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Films with the genre "Fantasy", sorted by revenue

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Cinderella (2015)
, 1h44
Directed by Kenneth Branagh
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantastic, Fantasy, Adventure, Romance
Themes Films about children, Monde imaginaire, Films about the labor movement, Musical films, Children's films
Actors Lily James, Richard Madden, Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter, Holliday Grainger, Sophie McShera

Ella lives with her wealthy, loving parents on a beautiful estate in a peaceful kingdom. From a young age, she is taught by her mother to believe in the existence of magic, allowing her to befriend many animals on the estate, particularly the mice. Everything is perfect until her mother falls ill and dies. On her deathbed, she asks Ella to make her a promise that she will always have courage and show kindness to others. Some time later, her father marries Lady Tremaine, the widow of an old friend, who has two daughters of her own: Drisella and Anastasia. Ella welcomes her new stepfamily, despite the stepsisters' unpleasant attitudes and her need to protect her mouse friends from her stepmother's cat, Lucifer.
Brave (2012)
, 1h33
Directed by Brenda Chapman, Steve Purcell, Mark Andrews
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about families, Feminist films, Films about magic and magicians, Films about dogs, Mise en scène d'un ours, Witches in film, Political films, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Kelly Macdonald, Julie Walters, Billy Connolly, Emma Thompson, Kevin McKidd, Craig Ferguson

In Scotland, Merida, a young princess of the clan Dunbroch, is given a bow and arrows by her father, King Fergus, for her birthday. Her mother, Queen Elinor, is dismayed. While venturing into the woods to fetch a stray arrow, Merida encounters a will-o'-the-wisp. Soon afterwards, Mor'du, a huge demon-bear, attacks the family. Merida flees on horseback with Elinor, while Fergus fights off Mor'du at the cost of his left leg.
Ralph Breaks the Internet, 1h52
Directed by Rich Moore, Phil Johnston
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about computing, Jeu, Films about video games, Children's films
Actors John C. Reilly, Jack McBrayer, Gal Gadot, Sarah Silverman, Jane Lynch, Taraji P. Henson

Six ans après les événements du premier film (Les Mondes de Ralph), Ralph La Casse et Vanellope restent toujours les meilleurs amis du monde et s'amusent chaque nuit à jouer ensemble. Alors que Ralph est heureux de la vie qu'il a, Vanellope avoue être ennuyée par son jeu, qui est trop prévisible, et aimerait de la nouveauté. Un jour, Ralph essaie d'exaucer son souhait en créant une course bonus dans l'un des circuits. Vanellope va contre la joueuse de la borne d'arcade pour profiter de la course à fond, tant et si bien que la joueuse, en forçant trop sur le volant, le casse. La situation paraît désespérée lorsque le propriétaire de la salle d'arcade, M. Litwak, annonce que le créateur de Sugar Rush a fait faillite, quand l'un des adolescents trouve un volant sur eBay. Cependant, M. Litwak le trouve trop cher et n'a d'autre choix que de débrancher la borne de Sugar Rush, laissant tous les personnages du jeu sans abri.
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation
Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, Transport films, Wolves in film, Dracula films, Frankenstein films, Werewolves in film, Vampires in film, Zombie films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère, Films set in Atlantis, Invisibilité
Actors Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Selena Gomez, Kevin James, Steve Buscemi, David Spade

Quelques mois après Hôtel Transylvanie 2, tous les membres de la famille de Dracula et ses amis se réunissent pour partir en vacances à bord d'un luxueux bateau de croisière. Pendant la croisière, Dracula tombe amoureux du capitaine qui n'est autre que la descendante du professeur Van Helsing, le tristement célèbre tueur de monstres.
Godzilla (2014)
, 2h3
Directed by Gareth Edwards
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Action, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Dinosaur films, La fin du monde, Kaiju films, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, La préhistoire, Films about religion, Transport films, Films set in the future, Animaux préhistoriques, Giant monster films, Political films, Dystopian films, Alternate history films, Godzilla films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Arme nucléaire, Disaster films, United States Armed Forces in films
Actors Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Bryan Cranston, Elizabeth Olsen, David Strathairn, Juliette Binoche, Richard T. Jones

In 1954, a nuclear bomb is detonated at the moment a giant creature emerges from the ocean. In 1999, Project Monarch scientists Ishiro Serizawa and Vivienne Graham investigate a colossal skeleton unearthed in a collapsed mine in the Philippines. They find two spores; one dormant and one hatched that made a trail into the sea. In Japan, the Janjira Nuclear Power Plant experiences unusual seismic activity and Supervisor Joe Brody sends his wife Sandra and a team of technicians into the reactor. A tremor breaches the reactor, leaving Sandra and her team unable to escape while the plant collapses.
The Grinch
The Grinch (2018)
, 1h26
Directed by Scott Mosier, Yarrow Cheney, Matthew O'Callaghan
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Fantasy, Animation
Themes Christmas films, Children's films
Actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Rashida Jones, Angela Lansbury, Kenan Thompson, Scott Mosier, Sam Lavagnino

La période des fêtes est une très mauvaise période pour le Grinch. Et pour cause, il déteste Noël ! Malheureusement pour lui, les habitants de Chouville, le village d'à côté, adorent cette fête et la célèbrent chaque année avec une ferveur démentielle. Las de cette frénésie annuelle, le Grinch a décidé de voler la fête de Noël pour ne plus avoir à endurer cette maudite ambiance festive.
Ghost (1990)
, 2h8
Directed by Jerry Zucker
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Fantastic, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Fantasy, Romance
Themes Demons in film, Ghost films
Actors Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Tony Goldwyn, Rick Aviles, Vincent Schiavelli

Sam Wheat (Patrick Swayze), a banker and Molly Jensen (Demi Moore), a potter, are a couple who renovate and move into an apartment in New York City with the help of Sam's friend Carl Bruner (Tony Goldwyn). One afternoon, Sam makes the discovery of unusually high balances in obscure bank accounts, but despite Carl's offer to help investigate, Sam decides to investigate on his own. That night, while walking home, Sam and Molly are mugged by a street thug who pulls a gun and demand's Sam's wallet. Sam struggles with the attacker and is shot. After pursuing the street thug, Sam runs back to Molly and discovers that he has died from the gunshot and become a ghost after seeing Molly crying over his dead body. Sam stays by a distraught Molly, trying to come to grips with his condition, when Carl comes over and suggests they take a walk, but Sam cannot bring himself to follow. Moments later, the mugger enters the apartment, evidently searching for something. When Molly returns, Sam scares their cat into attacking the thug, who flees. Following him to his apartment in Brooklyn, Sam learns that the man's name is Willie Lopez and he was looking for something in Sam's apartment and will return to find it later. Sam happens upon the parlor of Oda Mae Brown (Whoopi Goldberg); a con artist posing as a medium who realizes she has an actual gift when she can hear Sam. He convinces her of the danger that Molly is in and to warn her. She is met by skepticism until she relays information that only Sam would know.
Aladdin (1992)
, 1h27
Directed by Ron Clements, John Musker
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Musical theatre, Fantasy, Adventure, Musical, Animation, Romance
Themes Films about animals, Films about music and musicians, Films about birds, Films about apes, Mise en scène d'un tigre, Musical films, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Scott Weinger, Jonathan Freeman, Brad Kane, Linda Larkin, Frank Welker, Lea Salonga

Jafar, Grand Vizier to the Sultan of the fictional sultanate of Agrabah, attempts to retrieve a magical oil lamp containing a genie from the Cave of Wonders. He enlists a petty thief to enter the cave and retrieve it, whose attempt fails. Jafar and his parrot assistant, Iago, learn that only a "Diamond in the Rough" can enter the cave. Meanwhile, Jasmine, the Sultan's daughter, frustrated with her life in the palace, flees to Agrabah's marketplace. There she meets street rat Aladdin and his monkey pet, Abu, and the two begin to form a friendship. After Jafar orders Aladdin to be captured, Jasmine orders him to have him released but Jafar tricks her into thinking Aladdin was sentenced to death.
How to Train Your Dragon, 1h38
Directed by Chris Sanders, Dean DeBlois
Origin USA
Genres Fantasy, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, Transport films, Films about dragons, Films set in the Viking Age, Children's films
Actors Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, America Ferrera, Craig Ferguson, Jonah Hill, Christopher Mintz-Plasse

The island of Berk is a remote Viking village, from which dragons periodically steal livestock. Hiccup, the awkward son of the village chieftain, Stoick the Vast, is too small to fight the dragons and instead fashions mechanical devices under his apprenticeship with Gobber the blacksmith, though his inventions often backfire. During one attack, Hiccup believes he has shot down a Night Fury, an extremely rare and dangerous dragon. Hiccup later finds it in the forest trapped in his bolas, but finds that he can't bring himself to kill the dragon and instead sets it free. Stoick assembles a fleet to find the dragons' nest, leaving Hiccup in a dragon-fighting class taught by Gobber. Hiccup returns to the forest to find the Night Fury still there, and realizes it is unable to fly properly because of its crippled caudal fin. Hiccup gradually tames the dragon and gives it the name "Toothless", for its retractable teeth. Hiccup makes a harness and prosthetic fin that allows him to guide the dragon in free flight. By studying Toothless' behavior, Hiccup becomes proficient in subduing the captive dragons during training. Stoick's fleet arrives home unsuccessful, but he is cheered by Hiccup's unexpected success.
Clash of the Titans, 1h46
Directed by Louis Leterrier
Origin USA
Genres Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Peplum
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Films based on mythology, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology, Dans la Grèce mythologique, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology
Actors Sam Worthington, Gemma Arterton, Mads Mikkelsen, Alexa Davalos, Ralph Fiennes, Liam Neeson

In ancient times after defeating their predecessors, the Titans, the gods divided the Universe among themselves. Zeus took the skies, Poseidon took the seas, and Hades was left with the Underworld upon being tricked by Zeus. The gods created the mortals, whose faith and prayers assured the gods' immortality. As time passed, however, mortals began to question them and soon resist their creators, angering the Olympians.
Oz the Great and Powerful, 2h7
Directed by Sam Raimi
Origin USA
Genres Fantastic, Fantasy, Adventure
Themes Circus films, Films about magic and magicians, Monde imaginaire, Le pays d'Oz, Witches in film, Children's films
Actors James Franco, Mila Kunis, Michelle Pfeiffer, Rachel Weisz, Chloë Grace Moretz, Michelle Williams

In 1905 Kansas, Oscar Diggs works as a magician in a traveling circus. An inveterate womanizer, Oscar flirts with the circus strongman's wife, and the strongman threatens him. Oscar escapes in a hot air balloon, but is sucked into a tornado that takes him to the Land of Oz. There, he encounters a kind and naive witch, Theodora. She believes him to be a wizard prophesied to destroy the Wicked Witch who killed the King of Oz and take his place; the idea of being an immensely wealthy monarch makes him immediately accept. En route to the Emerald City, Theodora falls in love with Oscar, though he does not reciprocate her feelings. They encounter the flying monkey Finley, who pledges a life debt to Oscar when he saves him from a lion. Oscar reveals his deception to Finley along the way, forcing him to help maintain the lie that he is the 'Wizard', much to Finley's irritation.
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, 1h58
Directed by Joachim Rønning
Origin USA
Genres Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Monde imaginaire, Witches in film, Children's films
Actors Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning, Michelle Pfeiffer, Ed Skrein, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Sam Riley

Cinq années après la conjuration de la malédiction qui pesait sur elle depuis son plus jeune âge, la princesse Aurore, qui règne désormais sur le royaume de la Lande, voit sa main demandée par le prince Philippe. Ce dernier s’apprête à hériter du royaume réunifié suite à la mort du père d’Aurore.
Shrek (2001)
, 1h30
Directed by Andrew Adamson
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Films about dragons, Buddy films, Children's films
Actors Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, John Lithgow, Vincent Cassel, Conrad Vernon

Shrek, a green ogre who loves the solitude in his swamp, finds his life interrupted when many fairytale characters are exiled there by order of the fairytale-hating Lord Farquaad. Shrek tells them that he will go ask Farquaad to send them back. He brings along a talking Donkey who is the only fairytale creature who knows the way to Duloc.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 1h43
Directed by Jonathan Liebesman
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation, Comic science fiction
Themes Films about animals, Films about music and musicians, Sports films, Films about terrorism, Comedy science fiction films, Martial arts films, Mise en scène d'une tortue, Superhero films, Musical films, Children's films, Reptile
Actors Megan Fox, Pete Ploszek, Noel Roeim Fisher, Pete Ploszek, Johnny Knoxville, Jeremy Howard

April O'Neil (Megan Fox), a reporter for Channel 6 Eyewitness News in New York City, investigates a crime wave by criminals called the Foot Clan. At a dock at night, she sees the Foot raiding cargo containers. After an unseen vigilante attacks the thieves, April notices a symbol left behind. April's supervisor Bernadette Thompson (Whoopi Goldberg) and her coworkers are oblivious to her story. Later while covering a charity event thrown by Sacks Industries, April expresses gratitude to the company's CEO Eric Sacks (William Fichtner), who was her late father's (Paul Fitzgerald) lab partner.
Bruce Almighty, 1h41
Directed by Tom Shadyac
Origin USA
Genres Fantastic, Comedy, Fantasy
Themes Films about religion, Films about television
Actors Morgan Freeman, Jim Carrey, Jennifer Aniston, Philip Baker Hall, Lisa Ann Walter, Catherine Bell

Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) is a television field reporter for Eyewitness News at WKBW-TV in Buffalo, New York, but desires to be the news anchorman. He is in a healthy relationship with his girlfriend Grace Connelly (Jennifer Aniston), but also has a mild crush on his co-worker, Susan Ortega (Catherine Bell), who barely seems to notice him. Bruce however continues to suffer unfortunate events and it reaches his breaking point when he is passed over for promotion by his rival, Evan Baxter (Steve Carell), who then steals dialogue from Bruce's segment in accepting the promotion on-air. Bruce becomes furious and aggressively and profanely criticizes the station during his first live report, leading to his dismissal from the station. Following a series of other misfortunes, Bruce complains that God (Morgan Freeman) is "the one that should be fired." Bruce later receives a message on his pager, directing him to an empty warehouse where he meets God, who offers to give Bruce His powers to prove that He is doing the job correctly. God tells Bruce that there are rules to the job he must follow, albeit only two: firstly, Bruce cannot tell anyone else that he has God's powers; and secondly, Bruce cannot use the powers to alter or interfere with free will. Bruce ignores God and is initially jubilant with the powers, using them for personal gain, such as training his dog to use the toilet, chasing away thugs by spewing out a swarm of hornets, and sexually impressing Grace. Bruce also finds ways of using the powers to cause miraculous events to occur at otherwise mundane events that he covers, such as discovering Jimmy Hoffa's body or causing a meteor to harmlessly land near a cook-off, earning him his job back. Bruce then uses his powers to cause Evan to make a fool out of himself on-air, causing Evan to be fired in favor of Bruce as the new anchor. After taking Grace to a fancy dinner and telling her he made anchor (angering her, as she thought he was going to propose), Bruce begins to hear voices in his head. He re-encounters God, who confronts Bruce on using his powers for personal gain and not helping people. He also explains that the voices are prayers to God that Bruce must deal with. Bruce creates a computerized email-like system to receive the prayers and respond, but finds that the influx is far too great for him to handle-- even though God had stated that Bruce is only receiving prayers from the Buffalo area-- and sets the program to automatically answer Yes to every prayer. Bruce attends a party celebrating his promotion. When Grace arrives, she finds Bruce being seduced and kissed by Susan and storms out. Bruce follows Grace, but she is heartbroken and will not listen to him. He tries to use his powers to convince Grace to stay but cannot influence her free will. As Bruce looks around, he realizes that the city has fallen into chaos due to his actions. Bruce returns to God, who explains that despite how chaotic things seem, there is always a way to make things right, and that Bruce must figure out a way to solve it himself. Bruce then begins to solve his problems in life practically, such as helping a man whose car broke down across the street, training his dog normally and allowing Evan to have his job back. Bruce returns to his computer system and goes about answering prayers as best he can. As he reads through them, he finds a prayer from Grace, wishing for Bruce's success and well-being. As he reads it, another prayer from Grace arrives, this one wishing not to be in love with Bruce anymore. Bruce is stunned and walks alone on a highway, asking God to take back His powers and letting his fate be in His hands. Bruce is suddenly struck by a truck and regains consciousness in a white void. God appears and asks Bruce what he really wants; Bruce admits that he only wants to make sure Grace finds a man that would make her happy. God agrees and Bruce finds himself in the hospital, shortly after being revived-- near miraculously-- by the doctors. Grace arrives and the two rekindle their relationship, with Bruce and Grace later becoming engaged. After his recovery, Bruce returns to his field reporting but takes more pleasure in the simple stories. Bruce and Grace announce their engagement on live TV. The film ends with the beggar Bruce previously ran into on various occasions finally revealing himself to be God.