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Films with theme "Military humor in film", sorted by revenue

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Call Out the Marines, 1h7
Directed by William Hamilton, Frank Ryan
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Musical
Themes Military humor in film, Spy films, Political films
Actors Edmund Lowe, Victor McLaglen, Binnie Barnes, Paul Kelly, Robert Smith, Dorothy Lovett

Ex-Marines Jimmy McGinnis (Victor McLaglen) and Harry Curtis (Edmund Lowe), who haven't seen each other for fifteen years, meet at a racetrack. They both immediately drop their jobs as an attendant and cleaner to rekindle their friendship and brawl over which one will have Violet (Binnie Barnes) for their girl. When visiting a clip joint called the Shoreleave Cafe with Violet, they meet the owner, Jim Blake (Paul Kelly). Blake was their former captain; he left the Corps under a cloud when he was blamed for a security breach. Blake is involved in espionage, arranging to buy the plans for a new amphibious vehicle.
Tanks a Million, 50minutes
Directed by Fred Guiol, John E. Burch
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Military humor in film
Actors William Tracy, James Gleason, Noah Beery, Jr, Joe Sawyer, Elyse Knox, Douglas Fowley

Dorian Doubleday, "Dodo" to his friends, works as a clerk at a railway station but he has the ability of photographic memory. When he is drafted in the Army, he memorizes all the manuals for Army procedure immediately before starting his service.
Private Buckaroo, 1h8
Directed by Edward F. Cline
Origin USA
Genres War, Comedy, Musical theatre, Musical
Themes Military humor in film, Musical films, Political films
Actors Dick Foran, Ernest Truex, Jennifer Holt, Shemp Howard, Mary Wickes, Donald O'Connor

Entertainer Lon Prentice initially is keen to enlist in the US Army but is prevented from this due to his having one flat foot. After having the flat fixed, he is accepted for enlistment. Soon after basic training begins, Private Prentice informs his commanding officer that he finds most military training useless, unnecessary and beneath him. His commander orders all the men that Private Prentice is exempt from doing things he doesn't want to do, which turns the entire camp against him.
Private Snuffy Smith, 1h7
Directed by Edward F. Cline
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy
Themes Military humor in film
Actors Bud Duncan, Edgar Kennedy, Sarah Padden, J. Farrell MacDonald, Jimmie Dodd, Patrick McVey

Inspired by and envious of the $21 a month and free khaki uniform and gold buttons of his friend Don Elbie, Snuffy Smith joins the US Army with his dog, Mr. Carson, concealed by an invisibility potion. As fate would have it, his company First Sergeant is Ed Cooper, a former revenuer who had unsuccessfully attempted to locate and destroy Snuffy's still.
The Adventures of a Rookie
Directed by Leslie Goodwins
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Military humor in film
Actors Wally Brown, Alan Carney, Rita Corday, John Hamilton, Stanley Andrews, Lew Davis

Three young men from completely different levels of society get their draft notices the same day. Jerry Miles works as an MC on a nightclub, Mike Strager drives a truck for a living and Bob Prescott is the heir of an wealthy family. The three men all report for military duty, and are measured to get uniforms as well as tested for aptitude. Bob scores somewhat higher than the other two and is assigned to be in charge of the men during the bus drive to boot camp. Bob’s uniform is all covered in mud, splashing up from a passing car, driven by the cute Peggy Linden.
A Sailor-Made Man, 47minutes
Directed by Fred C. Newmeyer
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy
Themes Military humor in film, Seafaring films, Transport films, United States Armed Forces in films
Actors Harold Lloyd, Mildred Davis, Noah Young, Fred Guiol, Dick Sutherland, Jobyna Ralston

"The Boy" (Lloyd) is an idle playboy and heir to $20,000,000, relaxing at an exclusive resort. When he sees "The Girl" (Mildred Davis), surrounded by a flock of admirers, he suddenly asks her to marry him. Taken aback, she sends him to get the approval of her father, a tough, hardworking steel magnate. The girl's father knows and disapproves of the Boy's indolence, and demands that he first get a job to prove that he can do something. The Boy sees a recruiting poster and applies to join the United States Navy. When the magnate decides to take a long cruise on his yacht, he tells his daughter to bring along her friends. She invites the Boy, but he finds he cannot get out of his three year enlistment.
Private Izzy Murphy, 1h20
Directed by Lloyd Bacon
Origin USA
Genres Comedy-drama
Themes Military humor in film, Political films
Actors George Jessel, Patsy Ruth Miller, Nat Carr, Spec O'Donnell, Gustav von Seyffertitz, Douglas Gerrard

Isadore Goldberg, an enterprising Russian Jew, comes to the United States and establishes himself in the delicatessen business so that he can one day send for his parents. Forced to vacate his store, Izzy relocates in an Irish neighborhood; there, after he changes his surname to "Murphy," his business prospers. While waiting for a subway train, Izzy recovers a girl's handkerchief; later, he meets her in his store and learns that she is Eileen Cohannigan, from whose father he buys foodstuffs. After the arrival of Izzy's parents, he embarks for France with an all-Irish regiment and inspires his comrades to deeds of valor. He is welcomed home by Cohannigan, but when Cohannigan learns that he is Jewish, he denounces his daughter for loving him. With the aid of his service buddies, however, Izzy and Eileen head for City Hall to be married.
Doughboys (1930)
, 1h19
Directed by Edward Sedgwick
Origin USA
Genres War, Comedy
Themes Military humor in film, Political films
Actors Buster Keaton, Sidney Bracey, Sally Eilers, Cliff Edwards, Edward Brophy, Tiny Sandford

Elmer (Keaton), a member of the idle rich, is smitten by working girl Mary (Sally Eilers), who will have nothing to do with him. When Elmer's chauffeur gets caught up in an army recruitment drive and quits, Elmer goes to an employment agency to find a new driver and accidentally enlists in the army. Elmer learns that Mary is on the base to entertain the troops and learns that his drill sergeant, Brophy (Edward Brophy), is also interested in Mary.
Pack Up Your Troubles, 1h8
Directed by Lloyd French, George Marshall, Ray McCarey
Origin USA
Genres War, Comedy
Themes Military humor in film, Political films, Buddy films
Actors Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, James Finlayson, Richard Tucker, Don Dillaway, Jacquie Lyn

The film begins in 1917 with Stan (Stan Laurel) and Ollie (Oliver Hardy) being drafted into the American Expeditionary Force to fight in World War I. The two mess up badly during drilling, antagonizing the drill sergeant and wind up in kitchen duties. Misunderstanding the cook's instructions on disposing of the garbage cans results in dumping the garbage in the general's private dining room. While in prison, they are threatened by the cook (George Marshal), also jailed due to their "snitching", with violence, once he is out and has his knife again. While serving in the trenches of France, the pair befriend a man named Eddie Smith, who is killed in action by the Imperial German Army.In the same battle, the boys manage to capture several enemy soldiers, in a rather unusual way.
Dizzy Pilots
Directed by Jules White
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Military humor in film, Transport films, Aviation films, Buddy films
Actors Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Curly Howard, Richard Fiske, Harry Semels, Bobby Barber

The Stooges are the Wrong brothers (a parody of the Wright brothers), a trio of aviators in the "Republic of Cannabeer, P.U." who receive an army draft notice. The notice says the brothers have been granted a 30-day deferment of duty on account of their claims that the plane they are inventing, the “Buzzard”, will revolutionize flying. Curly proudly announces that their plane has put them among other "great inventors" like Robert Fulton, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and Don Ameche.
Higher Than a Kite
Directed by Del Lord
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Military humor in film, Transport films, Aviation films, Political films, Buddy films
Actors Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Curly Howard, Vernon Dent, Dick Curtis, Duke York

The Stooges want to fly for the Royal Air Force, but end up as mechanics working in a motor-pool garage. When given the assignment of getting a 'squeak' out of the Colonel's car from his assistant Kelly (Duke York), they get sidetracked after Moe's head gets stuck in a pipe. After several painful attempts, they finally unscrew Moe from the tight quarters, and he eventually chases Larry and Curly around the vehicle, breaking the windshield in the process. The Stooges disassemble the entire engine, and are still puzzled, as they are not exactly certain what a squeak looks like. Kelly comes to retrieve the Colonel's car, with the Stooges still hoping to be airmen.
Abroad with Two Yanks, 1h20
Directed by Allan Dwan, John E. Burch
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Military humor in film, Seafaring films, Transport films, Political films
Actors William Bendix, Dennis O'Keefe, Helen Walker, John Loder, James Flavin, George Cleveland

Arriving in Australia after the Battle of Guadalcanal, two Flagg and Quirt type American Marines compete with each other by stealing the other's Australian girlfriend. Their intense rivalry leads to their arrest and escape from confinement dressed as women.
Fusilier Wipf, 1h56
Directed by Hermann Haller, Leopold Lindtberg
Origin Suisse
Genres Drama
Themes Military humor in film
Actors Paul Hubschmid, Heinrich Gretler, Alfred Rasser, Robert Trösch, Elsie Attenhofer, Wolfgang Heinz

Le 1er août 1914, des clients de salon de coiffure Wiederkehr discutent de la mobilisation générale décrétée en Allemagne, Belgique et Russie. L’armée suisse étant également mobilisée, l’aide-coiffeur Reinhold Wipf doit quitter la vie civile pour aller occuper son poste dans les troupes gardes-frontières. Trimbalé entre les Alpes valaisannes, le Tessin et les forêts du Jura, le jeune soldat maladroit, timide et quelque peu efféminé devient un homme qui gagne progressivement le respect de ses camarades et de ses supérieurs hiérarchiques. Cet engagement militaire le sépare aussi de Rosa Wiederkehr, la fille assez prétentieuse de son maître d’apprentissage, mais il connaît le grand amour avec Vreneli, toute simple et naturelle.