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Films from the country "USA", sorted by revenue

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The Live Ghost, 21minutes
Directed by Buddy Rogers, Charley Rogers
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Buddy films
Actors Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Walter Long, Mae Busch, Arthur Housman, Charlie Hall

A gruff sea captain (Walter Long) enlists fish-shop employees Laurel and Hardy to help in shanghaiing men to be a crew for his next voyage. They succeed in doing so by a stunt that gets each man chasing after them. But they accidentally clobber the captain as well, provoking him into shanghaiing them as well aboard what is rumored to be a "ghost ship" (which was why Captain Long was unable to get men to voluntarily enlist). He is so angry at this rumor that he makes a dire threat against the next man that tells him that he sails a "ghost ship".
Wild Poses
Wild Poses (1933)
, 20minutes
Directed by Robert F. McGowan
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Buddy films, Children's films
Actors George McFarland, Stymie Beard, Jerry Tucker, Tommy Bond, Emerson Treacy, Gay Seabrook

Otto Phocus (Franklin Pangborn) is a haughty photographer hellbent on taking a formal portrait of a terrified Spanky (George McFarland). The little guy has been told by the gang that Phocus plans to "shoot" him; thinking the camera is a cannon. This leads Spanky to avoid having his picture taken, and his habit of punching Phocus in the face with regularity.
Voltaire (1933)
, 1h12
Directed by John G. Adolfi
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical
Themes Films about writers, Philosophie, Histoire de France
Actors George Arliss, Doris Kenyon, Margaret Lindsay, Alan Mowbray, Reginald Owen, Doris Lloyd

In pre-Revolutionary France, Voltaire champions the oppressed commoners and tries to warn King Louis XV (Reginald Owen) about the growing unrest among his subjects. The writer has a powerful ally in Madame Pompadour (Doris Kenyon), Louis' mistress, but the Count de Sarnac (Alan Mowbray) opposes him for his own ends.
The Life of Jimmy Dolan, 1h28
Directed by Archie Mayo
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Loretta Young, Aline MacMahon, Guy Kibbee, John Wayne, Edward Arnold

Champion de boxe à la carrière florissante considérant l'humanité avec dédain, Jimmy Dolan tue accidentellement un journaliste lors d'une soirée. Il prend la fuite avant l'arrivée des secours et de la police. Un accident lui permet de passer pour mort. Devenu un anonyme, il trouve refuge dans une ferme qui abrite un institut pour enfants handicapés. Là, au contact de ces enfants, Jimmy perd son cynisme et se prend d'affection pour eux et pour madame Moore, qui dirige l'établissement. Mais un jour, un inspecteur de police le reconnaît. Jimmy doit alors prendre une décision difficile : s'échapper à nouveau ou se rendre et assumer ses actes passés.
Three Little Pigs, 8minutes
Directed by Burton Gillett
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Musical, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about pigs, Wolves in film, Musical films, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Billy Bletcher, Pinto Colvig, Dorothy Compton, Walt Disney, Mary Moder, Maurice Sarfati

Trois petits cochons construisent respectivement des maisons de paille, de bois et de briques. Le grand méchant loup détruit en soufflant les deux premières avant de se heurter à la solidité de la troisième dans laquelle se sont réfugiés les trois cochons, il souffle encore jusqu'à en perdre son pantalon. Il tente alors de s'introduire par la cheminée mais Naf-Naf, le plus sage des petits cochons, l'ayant entendu, ajoute de la térébenthine dans une grande marmite d'eau bouillante. Le loup descend et s'assoit dans la marmite. Il trempe ses fesses dans l'eau bouillante ; de douleur il crie, saute et s'enfuit dans la forêt, traînant son derrière au sol en hurlant tandis que les petits cochons sauvés rient de cette infortune.
Ever in My Heart, 1h8
Directed by Archie Mayo
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Romance
Themes Political films
Actors Barbara Stanwyck, Otto Kruger, Ruth Donnelly, Ralph Bellamy, Laura Hope Crews, Frank Albertson

In 1909 in Archedale, Mary Archer (Barbara Stanwyck), an American girl from the prominent Archer family, meets Hugo Wilbrandt (Otto Kruger), a German chemist who knows her childhood friend, Jeff (Ralph Bellamy). It had been assumed for years that Mary and Jeff would eventually get married, but Mary falls in love with Hugo and he with her. They soon marry and start a family.
Tonight Is Ours, 1h15
Directed by Stuart Walker
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Films based on plays
Actors Claudette Colbert, Fredric March, Alison Skipworth, Arthur Byron, Paul Cavanagh, Ethel Griffies

It tells the story of a princess who has an affair with another boyfriend before her marriage to a prince.
Duck Soup
Duck Soup (1933)
, 1h10
Directed by Leo McCarey
Origin USA
Genres War, Comedy, Musical
Themes Monde imaginaire, Musical films, Political films
Actors Groucho Marx, Harpo Marx, Chico Marx, Zeppo Marx, Margaret Dumont, Louis Calhern

The wealthy Mrs. Teasdale (Margaret Dumont) insists that Rufus T. Firefly (Groucho) be appointed leader of the small, bankrupt country of Freedonia before she will continue to provide much-needed financial aid. Meanwhile, neighboring Sylvania is attempting to annex the country. Sylvanian ambassador Trentino (Louis Calhern) tries to foment a revolution and to woo Mrs. Teasdale, and he tries to dig up dirt on Firefly by sending in spies Chicolini (Chico) and Pinky (Harpo).
She Had to Say Yes, 1h5
Directed by George Amy, Busby Berkeley
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Loretta Young, Winnie Lightner, Lyle Talbot, Regis Toomey, Hugh Herbert, Ferdinand Gottschalk

Sol Glass (Ferdinand Gottschalk) owns a clothing manufacturing company struggling to survive in the midst of the Great Depression. Like his competitors, Glass employs "customer girls" to entertain out-of-town buyers. However, his clients have become tired of his hard-bitten "gold diggers" and have started taking their business elsewhere. Tommy Nelson (Regis Toomey), one of his salesmen, suggests that they use their stenographers instead. Glass decides to give it a try.
Design for Living, 1h31
Directed by Ernst Lubitsch, Ben Hecht
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Théâtre, Films based on plays, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre de Noel Coward
Actors Gary Cooper, Fredric March, Miriam Hopkins, Edward Everett Horton, Franklin Pangborn, Wyndham Standing

While en route to Paris via train, commercial artist Gilda Farrell meets artist George Curtis and playwright Thomas Chambers, fellow Americans who share an apartment in the French capital. Gilda works for advertising executive Max Plunkett, who has had no success in his efforts to engage her in a romantic relationship. Tom and George each realizes the other is in love with Gilda, and although they agree to forget her, they cannot resist her when she comes to visit. Unable to choose between the two, she proposes she live with them as a friend, muse, and critic—with the understanding they will not have sex.
Secrets (1933)
, 1h30
Directed by Frank Borzage
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Western
Themes Films based on plays
Actors Mary Pickford, Leslie Howard, C. Aubrey Smith, Blanche Friderici, Ned Sparks, Doris Lloyd

Wealthy banker and shipowner William Marlowe and his wife Martha have their hearts set on marrying their daughter Mary to English aristocrat Lord Hurley. However, Mary has other ideas. She has fallen in love with John Carlton, one of her father's clerks. When Mr. Marlowe finds out, he fires John. John decides to go west to make his fortune, then return for Mary, but she insists on going with him. They elope.
Midnight Mary, 1h14
Directed by William A. Wellman
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Crime, Romance
Actors Loretta Young, Ricardo Cortez, Franchot Tone, Una Merkel, Andy Devine, Frank Conroy

Une jeune femme jouée par Loretta Young se retrouve devant un tribunal pour meurtre. Pendant que le jury se retire pour délibérer, l'accusée est emmenée dans le bureau du greffier. Là, dans ce minuscule bureau, elle aperçoit les années de greffes rangées dans les étagères. 1919 "C'est là que je suis née". Débute alors un flashback; le décès de sa mère à 9 ans. Elle tombe alors dans la prostitution. Cherchant à s'en sortir et à mener une vie droite, elle suit malheureusement un gangster qui la prend sous son aile. Lorsqu'elle croise la route d'un jeune avocat issu d'une célèbre famille; celui-ci tombe amoureux de la jeune femme. Il échappe de peu à un assassinat lorsque le gangster jaloux sort un revolver.Seul l'intervention rapide pour faire baisser l'arme permet au coup de feu de rater sa cible.
The Working Man, 1h18
Directed by John G. Adolfi
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romance
Actors George Arliss, Bette Davis, Theodore Newton, Hardie Albright, Gordon Westcott, J. Farrell MacDonald

Successful shoe manufacturer John Reeves is annoyed with his staff, particularly his conceited nephew and company general manager Benjamin Burnett (who considers himself the driving force behind the firm), because they are losing ground to their longtime chief rival, headed by former best friend Tom Hartland. The two men had had a falling out after falling in love with the same woman; she married Hartland, and Reeves remained a bachelor. Nevertheless, Reeves is saddened to learn of Hartland's death.