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Films with the genre "Swashbuckler", sorted by revenue

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The Hunchback, 1h50
Directed by Jean Delannoy
Origin France
Genres Swashbuckler, Adventure
Actors Edmond Beauchamp, Paul Bernard, Pierre Blanchar, Yvonne Gaudeau, Jean Marchat, Lucien Nat

Le chevalier Henri de Lagardère veut venger la mort de son ami, le duc Philippe de Nevers assassiné par le prince de Gonzague, quelques années auparavant.
The Lady and the Highwayman, 1h30
Directed by John Hough
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Swashbuckler, Action, Adventure, Melodrama, Romance
Themes Political films
Actors Oliver Reed, Claire Bloom, Christopher Cazenove, Lysette Anthony, Hugh Grant, Michael York

The film begins with a narrator telling us that Cromwell's tyranny is coming to an end, when we see several men approaching on horseback. We learn that King Charles II and several of his Cavaliers have been on an exploratory tour in England, checking to see if the populace is ready to back his return. At the moment he is being hounded by a troop of Roundheads. King Charles stops to bid one of his supporters, a Royalist Lord Lucius Vyne (Hugh Grant) who he gives one of his favorite rings, telling Lucius to send it if he ever needs his help. Taking the ring Lucius borrows the King's distinctive plumed hat and leads the King's pursuers away, allowing Charles and Lucius' cousin, Lord Richard Vyne to reach a waiting boat bound for France. Lucius manages to lose the Roundheads in a cavernous entrance of a quarried chalk cliff face.
The Adventures of Scaramouche, 1h38
Directed by Antonio Isasi-Isasmendi
Origin France
Genres Swashbuckler, Adventure
Actors Gérard Barray, Michèle Girardon, Gianna Maria Canale, Alberto de Mendoza, Yvette Lebon, Irán Eory

Robert Lafleur dirige une troupe de comédiens dans la plus pure tradition de la Commedia dell'Arte où son interprétation de Scaramouche enchante les foules... quand il ne délaisse pas les tréteaux pour courir d'une maitresse à l'autre. Peu perturbé par la rumeur qui en ferait le fruit des amours ancillaires d'un important seigneur, il se partage entre Suzanne, patronne d'une taverne (de charme), et Madame de Popignan par ailleurs maitresse du Roi et du marquis de Latour. Le retour de Louisiane du Marquis de Souchil et sa charmante filleule sortie droit du Couvent vont changer tout ça.
The Man in the Iron Mask, 1h40
Directed by Mike Newell
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Swashbuckler, Adventure, Historical
Themes Films about families
Actors Richard Chamberlain, Jenny Agutter, Patrick McGoohan, Ralph Richardson, Ian Holm, Louis Jourdan

L'adaptation du classique roman d'Alexandre Dumas : la lutte entre deux frères jumeaux pour le bien et le mal : l'un est emprisonné, visage caché dans ce hideux masque de fer alors que l'autre jumeau est l'élégant roi de France Louis XIV.
The Return of Monte Cristo, 1h32
Directed by Henry Levin
Origin USA
Genres Swashbuckler, Action, Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Prison films, Transport films, Films about capital punishment
Actors Louis Hayward, George Macready, Una O'Connor, Barbara Britton, Henry Stephenson

The grandson of the Count of Monte Cristo is falsely accused of a crime and imprisoned on Devil's Island. He escapes and seeks revenge against those responsible for his imprisonment.
Robin Hood
Robin Hood (1991)
, 1h56
Directed by John Irvin
Origin Canada
Genres Drama, Swashbuckler, Action, Adventure, Romance
Actors Patrick Bergin, Uma Thurman, Jürgen Prochnow, Jeroen Krabbé, Edward Fox, Owen Teale

The film begins when a miller, who is poaching deer on lands belonging to the King of England, is detected by a hunting party led by the evil knight Sir Miles Folcanet (Jürgen Prochnow). The miller flees the hunting party until he runs into a Saxon earl, Robert Hode (Patrick Bergin), and his friend, Will. The miller pleads for help as the Normans arrive and threaten to poke the miller's eyes out. Before they can carry out the punishment, Hode (urged by Will) stops them. Folcanet is enraged and demands that Hode be punished by the local Sheriff (shire-reeve), Roger Daguerre (Jeroen Krabbé).
The Black Arrow, 1h16
Directed by Gordon Douglas
Origin USA
Genres Swashbuckler, Adventure, Historical
Actors Louis Hayward, George Macready, Janet Blair, Edgar Buchanan, Rhys Williams, Walter Kingsford

A knight returns home after the War of the Roses and discovers his evil uncle has murdered his father.
Long Live Robin Hood, 1h43
Directed by Giorgio Ferroni
Origin Italie
Genres Swashbuckler, Adventure
Actors Giuliano Gemma, Mark Damon, Silvia Dionisio, Mario Adorf, Giovanni Cianfriglia, Manuel Zarzo

En 1186, le roi d'Angleterre Richard Cœur de Lion a été fait prisonnier par le roi germanique Henri IV. Son écuyer, Henry de Nottingham, est envoyé sur les terres anglaises afin de demander au Prince Jean, frère du roi et régent de la couronne, le paiement de la rançon. Mais Jean se conduit en usurpateur, oppresse son peuple et ne manifeste visiblement aucune anvie de libérer son frère. Nottingham organise alors une armée avec des paysans dans la forêt de Sherwood, se révolte contre le régent et vole l'argent des impôts pour distribuer aux pauvres et payer la rançon du roi captif…
The Highwayman, 1h22
Directed by Lesley Selander
Origin USA
Genres Swashbuckler, Adventure
Actors Philip Friend, Charles Coburn, Wanda Hendrix, Cecil Kellaway, Victor Jory, Dan O'Herlihy

The fairly straightforward love/betrayal/sacrifice theme of the Noyes poem is expanded to fill out the demands of an 82 minute long film. The Highwayman himself is an aristocrat who leads a party of associates to hold up the well-to-do and distribute their takings to the needy. This campaign is broadened when they discover that innocents are being kidnapped and sold into slavery in the colonies. The finale however follows the poem more closely as the Highwayman is betrayed to the authorities, soldiers march to set an ambush, his lover Bess sacrifices herself to give warning and the hero is shot down on the highway as he gallops to take revenge.
The Prisoner of Zenda
Directed by Edwin S. Porter, Hugh Ford
Origin USA
Genres Swashbuckler, Adventure
Themes Monde imaginaire, Politique, Political films, Films based on plays, Films about royalty
Actors James Keteltas Hackett, Frank Shannon, David Torrence

Rodolphe Rassendyll, un touriste anglais, arrive à Strelsau, capitale d'un pays imaginaire d'Europe Centrale, la Ruritanie. Il y rencontre un lointain cousin dont il est le parfait sosie, le prince héritier Rodolphe V. Celui-ci doit être couronné Roi le lendemain, mais à l'issue de la soirée que les deux parents éloignés passent ensemble, le futur souverain ne peut être ranimé : il a bu un vin drogué par une complice de son demi-frère, Michael de Strelsau, lequel escompte se proclamer Régent du Royaume, en l'absence à la Cérémonie du Couronnement de Rodolphe V, puis faire assassiner ce dernier pour accéder ainsi au Trône. Mais deux fidèles du prince légitime, le Colonel Zapt et Fritz von Tarlenheim, font accepter par Rassendyll qu'il joue le rôle de souverain au couronnement, grâce à cette providentielle ressemblance. Les choses se compliquent lorsque Rodolphe V, toujours endormi, est kidnappé le même jour par le mercenaire Rupert de Hentzau ; en outre, Rassendyll tombe amoureux de la Princesse Flavia, promise en mariage au prince héritier.
The Mark of Zorro, 1h18
Directed by Don McDougall
Origin USA
Genres Swashbuckler, Action, Adventure, Western
Themes Medical-themed films, Superhero films, Films about disabilities, Personne sourde ou muette, Zorro
Actors Frank Langella, Ricardo Montalbán, Gilbert Roland, Louise Sorel, Anne Archer, Yvonne De Carlo

The plot follows the 1940 version almost scene-for-scene. In the 1840s, the foppish Don Diego Dela Vega returns from Spain to his family in California to find that his father has been replaced as ruler of the area by the cruel ruler Don Luis Quintero. Despite being a skilled swordsman, Diego downplays his skills in front of the evil Captain Esteban and shows himself to be rather a clown in front of his family. However, Diego secretly picks up the sword of justice as Zorro and fights to return justice to the region and his people.
La Femme Musketeer, 2h43
Directed by Steve Boyum
Origin Croatie
Genres Swashbuckler, Adventure
Actors Gérard Depardieu, Michael York, Kristina Krepela, Nastassja Kinski, Clemency Burton-Hill, Susie Amy

The legend of Jacques D'Artagnan (Michael York) gets a gender-bending update in this swashbuckling adventure. Though legendary swordsman Jacques D'Artagnan's best days may be well behind him, he has schooled his daughter Valentine (Susie Amy) well in the way of the sword. Now it's time for Valentine to strike out on her own. With her father's sword and a letter of introduction to Commander Finot (Roy Dotrice), the eager young novice sets out to seek her fortune in Paris. Though a woman has never before been appointed the rank of swordsman, Valentine is determined to prove her worth by taking on a deadly mission to rescue the bride-to-be of King Louis XIV from a band of fearsome kidnappers, teaming with the three sons of the legendary Three Musketeers who rode with her father.