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Ollie Johnston is a Actor American born on 31 october 1912 at Palo Alto (USA)

Ollie Johnston

Ollie Johnston
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Birth name Oliver Martin Johnston, Jr.
Nationality USA
Birth 31 october 1912 at Palo Alto (USA)
Death 14 april 2008 (at 95 years) at Sequim (USA)
Awards National Medal of Arts

Oliver Martin Johnston, Jr. (October 31, 1912 – April 14, 2008) was an American motion picture animator. He was one of Disney's Nine Old Men, and the last surviving at the time of his death. He was recognized by The Walt Disney Company with its Disney Legend Award in 1989. His work was recognized with the National Medal of Arts in 2005.

He was an animator at Walt Disney Studios from 1935 to 1978, and became a directing animator beginning with Pinocchio, released in 1940. He contributed to most Disney animated features, including Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Fantasia and Bambi. His last full work for Disney came with The Rescuers, in which he was caricatured as one of the film's characters, the cat Rufus.

Johnston co-authored, with Frank Thomas, the reference book Disney Animation: The Illusion of Life, which contained the 12 basic principles of animation. This book helped preserve the knowledge of the techniques that were developed at the studio. The partnership of Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston is fondly presented in the documentary Frank and Ollie, produced by Thomas' son Theodore.


Oliver Johnston fait ses études à l'université Stanford, l'université de Californie à Berkeley et au Chouinard Art Institute.

Il rejoint le département d'animation de Disney en 1935 comme intervalliste sur les courts-métrages de Mickey Mouse avant de travailler sur Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains (1937), puis de superviser l'animation de séquences de Fantasia (1940), Pinocchio et Bambi (1942).

Il supervise par la suite l'animation de nombreux personnages, parmi lesquels :

Ichabod et le Juge (avec Frank Thomas) dans Le Crapaud et le Maître d'école (1949) ;
Javotte et Anastasie dans Cendrillon (1950) ;
le Roi de cœur et Alice dans la première scène où elle change de taille dans Alice au pays des merveilles (1951) ;
M. Mouche dans Peter Pan (1953) ;
Triste Sire et le prince Jean (avec Frank Thomas) dans Robin des Bois (1973).
Passionné de trains à vapeurs, il construit à partir de 1949 un train miniature dans son jardin à l'échelle 1/10e avec trois locomotives à l'échelle 1/12e (aujourd'hui propriétés de son fils), qui servira d'inspiration à Walt Disney pour construire dans son propre jardin le Carolwood Pacific Railroad avec l'aide de Roger E. Broggie. Ce train sera à son tour la source d'inspiration du Disneyland Railroad et du parc Disneyland.

Dans les années 1960, Ollie achète et restaure une vraie locomotive à faible écartement de type Porter . Il la baptise Marie E. en l'honneur de sa femme, Marie Worthey, une intervalliste du département Encre et peinture des studios Disney qu'il a épousée en 1943. Cette locomotive est vendue en 2004 à John Lasseter, directeur artistique de Walt Disney Imagineering (depuis 2006) et ancien vice-président et directeur créatif de Pixar , qui réservera à Ollie une surprise en la faisant installer sur les rails du Disneyland Railroad, permettant à Ollie de faire le tour de Disneyland dans son propre train lors d'une visite privée.

Il prend sa retraite en 1978, même s'il sert de consultant sur Rox et Rouky en 1981.

Avec son comparse de toujours, Frank Thomas, il rédige un livre sur l'animation intitulé The Illusion of Life, publié pour la première fois chez Abbeville Press en 1981 et réédité ensuite à de nombreuses reprises par Disney sous le nom Disney Animation : The Illusion of Life. Ce livre est considéré comme la bible des animateurs pour l'animation traditionnelle à la main et principalement pour l'animation des personnages de style Disney.

En 1989, il est nommé Disney Legend aux côtés des « Nine Old Men » (dont six à titre posthume).

Frank Thomas et Ollie Johnston sont ressortis de leurs retraites à deux reprises pour prêter leur voix (en version anglaise) à leurs caricatures dans des longs métrages coproduits par Disney :

Le Géant de fer (1999) sous les traits de deux cheminots ;
Les Indestructibles (2004) sous ceux de deux vieux messieurs qui déclarent « That's old school... – Yeah, no school like the old school. » (« C'est la vieille école... – Ouais, rien de mieux que la vieille école. »).
Les deux amis ont été mis à l'honneur en 1995 dans un documentaire biographique Frank and Ollie , réalisé par Theodore Thomas, fils de Frank, et présenté au Festival international du film de Toronto. Ce documentaire met en avant leurs carrières professionnelles, la vie privée et leur amitié.

Frank Thomas meurt le 8 septembre 2004, suivi le 20 mai 2005 par Marie Johnston. Le 10 novembre 2005, Ollie Johnston est l'un des récipiendaires de la prestigieuse National Medal of Arts, remise par le président George W. Bush lors d'une cérémonie dans le Bureau ovale.

Ollie Johnston meurt le 14 avril 2008 à 95 ans.

Best films

A King in New York (1957)

Usually with

Brad Bird
Brad Bird
(3 films)
Teddy Newton
Teddy Newton
(3 films)
Mark Andrews
Mark Andrews
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Ollie Johnston (13 films)

Display filmography as list


The Incredibles, 1h55
Directed by Brad Bird
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about families, Superhero films, Children's films
Actors Brad Bird, Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Sarah Vowell, Spencer Fox, Jason Lee
Rating79% 3.9969453.9969453.9969453.9969453.996945
"Supers" – humans with superpowers – are forced into civilian relocation programs after facing several lawsuits from peripheral damage caused by their crime fighting activities. Fifteen years after relocation, Bob and Helen Parr, formerly Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl respectively, and their children Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack live as a suburban family. Bob is dissatisfied with suburban life and his white-collar job and longs for the glory days. On some nights, Bob and his old friend Lucius Best, formerly Frozone, perform vigilante work. One day, Bob loses his temper when his supervisor refuses to let him stop a mugging, causing Bob to be fired. Returning home, Bob finds a message from a mysterious woman named Mirage, who convinces him to become Mr. Incredible again and gives him a mission to destroy a savage robot called the Omnidroid on the remote island of Nomanisan, promising a substantial reward. Arriving on Nomanisan Island, Bob is able to find and defeat the Omnidroid by tricking it into ripping out its own power source.
The Iron Giant, 1h23
Directed by Brad Bird, Jeffrey Lynch
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Films based on science fiction novels, Political films, Children's films, Robot films
Actors Eli Marienthal, Jennifer Aniston, Harry Connick, Vin Diesel, Christopher McDonald, John Mahoney
Roles voix additionnelles
Rating80% 4.0481054.0481054.0481054.0481054.048105
In October 1957, after the Russian satellite Sputnik is put into orbit, an enormous robot from outer space crashes into the ocean near Rockwell, Maine. The robot makes it inland and wanders into the forest. Nine-year-old Hogarth Hughes soon discovers the robot one night. The robot begins eating the powerlines of an electrical substation, then gets electrocuted. Hogarth shuts down the power, saving the robot, and returns home. Several days later, Hogarth makes it his mission to find the robot and take a picture. After hours of waiting, the robot surprises Hogarth, who soon befriends him. Suffering amnesia, the Iron Giant accompanies Hogarth wherever he goes. When they come across a railroad, the Giant starts eating the rails. Hearing an oncoming train, Hogarth tells the Giant to repair the tracks. As he does, the train collides, breaking him to pieces. The Giant's parts start to reassemble, and Hogarth hides the damaged robot in his house's barn, where the parts can repair themselves.
Frank and Ollie, 1h29
Origin USA
Genres Biography, Documentary
Themes Films about films, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the visual arts, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Children's films
Actors Franklin Thomas, Ollie Johnston, Glen Keane
Rating75% 3.786583.786583.786583.786583.78658
Bien avant la révolution technologique de l'animation assistée par ordinateur et ses possibilités infinies, la magie de l'animation s'écoulait du crayon de deux des meilleurs animateurs que la Walt Disney Company n'aie jamais connu : Frank Thomas et Ollie Johnston. Talentueux dessinateurs de Bambi, Pinocchio, La belle et le clochard ou Le livre de la jungle, ils sont devenus des modèles pour toute une génération de nouveaux animateurs, et notamment ceux de succès récents comme Le roi lion. Leur génie créatif a rendu à tout jamais le nom de Disney synonyme d'excellence dans l'animation et ses attributs que sont la belle musique et les scénarii intemporels. Ils nous livrent ici leurs secrets, pensées, inspirations et réflexions sur la genèse de films d'animation parmi les plus beaux de l'histoire du cinéma
Dr. Crippen, 1h38
Directed by Robert Lynn
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Biography, Comedy, Horror, Crime
Actors Donald Pleasence, Coral Browne, Samantha Eggar, Donald Wolfit, James Robertson Justice, Geoffrey Toone
Roles Lord Chief Justice
Rating63% 3.1928653.1928653.1928653.1928653.192865
The film ostensibly covers Crippen’s trial but the story is fleshed out with flashbacks to the doctor’s relationship with his coarse, overbearing wife and his affair with a young mistress.
Island of Love, 1h41
Directed by Morton DaCosta
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Actors Robert Preston, Tony Randall, Giorgia Moll, Walter Matthau, Michael Constantine, Ollie Johnston
Roles Prof. Krumwitz
Rating50% 2.5243352.5243352.5243352.5243352.524335
Steve Blair, always on the lookout for a new money-making scheme, spots a stripper of his acquaintance, Cha Cha Miller, at a Greek restaurant in New York, then overhears her gangster boyfriend Tony Dallas say how somebody should make a wholesome movie about Adam and Eve.
The Fast Lady, 1h35
Directed by Ken Annakin
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy
Actors Stanley Baxter, James Robertson Justice, Leslie Phillips, Julie Christie, Kathleen Harrison, Eric Barker
Roles Bulmer
Rating60% 3.046883.046883.046883.046883.04688
Murdoch Troon (Stanley Baxter) is a dour Scot living and working for a local government authority somewhere in the south of London. A shy young man, his main excitement comes from cycling. After he's forced off the road by an impatient car driver, he tracks down the owner, only to find that he is Commander Chingford (James Robertson Justice), the domineering and acerbic owner of a sportscar distributorship.
Francis of Assisi, 1h45
Directed by Michael Curtiz
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical
Themes Films about religion
Actors Bradford Dillman, Dolores Hart, Stuart Whitman, Pedro Armendáriz, Eduard Franz, Cecil Kellaway
Roles Father Livoni
Rating63% 3.161343.161343.161343.161343.16134
Francis Bernardone (Bradford Dillman) is the son of a wealthy cloth merchant in Assisi, who gives up all his worldly goods to dedicate himself to God. Clare (Dolores Hart) is a young aristocratic woman who, according to the film, is so taken with St. Francis that she leaves her family and becomes a nun. By this time (1212 A.D.), St. Francis has a well-established reputation for his vows of poverty. The movie goes on to note miracles (such as the appearance of the stigmata on Francis's hands and feet) and other aspects of his life, up to and including his death on October 3, 1226. The funeral befitted a man loved by man and beast alike, and ended with the birds he loved doing a flyby.
Kidnapped (1960)
, 1h37
Directed by Robert Stevenson
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure
Themes Children's films
Actors Peter Finch, James MacArthur, Bernard Lee, Finlay Currie, John Laurie, Peter O'Toole
Roles Mr. Campbell
Rating65% 3.2966553.2966553.2966553.2966553.296655
In 18th century Scotland, young David Balfour (James MacArthur) is directed by his recently deceased father's letter to go to the House of Shaws, where he is greeted without much enthusiasm by his miserly uncle Ebenezer (John Laurie). An attempt to arrange a fatal accident makes it clear that Ebenezer has no affection for his nephew. Since David is not sufficiently on his guard, he accompanies Ebenezer to a meeting with a seafaring business associate, Captain Hoseason (Bernard Lee). The captain lures David aboard his ship and shanghais him, at Ebenezer's instigation.
A Touch of Larceny, 1h33
Directed by Guy Hamilton, Peter Yates
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy, Crime
Actors James Mason, George Sanders, Vera Miles, Ollie Johnston, Robert Flemyng, Duncan Lamont
Roles Minister
Rating66% 3.336393.336393.336393.336393.33639
A naval war hero but a bit of a scoundrel, Commander Max Easton has a position with the Admiralty but spends most of his time playing squash and pursuing women.
Son of Robin Hood, 1h21
Directed by George Sherman
Origin USA
Genres Adventure
Actors David Hedison, June Laverick, David Farrar, Marius Goring, Philip Friend, Delphi Lawrence
Roles Apothecary
Rating46% 2.3471352.3471352.3471352.3471352.347135
The imposter son of Robin Hood gets locked up in the dungeon. His brother later gets locked up in the dungeon in the next cell. He calls out to him 'Robert, Robert' but he does not believe it his real brother saying that he lies in a foreign grave. He takes off a ring and ties it to some string and swings it to the next cell. When Robert sees the ring his brother tells him that it is the ring he gave him when he left for a foreign land that nobody else knows about and so he realizes that it really is his brother Jamie. He tells him that there is a plan to break him out of the dungeon.Then Jamie is taken to torture a forester Des Roches has captured. Jamie delays the torture until a guard interrupts with a blue cloak dropped by Deering Hood when she went to shoot the Hawk carrying a message from the traitor lady in the priory. Des Roches cries seize him but he uses the dagger given him to torture the forester and takes the guards sword. He engages in a sword fight managing to free the imprisoned forester. Together they escape and open the gate to the secret tunnel letting Little John, Deering and some of Robin Hood's allies into the castle of Des Roches. Jamie then goes back to fight Des Roches and kills him. Little John fights with the guards and manages to lower the drawbridge to let the rest of Robin Hoods men in and the castle is secured. Des Roches had won the support of many Lords and their Knights who are gathering for the coronation of the King in Winchester. But now without his leadership they can support the King at his coronation in place of Des Roches. Jamie declares his love for Deering and they kiss as acceptance of marriage. Jamie pardons Sylvia Des Roches' sister as she helped their cause to defeat Des Roches. everyone lives happily ever after.
A King in New York, 1h47
Directed by Charlie Chaplin
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Charlie Chaplin, Dawn Addams, Michael Chaplin, Maxine Audley, Jerry Desmonde, Shani Wallis
Rating69% 3.4971053.4971053.4971053.4971053.497105
"One of the minor annoyances in modern life is a revolution." Due to a revolution in his country Estrovia, King Igor Shahdov (Charlie Chaplin) comes to New York City with almost no money, his securities having been stolen by his own Prime Minister. He tries to contact the Atomic Energy Commission with his ideas for using atomic power to create a utopia.