Suggestions of similar film to Spider-Man: Far from Home
There are 163 films with the same actors, 3 films with the same director, 24237 with the same cinematographic genres (including 1281 with exactly the same 3 genres than
Spider-Man: Far from Home), 8712 films with the same themes (including 0 films with the same 7 themes than
Spider-Man: Far from Home), to have finally
70 suggestions of similar films.
If you liked
Spider-Man: Far from Home, you will probably like those similar films :

, 2h13
Directed by Jon WattsOrigin USAGenres Drama,
Science fiction,
AdventureThemes Films about animals,
Films about spiders,
Spider-Man films,
Superhero films,
Super-héros inspiré de comics,
Children's filmsActors Tom Holland,
Robert Downey Jr.,
Marisa Tomei,
Bokeem Woodbine,
Michael KeatonRating73%

À la suite de sa participation à l'affrontement entre Iron Man et Captain America, Peter Parker, un jeune lycéen fréquentant le lycée de Midtown, continue à se servir de ses pouvoirs sous le masque de Spider-Man pour lutter contre la criminalité qui ronge la ville de New York, tout en essayant de trouver un équilibre entre sa vie de lycéen, son amour secret pour Liz, son ami Ned Leeds, et sa carrière de super-héros masqué. Mais avec la venue d'un nouveau super-vilain nommé le Vautour équipé d'un exosquelette créé à partir de technologie Chitauri (récupérée après la bataille de New York), Peter devra faire ses preuves en affrontant ce dernier pour prouver à Tony Stark qu'il peut être un atout pour l'équipe des Avengers.
, 3h1
Directed by Martin Scorsese,
Anthony Russo et Joe RussoOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
AdventureThemes Space adventure films,
Monde imaginaire,
Time travel films,
Sur une planète fictive,
Films set in the future,
Hulk (comics) films,
Superhero films,
Super-héros inspiré de comics,
Children's filmsActors Robert Downey Jr.,
Chris Evans,
Hugh Jackman,
Chris Hemsworth,
Mark Ruffalo,
Tom HollandRating82%

Le Titan Thanos ayant réussi à s'approprier les six Pierres d'Infinité et à les réunir sur le Gantelet doré, a pu réaliser son objectif de pulvériser la moitié de la population de l'Univers d'un claquement de doigts. Les quelques Avengers et Gardiens de la Galaxie ayant survécu, Captain America, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, War Machine, Nébula et Rocket, espèrent réparer le méfait de Thanos. Ils le retrouvent mais il s'avère que ce dernier a détruit les pierres et Thor le décapite. Cinq ans plus tard, alors que chacun essaie de continuer sa vie et d'oublier les nombreuses pertes dramatiques, Scott Lang, alias Ant-Man, parvient à s'échapper de la dimension subatomique où il était coincé depuis la disparition du Docteur Hank Pym, de sa femme Janet Van Dyne et de sa fille Hope Van Dyne. Lang propose aux Avengers une solution pour faire revenir à la vie tous les êtres disparus, dont leurs alliés et coéquipiers : récupérer les Pierres d'Infinité dans le passé grâce à l'univers quantique.
, 2h5
Directed by Jon FavreauOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
AdventureThemes Transport films,
Aviation films,
Superhero films,
Super-héros inspiré de comics,
Children's films,
Robot filmsActors Robert Downey Jr.,
Gwyneth Paltrow,
Don Cheadle,
Scarlett Johansson,
Samuel L. Jackson,
Sam RockwellRating68%

In Russia, the media covers Tony Stark's disclosure of his identity as Iron Man. Ivan Vanko, whose father Anton Vanko has just died, sees this and begins building a miniature arc reactor similar to Stark's. Six months later, Stark is a superstar and uses his Iron Man suit for peaceful means, resisting government pressure to sell his designs. He re-institutes the Stark Expo in Flushing Meadows to continue his father Howard's legacy.
, 2h4
Directed by Anna Boden,
Ryan FleckOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
HistoricalThemes Space adventure films,
Dans l'espace,
Superhero films,
Super-héros inspiré de comics,
Children's films,
Films about extraterrestrial lifeActors Brie Larson,
Samuel L. Jackson,
Jude Law,
Cobie Smulders,
Lashana Lynch,
Clark GreggRating67%

Dans les années 1990, Carol Danvers devient l'une des héroïnes les plus puissantes qui aient jamais existé, lorsque la Terre est atteinte par un conflit galactique entre deux races extraterrestres, les Kree et les Skrulls.
, 1h28
Directed by Doug LimanOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
AdventureThemes Films set in Africa,
Seafaring films,
Transport films,
Films based on science fiction novels,
Superhero films,
Children's filmsActors Hayden Christensen,
Rachel Bilson,
Samuel L. Jackson,
Jamie Bell,
Diane Lane,
Michael RookerRating61%

In Ann Arbor, Michigan, 15-year-old David Rice gives his crush, Millie Harris, a snow globe. A bully, Mark Kobold, throws the globe onto the ice near a river. While trying to retrieve it, David falls through the ice and is pulled away by the current. He suddenly finds himself in the local library and discovers he can "jump" (teleport) from one place and instantly appear in another. Amazed with his new ability, he runs away and is believed dead by his alcoholic father.
, 2h4
Directed by Roland EmmerichOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
AdventureThemes Environmental films,
Space adventure films,
La fin du monde,
Seafaring films,
Post-apocalyptic films,
Films about religion,
Transport films,
Films set in the future,
Catastrophe climatique,
Political films,
Dystopian films,
Children's films,
Disaster films,
American disaster films,
White House in fictionActors Dennis Quaid,
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Emmy Rossum,
Ian Holm,
Sela Ward,
Dash MihokRating64%

On an expedition in Antarctica, paleoclimatologist Jack Hall and his colleagues Frank and Jason are drilling for ice-core samples on the Larsen Ice Shelf for the NOAA when the shelf breaks off.
, 1h55
Directed by Brad BirdOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
AnimationThemes Films about families,
Superhero films,
Children's filmsActors Brad Bird,
Craig T. Nelson,
Holly Hunter,
Sarah Vowell,
Spencer Fox,
Jason LeeRating79%

"Supers" – humans with superpowers – are forced into civilian relocation programs after facing several lawsuits from peripheral damage caused by their crime fighting activities. Fifteen years after relocation, Bob and Helen Parr, formerly Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl respectively, and their children Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack live as a suburban family. Bob is dissatisfied with suburban life and his white-collar job and longs for the glory days. On some nights, Bob and his old friend Lucius Best, formerly Frozone, perform vigilante work. One day, Bob loses his temper when his supervisor refuses to let him stop a mugging, causing Bob to be fired. Returning home, Bob finds a message from a mysterious woman named Mirage, who convinces him to become Mr. Incredible again and gives him a mission to destroy a savage robot called the Omnidroid on the remote island of Nomanisan, promising a substantial reward. Arriving on Nomanisan Island, Bob is able to find and defeat the Omnidroid by tricking it into ripping out its own power source.
Directed by Troy QuaneOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
AnimationThemes Films about animals,
Films about birds,
Children's filmsActors Will Smith,
Tom Holland,
Jennifer Hale,
Taron Egerton,
Jane Lynch,
Peter DinklageRating68%

Alors qu’une mission tourne mal, Walter et Lance vont devoir unir leurs forces. Si ce duo excentrique ne parvient pas à s’entraider, le monde est en danger ! Le super espion Lance Sterling (Will Smith) et le scientifique Walter Beckett (Tom Holland) ont des personnalités radicalement opposées. Lance est relax, cool et il a du style. Walter est... tout l’inverse. Certes, il n’est pas très à l’aise en société, mais son intelligence et son génie créatif lui permettent d’imaginer les gadgets impressionnants que Lance utilise sur le terrain.
, 1h56
Directed by Mike NewellOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
RomanceThemes Films about computing,
Films about magic and magicians,
Sports films,
Time travel films,
Films about video games,
Films based on video games,
Children's filmsActors Jake Gyllenhaal,
Ben Kingsley,
Gemma Arterton,
Alfred Molina,
Toby Kebbell,
Richard CoyleRating64%

In the royal city of Nasaf, the king Sharaman rules the nation of Persia with the help of his brother Nizam. The king goes on to have two sons named Tus and Garsiv. One day in the marketplace, an orphan boy named Dastan protects his friend, Bis, from being executed by Persian soldiers. The king sees Dastan's bravery and adopts him, making him a prince of Persia. Years later, Dastan is a grown man and is still up to his rebellious ways. However, he remains faithful to the empire. When Nizam receives proof that the city of Alamut is supplying weapons to Persian enemies, he and Tus plan to attack with Garsiv leading the siege. Ignoring Tus’ command, Dastan and Bis breech Alamut on their own, and destroy most of the city. Meanwhile, the princess of Alamut, Tamina, orders her servant Asoka to take a special dagger out of the city and protect it at all costs. During the battle, Dastan and Asoka cross paths and fight; Dastan ultimately wins. He then finds the dagger and keeps it.
, 2h20
Directed by George Lucas,
David TattersallOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
AdventureThemes Space adventure films,
Pregnancy films,
Monde imaginaire,
Films about sexuality,
Dans l'espace,
Sur une planète fictive,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Political films,
Dystopian films,
Space opera,
Children's films,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Robot filmsActors Ewan McGregor,
Natalie Portman,
Hayden Christensen,
James Earl Jones,
Ian McDiarmid,
Samuel L. JacksonRating75%

During a space battle over Coruscant between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance, Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker lead a mission to rescue the kidnapped Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from Separatist commander General Grievous. After infiltrating Grievous' flagship, the Jedi engage Count Dooku in a lightsaber duel, which ends with Anakin killing Dooku at Palpatine's urging. Grievous flees the battle-torn cruiser, which the Jedi crash-land on Coruscant. There, Anakin reunites with his wife, Padmé Amidala, who reveals she is pregnant. Initially excited, Anakin begins to have premonitions of Padmé dying in childbirth.