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Films with theme "Cross-dressing in film", sorted by revenue

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Heartstone (2016)
, 2h9
Directed by Guðmundur Arnar Guðmundsson
Origin Islande
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes L'adolescence, Films about children, Films about sexuality, Teen LGBT-related films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Søren Malling, Sveinn Ólafur Gunnarsson

Dans un village de pêche isolé au fin fond de l’Islande, deux adolescents, Thor et Christian, vivent un été mouvementé. Tandis que l’un essaie de conquérir le cœur d’une jeune fille, l’autre se découvre éprouver de nouveaux sentiments envers son meilleur ami. À la fin de l’été, lorsque la nature semble brutalement reprendre ses droits dans l’île, il est alors temps de quitter l’enfance et, pour les deux jeunes garçons, d’accepter d’entrer dans l’âge adulte.
La Cage aux Folles 3: The Wedding, 1h27
Directed by Édouard Molinaro, Georges Lautner
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Michel Serrault, Ugo Tognazzi, Antonella Interlenghi, Michel Galabru, Benny Luke, Stéphane Audran

In order to inherit his Aunt Emma's large fortune (which includes a large chunk of Scotland), Albin must marry a woman and father a child, and Renato goes along with the plan in an attempt to save their St. Tropez nightclub. Albin consults marriage broker Matrimonia and tries to act like a conservative heterosexual, but all attempts to conform fail and he considers suicide. When all hope seems to be lost, Renato and Albin meet a suicidal young woman, Cindy, who decides that marrying Albin may be better than death.
Pepi, Luci, Bom, 1h22
Directed by Pedro Almodóvar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes Films about sexuality, Rape in fiction, Bisexuality-related films, Erotic films, BDSM in films, LGBT-related films, Films about prostitution, Transgender in film, Rape and revenge films, Erotic thriller films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Carmen Maura, Alaska, Julieta Serrano, Cecilia Roth, Kiti Mánver, Agustín Almodóvar

Pepi cultive de la marijuana sur son balcon. Un flic qui habite en face, le remarque et vient chez elle pour le lui reprocher. Son regard est concupiscent si bien qu'elle soulève sa robe et lui propose de faire l'amour en échange de son silence. Le flic accepte. Elle lui précise toutefois qu'il doit passer par «derrière», ne voulant pas perdre sa virginité, qu'elle voulait monnayer pour 60 000 ptas, comme on l'apprendra plus tard. Le policier refuse et la pénètre. Il réalise en entendant ses cris que Pepi était réellement vierge. Celle-ci décide alors de se venger de ce viol avec l'aide de Bom et son groupe de musiciens, mais aussi celle de Luci, la femme masoschiste, mais abandonnée, du policier «qui la traite comme sa mère».
Die, Mommie, Die!, 1h34
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about families, Films about sexuality, Bisexuality-related films, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, Films based on plays, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Jason Priestley, Frances Conroy, Charles Busch, Philip Baker Hall, Natasha Lyonne, Stark Sands

The film opens with Angela Arden kneeling in front of her twin sister Barbara's grave. Angela is a lounge singer who is attempting to resuscitate her floundering career, which became obsolete around the same time Barbara committed suicide. She's unhappily married to her film director husband Sol Sussman, with whom they have two children–Lance, who is gay and emotionally disturbed, and Edith, a "daddy's girl" who is openly contemptuous of her mother. Also living in the house is the snoopy maid Bootsie, who is infatuated with Sol. Bored and unhappy, Angela begins cheating on her husband with Tony Parker, a tennis-playing "lothario" and failed actor who is reputed to be well endowed.
D'Artagnan's Daughter, 2h9
Directed by Bertrand Tavernier, Riccardo Freda
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Swashbuckler, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about sexuality, Transgender in film, Histoire de France, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Sophie Marceau, Philippe Noiret, Claude Rich, Sami Frey, Jean-Luc Bideau, Gigi Proietti

In the autumn of 1654, an escaped slave seeks refuge at a convent in southern France. After the nuns take him in, his pursuers break into the convent and assault the nuns, searching for the slave. After wounding the mother superior (Pascale Roberts), they close in on their prey. One feisty novitiate, Eloise (Sophie Marceau)—the daughter of the renowned swordsman D'Artagnan (Philippe Noiret) of the famed Three Musketeers—stands up to the intruders, but is shoved aside as they ride off after the frightened slave, who escaped from the evil Duke Crassac de Merindol. Eloise finds a blood-stained piece of paper (a simple laundry list) that the slave used to stop a bleeding wound, and believes it holds some secret code. Later, Eloise is with the mother superior when she dies from her wound. Swearing a sacred oath to avenge her and dressed in men's clothes, Eloise sets out for Paris to elicit the help of her father in tracking down the murderers.
Black Dynamite, 1h24
Directed by Scott Sanders
Origin USA
Genres Martial arts, Biography, Comedy, Action, Martial arts
Themes Films about sexuality, Sports films, Martial arts films, Political films, Kung fu films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Michael Jai White, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Arsenio Hall, Kevin Chapman, Obba Babatundé, Tommy Davidson

In the 1970s, Black Dynamite, a Vietnam War veteran and former CIA officer, vows to clean up the streets of drug dealers and gangsters after his younger brother Jimmy is killed by a shady organization. O'Leary, Black Dynamite's former army and CIA partner, reinstates him into the agency because they do not want him seeking vengeance by himself. While trying to get to the bottom of Jimmy's murder, he finds out that his brother was actually working undercover for the CIA. Black Dynamite also discovers the shady organization is filling the black orphanages with heroin. He declares war on local drug dealers and successfully cleans up the streets, earning him the affection of Gloria, a black power activist who works at the local orphanage.
Lady Oscar
Lady Oscar (1979)
, 2h4
Directed by Jacques Demy
Origin France
Genres Drama, Swashbuckler, Historical, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, Political films, LGBT-related films, Histoire de France, French Revolution films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Catriona MacColl, Barry Stokes, Patsy Kensit, Christine Böhm, Georges Wilson, Jonas Bergström

Oscar Françoise de Jarjayes (Catriona MacColl) is a young woman whose father, a career military man, wanted a boy. After she was born her father took to dressing Oscar in boy's clothes and raising her as a man. Privately Oscar acknowledges her feminine side, she dresses as a man and gains an honored position as a guard of Marie Antoinette (Christina Bohm). In her youth, Oscar is in love with Andre (Barry Stokes), the son of the family's housekeeper. Years later, when the French Revolution begins, Oscar and Andre's paths cross for the first time in years. With the assault on the Bastille, Oscar and Andre find themselves fighting on opposite sides of the revolution.
The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 1h22
Directed by Kim Henkel
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Horror
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, Serial killer films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Renée Zellweger, Matthew McConaughey, Robert Jacks, Paul A. Partain, John Dugan, Marilyn Burns

The film begins with four teenagers at their senior prom: Jenny, Heather, Barry, and Sean. Heather begins to look for her boyfriend, Barry, who is making out with another girl in the darkness. Heather discovers them and attempts to drive away in Barry's car, alongside Jenny and Sean, who are in the backseat. Barry eventually gains access into the car, where Heather scolds him angrily. Heather does not pay attention to the road and ends up wrecking with another driver, who passes out in the ensuing confusion.
Breakfast of Champions, 1h50
Directed by Alan Rudolph
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes Films about writers, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Bruce Willis, Albert Finney, Nick Nolte, Barbara Hershey, Glenne Headly, Lukas Haas

The film is a portrait of a fictional town in the Midwest that is home to a group of idiosyncratic and slightly neurotic characters. Dwayne Hoover (Bruce Willis) is a wealthy car dealership owner who is on the brink of suicide and is losing touch with reality.
Tokyo Godfathers, 1h32
Directed by Satoshi Kon
Genres Drama, Comedy, Animation
Themes Seafaring films, Christmas films, Films about sexuality, Transport films, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Aya Okamoto, Tōru Emori, Satomi Kōrogi, Shōzō Iizuka, Seizō Katō, Ryūji Saikachi

One Christmas Eve in present-day Tokyo, three homeless people — Gin (ギン), a middle-aged alcoholic, Hana (ハナ), a trans woman and former drag queen, and Miyuki (ミユキ), a runaway girl — discover an abandoned newborn while looking through garbage. Deposited with the unnamed baby is a note asking the finder to take good care of her and a bag containing clues to the parent's identity. The trio sets out to find the baby's parents. The baby is named Kiyoko (清子), literally meaning "pure child" as she is found on Christmas Eve.
All the Queen's Men, 1h39
Directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky
Genres Drama, War, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Historical
Themes Spy films, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, Political films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Matt LeBlanc, Eddie Izzard, James Cosmo, Karl Markovics, Nicolette Krebitz, Edward Fox

During World War II the British army is attempting to retrieve an Enigma machine from Germany. Having failed in previous attempts they decide to send four men undercover to the factory that makes the devices, deep in Berlin. Unfortunately the factory is populated entirely by women, and they only have men to send. American O'Rourke (LeBlanc), British transvestite Tony Parker (Izzard), genius Johnno (David Birkin) and the reluctant Archie (James Cosmo) are sent to infiltrate the factory dressed as women.
Glen or Glenda, 1h5
Directed by Ed Wood
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Documentary
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Sexploitation films, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, Documentaire sur l'homosexualité, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Ed Wood, Dolores Fuller, Timothy Farrell, Bela Lugosi, Lyle Talbot, Daniel Davis

The film begins with a narrator, called The Scientist, making cryptic comments about humanity. He first comments that humanity's constant search for the unknown, results in startling things coming to light. But most of these "new" discoveries are actually quite old, to which he refers to as "the signs of the ages". Later, the scene turns to the streets of a city, with the narrator commenting that each human has his/her own thoughts, ideas, and personality. He makes further comments on human life, while sounds accompany some comments. The cries of a newborn baby are followed by the sirens of an ambulance. One is a sign that a new life has begun, the other that a life has ended.
The Masquerader, 16minutes
Directed by Charlie Chaplin
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Charlie Chaplin, Roscoe Arbuckle, Chester Conklin, Charles Murray, Ben Turpin, Fritz Schade

The Masquerader is a comedy short film, that is about making films at Keystone. Charlie plays an actor who bungles several scenes and is kicked out. The next day a strange beautiful woman appears to audition for the film, it's Charlie in drag. After doing a perfect impersonation of a female, Charlie has drawn the attention of the director and is hired to act in his films. The director gives the beautiful woman the mens dressing room to change in and to Charlie's mistake he returns to his tramp costume. When the director returns, looking for the woman, he finds Charlie and that he has been tricked. Angry, the director chases Charlie through the studio until Charlie decides to jump into what he thinks is a prop well. The film ends with the director and other actors laughing at Charlie as he is trapped in the bottom of the well. The plot involving a man dressing up as a woman is quite popular in old silent movies.
Cheerful Givers, 50minutes
Directed by Paul Powell
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about children, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Bessie Love, Kenneth Harlan, Josephine Crowell, Spottiswoode Aitken, Pauline Starke, Violet Radcliffe

Judy gère les affaires de la maison qu'elle occupe avec son père, le Révérend Deady, et sa sœur cadette Abigail. Lorsque Harriet Gray, une femme d'affaires au cœur de pierre, exige le remboursement de l'hypothèque de l'orphelinat, les Deady ouvrent leur propre maison à sept des orphelins. Ce qui augmente les charges de la famille et oblige Judy à se trouver un autre travail.