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Richard Liberty is a Actor American born on 3 march 1932 at New York City (USA)

Richard Liberty

Richard Liberty
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Nationality USA
Birth 3 march 1932 at New York City (USA)
Death 2 october 2000 (at 68 years) at Dania Beach (USA)

Richard Liberty (born Riccardo Liberatoscioli, March 3, 1932 – October 2, 2000) was an American film and television actor. His film work included George A. Romero's The Crazies (1973), the Kirk Douglas vehicle The Final Countdown, Porky's II: The Next Day, and Flight of the Navigator. Television appearances included roles on Miami Vice and Key West. He is probably best known for portraying Dr. Matthew "Frankenstein" Logan in Romero's Day of the Dead (1985).

Liberty died on October 2, 2000, in Dania, Florida, at the age of 68 from a heart attack. His final interview, conducted by film historians Christian Stavrakis and Robert Telleria, may be heard as a supplement on the Anchor Bay Entertainment DVD and Blu-ray releases of Day of the Dead.

Usually with

Bob Clark
Bob Clark
(1 films)
Tom Savini
Tom Savini
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Richard Liberty (13 films)

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Cyberflic (2001)
, 1h30
Directed by Antonio Margheriti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Action, Crime
Actors Terence Hill, Richard Liberty, Mario Ernesto Sánches
Roles Captain Holmes
Rating44% 2.227912.227912.227912.227912.22791
Un policier de Miami à la retraite (Hagler) est obligé de prendre en filature un réseau de terroriste après que son ancien partenaire est mort dans le devoir. Bill revient alors sur terre en forme virtuelle pour compléter sa mission finale et protéger son loyal partenaire.
Just Cause
Just Cause (1995)
, 1h42
Directed by Arne Glimcher
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Prison films, Films about capital punishment
Actors Sean Connery, Laurence Fishburne, Kate Capshaw, Blair Underwood, Ed Harris, Ruby Dee
Roles Chaplain
Rating63% 3.198143.198143.198143.198143.19814
Paul Armstrong (Sean Connery), a liberal Harvard professor opposed to capital punishment, is persuaded to go to Florida, to investigate the conviction of Bobby Earl Ferguson (Blair Underwood) for murder. Ferguson, a former Cornell University student, is a highly intelligent, charming, and articulate black man who was convicted of raping and murdering a young white girl. Armstrong must save him from being executed in the electric chair. Ferguson tells Armstrong that he was tortured by two police detectives to get a confession. As Armstrong digs deeper into the case, he discovers that Tanny Brown (Laurence Fishburne), the chief detective on the case, did indeed coerce Ferguson's confession.
Cannibal Hookers, 1h7
Directed by Donald Farmer
Genres Comedy, Horror
Actors Richard Liberty, Matthew Borlenghi
Rating27% 1.3977351.3977351.3977351.3977351.397735
As a sorority initiation for Zama Gata Bata, two female college students have to pose as prostitutes and each pick up a client and bring them back to the house. However, when they return they discover the sorority sisters are actually part of a cannibal cult. Then they turn into zombies and start killing and eating the local population.
Flight of the Navigator, 1h30
Directed by Randal Kleiser
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Adventure
Themes Time travel films, Comedy science fiction films, Children's films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Robot films
Actors Joey Cramer, Paul Reubens, Veronica Cartwright, Cliff De Young, Sarah Jessica Parker, Howard Hesseman
Roles Mr. Howard
Rating69% 3.450613.450613.450613.450613.45061
The film follows David Scott Freeman (Joey Cramer), a 12-year-old boy living in Florida in 1978. David has a strained relationship with his younger brother Jeff. On the night of July 4, at his mother's insistence, David walks through the woods to escort Jeff home from a friend's house. On the way, his dog alerts him to something down in a ravine. When David goes to investigate, he falls into the ravine and is knocked unconscious.
Vengeance: The Story of Tony Cimo, 1h30
Directed by Marc Daniels
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Brad Davis, Roxanne Hart, Brad Dourif, Michael Beach, Frances McDormand, William Conrad
Roles Prosecutor Padgett
Rating48% 2.400392.400392.400392.400392.40039
Bill et Myrtle Moon, un couple âgé, patrons d'une épicerie-station-service d'un village de Caroline du Sud, sont braqués et froidement abattus par Rudolph Tyner, un petit voyou un peu retardé. Celui-ci, qui a déjà un casier judiciaire, est immédiatement appréhendé par la police qui le trouve en possession d'une petite somme d'argent correspondant à la recette de l'épicerie et d'une cartouche de fusil. Son avocat plaide la culpabilité, Tyner est condamné à la chaise électrique, mais d'appel en appel, sa peine est constamment reportée (il n'y a pas eu d'exécution capitale depuis vingt ans en Caroline du Sud). Excédé par cette procédure qui s'éternise alors qu'il attendait une exécution exemplaire, Tony Cimo, le fils adoptif de Bill Moon, d'abord hostile aux suggestions d'auto-justice qui lui sont faites par un adepte, en vient à les accepter. Par la bande, il entre en contact téléphonique avec Lamar Sands, un prisonnier chargé de la maintenance du pénitencier où est incarcéré Tyner. Sands, moyennant finances, accepte de liquider Tyner et, après de vaines tentatives d'empoisonnement, lui fait exploser la tête avec un poste de radio bidouillé avec une charge de plastic. La police découvre dans l'atelier de la prison l'enregistrement de l'un des entretiens téléphoniques de Sands avec Tony. Ce dernier est rapidement arrêté et condamné à une réclusion de 5 ans pour complicité de meurtre, plus 8 pour préméditation et usage d'explosif, et encore 8 pour non-dénonciation d'acte criminel, mais n'en purgera finalement que 3. À la suite de cette affaire, la Caroline du Sud rétablit la peine capitale.
Day of the Dead, 1h42
Directed by George A. Romero
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Action, Horror
Themes Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Films set in the future, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Political films, Dystopian films, Disaster films
Actors Lori Cardille, Joseph Pilato, Terry Alexander, Richard Liberty, Jarlath Conroy, Sherman Howard
Roles Dr. Logan
Rating70% 3.5490953.5490953.5490953.5490953.549095
Cannibalistic zombies have overrun the entire world. The remaining fragments of the U.S. government and military hide out in fortified military bases and colonies, attempting to find a solution to the zombie pandemic. Sarah, Private Miguel Salazar, radio operator William "Bill" McDermott, and helicopter pilot John fly from their base to Fort Myers, Florida, in an attempt to locate additional survivors. They encounter a large horde of the undead, and return to their army base in the Everglades, where a small group of scientists, supported by a skeleton crew of soldiers, is searching for a way to stop or reverse the re-animation process.
Miami Supercops, 1h36
Directed by Bruno Corbucci
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Comedy thriller, Action
Themes Buddy films
Actors Terence Hill, Bud Spencer, Richard Liberty, Michael Warren, Luke Halpin, Bruno Corbucci
Roles Joe Garrett
Rating61% 3.05753.05753.05753.05753.0575
In 1978, $20 million was stolen from a Detroit bank. One of the robbers was caught, one was found dead, and the third disappeared. The money was never found. Seven years later, the robber who was caught was released from jail. He immediately went to Miami, only to be found dead the next day. Now FBI agents Doug Bennet and Steve Forest have been called in to investigate the case while posing as Miami police officers. Somewhere in Miami the third robber is hiding with his $20 million, and he has a seven-year head start on the authorities.
The Mean Season, 1h43
Directed by Phillip Borsos, Philip Borsos
Origin USA
Genres Thriller
Themes Films about writers, Films about journalists
Actors Kurt Russell, Mariel Hemingway, Richard Jordan, Andy García, Richard Masur, Richard Bradford
Roles Mr. Hooks
Rating61% 3.051083.051083.051083.051083.05108
Malcolm Anderson is a reporter for a Miami newspaper, who is burned out from years of covering the worst crimes in the city. He promises his girlfriend Christine that they will move away from the city, but he ends up covering a series of grisly murders by a serial killer who calls him telling the reporter that he will kill again. The lines between covering the story and becoming part of it are blurred.
Thieves and Robbers, 1h41
Directed by Bruno Corbucci
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Action, Crime
Themes Buddy films, Escroquerie
Actors Bud Spencer, Tomás Milián, Margherita Fumero, Marc Lawrence, Raymond Forchion, Bruno Corbucci
Roles Sergeant
Rating56% 2.816262.816262.816262.816262.81626
Florida. Tony is a playboy who makes a living doing petty theft. Lieutenant Alan, a burly man and gruff, is always on his trail, and tries to change lifestyle of Tony. One day, however, the two must work together in order to save their lives, because they are accused by the government of being in collusion with the Mafia.
Porky's II: The Next Day, 1h35
Directed by Bob Clark
Origin Canada
Genres Comedy, Sex comedy
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Children's films
Actors Dan Monahan, Wyatt Knight, Mark Herrier, Roger Wilson, Cyril O'Reilly, Tony Ganios
Roles Commissioner Couch
Rating50% 2.5085552.5085552.5085552.5085552.508555
After dealing to Porky the "fatal" blow that was coming to him, the gang from Angel Beach is ready for a new challenge: The High School Drama Club is producing a Shakespeare Festival in which the gang is participating. Unfortunately, a religious leader named Bubba Flavel wants to halt the production because he and his group, "The Righteous Flock," maintain that Shakespeare is indecent and profane. As part of their effort to keep their school-based Shakespeare production on track, the gang from Angel Beach seeks out the help of Seward County Commissioner Gebhardt, who initially promises the gang from Angel Beach that he will pull some strings to keep the Angel Beach High Shakespeare Festival running. However, after the county commissioners, who all will shortly be standing for re-election, vote unanimously to shut down the Shakespeare Festival, the gang quickly learns that Commissioner Gebhardt has reneged on his promises to the Angel Beach gang because he feared that allowing the Shakespeare Festival to proceed would harm his re-election chances. The local Ku Klux Klan chapter joins the movement to shut down the Shakespeare festival because its members object to an American Indian (Runningfox's Seminole character) playing Romeo opposite a white girl Juliet (Wendy). Flavel, who has previously exposed his bigoted nature, welcomes the Klan's support of his movement. The Angel Beach gang then begins plotting their retaliation and revenge against Flavel, Commissioner Gebhardt, the rest of the county commissioners, and the Klan.
Love Child
Love Child (1982)
, 1h36
Directed by Larry Peerce
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Biography, Crime, Romance
Themes Prison films
Actors Amy Madigan, Beau Bridges, Mackenzie Phillips, Albert Salmi, Joanna Merlin, Margaret Whitton
Roles Police Officer
Rating57% 2.857872.857872.857872.857872.85787
Terry Jean Moore (Madigan) was convicted of a crime at the age of 19 and over the time she spent in prison, she meets a guard named Jack Hansen (Bridges). The two fall in love and Moore ends up having his child. Terry has to face the possibility of losing her baby, but she takes up the fight to keep the baby.
The Final Countdown, 1h43
Directed by Don Taylor
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, War, Thriller, Fantastic, Action, Historical
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Time travel films, Aviation films, Political films, Temporal paradox, Alternate history films, United States Armed Forces in films
Actors Kirk Douglas, Martin Sheen, Katharine Ross, James Farentino, Ron O'Neal, Charles Durning
Roles LCdr. Moss
Rating66% 3.348773.348773.348773.348773.34877
In 1980, the USS Nimitz takes on a civilian observer, systems analyst Warren Lasky (Martin Sheen), on the orders of his reclusive and mysterious employer, Mr. Tideman (who helped design much of the ship), just before it departs Pearl Harbor for a training mission in the Pacific Ocean. Out in the Pacific, the ship encounters a strange storm-like vortex which disappears after the ship passes through it. Initially unsure of what has happened, and having lost radio contact with Pacific Fleet Command, Captain Matthew Yelland (Kirk Douglas) launches reconnaissance aircraft which discover the intact U.S. Pacific battleship fleet at Pearl Harbor.
The Crazies, 1h43
Directed by George A. Romero
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Horror
Themes Films about families, Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, Films about viral outbreaks, Disaster films, American disaster films
Actors Lynn Lowry, Richard Liberty, Ned Schmidtke, Bill Hinzman
Roles Artie
Rating60% 3.049243.049243.049243.049243.04924
The film follows two stories, one about the civilians trying to stay alive during the disaster, having to battle both "the crazies" as well as U.S. soldiers ordered to shoot on sight. The other involves the political and military leaders trying to contain the epidemic.