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James D'Arcy is a Actor, Director and Sound British born on 24 august 1975 at Fulham (United-kingdom)

James D'Arcy

James D'Arcy
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Birth name Simon Richard D'Arcy
Nationality United-kingdom
Birth 24 august 1975 (48 years) at Fulham (United-kingdom)

James D'Arcy (born Simon Richard D'Arcy; 24 August 1975) is an English actor. He is best known for his portrayal of Howard Stark's butler, Edwin Jarvis, in the Marvel Entertainment and ABC series, Agent Carter.


Jeunesse et formation
Simon D'Arcy voit le jour le 24 août 1975 à Amersham mais grandit à Fulham, dans la banlieue de Londres. Il vit avec sa mère, infirmière, et sa sœur cadette Charlotte. Il ne connaît pas son père qui est mort pendant sa petite enfance. Il étudie au Christ's Hospital et en 1991. Il déménage brièvement en Australie à Perth, puis sort diplômé de la London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art en 1995. Durant ce temps de formation, il apparaît dans des pièces telles que Heracles, Comme il vous plaira ou Wild Honey. Il décide de prendre le nom de scène de James D'Arcy, bien que son prénom soit Simon.

Carrière d'acteur
Il débute dans le métier par de petits rôles dans des séries télévisées comme Affaires non classées et Brookside en 1996. Il enchaîne par la suite des feuilletons, jouant dans le Fantôme de Canterville et The Ice House en 1997. Cette même année, il joue dans The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. En 1999, il obtient son premier rôle au cinéma dans le film Hôtel Paradiso.

Depuis son début de carrière, D'Arcy transite entre la télévision et le cinéma. En 2001, l'anglais joue dans la minisérie Rebel Heart et fait une apparition dans la série The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. En 2002, il se fait remarquer pour sa prestation dans le feuilleton Sherlock : la marque du diable, ou il interprète un jeune Holmes. Il commence à se faire connaître du grand public en 2003, jouant le rôle du premier lieutenant Pullings dans Master and Commander : De l'autre côté du monde de Peter Weir aux côtés de Russell Crowe. En 2004, on le remarque dans un autre registre dans l'L'Exorciste : Au commencement, préquelle du célèbre film de 1973. D'Arcy est néanmoins très actif à la télévision ou il joue en 2005 dans un feuilleton de Hercule Poirot, le Train bleu. Il continue dans l'univers d'Agatha Christie en prenant part au téléfilm La Plume empoisonnée. En 2006, on l'aperçoit dans un registre plus historique puisqu'il donne vie à Tiberius Gracchus à deux reprises, notamment dans le feuilleton The Battle For Rome. En 2007, D'Arcy joue dans Fallen Angel puis Mansfield Park.

Il a également travaillé pour la radio BBC pour les drames de Dracula ou Winifred Holtby. Il intègre le casting du Journal intime d'une call girl en 2009 dans le rôle de Duncan, qu'il jouera jusqu'en 2010. En 2011, il joue le rôle d'Édouard VIII dans le film W.E., second long métrage de Madonna. L'année 2012 est remplie pour l'acteur anglais qui apparaît de nombreuses fois au cinéma ainsi qu'à la télévision. Il fait partie du casting du film indépendant Cloud Atlas de Lana et Andy Wachowski et prend la peau de Anthony Perkins dans Hitchcock. En 2014, d'Arcy joue un des rôles principaux dans la série Those Who Kill, sous les traits d'un homme intelligent et rusé comme Sherlock Holmes qui aide une enquêtrice à traquer un tueur en série. En 2015, il joue dans la saison 2 de Broadchurch, interprétant Lee Ashworth, soupçonné d'avoir tué deux filles. Il est un personnage régulier de la série Marvel Agent Carter. Il y joue Edwin Jarvis, fidèle majordome de Howard Stark. On l'aperçoit dans Jupiter Ascending, des Wachowski.

En octobre 2016 il est membre du jury du Festival du film britannique de Dinard 2016, sous la présidence de Claude Lelouch.

Best films

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of James D'Arcy (31 films)

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Warning (2020)

Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller
Actors Alex Pettyfer, Alice Eve, Mena Massoud, Annabelle Wallis, Annabel Mullion, Charlotte Le Bon
Roles The Voice of God
Rating46% 2.303732.303732.303732.303732.30373
Voici une évocation de la solitude, de la mort et de la vie dans un futur proche sur Terre, où les destins de plusieurs personnes vont se croiser.
Avengers: Endgame, 3h1
Directed by Martin Scorsese, Anthony Russo et Joe Russo
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Action, Adventure
Themes Space adventure films, Monde imaginaire, Time travel films, Sur une planète fictive, Films set in the future, Hulk (comics) films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Hugh Jackman, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Holland
Roles Jarvis
Rating82% 4.1296754.1296754.1296754.1296754.129675
Le Titan Thanos ayant réussi à s'approprier les six Pierres d'Infinité et à les réunir sur le Gantelet doré, a pu réaliser son objectif de pulvériser la moitié de la population de l'Univers d'un claquement de doigts. Les quelques Avengers et Gardiens de la Galaxie ayant survécu, Captain America, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, War Machine, Nébula et Rocket, espèrent réparer le méfait de Thanos. Ils le retrouvent mais il s'avère que ce dernier a détruit les pierres et Thor le décapite. Cinq ans plus tard, alors que chacun essaie de continuer sa vie et d'oublier les nombreuses pertes dramatiques, Scott Lang, alias Ant-Man, parvient à s'échapper de la dimension subatomique où il était coincé depuis la disparition du Docteur Hank Pym, de sa femme Janet Van Dyne et de sa fille Hope Van Dyne. Lang propose aux Avengers une solution pour faire revenir à la vie tous les êtres disparus, dont leurs alliés et coéquipiers : récupérer les Pierres d'Infinité dans le passé grâce à l'univers quantique.
Dunkirk (2017)
, 1h47
Directed by Christopher Nolan
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Thriller, Action, Historical
Themes Transport films, Aviation films
Actors Tom Hardy, Mark Rylance, Kenneth Branagh, Cillian Murphy, Tom Glynn-Carney, Harry Styles
Roles Colonel Winnant
Rating77% 3.8963453.8963453.8963453.8963453.896345
Au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en mai 1940, environ 400 000 soldats britanniques, canadiens, français et belges se retrouvent encerclés par les troupes allemandes dans la poche de Dunkerque. L'opération Dynamo est mise en place pour évacuer le Corps Expéditionnaire britannique (CEB) vers l'Angleterre.
The Snowman, 1h59
Directed by Tomas Alfredson
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror, Crime
Actors Michael Fassbender, Rebecca Ferguson, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Toby Jones, Val Kilmer, J. K. Simmons
Roles Filip Becker
Rating52% 2.600352.600352.600352.600352.60035
Le détective de la police d'Oslo Harry Hole n'est plus que l'ombre de lui-même. Alcoolique, il cherche un but à sa carrière. C'est alors qu'il rencontre une nouvelle recrue, Katrine Bratt, fraichement mutée de Bergen. Elle enquête sur la disparition d'une femme mariée et mère d'une petite fille, dont l'écharpe est trouvée enveloppée autour d'un bonhomme de neige sinistre. Harry Hole, qui a par ailleurs reçu une mystérieuse lettre ornée d'un bonhomme de neige, s'intéresse aux investigations de Katrine. Katrine et Harry vont alors découvrir que plusieurs femmes ont disparu dans des circonstances similaires.
Guernica (2016)
, 1h50
Directed by Koldo Serra
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Romance
Actors James D'Arcy, María Valverde, Jack Davenport, Hugo Silva, Irene Escolar, Ingrid García-Jonsson
Roles Henry
Rating58% 2.900012.900012.900012.900012.90001
Bilbao en avril 1937, 9 mois après le début de la Guerre d'Espagne. Henry Howell, est un correspondant américain célèbre pour son talent et sa passion de la vérité. Cependant, depuis quelques années, il est devenu cynique et opportuniste et ne se préoccupe plus que de son image et de son prestige. Tout en couvrant les affrontements du côté des républicains, il rencontre une jeune idéaliste du nom de Teresa qui connaît bien son travail et l'accuse de s'être laissé embarquer et d'avoir perdu la passion.
Jupiter Ascending, 2h7
Directed by Lana et Lilly Wachowski
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Space adventure films, Films about religion, Dans l'espace, Films set in the future, Space opera
Actors Channing Tatum, Sean Bean, Mila Kunis, Eddie Redmayne, Douglas Booth, Vanessa Kirby
Roles Maximilian Jones
Rating53% 2.652562.652562.652562.652562.65256
At the beginning of the story, Earth's residents are unaware that the human species on Earth and countless other planets were established by families of transhuman and alien royalty for the purpose of later "harvesting" the resulting organisms to produce a type of youth serum for the elites on still other planets. After the death of the matriarch of the House of Abrasax, the most powerful of the alien dynasties, her children, Balem (Eddie Redmayne), Kalique (Tuppence Middleton), and Titus (Douglas Booth), quarrel over the inheritance, with Balem inheriting an enormous refinery on Jupiter and Titus declaring his intention to dismantle the youth serum trade, of which Earth is the next intended source. Protagonist Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis) narrates that her father, Maximilian Jones (James D'Arcy), met her mother, Aleksa (Maria Doyle Kennedy), in Saint Petersburg. After Maximilian is killed in a robbery, Aleksa names their daughter Jupiter, after his favorite planet, and they move to Chicago to live with Aleksa's family.
Survivor (2015)
, 1h36
Directed by James McTeigue
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Action, Horror, Crime
Themes Spy films, Films about terrorism, Transport films, Road movies, Chase films
Actors Milla Jovovich, James D'Arcy, Dylan McDermott, Pierce Brosnan, Emma Thompson, Angela Bassett
Roles Paul Anderson
Rating56% 2.8009552.8009552.8009552.8009552.800955
Kate Abbott is an employee for the American Embassy in London, who began working in the government after most of her friends were killed in 9/11. While she is implementing new, more stringent visa applications for potential terrorist suspects, most of her team are killed while attending a restaurant for the birthday of their superior, Bill Talbot, with Kate only surviving because she left the restaurant to get a last-minute present for Bill. An investigation into the attack reveals that the bomb has traces of chromium, leading one of Kate's fellow employees, Sam Parker, to deduce that the perpetrator was the Watchmaker, one of the world's most wanted killers, known for his precision work, who detonated a bomb with similar traces in Paris some time earlier. Kate's subsequent attempts to find out the cause of the explosion reveal that Bill was being blackmailed to let certain visa applicants through after terrorists abducted his son, and the man behind the attack was indeed the Watchmaker. Her efforts uncover a plan to detonate another bomb at Times Square in New York City during the New Year's Eve celebrations. As she carries out her own investigation, she is attacked by Bill and later classified as a suspect for the attacks, forcing her to sneak back into the embassy to create false passports for herself to follow the Watchmaker to New York, with support from Sam Parker, her superior at the embassy and one of two who believes in her innocence. In a final confrontation in Times Square, she manages to kill the Watchmaker by throwing him off a roof before he can trigger the bomb, allowing her to clear her name.
Let's Be Cops, 1h44
Directed by Luke Greenfield
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Action
Themes Buddy films, Children's films
Actors Jake Johnson, Nina Dobrev, Damon Wayans, Jr., Andy García, James D'Arcy, Rob Riggle
Roles Mossi
Rating64% 3.200593.200593.200593.200593.20059
Two longtime pals, Justin Miller (Wayans), a struggling video game designer, and Ryan O'Malley (Johnson), an unemployed, washed-up former college quarterback, recall a pact they once made: if they hadn't "made it" in Los Angeles by the time they were thirty, they would head back to their Columbus hometown. As they leave a bar, their car is hit by an SUV full of tough-looking Albanians, who intimidate them into not retaliating.
After the Dark, 1h47
Directed by John Huddles
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Fantastic, Fantasy
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors James D'Arcy, Bonnie Wright, Sophie Lowe, Jacob Artist, Daryl Sabara, George Paul Blagden
Roles Eric Zimit
Rating56% 2.8069252.8069252.8069252.8069252.806925
Mr. Zimit, a philosophy teacher at an international school in Jakarta, has been challenging his class of twenty with thought exercises to prepare them for their future. On the last day of school, he holds an exercise in which he posits an oncoming atomic apocalypse. There is a bunker to shelter them for a year, but it only has supplies for ten people, so his students have to decide who of them should be allowed in. The top student, Petra, initially refuses to participate, but Zimit threatens to lower her boyfriend James' academic score if she does not.
Cloud Atlas, 2h52
Directed by Lana et Lilly Wachowski, Tom Tykwer
Origin German
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantasy, Adventure
Themes Clonage, Films about slavery, Seafaring films, Philosophie, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Films about sexuality, Transport films, Bisexuality-related films, LGBT-related films, Films based on science fiction novels, Films set in the future, Political films, Dystopian films, LGBT-related films, Disaster films, LGBT-related film
Actors Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Götz Otto, Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess
Roles Young Rufus Sixsmith / Old Rufus Sixsmith / Nurse James / Archivist
Rating73% 3.695293.695293.695293.695293.69529
Adam Ewing, an American lawyer, has come to the Chatham Islands to conclude a business arrangement with Reverend Horrox and his father-in-law. While in Horrox's plantation, he witnesses the whipping of a Moriori slave, Autua, who later stows away on the ship. Autua confronts Ewing and convinces him to advocate for Autua to join the crew as a free man. Dr Henry Goose slowly poisons Ewing, claiming it to be the cure for a parasitic worm, to steal Ewing's valuables. As Goose administers the fatal dose, Autua saves Ewing. Returning to the United States, Ewing and his wife Tilda denounce her father's complicity in slavery and leave to join the abolition movement.
Hitchcock (2012)
, 1h38
Directed by Sacha Gervasi
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Biography, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about films, Serial killer films, Children's films
Actors Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren, Scarlett Johansson, Toni Collette, Danny Huston, Jessica Biel
Roles Anthony Perkins
Rating67% 3.39813.39813.39813.39813.3981
In 1959, Alfred Hitchcock opens his latest film, North by Northwest, to considerable success, but is troubled by a reporter's insinuation that it is time to retire. Seeking to reclaim the artistic daring of his youth, Hitchcock turns down film proposals like adapting Casino Royale in favor of a horror novel called Psycho by Robert Bloch, which is based on the crimes of murderer Ed Gein. Gein appears in sequences throughout the film in which he seems to prompt Hitchcock's imagination regarding the Psycho story, or act as some function of Hitchcock's subconscious mind (for instance, drawing Hitchcock's attention to sand on his bathroom floor, the quantity of which reveals how much time his wife Alma has been spending at the beachhouse with Whitfield Cook).
In Their Skin, 1h37
Directed by Selma Blair, Rachel Miner, Joshua Close, Alex Ferris, Quinn Lord, James D'Arcy
Origin Canada
Genres Thriller, Horror
Actors Selma Blair, Joshua Close, Rachel Miner, James D'Arcy, Alex Ferris, Quinn Lord
Roles Bobby
Rating53% 2.6512652.6512652.6512652.6512652.651265
A family escapes their busy lifestyles to their upscale suburban cottage. Wedded couple, Mary Hughes (Selma Blair), a real estate developer and Mark Hughes (Joshua Close), a lawyer, have an 8-year-old son, Brendon Hughes (Quinn Lord), but grieve over their recently dead 6-year-old daughter, Tess, who died in an accident. They also have a dog named Harris. One night while out for a walk, they come across a vehicle, appearing as if they were being watched. The next day, they meet their neighbors, Jane Sakowski (Rachel Miner), Bobby Sakowski (James D'Arcy) and their 9-year-old son, Jared Sakowski (Alex Ferris), inviting them over for afternoon lunch.
Age of Heroes, 1h30
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, War, Thriller, Action, Adventure
Themes Political films
Actors Sean Bean, Danny Dyer, Izabella Miko, James D'Arcy, William Houston, Aksel Hennie
Roles Lt. Cdr. Ian Fleming
Rating55% 2.7505352.7505352.7505352.7505352.750535
Age of Heroes follows the exploits of Corporal Rains (Danny Dyer) as he is inducted into the newly formed 30 Commando unit in World War II after being freed from a war prison for cowardice and striking an officer during operations in France. Rains and the rest of the platoon are put through intensive training under the watchful eye of Major Jones (Sean Bean), where their skills and endurance are pushed to the limit as they prepare for their first highly classified and dangerous mission: to parachute into occupied Norway and capture new radar technology from the Germans which could change the outcome of the war.
W.E. (2011)
, 1h55
Directed by Madonna
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Historical, Romance
Actors Abbie Cornish, James D'Arcy, Andrea Riseborough, Oscar Isaac, Richard Coyle, David Harbour
Roles Edward
Rating62% 3.1020353.1020353.1020353.1020353.102035
Wally Winthrop (Abbie Cornish) is a lonely housewife, living in 1998 in New York City. She is neglected by her doctor husband, William Winthrop (Richard Coyle) and finds solace in the love story of King Edward VIII (James D'Arcy) and his lover, Wallis Simpson (Andrea Riseborough). Wally travels to the Sotheby's auction of the Windsor Estate, showcasing items used by Wallis and Edward in their lifetime, and reminisces about their relationship.
Virtuality (2009)
, 1h27
Directed by Peter Berg
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Romance
Actors Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Kerry Bishé, Joy Bryant, Jose Pablo Cantillo, Ritchie Coster, James D'Arcy
Roles Dr. Roger Fallon
Rating56% 2.8447852.8447852.8447852.8447852.844785
L'histoire se déroule vers 2050, à bord du Phaeton, premier vaisseau de la Terre, sur un trajet de dix ans pour explorer le système solaire Epsilon Eridani, qui est le plus proche du nôtre. Afin d'aider les douze membres d'équipage à supporter la longue mission, un système de réalité virtuelle, les modules, est installé à bord du navire. Ces modules, qui sont portés comme des lunettes, permettent à l'équipage d'assumer diverses identités et de profiter d'une variété d'aventures pour surmonter l'absence d'intimité sur le Phaeton.