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Gangster films
Actors Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloë Grace Moretz, Mark Strong, Nicolas Cage, Lyndsy Fonseca
Rating75% 3.795453.795453.795453.795453.79545
Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson) is an ordinary teenager who lives in Staten Island, New York. Dave purchases a bodysuit and makes modifications to it. He then embarks on a campaign to become a real-life superhero, armed with a couple of batons. During his first attempt to fight crime, he becomes the victim of a stabbing and a hit and run. This leaves him with multiple fractures and metal plates, all of which cause him to require extensive rehabilitation. In the process of recovery, he gains a capacity to endure pain and enhanced durability. In his absence from school, a rumor spreads that he is gay, as he was found naked by the paramedics after discarding his costume. As a result, his longtime crush, Katie Deauxma (Lyndsy Fonseca), immediately attempts to become his friend.
Stardust (2007)
, 2h7
Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Origin USA
Genres Fantasy, Adventure, Romance
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Witches in film, Superhero films, Steampunk films
Actors Claire Danes, Charlie Cox, Sienna Miller, Ricky Gervais, Jason Flemyng, Mark Strong
Rating75% 3.7978653.7978653.7978653.7978653.797865
A village lies near a gap in a stone wall bordering the magical kingdom of Stormhold. The gap is guarded constantly but Dunstan Thorn manages to go through and meets an enslaved princess, Una. She offers him a glass snowdrop in exchange for a kiss. Nine months later, the Wall Guard delivers a baby to Dunstan, saying his name is Tristan.
Layer Cake
Layer Cake (2004)
, 1h41
Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Crime
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about drugs, Heist films, Gangster films, Escroquerie
Actors Daniel Craig, Tom Hardy, Colm Meaney, Sienna Miller, Jamie Foreman, Michael Gambon
Rating72% 3.647943.647943.647943.647943.64794
An unnamed man, known only as XXXX, is a London underworld figure who has established himself in the cocaine business and is one of the city's biggest suppliers and manufacturers, whilst presenting himself as a figure with legal business operations. Considering himself a businessman and a calm person, he leaves the more violent aspects of the business to his henchman Morty. Morty previously spent 10 years in prison for murder. When he has made his fortune, XXXX plans to retire.


The King's Man
Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Origin USA
Genres War, Thriller, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Spy
Themes Spy films, Children's films
Actors Ralph Fiennes, Harris Dickinson, Daniel Brühl, Rhys Ifans, Gemma Arterton, Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Roles Histoire
Rating63% 3.1555553.1555553.1555553.1555553.155555
Durant la Première Guerre mondiale, plusieurs hommes participent à la création de l'agence d'espionnage britannique Kingsman.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle, 2h21
Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Spy, Crime
Themes Spy films, Medical-themed films, Films about drugs, Films about terrorism, Children's films
Actors Taron Egerton, Julianne Moore, Mark Strong, Halle Berry, Sophie Cookson, Channing Tatum
Roles Writer
Rating67% 3.353523.353523.353523.353523.35352
Un an après avoir arrêté le plan de Richmond Valentien, Eggsy coule désormais des jours heureux avec la princesse suédoise Tilde, tout en continuant à travailler pour les Kingsman. Mais un soir, des attaques simultanées détruisent le quartier général du Kingsman et tuent tous les agents. Les seuls survivants, Eggsy et Merlin, sont alors amenés à rencontrer leurs homologues américains du Statesman, dont la base est située dans une distillerie de bourbon dans le Kentucky. Ensemble, entre l'Italie et le Cambodge, ils vont affronter Poppy Adams, une trafiquante à la tête du cartel de drogue le plus puissant du monde, le Cercle d'or.
Kingsman: The Secret Service, 2h9
Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Spy, Crime
Themes Spy films, Films about terrorism, Superhero films, Children's films
Actors Samuel L. Jackson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Colin Firth, Hugh Jackman, Mark Strong, Lady Gaga
Roles Writer
Rating76% 3.84923.84923.84923.84923.8492
During a raid in the Middle East, a probationary secret agent sacrifices himself to save his team. Feeling guilt over the loss of his colleague, Harry Hart, code-named "Galahad", delivers a bravery medal to the agent's widow, Michelle Unwin, and her young son, Gary "Eggsy", saying that if they ever need help, they should call the phone number on the back of the medal and deliver a coded message.
X-Men: Days of Future Past, 2h11
Directed by Bryan Singer
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction
Themes Politique, Films about religion, Transport films, Time travel films, Aviation films, Films set in the future, Superhero films, Political films, Dystopian films, Alternate history films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films, Robot films, Disaster films, White House in fiction
Actors Shawn Ashmore, Halle Berry, Daniel Cudmore, Adan Canto, Peter Dinklage, Fàn Bīngbīng (范冰冰)
Roles Story
Rating78% 3.9460253.9460253.9460253.9460253.946025
In the future, robots known as Sentinels are exterminating mutants and their human allies. A band of mutants, including Kitty Pryde, Colossus, Iceman, Bishop, Warpath, Blink and Sunspot, evade the Sentinels due to Pryde's ability to send a person's consciousness to the past. Pryde's group convenes with Logan, Storm, Professor Charles Xavier, and Erik Lehnsherr at a monastery in China. Pryde sends Logan's consciousness 50 years back in time to 1973 to prevent Mystique from assassinating Dr. Bolivar Trask, creator of the Sentinels. Following the assassination, Mystique was captured, and her DNA was used by Trask's company to improve the Sentinels, whose ability to adapt to any mutant power makes them almost invincible. Xavier and Lehnsherr advise Logan to find both of their younger selves for help.
X-Men: First Class, 2h12
Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Superhero films, Political films, Alternate history films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Rose Byrne, January Jones, Jennifer Lawrence, Oliver Platt
Roles Ecrivain
Rating76% 3.846563.846563.846563.846563.84656
In 1944, in a German concentration camp in occupied Poland, Nazi scientist Dr. Klaus Schmidt witnesses a young Erik Lensherr bend a metal gate with his mind when the child is separated from his mother. In his office, Schmidt orders Lensherr to move a coin on his desk, and kills the boy's mother when Lensherr cannot. In grief and anger, Lensherr's magnetic power manifests, killing two guards and destroying the room. Meanwhile, at a mansion in Westchester County, New York, child telepath Charles Xavier meets young shapeshifter Raven, whose natural form is blue-skinned and scaly. Overjoyed to meet someone else "different", he invites her to live with his family as his foster sister.