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Ángela Molina is a Actor Espagnol born on 5 october 1955 at Madrid (Espagne)

Ángela Molina

Ángela Molina
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Birth name Ángela Molina Tejedor
Nationality Espagne
Birth 5 october 1955 (68 years) at Madrid (Espagne)

Ángela Molina Tejedor (born 5 October 1955) is a Spanish actress, and a daughter of Antonio Molina, Spanish singer and actor.


Fille de l'acteur Antonio Molina, elle fait ses débuts au théâtre dans Une maison de poupée d’Henrik Ibsen, et au cinéma en 1974 dans No matarás. Elle atteint la notoriété trois ans plus tard avec le rôle de Conchita dans Cet obscur objet du désir de Luis Buñuel, qu'elle partage avec Carole Bouquet.

Elle tourne ensuite pour de grands réalisateurs, espagnols tels Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón (Démons dans le jardin, L'Autre moitié du ciel) et Pedro Almodóvar (En chair et en os, Étreintes brisées), italiens tels Luigi Comencini (Le Grand Embouteillage) et Marco Bellocchio (L'Inconnue, Baarìa). Dans 1492 : Christophe Colomb de Ridley Scott, elle incarne Beatriz Enríquez de Arana, fiancée du navigateur.

Plus récemment, on l'a vue dans The Way, la route ensemble, Blancanieves et Loin des hommes.

En 2015, elle intègre le casting de la série Velvet, l'une des séries préférées des Espagnols, diffusée en Espagne sur Antena 3 et en France sur Téva.

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Filmography of Ángela Molina (67 films)

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Tini: The New Life of Violetta, 1h38
Directed by Juan Pablo Buscarini
Origin Argentine
Genres Drama, Comedy, Musical theatre, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Children's films
Actors Martina Stoessel, Jorge Blanco, Diego Ramos, Mercedes Lambre, Clara Alonso, Sofia Carson
Roles Isabella
Rating57% 2.8775552.8775552.8775552.8775552.877555
Violetta est une star aimée de tous mais après une trahison inattendue, elle n'a plus goût à rien. Son père lui donne une invitation d'Isabella qui dirige une maison pour les jeunes artistes en Italie. Lors de ce voyage, elle fait de nouvelles rencontres et retrouve son inspiration. Elle se retrouve et sait qui elle est réellement : Tini.
Far from Men, 1h50
Directed by David Oelhoffen
Origin France
Genres Drama, War, Western
Themes Films set in Africa, French war films, La colonisation française, Films about terrorism, Algerian War films, Political films, Histoire de France
Actors Viggo Mortensen, Reda Kateb, Nicolas Giraud, Yann Goven, Ángela Molina
Roles Señorita Martínez
Rating71% 3.5960753.5960753.5960753.5960753.596075
En 1954, au début de la guerre d'Algérie, deux hommes, que tout oppose, sont contraints de fuir à travers les crêtes de l’Atlas saharien d'Algérie. Au cœur d’un hiver glacial, Daru, instituteur reclus, doit escorter Mohamed, un paysan accusé du meurtre de son cousin. Poursuivis par des villageois réclamant la loi du sang et par des colons revanchards, les deux hommes se révoltent. Ensemble, ils vont lutter pour retrouver leur liberté.
You Can't Save Yourself Alone, 1h40
Directed by Sergio Castellitto
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Actors Riccardo Scamarcio, Jasmine Trinca, Anna Galiena, Ángela Molina, Massimo Bonetti, Massimo Ciavarro
Roles Lea
Rating64% 3.205873.205873.205873.205873.20587
Gaetano et Delia s'étaient rencontrés et mariés alors qu'ils étaient très jeunes. La naissance des enfants, les disputes, l'avortement de leur troisième enfant ont fini par mettre en crise le couple. Gaetano surchargé par le travail ne s'occupe pas des enfants et au moment de la séparation, Delia est au bord de l'anorexie et sa frustration retombe sur son fils Cosmo.
Lasting (2013)
, 1h33
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes L'adolescence, Films about children
Actors Jakub Gierszał, Ángela Molina, Andrzej Chyra, Juan José Ballesta, Joanna Kulig, Halina Skoczyńska
Roles Elena, matka Joaquina
Rating51% 2.562182.562182.562182.562182.56218
Le meurtre accidentel d'un homme par lui et la grossesse inattendue d'elle viennent mettent à mal un jeune couple.
Blancanieves, 1h45
Directed by Pablo Berger
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantastic, Fantasy
Themes Films about animals, Inspiré de l'univers des contes et légendes, Films about magic and magicians, Sports films, Bullfighting films, Children's films
Actors Maribel Verdú, Macarena García, Ángela Molina, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Macarena García, Inma Cuesta
Roles Concha
Rating74% 3.746623.746623.746623.746623.74662
Dans les années 1920 à Séville, Antonio Villalta, un célèbre matador est grièvement blessé par un taureau lors d’un combat. Au même moment, son épouse meurt lors de l’accouchement de leur fille Carmen. Attirée par la fortune de l’homme, Encarna, l’infirmière qui s’était occupée d’Antonio Villalta, épouse ce dernier. N’ayant jamais connu sa mère et ne voyant jamais son père, la petite Carmen passe les premières années de sa vie aux côtés de sa grand-mère Doña Concha, mais celle-ci décède subitement.
The Way
The Way (2010)
, 2h1
Directed by Emilio Estevez
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Adventure
Actors Martin Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Deborah Kara Unger, Yorick van Wageningen, James Nesbitt, Renée Estevez
Roles Angelica
Rating72% 3.6482953.6482953.6482953.6482953.648295
Thomas Avery (Martin Sheen) is an American ophthalmologist who goes to France following the death of his adult son, Daniel (Emilio Estevez), killed in the Pyrenees during a storm while walking the Camino de Santiago (the Way of St. James), a Catholic pilgrimage route to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain. Tom's purpose is initially to retrieve his son's body. However, in a combination of grief and homage to his son, Tom decides to walk the ancient spiritual trail where his son died, taking Daniel's ashes with him.
Baaria (2009)
, 2h40
Directed by Giuseppe Tornatore
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Historical, Romance
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Francesco Scianna, Margareth Madé, Giorgio Faletti, Lina Sastri, Ángela Molina, Nicole Grimaudo
Roles Sarina adulta
Rating69% 3.4608253.4608253.4608253.4608253.460825
The film recounts life in the Sicilian town of Bagheria (known as Baarìa in Sicilian), from the 1930s to the 1980s, through the eyes of lovers Peppino (Francesco Scianna) and Mannina (Margareth Madè).
Broken Embraces, 2h9
Directed by Pedro Almodóvar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Thriller, Romance
Themes Films about films, Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Films about disabilities, La cécité, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Penélope Cruz, Lluís Homar, Blanca Portillo, Lola Dueñas, José Luis Gómez, Ángela Molina
Roles Lena's Mother
Rating71% 3.5992953.5992953.5992953.5992953.599295
"Harry Caine" is a blind writer who shares his life with his agent Judit and her adult son, Diego. Slowly, events in the present begin to bring back memories of the past. Harry hears that millionaire Ernesto Martel has died; a young filmmaker, Ray X, appears and turns out to be Martel's son, Ernesto, Jr. After Diego is hospitalized for an accidental drug overdose in a Madrid nightclub, Harry collects Diego from the hospital and looks after him to avoid worrying his traveling mother. The main storyline is told in flashback as Harry reluctantly tells Diego a tragic tale of fate, jealousy, abuse of power, betrayal, and guilt.
Barbarossa (2009)
, 2h19
Directed by Renzo Martinelli
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Historical, Romance
Actors Rutger Hauer, Raz Degan, F. Murray Abraham, Kasia Smutniak, Hristo Zhivkov, Cécile Cassel
Roles Ildegarda di Binden
Rating44% 2.2137452.2137452.2137452.2137452.213745
Italie, XII siècle. Frédéric Barberousse (Rutger Hauer) rêve de créer un empire universel, en établissant son contrôle politique sur les villes italiennes du Nord et sur le Royaume de Sicile. Plusieurs fois l'empereur descend en Italie pour rétablir sa suprématie contre les visées autonomistes des communes. À une occasion, l'empereur allemand est sauvé par un jeune garçon, fils d'un forgeron milanais, Alberto. Mais Barberousse en vient aux exactions, il envoie l'armée impériale dans des expéditions punitives contre un grand nombre de villes alliées de Milan, assiège enfin cette dernière et, le 10 mars 1162, l'envahit avec ses troupes et la rase jusqu'au sol. Au cours de la bataille périssent les deux frères d'Alberto, dont l'un, Otto, est tué par Alberto lui-même dans une tentative tragique de défendre les murs de Milan.
Diary of a Nymphomaniac, 1h35
Directed by Christian Molina
Origin France
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films
Actors Belén Fabra, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Geraldine Chaplin, Ángela Molina, Antonio Garrido, Natasha Yarovenko
Roles Cristina
Rating56% 2.800392.800392.800392.800392.80039
Val, a young, middle-class woman with a strong desire for sex, finds herself destitute after an abusive boyfriend runs off with all her money, and begins to earn a living as a high-class call girl but finds herself enjoying this life more than she could have hoped – or feared.
My Very Best Friend, 1h28
Directed by Isabelle Doval
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about children
Actors Martin Jobert, Anne Brochet, Ángela Molina, Stéphane Freiss, Lluís Homar, Isabelle Doval
Roles Louna Marquès
Rating61% 3.099553.099553.099553.099553.09955
Maxime et Esteban, du haut de leurs 13 ans, sont les petites pestes de l'immeuble où ils vivent. De plus, ils sont voisins de palier, ce qui les a uni, jusqu'à se considérer comme frères. Leur amitié est, pour eux, quelque chose d'immuable, qui ne changera jamais. jusqu'au jour où le père d'Esteban, d'origine espagnole, décide de déménager.
The Lark Farm, 2h2
Directed by Frères Taviani
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Political films
Actors Paz Vega, Moritz Bleibtreu, Andrea Rivera, Ángela Molina, Arsinée Khanjian, Tchéky Karyo
Roles Ismene
Rating64% 3.2471753.2471753.2471753.2471753.247175
The story, drawn from La masseria delle allodole, the best-selling novel by Antonia Arslan, tells about the Avakian clan, an Armenian family living in Turkey and having two houses. The Avakians feel convinced that the rising tide of Turkish hostility on the horizon means little to them and will scarcely affect their day to day. The Avakians do not pay attention to the warning signs, and set about preparing for a family reunion with the impending visit of two well-to-do sons - landowner Aram, who resides in Turkey, and Assadour, a physician living in Venice. These illusions come crashing down when a Turkish military regiment crops up at the house, annihilates every male member of the family and forces the ladies to trek off into the Syrian desert, where they will be left to rot. With them goes one of the little boys of the family, who was dressed into a girl in order not to be killed. Meanwhile, a handsome Turkish officer (Moritz Bleibtreu) falls in love with Aram's daughter and makes an aggressive attempt to deliver her from certain death, even as the circumstances surrounding him attest to the astounding difficulty of doing so.
The Unknown Woman, 1h58
Directed by Giuseppe Tornatore
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Films about immigration, La précarité
Actors Ksenia Rappoport, Michele Placido, Claudia Gerini, Margherita Buy, Pierfrancesco Favino, Alessandro Haber
Roles Lucrezia
Rating73% 3.6972153.6972153.6972153.6972153.697215
Irena (Kseniya Rappoport), a Ukrainian prostitute on the run, is determined to find a job in an elegant apartment building in northern Italy, and starts by cleaning the stairs. She does it in order to inch her way into working for a family residing in that building. She befriends Gina (Piera Degli Esposti), the nanny of the family's child, Thea (Clara Dossena), who also lives with them in their apartment. When the nanny is crippled in a fall—tripped by Irena—but presumed to be accidental, Irena is hired to take her place. Through flashbacks, viewers learn that Irena has been physically and emotionally abused, and forced to bear nine children, all taken away at birth to be sold to adoptive families. After stabbing her pimp and leaving him for dead, she sets out to find her youngest child, whom she believes is Thea; hence the plot to work for them. Adoption documents in the apartment convince her that Thea is indeed her daughter. The mother grows suspicious of Irena and fires her, despite the loving relationship that has grown up between Irena and the child. Irena's pimp stalks her and sends out thugs to beat her up as she walks down the street. He rigs her employer's car, leading to a crash in which Thea's mother is killed. The pimp forces Irena to drive him to a location that may or may not contain the money Irena stole from him when she left him for dead. During a struggle, he falls and is killed as his head hits a rock. Thea's father moves to a new apartment and prepares a room for Irena, but as the police suspect foul play around the death of Thea's mother, Irena is taken into custody. She reveals both that the true culprit is the pimp and that she killed him. She is tried, and sent to jail. Thea stops eating until the judge allows Irena to visit her in the hospital and feed her. DNA testing reveals that Thea is not her daughter after all. After she is out of jail, she finds Thea, a young lady now waiting for her.
El Triumfo
El Triumfo (2006)
, 2h2
Genres Drama
Actors Marieta Orozco, Ángela Molina
Roles Chata
Rating65% 3.264123.264123.264123.264123.26412
À la fin du siècle passé dans un quartier du sud de l'Espagne soumis au milieu dirigé par d'ex-légionnaires, Nen et ses amis Palito, Topo et Tostao rêvent de devenir célèbres dans le monde de la rumba. Le film aborde notamment les sujets de la vengeance et de l'ambition.