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Michael Mann is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter, Producer and Additional Writing American born on 5 february 1943 at Chicago (USA)

Michael Mann

Michael Mann
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Birth name Michael Kenneth Mann
Nationality USA
Birth 5 february 1943 (81 years) at Chicago (USA)
Awards Primetime Emmy Award

Michael Kenneth Mann (born February 5, 1943) is an American film director, screenwriter, and producer. For his work, he has received nominations from international organizations and juries, including those at the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Cannes and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. His major films include Heat, The Insider, Collateral, Ali and Miami Vice.

Total Film ranked Mann No. 28 on their 100 The Greatest Directors Ever and Sight and Sound ranked him No. 5 on their list of the 10 Best Directors of the Last 25 Years, Entertainment Weekly ranked Mann No. 8 on their 25 Greatest Active Film Directors list.


Années 1980 : débuts et révélation télévisuelle
Natif de Chicago, Michael Mann vit sept ans au Royaume-Uni et rentre aux États-Unis pour commencer sa carrière en tant que scénariste de séries télévisées comme Vega$ ou Starsky et Hutch. Son premier long métrage est le téléfilm Comme un homme libre. Avec James Caan comme acteur principal et producteur, il signe ensuite le polar Le Solitaire, sélectionné au Festival de Cannes 1981. Il enchaîne sur un ambitieux film fantastique, La Forteresse noire qui va subir plusieurs coupes au montage et souffrira de la mort de son responsable des effets spéciaux. Les musiques de ces deux films sont signées Tangerine Dream.

Dans les années 1980, il participe à la production des séries Deux flics à Miami et Police Story. Ce succès à la télévision lui permet de réaliser une adaptation du best-seller de Thomas Harris Dragon Rouge, intitulée Le Sixième Sens. Relativement éloigné de l'œuvre originale, ce polar psychologique est un nouvel échec en salles.

Années 1990-2000 : confirmation cinématographique

À partir des années 1990, Michael Mann se consacre exclusivement au cinéma. Il signe alors trois œuvres très remarquées, le film historique Le Dernier des Mohicans, le polar Heat (remake de son téléfilm L.A. Takedown) et le film-dossier Révélations, sujets à une grande admiration de la part de nombreux cinéphiles comme cinéastes.

Après Ali, biopic consacré au boxeur Mohamed Ali, qui déçoit commercialement, et ne parvient pas à retrouver les sommets critiques de ses précédentes œuvres, il accepte de reprendre un projet de polar, Collatéral. Ce film est porté par Tom Cruise dans un rôle à contre-emploi de tueur à gages impitoyable, alors qu'il n'avait jamais interprété d'antagoniste jusqu'à présent. Bien qu'il n'en ait pas signé le scénario, c'est son plus grand succès au box-office à ce jour. Ce projet lui permet d'expérimenter sur plusieurs séquences la vidéo HD avec une nouvelle caméra numérique, la Thomson Grass Valley Viper Film Stream.

Pour son film suivant, il opte pour un retour en sources, tout en s'inscrivant dans la vague de remakes de l'époque, avec l'adaptation cinématographique de la série qu'il a produit dans les années 1980, Deux flics à Miami, intégralement tourné en numérique. Le tournage émaillé de nombreux soucis fera grimper le budget, qui est à peine remboursé au box-office international, tandis que l'accueil dans les salles de cette œuvre ambitieuse et éloignée du matériau original, est très mitigé.

Mann reste dans le polar urbain pour son projet suivant : en 2009, il écrit et réalise un film consacré au gangster John Dillinger, Public Enemies, porté par la présence des stars Johnny Depp et Marion Cotillard en têtes d'affiche. Il parvient ainsi à renouer avec la critique et le public.

Années 2010 : diversification

En 2011, il produit le premier long-métrage de sa fille Ami Canaan Mann, Killing Fields, un échec critique et commercial. Parallèlement, il prépare son grand retour à la télévision, en mettant en scène et en produisant le pilote d'une série télévisée pour la chaîne HBO. Consacré au monde de la course hippique, la série Luck est écrite par le scénariste de télévision David Milch, mais connait une production houleuse. La mort de chevaux sur le tournage conduit officiellement à l'arrêt de la série au terme d'une courte première saison.

En 2012, année de diffusion de la série, Mann est le Président du jury de la Mostra de Venise 2012, qui s'est tenue du 29 août au 8 septembre. Le jury donna le Lion d'or au drame difficile et controversé Pieta. Michael Mann récompensa ses compatriotes (meilleur acteur pour Philip Seymour Hoffman et Joaquin Phoenix et le Lion d'argent pour Paul Thomas Anderson) pour The Master.

Il faudra attendre quatre ans pour le voir revenir au cinéma. Ce sera pour réaliser le thriller informatique Hacker, dont le tournage débute en mai 2013. Chris Hemsworth est la tête d'affiche et y incarne un hackeur emprisonné qui est libéré pour collaborer avec le FBI. Prévu pour 2015, ce film marque son retour comme réalisateur 6 ans après Public Enemies. Le thriller moderne déçoit avec un box-office catastrophique et la presse la plus mauvaise de sa carrière.

Le 24 août 2015, le site américain Deadline annonce que le cinéaste réalisera un biopic sur Enzo Ferrari intitulé sobrement Ferrari avec l'acteur Christian Bale pour incarner le "Commandatore". Le film sera une adaptation du livre de Brock Yates Enzo Ferrari : l'homme, les voitures, les courses et son scénario se déroulera en 1957, un an après la mort tragique du fils d’Enzo Ferrari, Dino, à 24 ans. Une période sombre, marquée par le deuil pour le pilote et industriel italien, qui faillit alors tout arrêter. Cependant, le projet est abandonné quand les droits du livre sont finalement cédés à Legendary Entertainment, qui décide d'adapter le récit en série télévisée. Christian Bale rejoint alors le projet Ford v. Ferrari, développé à partir de février 2018 par James Mangold.

En 2017, Michael Mann apparait dans le film documentaire de Jean-Baptiste Thoret, We Blew It.

Début avril 2018, il est annoncé que Mann travaille sur un polar retraçant la vie d'un criminel d'envergure internationale, Paul Calder Le Roux.

Best films

Hancock (2008)
Ford v Ferrari (2019)
(Executive Producer)
Collateral (2004)
Public Enemies (2009)
The Aviator (2004)
Heat (1995)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Michael Mann (27 films)

Display filmography as list


We Blew It
We Blew It (2017)
, 2h17
Directed by Jean-Baptiste Thoret
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Actors Ronee Blakley, Peter Bogdanovich, Charles Burnett, Tobe Hooper, Peter Hyams, Jeff Lieberman
Roles Self
Rating57% 2.8586452.8586452.8586452.8586452.858645
Jean-Baptiste Thoret revient sur les utopies des années 1960 et 1970 pour comprendre comment l'Amérique est passée d'Easy Rider à Donald Trump.
The Intern
The Intern (2015)
, 2h1
Directed by Nancy Meyers
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway, Adam DeVine, Rene Russo, Reid Scott, Zack Pearlman
Roles Tai Chi Class
Rating71% 3.5512653.5512653.5512653.5512653.551265
70-year-old widower Ben Whitaker (Robert De Niro), a retired executive at a phone directory company, applies to a senior citizen intern program after retirement has gotten too boring for him. The company he applies to is About the Fit, a fast-growing e-commerce fashion company, whose founder and CEO Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway) had previously agreed to a community outreach program where seniors will intern at the firm. Ben impresses everyone and is one of four hired.
Hancock (2008)
, 1h32
Directed by Peter Berg
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Fantastic, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about alcoholism, Medical-themed films, Films about drugs, Superhero films
Actors Will Smith, Charlize Theron, Jason Bateman, Daeg Faerch, Eddie Marsan, Hayley Marie Norman
Roles Executive
Rating63% 3.199523.199523.199523.199523.19952
John Hancock (Will Smith) is an alcoholic man with superhero powers, including flight, invulnerability, and super-strength. Though he uses his powers to stop criminals in his current residence of Los Angeles, his activity inadvertently causes millions of dollars in property damage due to his constant intoxication. As a result, he is routinely jeered at the crime scenes. Hancock also ignores court subpoenas from the city of Los Angeles to address the property damage he has caused.
Coma (1978)
, 1h53
Directed by Michael Crichton
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Horror, Crime
Themes Medical-themed films
Actors Geneviève Bujold, Michael Douglas, Elizabeth Ashley, Rip Torn, Richard Widmark, Lois Chiles
Rating68% 3.448013.448013.448013.448013.44801
Dr. Susan Wheeler (Geneviève Bujold) is a surgical resident at Boston Memorial Hospital. Wheeler is devastated when a patient, who happens to be her best friend, is pronounced brain dead and ends up in a coma after minor surgery at the hospital.
Smokey and the Bandit, 1h32
Directed by Hal Needham
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about music and musicians, Transport films, Films about automobiles, Trucker films, Musical films, Road movies, Chase films
Actors Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jackie Gleason, Jerry Reed (Hubbard), Mike Henry, Mike Henry
Roles Adjoint de Branford
Rating69% 3.499563.499563.499563.499563.49956
Wealthy Texan Big Enos Burdette (Pat McCormick) and his son Little Enos (Paul Williams) seek a truck driver willing to bootleg Coors beer to Georgia for their refreshment. At the time, Coors was regarded as one of the finest beers in the United States, but it could not be sold legally east of the Mississippi River. Truck drivers who had taken the bet previously had been caught and arrested by "Smokey" (CB slang for highway patrol officers, referring to the Smokey Bear–type hats worn in some states).


Blackhat (2015)
, 2h13
Directed by Michael Mann
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Films about computing, Transport films, Sécurité informatique, Road movies, Cyberpunk films, Chase films
Actors Chris Hemsworth, Viola Davis, Holt McCallany, Tang Wei, Manny Montana, William Mapother
Rating54% 2.7498952.7498952.7498952.7498952.749895
At a nuclear plant in Chai Wan, Hong Kong, a hacker causes the coolant pumps to overheat and explode. Not long after in Chicago, the Mercantile Trade Exchange gets hacked, causing soy futures to rise. The Chinese government and the FBI determine that the hack was caused by a Remote Access Tool (RAT). A military officer in China's cyber warfare unit, Captain Chen Dawai (Leehom Wang), is tasked to find the people responsible for the attacks, and enlists the aid of his sister Chen Lien (Tang Wei), a networking engineer. He meets with FBI Agent Carol Barrett (Viola Davis) in Los Angeles and reveals the code in the RAT was written by himself and Nicholas Hathaway (Chris Hemsworth), his college roommate, in their school days years before Hathaway was sent to prison for an unrelated hack. Dawai asks that the FBI arrange for Hathaway to be released from prison, where he is serving a sentence for computer crimes. Hathaway is offered temporary release in exchange for his services.
Public Enemies, 2h14
Directed by Michael Mann
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Biography, Mob film, Action, Adventure, Historical, Crime
Themes Mafia films, Heist films, Gangster films, Escroquerie
Actors Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Marion Cotillard, Jason Clarke, Channing Tatum, Billy Crudup
Rating69% 3.4978753.4978753.4978753.4978753.497875
After killing Charles Floyd (Channing Tatum), FBI agent Melvin Purvis (Bale) is promoted by J. Edgar Hoover (Crudup) to lead the hunt for bank robber John Dillinger (Depp). Purvis shares Hoover's belief in using scientific methods to battle crime, ranging from cataloging fingerprints to tapping telephone lines.
Miami Vice
Miami Vice (2006)
, 2h12
Directed by Michael Mann
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Crime
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Colin Farrell, Jamie Foxx, Gong Li, Naomie Harris, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Ciarán Hinds
Rating60% 3.0493453.0493453.0493453.0493453.049345
While working an undercover prostitute sting operation in a nightclub to arrest a pimp named Neptune, Miami-Dade Police detectives James "Sonny" Crockett and Ricardo "Rico" Tubbs receive a frantic phone call from their former informant Alonzo Stevens (John Hawkes). Stevens reveals that he's leaving town, and, believing his wife Leonetta to be in immediate danger, asks Rico to check on her. Crockett learns that Stevens was working as an informant for the FBI but has been compromised. Crockett and Tubbs quickly contact FBI Special Agent in Charge John Fujima (Ciarán Hinds) and warn him about Stevens' safety. Tracking down Stevens through a vehicle transponder and aerial surveillance, Crockett and Tubbs stop him along I-95. Stevens reveals that a Colombian cartel had become aware that Russian undercovers (now dead) were working with the FBI, and had threatened to murder Leonetta via a C-4 necklace bomb if he didn't confess. Rico, learning of Leonetta's death by telephone call, tells Alonzo that he doesn't have to go home. Hearing this, the grief-stricken Stevens commits suicide by walking in front of an oncoming semi truck.
Collateral (2004)
, 2h
Directed by Michael Mann
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes L'action se déroule en une journée, Transport films, Films about the labor movement, Films about automobiles, Road movies, Chase films
Actors Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx, Jada Pinkett Smith, Mark Ruffalo, Peter Berg, Bruce McGill
Rating74% 3.748263.748263.748263.748263.74826
On January 24, 2004, friendly Los Angeles cab driver Max Durocher (Jamie Foxx) is working to earn enough to start his own limousine business. One of this evening's fares is U.S. Justice Department prosecutor Annie Farrell (Jada Pinkett Smith). On the drive to her office, they strike up a conversation as a result of a bet on what route will get her downtown the fastest. She takes a liking to Max and leaves him with her business card.
Ali (2001)
, 2h37
Directed by Michael Mann
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Biography
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about racism, Sports films, Martial arts films, Boxing films, Le boxe anglaise
Actors Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Jon Voight, Mario Van Peebles, Ron Silver, Jeffrey Wright
Rating67% 3.35043.35043.35043.35043.3504
The film begins with Cassius Clay, Jr. (Will Smith) before his championship debut against then heavyweight champion Sonny Liston. In the pre-fight weigh-in Clay heavily taunts Liston (such as calling Liston a "big ugly bear"). In the fight Clay is able to dominate the early rounds of the match, but halfway through the fight Clay complains of a burning feeling in his eyes (implying that Liston has tried to cheat) and says he is unable to continue. However, his trainer/manager Angelo Dundee (Ron Silver) gets him to keep fighting. Once Clay is able to see again he easily dominates the fight and right before round seven Liston quits, therefore making Cassius Clay the second youngest heavyweight champion at the time after Floyd Patterson. Clay spends valued time with Malcolm X (Peebles) and the two decide to take a trip to Africa.
The Insider, 2h37
Directed by Michael Mann
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Biography, Historical, Politic
Themes Films about writers, Films about journalists, Medical-themed films, Politique, Films about drugs, Films about television, Political films
Actors Al Pacino, Russell Crowe, Christopher Plummer, Diane Venora, Renee Olstead, Roger Bart
Rating77% 3.8982853.8982853.8982853.8982853.898285
During a prologue that is not directly related to the main plot, CBS producer Lowell Bergman (Pacino) convinces the founder of Hezbollah, Sheikh Fadlallah, to grant an interview to Mike Wallace (Plummer) for 60 Minutes. While preparing for the interview, both Wallace and Bergman firmly stand their ground against the Sheikh's armed and hostile bodyguards' attempted intimidation and disruption.
Heat (1995)
, 2h51
Directed by Michael Mann
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Heist films, Gangster films, Escroquerie
Actors Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Tom Sizemore, Jon Voight, Diane Venora
Rating82% 4.148144.148144.148144.148144.14814
Career criminal Neil McCauley (Robert De Niro) and his crew, Chris Shiherlis (Val Kilmer), Michael Cheritto (Tom Sizemore) and Trejo (Danny Trejo), hire new recruit Waingro (Kevin Gage) and commit an armored car heist, stealing $1.6 million in bearer bonds belonging to money launderer Roger Van Zant (William Fichtner). However, Waingro impulsively kills one of the guards, forcing the robbers to kill the remaining two so as to leave no witnesses. An infuriated McCauley tries to kill Waingro afterwards, but he escapes. Afterwards McCauley's fence, Nate (Jon Voight), suggests they try to sell the bonds back to Van Zant, who agrees but secretly instructs his men to kill McCauley at the meeting. With backup from his crew, McCauley thwarts the ambush and vows revenge.
The Last of the Mohicans, 1h52
Directed by Michael Mann
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Action, Adventure, Historical, Romance, Western
Themes Political films, Children's films
Actors Daniel Day-Lewis, Madeleine Stowe, Russell Means, Jodhi May, Eric Schweig, Steven Waddington
Rating76% 3.8474653.8474653.8474653.8474653.847465
The action of the story takes place in 1757 during the French and Indian War (part of the Seven Years' War) in the Adirondack Mountains in what was then the British colony of New York. Three frontiersmen are traveling west to find a new home. The oldest is Chingachgook, the last chief of the Mohican tribe. With him is his son, Uncas, and an adopted son, a white man named Nathaniel Poe, who also goes by the name “Nathaniel Hawkeye”.
L.A. Takedown, 1h32
Directed by Michael Mann
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Heist films
Actors Scott Plank, Michael Rooker, Alex McArthur, Daniel Baldwin, Xander Berkeley, Ely Pouget
Rating59% 2.9968752.9968752.9968752.9968752.996875
Los Angeles robbery-homicide sergeant Vincent Hanna (Plank) is on the trail of a gang of ruthless professional criminals, led by the methodical Patrick McLaren (McArthur), whose only mistake in the last heist was the killing of armored car guards by the new recruit, Waingro (Berkeley), who is a loose cannon. But Hanna is soon surprised when he discovers that he and McLaren have quite a lot in common. While McLaren and his gang plan another heist, Hanna and his colleagues keep surveillance. Hanna is facing a personal problem, as the police work is straining his relationship with his wife, Lillian (Pouget). Moreover, McLaren is also facing a similar problem when he finds himself falling in love with Eady (Harrington), which he personally condemns due to the commitment required to his profession.