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Jane Birkin is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter and Assistant Director British born on 14 december 1946 at Marylebone (United-kingdom)

Jane Birkin

Jane Birkin
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Birth name Jane Mallory Birkin
Nationality United-kingdom
Birth 14 december 1946 at Marylebone (United-kingdom)
Death 16 july 2023 (at 76 years)
Awards Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres‎, Knight of the National Order of Merit, Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire

Jane Mallory Birkin, OBE (born 14 December 1946) is an English actress and singer based in France. She is perhaps best known for her relationship with Serge Gainsbourg in the 1970s and being the namesake of the popular Hermès Birkin bag. In recent years she has written her own album, directed a film and become an outspoken proponent of democracy in Burma.


Birkin was married in 1965 to John Barry, the English composer best known for writing the music to numerous James Bond films and other films. They met when Barry cast Birkin in his musical Passion Flower Hotel. Their daughter, the late photographer Kate Barry, was born on 8 April 1967 and died on December 11, 2013. The marriage ended in 1968.

She had a passionate and creative relationship with her mentor Serge Gainsbourg, whom she met on the set of Slogan in 1968, a relationship that lasted 13 years. They never married, despite rumours and misreporting to the contrary. In 1971 they had a daughter, the actress and singer Charlotte Gainsbourg. They separated in 1980.

On 4 September 1982 she gave birth to her third daughter, Lou Doillon, from her relationship with the director Jacques Doillon. They separated in the 1990s. The Observer reported in 2007 that Doillon "could not compete with her grief for Gainsbourg" (who died in 1991), and that she had lived alone since their separation.

Birkin's humanitarian interests led her to work with Amnesty International on immigrant welfare and AIDS issues. She has visited Bosnia, Rwanda, Palestine and Israel.

Best films

Animal (1977)
I'm Losing My Temper (1974)
Move Along, There Is Nothing to See! (1983)
Love at the Top (1974)
The Wild Goose Chase (1975)
The Swimming Pool (1969)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Jane Birkin (80 films)

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Bleu Catacombes
Directed by Charlotte Brändström
Genres Thriller
Actors Patrick Chesnais, Camille Panonacle, Ludmila Mikaël, Gaëlle Bona, Ruth Vega Fernandez, Jane Birkin
Roles Lili Rousseau
Rating63% 3.1644353.1644353.1644353.1644353.164435
Le commissaire Rousseau, de la brigade criminelle, et son adjointe, la jeune profileuse Mariella De Luca, mènent l'enquête sur une tête retrouvée dans les catacombes de Paris : la victime était une célébrité de l'art contemporain, au passé sulfureux, Maximilien Müller. Dans l'atelier de l'artiste, Rousseau et Mariella découvrent un deuxième corps décapité, celui d'une femme, dont la tête reste introuvable. Qui est cette femme? Le mystère s'épaissit les nuits suivantes quand on retrouve une autre tête dans des lieux publics. Derrière ces mises en scènes macabres dignes d'un tueur en série, se cache en réalité une vengeance personnelle, pour un évènement lointain et inavouable qui semble lier toutes les victimes. Une seule personne semble détenir la clé de l'énigme : Lydia, la femme de Müller, gardienne de son oeuvre, et redoutable femme d'affaires. Sans doute la prochaine sur la liste.
Bleu Catacombes
Directed by Charlotte Brändström
Origin France
Genres Thriller
Actors Patrick Chesnais, Camille Panonacle, Jane Birkin, Ludmila Mikaël, Ruth Vega Fernandez, Michel Bompoil
Roles Lili Rousseau
Rating63% 3.1644353.1644353.1644353.1644353.164435
Une tête est retrouvée dans les catacombes de Paris. Le commissaire Rousseau et son équipe trouvent rapidement l'identité de la victime. Il s'agit de Maximilien Müller, un artiste renommé. Mais où est le corps ? L'enquête mène la police dans l'atelier du peintre où elle retrouve non seulement le corps nu de l'artiste mais aussi celui d'une femme d'une soixantaine d'années également décapitée. Une tête est retrouvée plus tard mais elle ne peut appartenir au corps retrouvé dans l'appartement. Est-ce un tueur en série ? Les victimes sont-elles liées ?
The French Minister, 1h53
Directed by Bertrand Tavernier
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Politic
Themes Films about animals, Politique, Films about cats, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Thierry Lhermitte, Niels Arestrup, Joséphine de La Baume, Raphaël Personnaz, Anaïs Demoustier, Julie Gayet
Roles Molly Hutchinson
Rating63% 3.187713.187713.187713.187713.18771
After French yuppie Arthur Vlaminck has graduated at the National School of Administration he joins the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. Vlaminck's ambitious new colleagues try to bully him around while his superior Claude Maupas acts on the other hand rather phlegmatic. Somewhat surprisingly Vlaminck's career gains momentum.
Nobody's Daughter Haewon, 1h30
Directed by Hong Sang-soo
Origin Coree du sud
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Films about education, Films about sexuality
Actors Jung Eun-chae, Lee Sun-kyun, Kim Ja-ok, Ye Ji-won, Yoo Jun-sang, Ryu Deok-hwan
Roles Self
Rating66% 3.3422353.3422353.3422353.3422353.342235
On March 21, 2012, on the way to having lunch with her mother Jin-joo (Kim Ja-ok) in Seochon (West Village; Hangul: 서촌), Jongno District, Seoul, film student and aspiring actress Haewon (Jung Eun-chae) bumps into French actress-singer Jane Birkin in the street and gets her autograph. Birkin says how much Haewon resembles her own daughter, Charlotte Gainsbourg, which pleases Haewon enormously. Immediately afterwards we find out that this meeting was actually a dream, one of several that Haewon is shown to have during the film. Haewon's mother is about to emigrate to Canada and stay with her brother, and asks Haewon about her future plans. Afterwards Haewon walks to Jongno Public Library, past Yoomyung-jang (lit. Hotel Famous) that has special memories for her. Later, in nearby Sajik Park, she meets her married ex-lover Lee Seong-joon (Lee Sun-kyun), a film director who is also her professor at college. They pass a restaurant, where they have already been spotted by his students, and decide to go in and have a meal with them. When Haewon is away from the table, the other students starts gossiping about how she is not pure Korean and comes from a wealthy family.
In Another Country, 1h29
Directed by Hong Sang-soo
Origin Coree du sud
Genres Drama
Themes Films about sexuality
Actors Isabelle Huppert, Yoo Jun-sang, Jeong Yu-mi, Moon So-ri, Kwon Hae-hyo, Moon Sung-keun
Rating63% 3.196353.196353.196353.196353.19635
The framing story has young film student, Won-joo (Jung Yu-mi) and her mother Park Sook (Youn Yuh-jung) hiding from their debtors in Mohang, a seaside town in Buan, North Jeolla. The bored younger woman sets out to write a screenplay whose plot will use the place they’re staying in for the location, but eventually comes up with three variants, using the same basic idea in all of them.
Twice Born
Twice Born (2012)
, 2h7
Directed by Sergio Castellitto
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War, Historical, Romance
Themes Pregnancy films, Political films
Actors Emile Hirsch, Penélope Cruz, Mira Furlan, Jane Birkin, Saadet Aksoy, Sergio Castellitto
Roles Psicologa
Rating72% 3.649193.649193.649193.649193.64919
Oft-married Gemma visits Sarajevo with her only child, Pietro. The two of them had escaped the city sixteen years ago, just days after his birth during the Bosnian War. Diego, her second husband and Pietro's father, remained behind and later died. As they travel with her wartime friend Gojco, she tries to repair her relationship with Pietro, asking her third husband (by phone) if she should tell Pietro that she did not give birth to him. Gemma is later stunned by the revelation that Pietro's real mother, Aska, is still alive and married to Gojco. Aska reveals that, contrary to Gemma's long held belief, Diego was not Pietro's father, as she had been a sex slave to a garrison of the Serb Volunteer Guard. Gemma must face loss, the cost of war and the redemptive power of love.
George Harrison: Living in the Material World, 3h24
Directed by Martin Scorsese
Origin USA
Genres Biography, Documentary, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Documentary films about music and musicians, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Musical films
Actors George Harrison, Eric Idle, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Neil Aspinall
Roles Self
Rating80% 4.0462854.0462854.0462854.0462854.046285
The film follows music legend George Harrison's story from his early life in Liverpool, the Beatlemania phenomenon, his travels to India, the influence of Krishna Consciousness movement in his music, and his relevance and importance as a member of The Beatles. It consists of previously unseen footage and interviews with Olivia and Dhani Harrison, friends, and many others.
If You Die, I'll Kill You, 1h30
Directed by Hiner Saleem
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Golshifteh Farahani, Jonathan Zaccaï, Mylène Demongeot, Maurice Bénichou, Jane Birkin, Xavier Laurent
Roles Louise
Rating62% 3.1444653.1444653.1444653.1444653.144465
À Paris, Philippe, quadragénaire tout juste libéré de prison, noue des liens amicaux avec le Kurde Avdal lancé sur la piste d'un criminel irakien. Le souhait d'Avdal est de s'établir en France et il attend la venue de sa fiancée Siba. Mais Avdal décède subitement d'une crise cardiaque et c'est à Philippe qu'échoit l'organisation de ses funérailles. Démuni, Philippe n'a d'alternative que de faire incinérer le corps. Siba arrive à Paris, est prise en charge par un groupe de Kurdes et, apprenant la disparition d'Avdal, désire rencontrer Philippe, l'ami dévoué de son fiancé. Mais l'arrivée de Siba est suivie par celle de Cheto, le père d’Avdal, qui vient chercher la dépouille de son fils et s'effondre lorsqu'il découvre que le corps a été incinéré. Les cendres du défunt vont provoquer bien des bouleversements : l'imposante urne funéraire hante le studio de Philippe avec le fantôme d'Avdal. Philippe transvase les cendres dans un pot en verre qu'il remet à Cheto, mais celui-ci, empêtré dans ses convictions religieuses radicales, laisse le pot à la garde de Siba. Jusqu'à ce qu'il vienne, un soir, lui demander de le lui prêter, comme pour avoir l'âme de son fils auprès de lui. Finalement, les cendres d'Avdal, en partie dispersées dans l'air de Paris, vont être comme un signe du destin qui fera avorter le projet de Cheto de forcer Siba à rentrer au pays pour la marier avec son autre fils et libérera la jeune femme de l'emprise religieuse pour recommencer une nouvelle vie en France.
Hiver rouge
Directed by Xavier Durringer
Origin France
Genres Thriller
Actors Patrick Chesnais, Camille Panonacle, Jane Birkin, Brigitte Catillon, Grégory Fitoussi, Gérald Laroche
Roles Lily Rousseau, la femme du commissaire
Rating62% 3.1331353.1331353.1331353.1331353.133135
Le jour de Noël, à Paris, Place de Bitche, une main découpée à la scie et accrochée à un sapin est retrouvée par l'équipe du commissaire Rousseau.
Thelma (2010)

Directed by Benoît Pétré
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Transport films, Films about automobiles, Road movies
Actors Jane Birkin, Caroline Cellier, Catherine Jacob, Micheline Presle, Thierry Lhermitte, Michèle Bernier
Roles Nelly
Rating55% 2.773532.773532.773532.773532.77353
Gabrielle, Nelly et Chantal sont trois copines. Elles décident de se rendre ensemble au mariage de leur ex, à la Rochelle. Au cours de ce trajet, elles partagent leurs coups de cœur et coups de gueule.
Around a Small Mountain, 1h24
Directed by Jacques Rivette
Origin France
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Circus films
Actors Jane Birkin, Sergio Castellitto, Jacques Bonnaffé, André Marcon, Julie-Marie Parmentier, Vimala Pons
Roles Kate
Rating59% 2.999722.999722.999722.999722.99972
Kate (Jane Birkin) is driving along a winding mountain road when her car stalls. Vittorio (Sergio Castellitto) happens along, stops, and fixes her car without ever speaking to her. After he drives away, he slows down and decides to turn back. Something about the woman has interested him.
The Beaches of Agnès, 1h50
Directed by Agnès Varda
Origin France
Genres Drama, Biography, Documentary
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Autobiographical documentary films
Actors Jacques Demy, Mathieu Demy, Agnès Varda, Jane Birkin, Yolande Moreau, Gérard Depardieu
Roles Self/La croupière
Rating79% 3.9930053.9930053.9930053.9930053.993005
« Si on ouvrait les gens, on trouverait des paysages. Moi, si on m’ouvrait, on trouverait des plages. » (Agnès Varda).
Boxes (2007)
, 1h35
Directed by Jane Birkin
Origin France
Genres Drama, Biography
Actors Geraldine Chaplin, Michel Piccoli, Jane Birkin, Natacha Régnier, Lou Doillon, John Hurt
Roles Anna
Rating51% 2.5849352.5849352.5849352.5849352.584935
In Brittany, a middle-aged woman, Anna lives in a rambling home with her sometime dead father (Piccoli), her opinionated mother (Chaplin) and the memories of her three grown-up daughters. As Anna struggles with her mid-life crisis, the possessions and photographs in the home begin to spark her memories of childhood and earlier adulthood.
In Mom's Head, 1h35
Directed by Carine Tardieu
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Karin Viard, Chloé Coulloud, Kad Merad, Pascal Elbé, Jane Birkin, Sarah Cohen-Hadria
Roles Jane
Rating60% 3.0391753.0391753.0391753.0391753.039175
Lulu, adolescente de 15 ans, fan inconditionnelle de Jane Birkin, rencontre quelques difficultés relationnelles avec sa mère, Juliette. Cette dernière n'est pas épanouie et semble avoir perdu depuis bien longtemps le goût des choses. La seule passion que lui connaît Lulu est le contenu de ses intestins...
Les Aventuriers des mers du Sud, 1h26
Actors Stéphane Freiss, Jane Birkin, Geraldine Chaplin
Roles Fanny Stevenson
Rating55% 2.793882.793882.793882.793882.79388
1 partie : Le falé Stevenson En 1888, Robert Louis Stevenson, gravement malade des poumons, s'installe avec sa femme Fanny dans l'archipel des Samoa où ils vivent en harmonie avec les autochtones. Autour d'eux la révolte gronde entre une firme allemande qui veut s'emparer du marché de la noix de coco, le gouvernement colonial qui attise les braises entre un roi fantoche et le roi légitime Mataafa. Stevenson accepter d'organiser une rencontre entre les différents partis.