Suggestions of similar film to Godzilla: King of the Monsters
There are 102 films with the same actors, 2 films with the same director, 79545 with the same cinematographic genres (including 128 with exactly the same 5 genres than
Godzilla: King of the Monsters), 6555 films with the same themes (including 33 films with the same 10 themes than
Godzilla: King of the Monsters), to have finally
70 suggestions of similar films.
If you liked
Godzilla: King of the Monsters, you will probably like those similar films :
Directed by Adam WingardOrigin USAGenres Drama,
Science fiction,
AdventureThemes Films about animals,
Dinosaur films,
Kaiju films,
La préhistoire,
Animaux préhistoriques,
Films about apes,
King Kong films,
Giant monster films,
Godzilla films,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Mise en scène d'un mammifère,
Disaster filmsActors Alexander Skarsgård,
Kyle Chandler,
Millie Bobby Brown,
Rebecca Hall,
Shun Oguri,
Eiza GonzálezRating63%

À une époque où les monstres parcourent la Terre, et alors que l’humanité lutte pour son avenir, Godzilla et King Kong, les deux forces les plus puissantes de la nature, entrent en collision dans une bataille spectaculaire inédite. Alors que Monarch se lance dans une mission périlleuse en terrain inconnu, et qu’il découvre des indices sur les origines des Titans, un complot humain menace d’éradiquer ces créatures – qu’elles soient bonnes ou mauvaises – de la surface de la planète.
, 1h22
Directed by Michael DoughertyOrigin USAGenres Thriller,
Horror comedy,
SlasherThemes Films about animals,
L'action se déroule en une journée,
Films about magic and magicians,
Medical-themed films,
Wolves in film,
Werewolves in film,
Serial killer films,
Vampires in film,
Zombie films,
Films about viral outbreaks,
Comedy horror films,
Mise en scène d'un mammifère,
Disaster filmsActors Leslie Bibb,
Dylan Baker,
Rochelle Aytes,
Anna Paquin,
Brian Cox,
Quinn LordRating67%

Emma (Leslie Bibb) and her holiday-obsessed husband, Henry (Tahmoh Penikett), have set up numerous ghost-scarecrows for Halloween in their yard, although she is mostly uninterested in Halloween. After returning home from a Halloween party, Emma tries to blow out a jack-o'-lantern, but Henry tells her not to because it is against tradition to extinguish a jack-o'-lantern on Halloween; she blows it out anyway. While Henry is inside waiting for Emma to take down the decorations, she is murdered by an unknown assailant with a large blade-shaped pumpkin lollipop in front of the kids who were trick-or-treating, who run away in horror. Later, Henry goes outside and notices limbs hanging out of wires. Just then, one of the scarecrows lights up. He approaches it and takes down the cover, only to see Emma's decapitated head stuck onto the stick and wrapped in decorative lights, with her limbs chopped off and her mouth stuffed with a large lollipop, and screams in horror.
, 2h3
Directed by Gareth EdwardsOrigin USAGenres Drama,
Science fiction,
HorrorThemes Films about animals,
Dinosaur films,
La fin du monde,
Kaiju films,
Films about magic and magicians,
Seafaring films,
La préhistoire,
Films about religion,
Transport films,
Films set in the future,
Animaux préhistoriques,
Giant monster films,
Political films,
Dystopian films,
Alternate history films,
Godzilla films,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Arme nucléaire,
Disaster films,
United States Armed Forces in filmsActors Aaron Taylor-Johnson,
Bryan Cranston,
Elizabeth Olsen,
David Strathairn,
Juliette Binoche,
Richard T. JonesRating63%

In 1954, a nuclear bomb is detonated at the moment a giant creature emerges from the ocean. In 1999, Project Monarch scientists Ishiro Serizawa and Vivienne Graham investigate a colossal skeleton unearthed in a collapsed mine in the Philippines. They find two spores; one dormant and one hatched that made a trail into the sea. In Japan, the Janjira Nuclear Power Plant experiences unusual seismic activity and Supervisor Joe Brody sends his wife Sandra and a team of technicians into the reactor. A tremor breaches the reactor, leaving Sandra and her team unable to escape while the plant collapses.
, 1h49
Directed by Paul WeitzOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
HorrorThemes Films about animals,
Circus films,
Films about magic and magicians,
Wolves in film,
Werewolves in film,
Vampires in film,
Children's films,
Mise en scène d'un mammifèreActors John C. Reilly,
Ken Watanabe,
Josh Hutcherson,
Chris Massoglia,
Ray Stevenson,
Patrick FugitRating58%

Darren Shan and his best friend Steve Leonard visit a traveling freak show. Steve believes a performer, Larten Crepsley, is a vampire. Steve talks to Crepsley after the show and asks to become a vampire. Crepsley initially refuses but is talked into testing Steve's blood, that he spits out telling Steve he has bad blood. Steve furiously swears revenge and leaves. Darren overhears everything because he has been hiding in a cupboard after stealing Crepsley's spider, Madam Octa.
, 2h
Directed by Hideaki Anno,
Shinji HiguchiOrigin JaponGenres Drama,
Science fiction,
HorrorThemes Films about animals,
Dinosaur films,
La fin du monde,
Kaiju films,
Films about magic and magicians,
La préhistoire,
Animaux préhistoriques,
Giant monster films,
Godzilla films,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Disaster filmsActors Satomi Ishihara,
Yutaka Takenouchi,
Hiroki Hasegawa,
Kengo Kora,
Ren Osugi,
Akira EmotoRating68%

Une créature géante se manifeste dans la baie de Tokyo, avant de faire surface et de terroriser la ville. Le cabinet ministériel se réunit d'urgence, mais le Premier Ministre est incapable de prendre une décision. Les radiations mesurées sur le passage de la créature démontrent qu'elle est le triste produit d'une contamination. Plus tard, elle évolue et revient sous une forme encore plus monstrueuse, réduisant Tokyo en poussière. Devant l'ampleur de la menace, les États-Unis décident d'utiliser l'arme nucléaire sur le Japon si ce dernier échoue à éradiquer la menace, réveillant le spectre des bombardements d'Hiroshima et de Nagasaki. Une équipe de chercheurs se regroupe alors en marge des décisions du Cabinet pour déterminer comment éliminer le monstre, surnommé "Godzilla". La France et l'Allemagne finiront par s'en mêler à leur tours.
, 1h45
Directed by Shūsuke KanekoOrigin JaponGenres Drama,
Science fiction,
HorrorThemes Films about animals,
Dinosaur films,
La fin du monde,
Kaiju films,
Films about magic and magicians,
Seafaring films,
La préhistoire,
Transport films,
Animaux préhistoriques,
Films about insects,
Films about dragons,
Les fées,
Giant monster films,
Godzilla films,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Disaster filmsActors Chiharu Niiyama,
Masahiro Kobayashi,
Ryudo Uzaki,
Kaho Minami,
Masahiro Kobayashi,
Shirō SanoRating70%

During a meeting of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) for the potential return of Godzilla, Admiral Taizo Tachibana briefs cadets about Godzilla's first attack. A nuclear submarine is reported missing, which is later found to have been destroyed by Godzilla. Tachibana's daughter, Yuri Tachibana films a docudrama with her crew at Mt. Myoko, where a mysterious earthquake randomly ensues. The odd earthquake returns later that night burying a biker gang and leaving one surviving trucker who witnesses the monster, Baragon.
, 1h22
Directed by Motoyoshi OdaOrigin JaponGenres Drama,
Science fiction,
HorrorThemes Films about animals,
Dinosaur films,
La fin du monde,
Kaiju films,
Films about magic and magicians,
Seafaring films,
La préhistoire,
Transport films,
Animaux préhistoriques,
Natural horror films,
Giant monster films,
Godzilla films,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Disaster filmsActors Minoru Chiaki,
Hiroshi Koizumi,
Takashi Shimura,
Haruo Nakajima,
Masao Shimizu,
Yoshio TsuchiyaRating57%

Two pilots named Shoichi Tsukioka and Koji Kobayashi are hunting for schools of fish for a tuna cannery company in Osaka. Kobayashi's plane malfunctions and is forced to land near Iwato Island, an uninhabited strip of rocks formed by volcanic eruptions. Tsukioka then looks for Kobayashi and finds him safe, with only a wrist sprain. While talking, the two men hear some strange sounds and find two monsters fighting. Tsukioka immediately recognizes one of the monsters to be Godzilla. The two monsters then fall off a cliff, into the ocean.
Directed by Rupert WyattOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
HorrorThemes Films set in the future,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Alien invasions in filmsActors John Goodman,
Vera Farmiga,
Kevin Dunn,
Alan Ruck,
Madeline BrewerRating59%

En 2027, neuf ans après une invasion de la Terre par des extraterrestres, la vie est compliquée à Chicago au sein du quartier de Near West Side. Un réseau de résistants s'est constitué, et un projet d'attentat est organisé... Les résistants sont traqués par la police américaine et lorsque l'attentat a lieu, le but principal de la police est d'interpeller les membres du réseau, y compris son chef, le mythique « numéro 1 »…
, 1h48
Directed by Takao OkawaraOrigin JaponGenres Drama,
Science fiction,
AdventureThemes Films about animals,
Dinosaur films,
La fin du monde,
Kaiju films,
Films about magic and magicians,
Seafaring films,
La préhistoire,
Transport films,
Animaux préhistoriques,
Giant monster films,
Godzilla films,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Robot films,
Disaster filmsActors Megumi Odaka,
Masahiro Takashima,
Shelley Sweeney,
Akira Nakao,
Kenji Sahara,
Shinobu NakayamaRating65%

In 1992, the United Nations establishes the United Nations Godzilla Countermeasures Center (UNGCC) to stop Godzilla. The remains of Mecha-King Ghidorah are salvaged from the ocean and used to create two anti-Godzilla machines. The first is a flying gunship called Garuda. The second and more powerful machine, modeled after Godzilla itself, is called Mechagodzilla.
, 2h5
Directed by Ryūhei KitamuraOrigin JaponGenres Science fiction,
AdventureThemes Films set in Africa,
Films about animals,
Dinosaur films,
La fin du monde,
Kaiju films,
Films about magic and magicians,
Seafaring films,
La préhistoire,
Transport films,
Films set in the future,
Animaux préhistoriques,
Films about spiders,
Films about insects,
Films about dragons,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Les fées,
Giant monster films,
Godzilla films,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Alien invasions in films,
Disaster filmsActors Masahiro Matsuoka,
Rei Kikukawa,
Kane Kosugi,
Kazuki Kitamura,
Kumi Mizuno,
Kenji SaharaRating63%

Endless warfare and environmental pollution have resulted in the frequent appearance of monsters. The Earth Defense Force (EDF) is established. Mutant humans with extraordinary physical capabilities are discovered and are organized into an EDF troop called the M-Organization. Their main opponent is Godzilla, first sighted in 1954. After repeated battles, Godzilla is captured in a crevasse at the South Pole and buried under an avalanche of ice. The EDF ship Gotengo, commanded by Captain Gordon, battles and destroys Manda but in the process, the ship is wrecked and Gordon is dismissed from the EDF. At M headquarters, mutants Ozaki and Kazama spar before their next mission.