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Avi Arad is a Actor, Scriptwriter and Producer American born on 1 august 1948 at Giv'atayim (Israel)

Avi Arad

Avi Arad
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Nationality USA
Birth 1 august 1948 (76 years) at Giv'atayim (Israel)
Creator of Marvel Studios

Avi Arad (; born August 1, 1948) is an Israeli-American businessman. He became the CEO of the company Toy Biz in the 1990s, and soon afterward became the chief creative officer of Marvel Entertainment, a Marvel director, chairman, CEO and the founder of Marvel Studios.


Né à Ramat Gan, Avi Arad a grandi en Israël puis s'est installé aux États-Unis durant ses études. Il a étudié le management industriel à la Hofstra University, et a obtenu une licence de gestion des affaires.

Il a été le producteur exécutif de nombreuses séries d'animation pour la télévision, dont Spider-Man et Iron Man, ainsi que X-Men Evolution et Doctor Strange: The Sorcerer Supreme.

Avant d'entrer chez Marvel Studios, Avi Arad a été l'un des plus grands créateurs de jouets du monde et un producteur d'émissions pour la jeunesse réputé. Il est à l'origine de la transposition de la plupart des personnages Marvel Comics au cinéma, à la télévision et sous forme de jouets et de jeux électroniques et vidéo, et a développé des dizaines de produits. Il a travaillé avec Toy Biz, Hasbro, Mattel, Nintendo, Tiger, Ideal, Galoob, Tyco et Sega.

Avi Arad a été le producteur de nombreux films Marvel comme L'Incroyable Hulk, Iron Man, Spider-Man, et X-Men

Avi Arad est classé 44e parmi les hommes les plus influents du cinéma américain par magazine Première en 2003.

Best films

The Avengers (2012)
(Executive Producer)
Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019)
(Executive Producer)
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
(Executive Producer)
Venom (2018)
Spider-Man (2002)
(Executive Producer)

Usually with

Stan Lee
Stan Lee
(39 films)
Kevin Feige
Kevin Feige
(23 films)
Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby
(14 films)
Steve Ditko
Steve Ditko
(10 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Avi Arad (46 films)

Display filmography as list


The Grand
The Grand (2007)
, 1h44
Directed by Zak Penn
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Documentary
Themes Jeu, Poker
Actors Woody Harrelson, Cheryl Hines, David Cross, Mike Epps, Chris Parnell, Richard Kind
Roles Abdul Shavit
Rating59% 2.9509052.9509052.9509052.9509052.950905
Jack Faro (Harrelson) is a recovering drug addict who had so many relapses, he decided to move into rehab and just live there. Having been married 75 times, he is a serial husband and is always on the lookout for number 76. (He hits on a bartender who informs him that they had already been married, even though he has no idea who she is.). He enters The Grand: a huge Texas Hold 'Em poker tournament in Las Vegas created by his grandfather Lucky Faro (Barry Corbin). His main motivation is to win the $10 million prize to cover a loan he got to keep open his family's casino, The Rabbit's Foot, which his grandfather left him when he died and that he has mismanaged into the ground.
She Hate Me, 2h18
Directed by Spike Lee
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Biography, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Horror, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, LGBT-related films, Political films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Anthony Mackie, Kerry Washington, Ellen Barkin, Monica Bellucci, Jamel Debbouze, Brian Dennehy
Roles thanus
Rating52% 2.6498152.6498152.6498152.6498152.649815
John Henry "Jack" Armstrong (Anthony Mackie) is a financially successful and upwardly mobile executive at a biotechnology firm who, following the suicide of a colleague, Dr. Herman Schiller, is falsely accused of securities fraud by his superior, Leland Powell (Woody Harrelson). Armstrong's assets are frozen, and he finds himself unable to maintain his quality of life.


Robosapien: Rebooted, 1h26
Directed by Sean McNamara
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Comedy, Adventure, Comic science fiction
Themes L'adolescence, Films about education, Films about children, Comedy science fiction films, L'enfance marginalisée, Children's films, Robot films, Films about school violence
Actors Bobby Coleman, Holliston Coleman, Penelope Ann Miller, David Eigenberg, Joaquim de Almeida, Kim Coates
Roles Story
Rating52% 2.6048352.6048352.6048352.6048352.604835
At Kinetech Labs, an inventor named Allan Topher designs a robot for search and rescue, but when he finds out that the robot will be used for military purposes, he programs the robot to flee. The robot escapes but is damaged in the process. It is discovered by 12-year-old Henry Keller, who fixes it and names it Cody. The robot does not remember its past, and Henry and Cody develop a friendship. Eventually, Cody regains his memory and Henry gives Cody back. The inventor feels guilty for taking Cody away, so he returns the robot to Henry. Allan meets Henry's mother, Joanna, and they get along really well. Kinetech finds and corners Cody and Henry. Cody activates another function of his, and takes off with Henry, flying high up into the sky. They reunite with Meagan but when they call their mother, they find out that Kinetech has kidnapped both their mother and Allan so that they can get the robot back. Meagan, Henry and Cody embark to save them and to bring down Kinetech.
The Invincible Iron Man, 1h23
Directed by Jay Oliva
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation
Themes Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Marc Worden, Kevin Michael Richardson, Gwendoline Yeo, John McCook, Rodney Saulsberry, Samuel Vincent
Roles Story
Rating59% 2.953472.953472.953472.953472.95347
While attempting to unearth an ancient Chinese city using his company's resources - while also diverting money into a project that will put Stark Enterprises on the cutting edge of technology - Tony Stark's ambitions are thwarted when the Jade Dragons attack the excavation site, killing almost everyone and kidnapping his friend James "Rhodey" Rhodes. Traveling to the site to investigate, Tony is captured and injured by the Jade Dragons, his life saved by a Chinese shaman named Ho Yen and Rhodes' skills as an army medic after a piece of shrapnel damages his heart.


Morbius (2022)

Directed by Jared Leto, Daniel Espinosa
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Action, Horror
Themes Vampires in film
Actors Jared Leto, Adria Arjona, Matthew Smith, Jared Harris, Tyrese Gibson, Al Madrigal
Roles Producer
Rating51% 2.561982.561982.561982.561982.56198
Atteint d'une maladie du sang rare, le biochimiste Michael Morbius tente de se soigner. Il s'infecte par inadvertance avec une forme de vampirisme.
Uncharted (2022)

Directed by Ruben Fleischer
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about computing, Jeu, Films based on video games
Actors Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg, Antonio Banderas, Steven Waddington, Tati Gabrielle, Nolan North
Roles Producer
Rating63% 3.156813.156813.156813.156813.15681
Un prequel des aventures de Nathan Drake. L'adaptation du célèbre jeu vidéo de Naughty Dog.
Spider-Man: Far from Home, 2h9
Directed by Jon Watts
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Films set in the future, Films about spiders, Spider-Man films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Tom Holland, Samuel L. Jackson, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, Jake Gyllenhaal, Cobie Smulders
Roles Executive Producer
Rating74% 3.7001653.7001653.7001653.7001653.700165
Dévasté par la disparition d'Iron Man, son mentor, Peter Parker a pour projet de laisser son costume de super-héros derrière lui pendant quelques semaines afin de partir en vacances en Europe avec ses camarades lycéens, mais cette escapade est rapidement compromise quand il accepte à contrecœur d'aider Nick Fury à découvrir le mystère de plusieurs attaques de créatures, qui ravagent le continent.
Venom (2018)
, 1h52
Directed by Ruben Fleischer
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Action, Horror, Crime
Themes Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics
Actors Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams, Jenny Slate, Woody Harrelson, Riz Ahmed, Reid Scott
Roles Producer
Rating66% 3.3032053.3032053.3032053.3032053.303205
Lors d'une expédition d'exploration, un vaisseau spatial de la Life Foundation retourne sur Terre avec à son bord quatre échantillons de symbiotes extraterrestres. Mais durant l'entrée dans l'atmosphère terrestre, le vaisseau connaît une avarie et s'écrase dans l'est de la Malaisie. Depuis son immense complexe à San Francisco, le savant Carlton Drake, puissant et mystérieux PDG de la fondation, gère les opérations. Il parvient à faire rapatrier trois des quatre échantillons. Le quatrième s'est enfui en prenant possession d'un corps.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, 1h57
Directed by Martin Scorsese, Peter A. Ramsey, Rodney Rothman
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Animation
Themes L'adolescence, Films about animals, Films about children, Films about spiders, Spider-Man films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Teen movie
Actors Shameik Moore, Jake Johnson, Hailee Steinfeld, Mahershala Ali, Lily Tomlin, Lauren Vélez
Roles Producer
Rating83% 4.1999354.1999354.1999354.1999354.199935
Spider-Man : New Generation présente Miles Morales, un adolescent vivant à Brooklyn, et révèle les possibilités illimitées du Spider-Verse, un univers où plus d’un peut porter le masque…
Ghost in the Shell, 1h46
Directed by Rupert Sanders
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Crime
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about psychiatry, Films about disabilities, Cyberpunk films, Dystopian films, Anticipation, Robot films
Actors Scarlett Johansson, Pilou Asbæk, Michael Pitt, Takeshi Kitano, Rila Fukushima, Juliette Binoche
Roles Producer
Rating62% 3.1466353.1466353.1466353.1466353.146635
Dans un futur proche. Le Major Mira Killian est unique en son genre. En effet, il y a un an, cette jeune femme a été sauvée d'un terrible accident en transférant son cerveau dans un corps synthétique aux capacités cybernétiques. À la suite de l'opération, elle a tout oublié de son passé. Elle a ensuite rejoint une unité d'élite anti-terroriste, la section 9, pour lutter aux côtés de Batou contre les plus dangereux criminels. Lorsque sévit une menace d'un nouveau genre, capable de pirater et de contrôler les esprits, le Major s'avère être la seule à pouvoir la combattre. Alors qu'elle s'apprête à affronter ce nouvel ennemi, elle découvre qu'on lui a menti ; sa vie n'a pas été sauvée, mais on la lui a volée. Rien ne l'arrêtera pour découvrir son véritable passé, trouver les responsables et les empêcher de recommencer avec d'autres cobayes.
Spider-Man: Homecoming, 2h13
Directed by Jon Watts
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantastic, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Films about spiders, Spider-Man films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr., Marisa Tomei, Zendaya, Bokeem Woodbine, Michael Keaton
Roles Executive Producer
Rating73% 3.6985453.6985453.6985453.6985453.698545
À la suite de sa participation à l'affrontement entre Iron Man et Captain America, Peter Parker, un jeune lycéen fréquentant le lycée de Midtown, continue à se servir de ses pouvoirs sous le masque de Spider-Man pour lutter contre la criminalité qui ronge la ville de New York, tout en essayant de trouver un équilibre entre sa vie de lycéen, son amour secret pour Liz, son ami Ned Leeds, et sa carrière de super-héros masqué. Mais avec la venue d'un nouveau super-vilain nommé le Vautour équipé d'un exosquelette créé à partir de technologie Chitauri (récupérée après la bataille de New York), Peter devra faire ses preuves en affrontant ce dernier pour prouver à Tony Stark qu'il peut être un atout pour l'équipe des Avengers.
Fantastic Four, 1h39
Directed by Josh Trank, Simon Kinberg
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Michael B. Jordan, Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell, Toby Kebbell, Tim Blake Nelson
Roles Executive Producer
Rating43% 2.151712.151712.151712.151712.15171
Friends Reed Richards (Miles Teller) and Ben Grimm (Jamie Bell) have worked together on a prototype teleporter since childhood, eventually attracting the attention of Professor Franklin Storm (Reg E. Cathey), director of the Baxter Foundation, a government-sponsored research institute for young prodigies. Reed is recruited to join them and aid Storm's children, scientist Sue Storm (Kate Mara) and the somewhat reckless technician Johnny Storm (Michael B. Jordan), into completing a "Quantum Gate" designed by Storm's wayward protégé, Victor von Doom (Toby Kebbell), who begrudgingly agrees to help due to his unrequited feelings for Sue.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2, 2h22
Directed by Marc Webb
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Films about children, Films about computing, Transport films, Aviation films, Films about spiders, Spider-Man films, Superhero films, Cyberpunk films, Super-héros inspiré de comics
Actors Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, Shailene Woodley, Dane DeHaan, Colm Feore
Roles Producer
Rating65% 3.2989553.2989553.2989553.2989553.298955
OsCorp scientist Richard Parker records a video message to explain his disappearance. Later, he and his wife, Mary, are aboard a private jet hijacked by a man sent to assassinate Richard. The plane crashes, killing both Richard and Mary, after he uploads the video.
Robosapien: Rebooted, 1h26
Directed by Sean McNamara
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Comedy, Adventure, Comic science fiction
Themes L'adolescence, Films about education, Films about children, Comedy science fiction films, L'enfance marginalisée, Children's films, Robot films, Films about school violence
Actors Bobby Coleman, Holliston Coleman, Penelope Ann Miller, David Eigenberg, Joaquim de Almeida, Kim Coates
Roles Producer
Rating52% 2.6048352.6048352.6048352.6048352.604835
At Kinetech Labs, an inventor named Allan Topher designs a robot for search and rescue, but when he finds out that the robot will be used for military purposes, he programs the robot to flee. The robot escapes but is damaged in the process. It is discovered by 12-year-old Henry Keller, who fixes it and names it Cody. The robot does not remember its past, and Henry and Cody develop a friendship. Eventually, Cody regains his memory and Henry gives Cody back. The inventor feels guilty for taking Cody away, so he returns the robot to Henry. Allan meets Henry's mother, Joanna, and they get along really well. Kinetech finds and corners Cody and Henry. Cody activates another function of his, and takes off with Henry, flying high up into the sky. They reunite with Meagan but when they call their mother, they find out that Kinetech has kidnapped both their mother and Allan so that they can get the robot back. Meagan, Henry and Cody embark to save them and to bring down Kinetech.
The Amazing Spider-Man, 2h16
Directed by Marc Webb
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes L'adolescence, Films about animals, Films about education, Films about children, Films about computing, Films about spiders, Spider-Man films, Superhero films, L'enfance marginalisée, Cyberpunk films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films, Films about school violence
Actors Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Campbell Scott, Denis Leary, Irrfan Khan
Roles Producer
Rating68% 3.4477353.4477353.4477353.4477353.447735
A young Peter Parker discovers his father Richard Parker's study has been burgled. Gathering up hidden documents, Peter's parents take him to the home of his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, then mysteriously depart.