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Martin Freeman is a Actor and Executive Producer British born on 8 september 1971 at Aldershot (United-kingdom)

Martin Freeman

Martin Freeman
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Birth name Martin John Christopher Freeman
Nationality United-kingdom
Birth 8 september 1971 (53 years) at Aldershot (United-kingdom)

Martin John Christopher Freeman (born 8 September 1971) is an English actor, best known for portraying Tim Canterbury in the original UK version of sitcom mockumentary The Office, Dr. John Watson in the British crime drama Sherlock, Bilbo Baggins in Peter Jackson's The Hobbit film trilogy, and Lester Nygaard in the dark comedy-crime drama TV series Fargo.

His other notable film roles include the romantic comedy Love Actually (2003), the comic science fiction film The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005), the semi-improvised comedy Nativity! (2009), and the comedic Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy, most prominently in the sci-fi comedy The World's End (2013). Among other accolades, he has won an Emmy Award, BAFTA Award and an Empire Award, with other nominations including two other Emmy Awards, two other BAFTA Awards, a Saturn Award, and a Golden Globe Award.


Freeman lives in Hertfordshire with his partner, actress Amanda Abbington, whom he met on the set of Channel 4's Men Only in 2000. The couple have two children together: Joe (born 2006) and Grace (born 2008). They have appeared in other productions together, including Sherlock, Swinging with the Finkels, The Debt, The Robinsons, and The All Together.

In an edition of Who Do You Think You Are? aired on 19 August 2009, Freeman discovered that his grandfather, Leonard Freeman, was a medic who was killed a couple of days before the Dunkirk evacuation at the beginning of World War II. Leonard's father, Richard, was born blind and had been a piano tuner and organist at St Andrew's Church, West Tarring and later a music teacher in Kingston upon Hull.

Freeman is a vegetarian. He has struggled with religion, stating that "my relationship with my belief has never been easy." Despite these struggles, he has said his Catholic faith remains intact. In 2011, Freeman took part in a charity cricket match to raise money for victims of the Christchurch earthquake. In 2015 Freeman appeared in a party election broadcast for the Labour Party, endorsing the party ahead of the UK general election in May.

Best films

Usually with

Peter Jackson
Peter Jackson
(4 films)
Edgar Wright
Edgar Wright
(4 films)
Stan Lee
Stan Lee
(3 films)
Simon Pegg
Simon Pegg
(4 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Martin Freeman (38 films)

Display filmography as list


The Operative, 2h
Origin German
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Spy, Crime
Actors Diane Kruger, Martin Freeman, Cas Anvar, Werner Daehn, Lana Ettinger, Ohad Knoller
Roles Thomas
Rating58% 2.901642.901642.901642.901642.90164
Rachel, qui parle plusieurs langues, est recrutée par le Mossad et est envoyée en Iran en mission d'infiltration.
Black Panther, 2h14
Directed by Martin Scorsese, Stanley Kubrick, Ryan Coogler
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Monde imaginaire, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong’o, Danai Gurira, Martin Freeman, Daniel Kaluuya
Roles Everett K. Ross
Rating73% 3.6512553.6512553.6512553.6512553.651255
Après avoir participé à l'affrontement entre Iron Man et Captain America, le prince T'Challa retourne chez lui dans la nation africaine reculée et technologiquement avancée du Wakanda, pour servir son pays en tant que nouveau roi. Cependant, le pouvoir de T'Challa va bientôt être défié par des membres de son propre pays. Quand deux ennemis conspirent pour détruire le Wakanda, la Panthère noire doit s'allier à l'agent de la CIA Everett K. Ross et aux membres du Dora Milaje, les forces spéciales du Wakanda, pour éviter que le pays ne soit emporté dans un conflit mondial.
Avengers: Infinity War, 2h29
Directed by Martin Scorsese, Anthony Russo et Joe Russo
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Space adventure films, Monde imaginaire, Dans l'espace, Films about spiders, Hulk (comics) films, Spider-Man films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Scarlett Johansson
Roles Everett K. Ross
Rating82% 4.1220054.1220054.1220054.1220054.122005
Père adoptif de Gamora et Nébula, Thanos a commencé à recueillir les six Pierres d'Infinité : la Pierre du Pouvoir, la Pierre de l'Espace, la Pierre de Réalité, la Pierre de l'Âme, la Pierre du Temps et la Pierre de l'Esprit. Son objectif est de réunir ces six gemmes sur un gantelet doré, forgé par le nain Eitri sur Nidavellir, afin d'utiliser leur immense puissance pour détruire la moitié de la population de l'Univers et rétablir ainsi un certain équilibre. Dans sa quête le menant sur diverses planètes, la Terre, Knowhere et Vormir, Thanos est aidé par ses enfants adoptifs : Ebony Maw , Cull Obsidian , Corvus Glaive et Proxima Midnight . Face à cette nouvelle menace qui concerne l'Univers entier, le groupe de super-héros des Avengers, divisé depuis 2 ans, doit se reformer, et s'associer au Docteur Strange, aux Gardiens de la Galaxie et au peuple du Wakanda.
Ghost Stories, 1h38
Directed by Jeremy Dyson, Andy Nyman
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Horror
Themes Ghost films
Actors Andy Nyman, Paul Whitehouse, Alex Lawther, Martin Freeman, Nicholas Burns, Daniel Hill
Roles Charles Cameron / Mike Priddle
Rating63% 3.1999153.1999153.1999153.1999153.199915
Refusant de croire au surnaturel et à l'au-delà, le professeur Phillip Goodman présente une émission de télévision où il démasque les charlatans qui affirment être en contact avec le monde des morts. Un jour, un de ses collègues spécialisés dans le paranormal, le professeur Cameron, lui demande sur son lit de mort de rouvrir trois étranges affaires non classées, se déroulant dans le même village, dont il n'a jamais élucidées. Alors qu'il accepte sa proposition malgré sa méfiance des superstitions, Goodman fait face à trois cas d'apparitions paranormales inexpliquées reliées entre elles par certains détails : un gardien de nuit, veuf depuis la mort de sa femme et qui a abandonné sa fille malade, est visité par le spectre d'une jeune fille qui travaillait dans un asile ; un adolescent pense avoir renversé le Diable dans les bois ; enfin, un financier est hanté par l'esprit de son enfant mort-né. Petit à petit, Goodman remet en questions ses croyances et se pense en danger.
Cargo (2017)
, 1h45
Origin Australie
Genres Drama, Thriller, Adventure, Horror, Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction
Themes Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Dystopian films
Actors Martin Freeman, Anthony Hayes, David Gulpilil, Caren Pistorius, Susie Porter
Roles Andy
Rating63% 3.1516353.1516353.1516353.1516353.151635
Après qu'une épidémie se soit répandue dans toute l’Australie et qu'il ait perdu sa femme suite à la morsure d’un zombie, un père (Martin Freeman) cherche une bonne personne prête à garder sa fille Rosie.
Captain America: Civil War, 2h27
Directed by Anthony Russo et Joe Russo
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Fantastic, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Monde imaginaire, Films about spiders, Spider-Man films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Chadwick Boseman, Daniel Brühl, Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johansson
Roles Everett K. Ross
Rating77% 3.8954353.8954353.8954353.8954353.895435
Le Soldat de l'Hiver (alias Bucky Barnes) a autrefois été reconditionné dans une base militaire soviétique sibérienne et hypnotisé à l'aide de certains mots. Quiconque prononce ces mots en russe plonge le Soldat de l'Hiver en transe et peut lui donner n'importe quel ordre sans qu'il puisse désobéir. C'est ainsi qu'en 1991, le Soldat de l'Hiver a provoqué l'arrêt brutal d'une voiture pour s'emparer dans son coffre d'une valise avec un étrange contenu.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Directed by Glenn Ficarra, John Requa
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Comedy
Actors Margot Robbie, Martin Freeman, Tina Fey, Alfred Molina, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Nicholas Braun
Roles Iain MacKelpie
Rating65% 3.2974553.2974553.2974553.2974553.297455
While working as a war correspondent in Afghanistan and Pakistan during Operation Enduring Freedom, Kim Barker (Tina Fey) develops a crazy relationship with a fellow journalist from Scotland (Martin Freeman).
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, 1h52
Directed by Glenn Ficarra, John Requa
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Tina Fey, Margot Robbie, Martin Freeman, Alfred Molina, Josh Charles, Billy Bob Thornton
Roles Iain MacKelpie
Rating65% 3.297463.297463.297463.297463.29746
Chargée de rédiger les bulletins de nouvelles pour une chaîne de télévision américaine, Kim Baker décide d'accepter l'offre de ses patrons et s'envole vers l'Afghanistan afin de devenir journaliste en zone de guerre. Croyant d'abord qu'elle n'est pas faite pour ce type de vie angoissante, elle prend vite goût à l'adrénaline des zones de combat et à la quête jamais assouvie de la bonne histoire.
Stick Man
Stick Man (2015)
, 27minutes
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Animation
Actors Russell Tovey, Martin Freeman, Jennifer Saunders, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Rob Brydon
Roles Stick Man (voice)
Rating71% 3.591963.591963.591963.591963.59196
Monsieur Bout de Bois mène une existence paisible dans son arbre familial avec Madame Bout de Bois et leurs enfants. Un matin, il part pour son footing matinal. Il se fait attraper par un chien qui le prend pour un vulgaire bâton. Commence alors pour Monsieur Bout de Bois une série d’aventures qui l’entraîneront bien loin de chez lui.
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, 2h24
Directed by Andy Serkis, Peter Jackson
Origin USA
Genres Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Monde imaginaire, Middle-earth films, Films about dragons, Children's films
Actors Dean O'Gorman, Lee Pace, Martin Freeman, Benedict Cumberbatch, Luke Evans, Orlando Bloom
Roles Bilbo Baggins
Rating73% 3.698793.698793.698793.698793.69879
Bilbo and the Dwarves watch from the Lonely Mountain as the dragon Smaug sets Laketown ablaze, and its people flee. Bard the Bowman breaks out of prison, and eventually kills Smaug with the black arrow brought to him by his son Bain. Smaug's falling body crushes the fleeing Master of Laketown, who was escaping Laketown on a boat laden with the town's gold. Bard reluctantly becomes the new leader of the Laketown people as they seek refuge in the ruins of Dale, while Legolas travels to investigate Mount Gundabad with Tauriel. Thorin, now struck with "dragon sickness" over the vast treasure in the mountain, searches obsessively for the Arkenstone, which Bilbo had previously found but kept hidden. Thorin, hearing that people have come to Dale, orders the entrance of the Lonely Mountain sealed off.
Saving Santa
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy, Musical theatre, Animation
Themes Christmas films, Time travel films
Actors Martin Freeman, Tim Curry, Tim Conway, Craig Fairbrass, Noel Clarke, Ashley Tisdale
Roles Bernard D. Elf (voice)
Rating53% 2.698662.698662.698662.698662.69866
A lowly stable elf finds that he is the only one who can stop an invasion of the North Pole by using the secret of Santa's Sleigh, a TimeGlobe, to travel back in time to Save Santa - twice.
Svengali (2013)

Directed by John Hardwick
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy
Actors Martin Freeman, Vicky McClure, Matt Berry, Michael Socha, Maxine Peake, Michael Smiley
Roles Don
Rating56% 2.800642.800642.800642.800642.80064
Svengali tells the story of Dixie (Jonny Owen), a postman from South Wales, and a music fanatic. All his life he's dreamed of discovering a great band and then one day, trawling through YouTube, he finds them... 'The Premature Congratulations'. He hunts them down and offers them his management services. They are young, arrogant, sexy and utterly magnificent. Putting their demo on a cassette tape, Dixie heads out onto the streets of London...
The World's End, 1h49
Directed by Edgar Wright
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Action, Comic science fiction
Themes Films about alcoholism, La fin du monde, Medical-themed films, Films about drugs, Films about religion, Comedy science fiction films, Films set in the future, Films about extraterrestrial life, Political films, Dystopian films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Alien invasions in films, Robot films, Disaster films
Actors Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, Rosamund Pike, Paddy Considine, Martin Freeman, Eddie Marsan
Roles Oliver Chamberlain
Rating68% 3.449143.449143.449143.449143.44914
Gary King (Simon Pegg), a middle-aged alcoholic, tracks down his estranged schoolfriends and persuades them to complete "the Golden Mile", a pub crawl encompassing the 12 pubs of their hometown of Newton Haven. The group attempted the crawl as teenagers, but failed to reach the final pub, The World's End.
The Voorman Problem, 13minutes
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Tom Hollander, Martin Freeman
Roles Doctor Williams
Rating71% 3.5880253.5880253.5880253.5880253.588025
Dr. Williams is hired by Governor Bentley to work as a prison psychiatrist after "The War in the East" has produced a doctor shortage. Williams is informed about the Voorman problem; a prisoner named Voorman is convinced that he is a god and has convinced the rest of the prisoners who spend all day chanting in worship. It is unclear what Voorman's crime is due to a computer malfunction.
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, 2h41
Directed by Peter Jackson
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Monde imaginaire, Middle-earth films, Films about dragons, Children's films
Actors Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Benedict Cumberbatch, Cate Blanchett, Lee Pace
Roles Bilbo Baggins
Rating77% 3.8979353.8979353.8979353.8979353.897935
Thorin and his company are being pursued by Azog and his Orc party following the events of the previous film. They are ushered along by Gandalf to the nearby home of Beorn, a skin-changer who can take the form of the bear. That night, Azog is summoned to Dol Guldur by the Necromancer, who commands him to marshal his forces for war. Azog then delegates the hunt for Thorin to his son Bolg. The following day, Beorn escorts the company to the borders of Mirkwood, where Gandalf discovers Black Speech imprinted on an old ruin. This coincides with a telepathic message from Galadriel urging him to investigate the tombs of the Nazgûl. He warns the company to remain on the path and leaves them. Upon entering the forest they lose their way and are ensnared by giant spiders. Bilbo then sets about freeing the dwarves with the help of his recently acquired invisibility ring. He subsequently drops the Ring and first begins to understand its dark influence after he brutally kills a centipede-like creature to retrieve it.