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Terry Notary is a Actor, Executive Producer and Motion Capture Artist American born on 14 august 1968

Terry Notary

Terry Notary
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Nationality USA
Birth 14 august 1968 (56 years)

Terry Notary est un acteur et cascadeur américain, né à San Rafael (Californie) le 14 août 1968.


Terry Notary nait à San Rafael, en Californie. À l'âge de 7 ans, il est diagnostiqué comme hyperactif. Il va alors canaliser son énergie dans la pratique de la gymnastique. Il continuera la pratique de cette discipline durant ses années études à Université de Californie à Los Angeles, où il prend également des cours de théâtre. Il travaille ensuite quelques années plus tard pour le prestigieux Cirque du Soleil et dans divers spectacles.

Ses talents sont ensuite remarqués par l'industrie cinématographique. Sur le tournage du film Le Grinch (Ron Howard, 2000), il officie comme coach de mouvement pour les acteurs incarnant des Who. Pour les besoins de La Planète des singes (Tim Burton, 2001), il passe beaucoup de temps à observer les singes au zoo de Los Angeles pour ensuite participer à la formation des acteurs. Il participe par la suite à de nombreuses grosses productions comme X-Men 2 (2003), Superman Returns (2006), L'Incroyable Hulk (2008), Transformers 2 (2009) où il encadre des acteurs devant incarner des monstres ou des animaux.

L'évolution numérique lui offre de nouvelles possibilités. Il participe grâce à la capture de mouvement (motion capture en anglais) au film Avatar (2009), de James Cameron, où il encadre les acteurs tournant avec ce procédé. Son travail s'apparente à celui d'Andy Serkis, qu'il croise pour le tournage de La Planète des singes : Les Origines (2011) de Rupert Wyatt. Il y incarne cette fois un personnage secondaire mais important, le chimpanzé Rocket, ami de César, interprété par Andy Serkis. Il reprendra ce rôle dans les suites La Planète des singes : L'Affrontement (2014) et La Planète des singes : Suprématie (2017).

Entre-temps, il incarne divers Gobelins dans la trilogie Le Hobbit (2012-2014) de Peter Jackson, un Orc dans Warcraft : Le Commencement (2016) de Duncan Jones ou encore King Kong dans Kong: Skull Island (2017) de Jordan Vogt-Roberts. Il apparait ensuite pour la première fois « à visage découvert » en incarnant Oleg, un artiste performeur « homme-singe », dans le film The Square de Ruben Östlund, qui obtient la Palme d'or lors du festival de Cannes 2017.

Il dirige ensuite la seconde équipe pour le tournage de Jungle Book d'Andy Serkis, prévu pour 2018.

Best films

Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)
(Stunt Coordinator)
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
Warcraft (2016)
X2 (2003)
Superman Returns (2006)

Usually with

Stan Lee
Stan Lee
(4 films)
Peter Jackson
Peter Jackson
(4 films)
Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis
(8 films)
Amanda Silver
Amanda Silver
(3 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Terry Notary (23 films)

Display filmography as list


The Call of the Wild
Directed by Chris Sanders
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Action, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about dogs, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Harrison Ford, Dan Stevens, Karen Gillan, Omar Sy, Bradley Whitford, Cara Gee
Roles Rail Worker / Live Action Reference Performance of Buck
Rating67% 3.3765753.3765753.3765753.3765753.376575
John Thornton, un chercheur d'or, perd tout son argent au jeu. Un ancien ami, Hal, lui propose alors de partir à la recherche d'un trésor, en suivant le chemin d'une carte qu'il a mémorisée. Pour ce voyage, Thornton se procure un chien incontrôlable, Buck, qu'il parvient à dresser. Au cours de leur voyage, les deux hommes découvrent une femme, Mercedes, dont le mari a disparu...
Avengers: Endgame, 3h1
Directed by Martin Scorsese, Anthony Russo et Joe Russo
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Action, Adventure
Themes Space adventure films, Monde imaginaire, Time travel films, Sur une planète fictive, Films set in the future, Hulk (comics) films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Hugh Jackman, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Holland
Roles On-Set Groot / Cull Obsidian
Rating82% 4.1282754.1282754.1282754.1282754.128275
Le Titan Thanos ayant réussi à s'approprier les six Pierres d'Infinité et à les réunir sur le Gantelet doré, a pu réaliser son objectif de pulvériser la moitié de la population de l'Univers d'un claquement de doigts. Les quelques Avengers et Gardiens de la Galaxie ayant survécu, Captain America, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, War Machine, Nébula et Rocket, espèrent réparer le méfait de Thanos. Ils le retrouvent mais il s'avère que ce dernier a détruit les pierres et Thor le décapite. Cinq ans plus tard, alors que chacun essaie de continuer sa vie et d'oublier les nombreuses pertes dramatiques, Scott Lang, alias Ant-Man, parvient à s'échapper de la dimension subatomique où il était coincé depuis la disparition du Docteur Hank Pym, de sa femme Janet Van Dyne et de sa fille Hope Van Dyne. Lang propose aux Avengers une solution pour faire revenir à la vie tous les êtres disparus, dont leurs alliés et coéquipiers : récupérer les Pierres d'Infinité dans le passé grâce à l'univers quantique.
Avengers: Infinity War, 2h29
Directed by Martin Scorsese, Anthony Russo et Joe Russo
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Space adventure films, Monde imaginaire, Dans l'espace, Films about spiders, Hulk (comics) films, Spider-Man films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Scarlett Johansson
Roles Cull Obsidian / On-Set Groot
Rating82% 4.1253454.1253454.1253454.1253454.125345
Père adoptif de Gamora et Nébula, Thanos a commencé à recueillir les six Pierres d'Infinité : la Pierre du Pouvoir, la Pierre de l'Espace, la Pierre de Réalité, la Pierre de l'Âme, la Pierre du Temps et la Pierre de l'Esprit. Son objectif est de réunir ces six gemmes sur un gantelet doré, forgé par le nain Eitri sur Nidavellir, afin d'utiliser leur immense puissance pour détruire la moitié de la population de l'Univers et rétablir ainsi un certain équilibre. Dans sa quête le menant sur diverses planètes, la Terre, Knowhere et Vormir, Thanos est aidé par ses enfants adoptifs : Ebony Maw , Cull Obsidian , Corvus Glaive et Proxima Midnight . Face à cette nouvelle menace qui concerne l'Univers entier, le groupe de super-héros des Avengers, divisé depuis 2 ans, doit se reformer, et s'associer au Docteur Strange, aux Gardiens de la Galaxie et au peuple du Wakanda.
Kong: Skull Island, 1h58
Directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Kaiju films, Films about magic and magicians, La préhistoire, Animaux préhistoriques, Films about cephalopods, Films about apes, King Kong films, Giant monster films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère, Disaster films
Actors Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, Toby Kebbell, Michael Keaton, Jason Mitchell, Corey Hawkins
Roles Kong Mo-Cap Services
Rating66% 3.347813.347813.347813.347813.34781
En 1944, alors que la guerre du Pacifique fait rage, deux pilotes s'écrasent sur une île inconnue. L'un est Américain, l'autre est Japonais. Alors qu'ils s'affrontent sur place, ils sont brusquement interrompus par une gigantesque créature.
The Square
The Square (2017)
, 2h22
Directed by Ruben Östlund
Origin Suede
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Actors Claes Bang, Elisabeth Moss, Dominic West, Terry Notary
Roles Oleg
Rating70% 3.547033.547033.547033.547033.54703
Christian, père divorcé, est le conservateur d'un musée d'art contemporain installé dans le palais royal de Stockholm. Il prépare une exposition intitulée « The Square », simple carré à l'intérieur duquel les spectateurs seront appelés à être altruistes et à mieux prendre en compte les besoins des autres : « Le Carré est un sanctuaire de confiance et de bienveillance. En son sein, nous avons tous les mêmes droits et les mêmes devoirs. ». Or, après avoir aidé lui-même dans la rue une femme qui prétendait être attaquée, il constate qu'il s'agissait d'un piège : son téléphone, son portefeuille et ses boutons de manchette en or ont disparu.
War for the Planet of the Apes, 2h20
Directed by Matt Reeves
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, War, Thriller, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films based on science fiction novels, Films set in the future, Films about apes, Films about disabilities, Political films, Dystopian films, Children's films, Disaster films, Sign-language films, American Sign Language films, Films about language and translation
Actors Andy Serkis, Woody Harrelson, Steve Zahn, Gabriel Chavarria, Judy Greer, Terry Notary
Roles Rocket
Rating73% 3.697233.697233.697233.697233.69723
Deux ans après avoir affronté les humains et Koba, César et les singes vivent reculés dans une forêt. Leur avant-poste est alors attaqué par une unité militaire pratiquement annihilée dans l'assaut et qui subit une défaite totale, rapportée par radio à leur commandant le colonel McCullough. Selon les dires d'un survivant fait prisonnier et présenté à César, cet homme sanguinaire cherche à tout prix à retrouver César pour installer la domination des hommes sur les primates : bien que ça ne fasse pas l'unanimité, César choisit d'épargner les soldats survivants et de les lui renvoyer avec un message de laisser tomber afin de clarifier les circonstances ayant amené cette situation et prévenir une montée vaine des conflits. Plus tard alors qu'ils s'occupent de leurs morts et blessés, César vient accueillir son fils aîné Yeux-Bleus et Rocket, qui reviennent d'une expédition prolongée et ont apparemment enfin trouvé la terre promise des singes, à des mois de marche de là. Le soir même, après des discussions houleuses sur la suite des événements et la crainte exprimée par Winter, un gorille albinos, la décision est prise de s'y rendre. Mais après l'échec de ses soldats, le colonel McCullough se déplace en personne avec un commando dans le refuge de César afin de le tuer. Il tue le fils aîné de César par méprise ainsi que sa compagne, Cornelia, épargnant sans le savoir leur enfant cadet, Cornelius qui s'était caché. César qui arrive juste avant son départ et constate leur mort, tente de se venger pour son acte mais échoue de peu. Tandis que la colonie a débuté son trajet vers leur futur foyer, César confie alors Cornelius à Lake, la compagne de feu son fils aîné, puis quitte les siens à leur grande surprise pour se lancer seul à la poursuite de McCullough, assoiffé de vengeance. Il est toutefois vite rattrapé et épaulé par ses plus proches amis l’orang-outan Maurice, le chimpanzé Rocket (dont le fils Ash, meilleur ami de Yeux-Bleus, fut également tué, par Koba en son temps) et le gorille Luca.
Warcraft (2016)
, 2h3
Directed by Duncan Jones
Origin USA
Genres Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about computing, Jeu, Films about magic and magicians, Films about video games, Films based on video games
Actors Paula Patton, Ben Foster, Travis Fimmel, Dominic Cooper, Clancy Brown, Toby Kebbell
Roles Grommash Hellscream
Rating66% 3.3462753.3462753.3462753.3462753.346275
The film portrays the origin story of the initial encounters between the humans and the orcs, with an emphasis upon both the Alliance's and Horde's sides of their conflict. Featuring characters such as Durotan and Lothar, the film will take place in a variety of locations established in the video game series.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, 2h11
Directed by Matt Reeves, Rupert Wyatt
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Action
Themes Films about animals, Films about computing, Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Films based on science fiction novels, Films set in the future, Films about apes, Films about disabilities, Political films, Cyberpunk films, Dystopian films, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère, Disaster films, Sign-language films, American Sign Language films, Films about language and translation
Actors James Franco, Judy Greer, Kirk Acevedo, Gary Oldman, Freida Pinto, John Lithgow
Roles Rocket
Rating75% 3.796933.796933.796933.796933.79693
Ten years after the worldwide pandemic of the deadly ALZ-113 virus (known as the Simian Flu), human civilization is completely destroyed following martial law, civil unrest and the economic collapse of every country in the world. Over 90% of the human population has died in the pandemic, while apes with genetically enhanced intelligence have started to build a civilization of their own.
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, 2h24
Directed by Andy Serkis, Peter Jackson
Origin USA
Genres Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Monde imaginaire, Middle-earth films, Films about dragons, Children's films
Actors Dean O'Gorman, Lee Pace, Martin Freeman, Benedict Cumberbatch, Luke Evans, Orlando Bloom
Roles Laketown Refugee (uncredited)
Rating73% 3.6990753.6990753.6990753.6990753.699075
Bilbo and the Dwarves watch from the Lonely Mountain as the dragon Smaug sets Laketown ablaze, and its people flee. Bard the Bowman breaks out of prison, and eventually kills Smaug with the black arrow brought to him by his son Bain. Smaug's falling body crushes the fleeing Master of Laketown, who was escaping Laketown on a boat laden with the town's gold. Bard reluctantly becomes the new leader of the Laketown people as they seek refuge in the ruins of Dale, while Legolas travels to investigate Mount Gundabad with Tauriel. Thorin, now struck with "dragon sickness" over the vast treasure in the mountain, searches obsessively for the Arkenstone, which Bilbo had previously found but kept hidden. Thorin, hearing that people have come to Dale, orders the entrance of the Lonely Mountain sealed off.
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, 2h41
Directed by Peter Jackson
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Monde imaginaire, Middle-earth films, Films about dragons, Children's films
Actors Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Benedict Cumberbatch, Cate Blanchett, Lee Pace
Roles Goblin (uncredited)
Rating77% 3.897983.897983.897983.897983.89798
Thorin and his company are being pursued by Azog and his Orc party following the events of the previous film. They are ushered along by Gandalf to the nearby home of Beorn, a skin-changer who can take the form of the bear. That night, Azog is summoned to Dol Guldur by the Necromancer, who commands him to marshal his forces for war. Azog then delegates the hunt for Thorin to his son Bolg. The following day, Beorn escorts the company to the borders of Mirkwood, where Gandalf discovers Black Speech imprinted on an old ruin. This coincides with a telepathic message from Galadriel urging him to investigate the tombs of the Nazgûl. He warns the company to remain on the path and leaves them. Upon entering the forest they lose their way and are ensnared by giant spiders. Bilbo then sets about freeing the dwarves with the help of his recently acquired invisibility ring. He subsequently drops the Ring and first begins to understand its dark influence after he brutally kills a centipede-like creature to retrieve it.
The Cabin in the Woods, 1h35
Directed by Drew Goddard
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Horror comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Films about religion, Films based on works by H. P. Lovecraft, Films set in the future, Wolves in film, Werewolves in film, Giant monster films, Zombie films, Political films, Comedy horror films, Dystopian films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère, Disaster films
Actors Kristen Connolly, Chris Hemsworth, Anna Hutchison, Fran Kranz, Jesse Williams, Richard Jenkins
Roles The Clown (uncredited)
Rating69% 3.496673.496673.496673.496673.49667
In the underground Facility, senior technicians Gary Sitterson and Steve Hadley discuss plans for a mysterious ritual. A similar operation undertaken by their counterparts in Stockholm has just ended in failure.
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, 2h49
Directed by Peter Jackson
Origin USA
Genres Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Monde imaginaire, Middle-earth films, Films about dragons, Children's films
Actors Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Stephen Fry, James Nesbitt, Ken Stott
Roles Great Goblin / Yazneg (uncredited)
Rating77% 3.89553.89553.89553.89553.8955
Approaching his 111th birthday, the hobbit Bilbo Baggins begins writing down the full story of his adventure 60 years earlier for the benefit of his nephew Frodo. This connects The Hobbit with The Lord of the Rings movie 10 years earlier which had a similar scene. Long before Bilbo's involvement, the Dwarf king Thrór brings an era of prosperity for his kin under the Lonely Mountain, far to the East, until the arrival of the dragon Smaug. Destroying the nearby town of Dale, Smaug drives the Dwarves out of their mountain and takes their hoard of gold. Thrór's grandson Thorin sees King Thranduil and his Wood-elves on a nearby hillside, and is dismayed when they take their leave rather than aid his people, resulting in Thorin's everlasting hatred of Elves.
Attack the Block, 1h28
Directed by Joe Cornish
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Horror comedy, Action, Horror
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about music and musicians, Films about drugs, Comedy science fiction films, Films set in the future, Films about extraterrestrial life, Hip hop films, Comedy horror films, Gangster films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Alien invasions in films, Disaster films
Actors Jodie Whittaker, John Boyega, Alex Esmail, Franz Drameh, Joey Ansah, Leeon Jones
Roles The Creature
Rating66% 3.3478853.3478853.3478853.3478853.347885
Walking home on Bonfire Night through "The Ends" in Brixton, new-to-the-area nurse Samantha Adams is mugged by a small gang of teenage hoodlums: Pest, Dennis, Jerome, Biggz, and leader Moses. The attack is interrupted when a meteorite falls from the sky into a nearby car, giving Samantha the chance to escape. As Moses searches the wreck of the car for valuables, his face is scratched by a pale, hairless, eyeless dog-sized creature; the object which fell from the sky was its cocoon. The creature runs away, but the gang chase and kill it. Hoping to gain fame and fortune, they take the corpse to their acquaintance, cannabis dealer Ron, to get advice on what to do. He lives at the top of their tower block, Wyndham Tower.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes, 1h50
Directed by Rupert Wyatt
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Adventure
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about animals, Environmental films, Films about computing, Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Films based on science fiction novels, Films set in the future, Films about apes, Films about viral outbreaks, Films about disabilities, Political films, Cyberpunk films, Dystopian films, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère, Disaster films, Sign-language films, American Sign Language films, Films about language and translation
Actors James Franco, Freida Pinto, John Lithgow, Andy Serkis, Brian Cox, Tom Felton
Roles Rocket / Bright Eyes
Rating75% 3.7972753.7972753.7972753.7972753.797275
Will Rodman, a scientist at the biotechnology company Gen-Sys, is testing viral-based drug ALZ-112 on chimpanzees to find a cure for brain ailments such as Alzheimer's disease. The drug is given to a chimpanzee, Bright Eyes, greatly increasing her intelligence. However, when Will is presenting 112 to his boss and uses Bright Eyes as an example, she is forced from her cage, goes on a rampage, and is killed. Will's boss Steven Jacobs terminates the project and orders chimp handler Robert Franklin to euthanize the chimps. After doing as ordered, Franklin discovers that Bright Eyes had recently given birth and understands the reason why she was disturbed. He convinces Will to save the baby chimp's life by taking him home temporarily. Will's father Charles, who is suffering from Alzheimer's, names the chimp "Caesar", in reference to William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, from which he can, despite his deteriorating mental condition, cite long passages from memory. Will learns that Caesar has inherited his mother's high intelligence (the 112 virus passing to him in utero) and decides to raise him, working from home and observing his behavior in hopes that he can get the project restarted. Three years later, Will introduces Caesar to the redwood forest at Muir Woods National Monument. Meanwhile, with Charles' condition rapidly deteriorating, Will treats him with ALZ-112 and he is restored to better-than-original cognitive ability.
The Lost Tribe, 1h40
Directed by Roel Reiné
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Horror
Actors Nick Mennell, Emily Baldoni, Brianna Brown, Hadley Fraser, Maxine Bahns, Terry Notary
Roles Alpha Male
Rating38% 1.916911.916911.916911.916911.91691
While on their way to Asia to close a business deal, five friends (Anna, Tom, Joe, Alexis, and Chris) rescue a man that's been left to drift at sea. Injured and in shock, the stranger overrides the yacht's autopilot and attempts to change the vessel's course, but instead wrecks the boat on a rock and the vessel sinks. The castaways wash ashore on the beach of an uncharted island and attempt to contact the Coast Guard over the yacht's radio. Before the Coast Guard can arrive, the body of the stranger vanishes from the grave the other survivors had laid him to rest in. Needing some time to himself, Tom wanders into the jungle and is attacked by an unseen assailant. During the attempt to find Tom the next day Alexis is killed by the jungle's inhabitants and Chris is taken. Joe and Anna discover a nefarious plot by the Vatican to cover up a research team's discoveries on the island before Joe is murdered by an assassin sent by the Catholic Church. Anna is then left by herself to survive on the island and uncover its secrets.