Suggestions of similar film to Strange Gardens
There are 335 films with the same actors, 18 films with the same director, 87608 with the same cinematographic genres (including 3307 with exactly the same 3 genres than
Strange Gardens), 431 films with the same themes (including 165 films with the same 2 themes than
Strange Gardens), to have finally
70 suggestions of similar films.
If you liked
Strange Gardens, you will probably like those similar films :

, 1h29
Directed by Jean BeckerOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
Comedy thrillerActors Jacques Villeret,
Daniel Prévost,
Josiane Balasko,
André Dussollier,
Suzanne Flon,
Gérard HernandezRating65%

1980, in a rural village in the Lyon region, Saint-Julien-sur-Bibost Joseph Poacher says "Jojo" and his wife Lucienne called "Lulu", nagging shrew and inveterate alcoholic, lead a married life for the less confrontational, in their farm located in a place called "Paradise". One day, Jojo watches on TV a story about a brilliant lawyer who is in his twenty-fifth acquittal. Very impressed, Jojo will find it. He tells her he killed his wife while he has not yet done so, by a set of very clever questions, is explaining how he would have had to make to be pretty sure to get the extenuating circumstances. Jojo in then returns to "Paradise" and begins to organize, as directed by the lawyer, the staging of the "perfect crime".
, 1h55
Directed by Jean BeckerOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
Comedy-dramaActors Jacques Villeret,
Jacques Gamblin,
André Dussollier,
Michel Serrault,
Isabelle Carré,
Eric CantonaRating73%

The film is set in a marsh, along the banks of Loire river in 1918. Riton is afflicted with a bad-tempered wife and three unruly children. Garris lives alone with his recollections of World War I trenches. Their daily life consists of seasonal work and visits from their two pals: Tane, the local train conductor and Amédée, a dreamer and voracious reader of classics.
, 2h
Directed by Claude LelouchOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
RomanceThemes Films about sexuality,
Erotic films,
Films about prostitution,
Erotic thriller films,
Gangster films,
Histoire de France,
L'Occupation allemande en FranceActors Jacques Dutronc,
Marlène Jobert,
Brigitte Fossey,
Bruno Cremer,
Jacques Villeret,
Jean-Pierre KalfonRating66%

1935. Jacques et Simon sont deux petits malfrats à la petite semaine vivant de braquages et de vols de bijoux. La sortie de la "Citroën Traction Avant" leur ouvre de nouvelles perspectives en raison de sa grande vitesse. Ils intensifient leurs forfaits tandis que l'inspecteur Deschamp s’intéresse à eux. Dans un bal populaire, Jacques drague Lola, une jolie prostituée qui va désormais les accompagner dans leur coups... Lorsque la Seconde Guerre mondiale éclate, les trois amis se trouve embringués dans une affaire de vol de tableaux récupérés chez des collectionneurs juifs. Le trio souhaite alors doubler les allemands, déroute le train transportant les tableaux et charge un camion. Les autorités allemandes déclarent qu'en représailles 50 civils seront fusillés à moins que les tableaux soient rendus. Simon rend le contenu du camion aux allemands, mais désormais la guerre est ouverte entre le trio et l'inspecteur Deschamp, passé entre temps collaborateur de la Gestapo. Deschamp parviendra à kidnapper et à torturer Lola qui refusera de parler. De son côté Jacques et Simon kidnappent Dominique la femme de Deschamp. Les deux femmes sont échangées, mais Jacques a pu remarquer pendant sa capture que Dominique ne tenait pas en haute estime son mari. L'idée lui vient de coucher avec elle afin de lui soutirer des renseignements sur les activités en cours de la Gestapo. Cela fonctionne un moment jusqu’au jour où Jacques et Dominique sont arrêtés sur leur lieu de rendez-vous. On torture Jacques, Dominique dit alors aux allemands que c'est son mari qui fournit des renseignements à la résistance. Deschamp a alors le choix, tuer sa femme ou se suicider, il tue Dominique, mais les allemands considérant qu'il s'agit d'un acte de résistance désespéré, le torturent et l’emprisonnent. A la Libération, Jacques est décoré par le général De Gaulle... mais Deschamps également qui se voit offrir un poste important au ministère de l'intérieur.
, 1h50
Directed by Claude Autant-LaraOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
ComedyThemes Histoire de France,
L'Occupation allemande en FranceActors Hardy Krüger,
Jean Desailly,
Jean-Pierre Dorat,
Reinhard Kolldehoff,
Gérard Berner,
Christian BarbierRating66%

En 1943, deux résistants, les frères Toledano, sont arrêtés, emprisonnés et torturés à la prison de Bourges. Aloïs Stanke, frère Alfred, infirmier militaire allemand et frère franciscain, vient les soigner et les réconforter. Luttant contre la Gestapo, il tente de les faire évader...
Directed by Laurent HeynemannOrigin FranceGenres DramaThemes Histoire de France,
L'Occupation allemande en FranceActors Nicole Garcia,
Thierry Lhermitte,
Jean-Claude Brialy,
Victor Lanoux,
Charles Denner,
Gérard DesartheRating57%

Pour Yvon, peu importe qui détient le pouvoir. Son idéal, c'est l'amour. Alors, pour sauver de la déportation Stella, la femme de sa vie, il entre au service de la Gestapo. À la fin de la guerre, il sauve sa peau de justesse et la retrouve enfin. Mais il sait qu'il reste à la merci d'une dénonciation... Pour s'en sortir, il continue d'utiliser les méthodes des collabos: trahisons et corruption. Il tente de fuir vers l'Espagne, mettant Stella dans une situation impossible...
, 2h3
Directed by Joseph LoseyOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
CrimeThemes Films about religion,
L'usurpation d'identité,
Political films,
Films about Jews and Judaism,
Histoire de France,
L'Occupation allemande en France,
La condition juive en France sous l'Occupation allemandeActors Alain Delon,
Michael Lonsdale,
Jeanne Moreau,
Juliet Berto,
Francine Bergé,
Jean BouiseRating74%

Paris, January 1942. France is occupied by the Nazis. Robert Klein, apparently apolitical, is a well-to-do art dealer, Roman Catholic and Alsatian by birth, who takes advantage of French Jews who need to sell artworks to raise cash to leave the country. One day, the local Jewish newspaper, addressed to him, is delivered to his home. He learns that another Robert Klein who has been living in Paris, a Jew sought by the police, has had his mail forwarded to him in an apparent attempt to destroy his social reputation and make him a target of official anti-Semitism. He reports this to the police who remain suspicious that he may be reporting this scheme to disguise his own true identity. His own investigations lead him in contradictory directions, to Klein who lives in a slum while having an affair with his concierge and to Klein who visits a palatial country estate where he has seduced an apparently Jewish married woman. When the art dealer cannot locate the other Klein, authorities require him to offer proof of his French heritage. While waiting for the documentation to arrive, he struggles to track down his namesake and learn his motivation. Before he can resolve the situation by either means, he is caught up in the July 1942 roundup of Parisian Jews. He is reunited with Jews who once were his clients as they board boxcars for Germany.
Directed by Gérard MordillatOrigin FranceGenres War,
ComedyThemes Medical-themed films,
Films about disabilities,
La cécité,
Histoire de France,
L'Occupation allemande en FranceActors Thierry Lhermitte,
Jean Yanne,
Martin Lamotte,
Marie Laforêt,
Charlotte Valandrey,
Zabou BreitmanRating49%

Les aventures d'un assassin et d'un aveugle durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale.
, 2h10
Directed by Jean Becker,
Stéphane ClavierOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
RomanceThemes La provence,
Films about sexuality,
Rape in fiction,
Erotic films,
LGBT-related film,
Lesbian-related filmsActors Isabelle Adjani,
Alain Souchon,
Michel Galabru,
Suzanne Flon,
François Cluzet,
Jenny ClèveRating71%

In this tragic tale of misunderstanding, obsession, and increasing madness, "Elle," a beautiful young woman (Isabelle Adjani) settles into a small town in the south of France with her introverted mother (Maria Machado) and physically handicapped father and soon becomes the subject of wild speculation because of her aloofness and at the same time, her obvious sexuality. The young woman is actually caught up in the desire to avenge the long-ago rape of her mother, a rape committed by three men who had arrived at her isolated house in a van which contained an old piano which they were delivering. A shy car mechanic (Alain Souchon) becomes enamored of her, and the woman suddenly sees him in a different light when she learns that his father, now dead, was an Italian immigrant who had owned and tried unsuccessfully to pawn the piano. Intent on taking action against the mechanic's family to right the wrong suffered by her mother, the daughter begins to lose her grip on sanity when she finds out that the men she suspects of the rape are actually innocent. In fact, her father had long ago exacted his own vengeance on the real culprits. This knowledge pushes her over the edge, and she has to be institutionalized. Meanwhile, the young mechanic misunderstands what happened and that leads to tragedy; he tracks down and kills the innocent men Elle had suspected of raping her mother, believing them to be responsible for Elle's current condition.
, 1h28
Directed by Volker SchlöndorffOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
HistoricalThemes Théâtre,
Political films,
Films based on plays,
Histoire de France,
L'Occupation allemande en FranceActors Niels Arestrup,
Luke Evans,
André Dussollier,
Sarah Gadon,
Dominic Cooper,
Burghart KlaußnerRating70%

As the Allied Forces move toward Paris, Adolf Hitler commands Gen Dietrich von Choltitz to destroy the city. Choltitz sends a team to demolish the city's famous land-marks and to overflow the Seine, led by Lt Hegger and advised by a captured Parisian engineer named Mr Lanvin. The land-marks being targeted include the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Place de la Concorde, the Notre Dame de Paris.
, 2h
Directed by José Giovanni,
Bruno ChicheOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
ThrillerThemes Histoire de France,
L'Occupation allemande en FranceActors Valérie Kaprisky,
André Dussollier,
Thierry Frémont,
Steve Kalfa,
Philippe Dormoy,
Michel PeyrelonRating50%

En 1944, Georges (Thierry Frémont), petit voyou qui a servi dans la police allemande, commence à craindre l'arrivée des FFI. Son frère, milicien bossu, se suicide au cyanure. À la Libération sa petite amie (Valérie Kaprisky) intervient auprès d'un officier du Deuxième Bureau (André Dussollier), pour négocier son retournement. Pour se sauver, Georges offre donc ses services à l'officier du Deuxième Bureau, qui l'oblige à dénoncer les tortionnaires, les miliciens, les collaborateurs qu'il a rencontrés et à participer lui-même à l'épuration. Au mépris de la parole donnée, Georges sera exécuté.