, 1h40 Directed byAndrew Niccol OriginGerman GenresScience fiction, Thriller, Crime ThemesFilms set in the future, Dystopian films ActorsClive Owen, Amanda Seyfried, Colm Feore, Mark O'Brien, Sonya Walger, Joe Pingue Roles Lester Goodman Rating60% Dans un monde futur, proche du totalitarisme, où des implants bioniques avancés signifient que toutes les personnes sont soumises à un flot visuel incessant de données qu'ils nomment « l'œil de l'esprit », la vie privée et l'anonymat comme nous les connaissons ont totalement disparu. Avec les informations personnelles de tout un chacun en affichage public, la vie de chaque personne étant enregistrée jusqu'à la milliseconde, les informations personnelles sont téléchargées sur une vaste grille appelée "l"Ether", une base de données que les forces de l'ordre peuvent consulter et utiliser pour poursuivre les criminels. L'inspecteur Sal Frieland (Clive Owen) est confronté à une série de terribles meurtres qui semblent être liés. La police se trouve dans l'incapacité d'identifier le tueur dont la particularité est de hacker ses victimes au point qu'elle se retrouvent avec le point de vue du tueur qui braque son arme sur elles et appuie sur la gâchette. Il devient vite apparent que ce que les meurtres ont en commun signale une rupture majeure dans le système sur lequel la société est basée. Alors qu'il enquête sur l'affaire, Frieland rencontre une femme (Amanda Seyfried) qui semble n'avoir aucune identité et qui s'avèrera être Anon. Quelque chose qu'il considère initialement comme un petit pépin devient en fait le premier indice démontrant que la sécurité de l '« œil de l'esprit » a été compromise, envoyant Frieland dans une mission où il sert d'appât pour tenter de piéger quelqu'un qui n'existe pas.
, 1h31 OriginUSA GenresComedy, Adventure, Animation ActorsJeff Dunham, Joe Pingue, Robert Tinkler, Will Arnett, Maya Rudolph, Katherine Heigl Roles Johnny (voice) Rating55% Depuis la dernière aventure, Solo et le reste de la bande, ainsi que tous les animaux du parc, vivent heureux, mangeant à leur faim grâce au magasin de noix et Solo est très apprécié des autres. Mais un jour, le magasin explose et contraint tout le monde a déménager dans un autre parc, mais à peine ont-ils emménagé qu'un riche promoteur veut y construire un parc d'attraction. Solo et le reste des animaux vont devoir s'unir pour empêcher les plans de cet homme. Solo va bientôt faire connaissance d'une souris pratiquant les arts martiaux. Mais entre le maire et les animaux, qui va connaître la défaite ?
Directed byDestin Daniel Cretton OriginUSA GenresDrama ThemesFilms about writers, Films about journalists ActorsBrie Larson, Woody Harrelson, Naomi Watts, Ella Anderson, Max Greenfield, Sarah Snook Roles Stanley Rating70% L'enfance de Jeannette Walls est marquée par ses parents marginaux, Rose Mary, une artiste excentrique et Rex Walls, un inventeur alcoolique. Ils étaient notamment des nomades qui sillonnaient le pays avec leurs enfants non scolarisés pour fuir les créanciers. Aujourd'hui chroniqueuse mondaine, Jeannette ne peut que se souvenir de son enfance pas comme les autres, partagée entre sa famille dysfonctionnelle et l'imagination de ses parents qui ont fait croire à leurs enfants que la vie est empreinte de poésie et de rêve malgré la pauvreté dans laquelle ils ont dû grandir.
, 1h58 Directed byLenny Abrahamson OriginCanada GenresDrama, Thriller ThemesFilms about families, Films about sexuality, Rape in fiction ActorsBrie Larson, Joan Allen, William H. Macy, Jacob Tremblay, Sean Bridgers, Tom McCamus Roles Officer Grabowski Rating80% Joy Newsome (Brie Larson), also known as Ma, is being held captive with her five-year-old son, Jack (Jacob Tremblay), in a garden shed. It all started when Old Nick (Sean Bridgers) tricked Ma into helping him with his sick dog. She was then kidnapped and brought to "Room", the garden shed in the backyard of Old Nick's house. Seven years later, Ma and Jack find themselves still locked in "Room", itching to get out.
, 1h26 Directed byPeter Lepeniotis OriginUSA GenresComedy, Adventure, Animation ThemesHeist films, Children's films, Gangster films, Escroquerie ActorsLiam Neeson, Katherine Heigl, Brendan Fraser, Will Arnett, Gabriel Iglesias, Stephen Lang Roles Johnny (voice) Rating57% In fictional Oakton City, purple squirrel Surly and his mute rat partner, Buddy, reside in Liberty Park where their thieving reputation has made them outcasts. A group of urban animals led by Raccoon and his cardinal assistant, are running low on food for winter. Red squirrel Andie and gray squirrel Grayson, a self-styled hero, compete with Surly and Buddy to scavenge from a peanut cart manned by criminals Lucky and Fingers, who are casing a bank. The squirrels' efforts inadvertently end with the cart's propane tank exploding in the park and destroying the tree, where the animals store their food. Surly is banished and Buddy goes with him.
, 1h51 Directed byDavid Cronenberg OriginCanada GenresDrama ThemesFilms about films, Films about families, Films about sexuality, Films about suicide, Films about television, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films ActorsRobert Pattinson, Mia Wasikowska, Julianne Moore, John Cusack, Carrie Fisher, Sarah Gadon Roles Arnold Rating61% Agatha arrives in Los Angeles and employs limousine driver Jerome to take her to the site of the former house of child star Benjie Weiss. Agatha has severe burns to her face and body, and takes a copious amount of medication. Benjie visits a child suffering from non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the hospital; however, the girl later dies. Benjie’s father, Dr. Stafford Weiss, is a TV psychologist who is treating aging actress Havana Segrand for abuse she suffered at the hands of her deceased mother, also an actress. Havana’s agent struggles to get Havana a role in a remake of her mother’s film Stolen Waters. Havana routinely hallucinates about the deceased younger version of her mother.
, 1h30 OriginCanada GenresComedy, Crime ThemesTransport films, Motocyclette, Heist films ActorsJay Baruchel, Kurt Russell, Matt Dillon, Terence Stamp, Katheryn Winnick, Devon Bostick Roles Carmen Rating62% It begins with a soliloquy by Crunch Calhoun as he begins his seven-year prison sentence, courtesy of his brother, Nicky Calhoun. A flashback reveals the heist involving the two men that had gone wrong, resulting in Nicky's capture and subsequent betrayal of Crunch. Once released, Crunch works as a motorcycle stunt performer/daredevil alongside girlfriend Lola and an apprentice, Francie. Meanwhile, Nicky steals a painting by Georges Seurat with the help of a partner whom he later double crosses. The partner seeks out and threatens Crunch to get information on Nicky's whereabouts. Shortly afterwards, Crunch informs an old colleague of his, 'Uncle' Paddy, that he's ready to work again. At Paddy's place, he and Francie run into Nicky.
, 2h12 Directed byGuillermo del Toro OriginUSA GenresScience fiction, Action, Adventure ThemesLa fin du monde, Kaiju films, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, Transport films, Films set in the future, Films about extraterrestrial life, Giant monster films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Alien invasions in films, Robot films, Disaster films ActorsCharlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, Rinko Kikuchi, Charlie Day, Clifton Collins, Jr., Robert Kazinsky Roles Captain Merrit Rating69% In 2013, Earth's coastal cities come under attack from Kaijus, colossal beasts that periodically emerge from a dimensional portal on the Pacific Ocean floor called "The Breach." To fight them, the Pacific Rim nations build the Jaegers, equally colossal humanoid war machines. Each Jaeger is controlled by two or more pilots whose brains are linked, called "drifting" to share the heavy mental load of operating the machine. The Jaegers are initially effective, but many are destroyed as the Kaijus grow more powerful and their attacks become more frequent. In 2025, the participating governments deem the Jaeger program unsustainable and discontinue it in favor of building defensive coastal walls. The four remaining Jaegers are redeployed to Hong Kong to protect the coast until the walls are completed. Jaeger commander Stacker Pentecost resolves to make a last-ditch attempt to end the Kaiju threat by destroying The Breach with a nuclear weapon, even though past nuclear strikes on the portal have been unsuccessful.
, 1h50 Directed byBrandon Cronenberg OriginUSA GenresScience fiction, Horror ThemesFilms about computing, Medical-themed films, Political films, Dystopian films ActorsCaleb Landry Jones, Malcolm McDowell, Douglas Smith, Sarah Gadon, Sheila McCarthy, Nicholas Campbell Roles Arvid Rating57% In a dystopian near-future, Syd March (Caleb Landry Jones) is employed by the Lucas Clinic, a company which purchases viruses and other pathogens from celebrities who fall ill, in order to inject them into clients who desire a connection with celebrities. In particular, the pathogens supplied by the Lucas Clinic's exclusive celebrity Hannah Geist are extremely popular, and another employee at the clinic, Derek Lessing (Reid Morgan), is responsible for harvesting them from Hannah directly. To make extra money, Syd uses his own body as an incubator, steals pathogens from the lab, and sells them on the black market. To do so, he uses a stolen console to break the copy protection placed on the virus by the clinic; once injected in a client, the pathogen is rendered incommunicable. He then passes the pathogens to Arvid (Joe Pingue), who works at Astral Bodies, a celebrity meat market where meat is grown from the cells of celebrities for consumption.
GenresThriller, Horror ActorsTravis Van Winkle, Tricia Helfer, Mircea Monroe, John Bregar, Tamara Feldman, Yanna McIntosh Roles Aaron Rating52% Two friends have hopes of traveling around Europe. As they need to fund the trip, they enlist as patients in allergy drug testing, a sure way to make easy money. However it turns out that rather than allergy medicine testing, they have enlisted in a government sponsored program on human regeneration. They are overwhelmed by the reality and seek to escape the medical unit.
, 1h43 Directed byNicolas Winding Refn OriginUSA GenresDrama, Thriller, Action, Noir, Crime ThemesTransport films, Films about automobiles, Road movies, Chase films ActorsRyan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Bryan Cranston, Christina Hendricks, Ron Perlman, Oscar Isaac Roles Assistant Director #1 Rating77% The unnamed driver (Ryan Gosling), who lives in an Echo Park, Los Angeles apartment, works repairing cars and as a part-time movie double. Managed in both jobs by auto shop owner Shannon (Bryan Cranston), the duo also provides a getaway driver service. With Shannon organizing the events, the driver gives criminals only five minutes to perpetrate robberies and reach his car. After meeting his new neighbor, Irene (Carey Mulligan), the driver soon becomes close to her and befriends her young son, Benicio (Kaden Leos), while Irene's husband, Standard Gabriel (Oscar Isaac), is in prison. After her husband is freed, Irene still asks the driver to visit them.