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Angela Luce is a Actor Italienne born on 3 december 1938 at Naples (Italie)

Angela Luce

Angela Luce
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Nationality Italie
Birth 3 december 1938 (85 years) at Naples (Italie)

Angela Luce (born 3 December 1938) is an Italian film actress and singer of Neapolitan song. She has appeared in 80 films since 1958. She was born in Naples, Italy.

Usually with

Nino Vingelli
Nino Vingelli
(7 films)
Luigi Pavese
Luigi Pavese
(7 films)
(3 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Angela Luce (34 films)

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The Second Wedding Night
Directed by Pupi Avati
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Antonio Albanese, Neri Marcorè, Angela Luce, Marisa Merlini, Toni Santagata, Valeria D'Obici
Roles Suntina Ricci
Rating65% 3.2858953.2858953.2858953.2858953.285895
Premières années de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Liliana restée veuve le lendemain de son mariage est en difficultés financière et est obligée de quitter Bologne avec son fils Nino, un voleur qui n'a pas hésité à exploiter sa mère, volé une voiture, avec tous les bagages attachés, à une famille qui l'avait engagé comme chauffeur. Elle écrit à son beau-frère Giordano pour lui demander de l'aide: Giordano lui répond en lui avouant un amour pour elle qui remonte à son adolescence, avant le mariage avec son frère.
Troubling Love, 1h44
Directed by Mario Martone
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Thriller
Actors Anna Bonaiuto, Angela Luce, Licia Maglietta, Francesco Paolantoni, Lina Polito
Roles Amalia (present)
Rating63% 3.1931353.1931353.1931353.1931353.193135
Delia est auteure de bande dessinée. Elle vit depuis de nombreuses années à Bologne et demeure toujours, à quarante ans passés, célibataire . Elle est subitement rappelée à Naples, sa ville natale, car sa mère y a été retrouvée noyée dans les eaux du Golfe. L'instruction policière conclut à un suicide. À l'inverse, Delia n'accorde aucune confiance à la thèse officielle, persuadée que l'exubérance et la vitalité de sa génitrice ne s'ajustent nullement à un acte aussi brutalement désespéré et catégorique. Elle mène donc sa propre enquête. Les événements et la reconstruction fragmentaire des derniers jours de sa mère, notamment les communications téléphoniques avec un personnage énigmatique, mettent brusquement en lumière des faits antérieurs que Delia avait enfouis dans sa mémoire. Ainsi, du souvenir d'une altercation violente entre ses parents au sujet d'une relation ambiguë. À la suite de quoi, elle s'était éloignée de sa mère... Au fond, Delia ne se sent, dans l'immédiat, guère préparée à démêler un passé trop douloureux. Elle prend, en dernier recours, la décision de rejoindre Bologne, laissant dans l'ombre une conclusion aussi tragique que mystérieuse.
Malicious (1973)
, 1h38
Directed by Salvatore Samperi
Origin Italie
Genres Erotic, Comedy, Fantasy
Themes Seafaring films, Films about sexuality, Transport films, Erotic films
Actors Laura Antonelli, Alessandro Momo, Turi Ferro, Tina Aumont, Lilla Brignone, Pino Caruso
Roles Ines Corallo
Rating63% 3.186343.186343.186343.186343.18634
Following the death of his wife, a father of three sons (aged 18, 14 and 6) hires an attractive young housekeeper named Angela (Laura Antonelli), and soon becomes engaged to her. His sons are also infatuated with Angela, and each of them uses their particular way to approach and capture the apparently innocent and naive young woman, and to see more of her body. But only one of them succeeds in dominating and conquering her: the middle son, the teenager Nino. He blackmails her into eventually tolerating his increasingly aggressive physical sexual harassment.
The Decameron, 1h52
Directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini, Sergio Citti
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Fantasy, Historical
Themes Seafaring films, Films about sexuality, Transport films, Erotic films, LGBT-related films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films, LGBT-related film
Actors Franco Citti, Silvana Mangano, Ninetto Davoli, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Angela Luce, Guido Alberti
Roles Peronella
Rating69% 3.49813.49813.49813.49813.4981
The film, shot in Neapolitan dialect at the behest of the director, offers a variety of episodes from the stories most characteristic work of Giovanni Boccaccio, and are connected by the sequence of a pupil of the painter Giotto (played by Pasolini himself) who arrives in Naples to paint a mural.
'Tis Pity She's a Whore, 2h20
Directed by Giuseppe Patroni Griffi
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Films about families, Films about sexuality, Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Fabio Testi, Charlotte Rampling, Oliver Tobias, Rik Battaglia, Angela Luce
Roles Mercante's Governess
Rating62% 3.134773.134773.134773.134773.13477
Sous la Renaissance italienne, une jeune femme (Charlotte Rampling) jure un amour éternel à son frère (Fabio Testi), son amant.
Cose di Cosa Nostra
Directed by Steno
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Mafia films, Seafaring films, Transport films, Gangster films
Actors Carlo Giuffrè, Pamela Tiffin, Jean-Claude Brialy, Salvo Randone, Agnès Spaak, Mario Feliciani
Rating57% 2.869112.869112.869112.869112.86911
Don Calogero Bertuccione, un parrain de la della mafia italo-americaine, ordonne par l'intermédiaire de son bras droit Don Cefalù, au jeune Salvatore Lo Coco, Sicilien émigré aux États-Unis, de rentrer dans son village natal Castropizzi pour assassiner Don Nicola Manzano dit "Nicky", parce qu'il le soupçonne de jouer double jeu. Salvatore ne veut pas le faire, mais doit obéir pour éviter les représailles sur sa famille. Arrivé en Italie, il cherche quelqu'un qui pourrait le remplacer, mais n'y arrive pas. Après une série de péripéties grotesques, il réussi à rentrer dans la villa de Don Manzano, où il découvre que Don Bertuccione et ses hommes ont déjà été tués.
Ma chi t'ha dato la patente?, 1h25
Directed by Nando Cicero
Genres Comedy
Themes Transport films, Films about automobiles, Road movies, Buddy films
Actors Ciccio Ingrassia, Angela Luce, Eugene Walter, Renato Baldini, Aldo Bufi Landi, Gino Pagnani
Roles Rosa
Rating65% 3.293183.293183.293183.293183.29318
Franco and Ciccio are the directors of a driving school. They suffer the theft of the only car they have, and their new car is prone to going completely out of his control...
The Specialists, 1h44
Directed by Sergio Corbucci
Origin Italie
Genres Western, Spaghetti Western
Actors Johnny Hallyday, Françoise Fabian, Sylvie Fennec, Gastone Moschin, Mario Adorf, Serge Marquand
Roles Valencia
Rating62% 3.1416853.1416853.1416853.1416853.141685
A single stranger named Hud comes to Blackstone, a town where his brother had been falsely accused of robbing a bank. Hud he is determined to avenge his brother, who has been hanged without a proper court hearing. Finally Hud finds out it was one of the town's most dignified citizens who really robbed the bank. That puts him in great danger.
The Stranger, 1h50
Directed by Luchino Visconti
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Actors Marcello Mastroianni, Anna Karina, Bernard Blier, Georges Géret, Georges Wilson, Bruno Cremer
Roles Madame Masson
Rating70% 3.544513.544513.544513.544513.54451
Mersault's friend Sintès beats his girlfriend and is sued by her. At court Mersault testifies to his friend's advantage. Sintès is off the hook but now the girl's male relatives stalk Mersault. He shoots one of them and ends up in prison.
Shoot Loud, Louder... I Don't Understand, 1h40
Directed by Eduardo De Filippo
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Fantasy, Crime
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Marcello Mastroianni, Raquel Welch, Eduardo De Filippo, Regina Bianchi, Leopoldo Trieste, Tecla Scarano
Roles Beautiful Woman
Rating48% 2.4108652.4108652.4108652.4108652.410865
Alberto is a sculptor who sometimes has trouble separating his fantasies from reality. He shares a home in Naples with his Uncle Nicola. One night after meeting the beautiful Tania, he dreams that his neighbour, Amitrano, has been murdered by his family. He reports it to the police. Later he tells the police that he may have just imagined it but the police refuse to believe him, knowing that Amitrano was a gangster, and arrest him. Then Amitrano appears and demands Alberto's passport so he can escape to South America. Eventually Alberto and Tania flee from Naples.